HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/08/1948 ".. 478 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Seotember 8, 19~ Th~ Cormnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called ,to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call 'showed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Cormnissioners Steele and Johnson, AttOl~ney Wilson and Clerk Law. l!lUinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses the following were granted: Bldg. Pormit'~5o 0: O. .Ostrund Construct Garage; Lot 15, Blk. 228, Tovmsite ,Sig Larson Remodel, Add 1 Room to Present Dwelling; Lot ,10, Blk. 106, Bakers Add. IISig. Larson Put in Concrete Foundation under Present House; Lot 18, Blk. 341, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 13, Blk. 273, Townsite Paul Waite Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 7, Elk. 151, Tmmsite 0': Licenses: /eff Red's Barber Shop Frances E. Paulsen IICharl~s Ilell 'Taylor Heating & Plumbing Club Cafe I!Clu b Ca fe :,Club Cafe 'Dew Drop Inn Dew Dro p Inn Dew Drop Inn Dew Dro p Inn Dew Drop Inn 500..00 1,500.00 300.00 7,000.00' 450 .00 I 1'.001, 1.00 I lO.OO 25.00 1?00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00' 5.00 5.00 48.00 " 1 Barber Chair Beauty Parlor--l Chair Peddler-l Day W.aster Plumber llestaurant Mus i c Ma chine Soft Drink Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Hotel--5 Rooms 2 Amusement Machines Under the head of unfinished business, the bids for construction of a Fire Station ~lere again considered. 'I ~aino Saari and oommittee appeared on behalf of the Retail Trades Bureau recommending that contract he 'awarded to a local bidder. llepresentatives of the Local Labor Council also favored the same. The Commission expressed regret that a local contractor ViaS not the lorl bidder, but did not consider the City justified in I lawarding a higher bid. It was moved by Cormnissioner Steele that the contract be awarded to the Brazier i Construction 'Co. for$70,499.00. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Gordon I Lynch recommended that future construction from city funds be given a five per cent deferential over ' outside contractors. I I I I I 1 I i Original! I I The one bid by. Fairbanks-Morse Co. fur an Evaporative Cooler System was for $6,200.00 and it ,,-as moved by 'Commissioner Steele that the bid be accepted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. 'Motion carried. The one bid sul::mitted by Owens Bros. to furnish industrial fencing was referred to the Light Supt. Dats of opening bids for construction of a building to house the diesel power plant was postponed to Sept. 15th. Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following was introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington, is the owner of Lots 7, B, and 9 in Block 167 of the I,townsite on whtch there is located two one-story frame dY18lling houses, and, WHEREAS, PAUL T. POULSEN has offered $800.00 in cash for the residence located on Lots B, and 9 and Ivor Smith has offered $2,000.00, in cash, for the residence located on Lot 7, as a !:iove described, and, '/iIlliREAS, the City Commission has considered said offers and finds that they will represent tho fair and reasona ble value of said houses and the best offers available,-' and, i'lHEIlEAS, it is ne cessarythat the lots be cleared as a site for the building of a fire hall, 'NOli, THEREFOIlE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City sell eaid dwellii\gs to the bidders, as above set forth, a;'d the I~yor and City Clerk be authorized to execute Bills of Sale to'the purchasers upon paymen~ of the purchase price. . It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in J:'lyment of same: .37 /?s-5' - 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Pioneer, Inc. Peninsula Herald Olympic Printery iOlympic Stationers Ci~ Street Dept. Peterson & Craver City Treasurer Hazel's Cafe ,Eastman Kndak Stores, Inc. :'Peninsula FUel Co. ''Fi tchard I sAss. Service R. .0. Ide IlJni ted Janitor Supply Co. Por~ Angeles Concrete Products i~ ;'1'1- Co. Registration Forms Legal Publications Vouchers, Pads, Stamps Stamp Pad, Royal Ribbon Ga s and Oil 13 Voting Booths St.Lites, Fire IIyd.,St.& Sew., Meals for Prisoners Films Fuel Oil Parts & ReJ:'l irs Car luleage for Augus t Sweeping Compound Sewer Pipe, etc. L.W.G. rCITY STREET JiUND: H. ,G. Horstman 'Port Tie & Lumber <<:0. Crown Zellerbach Corp. Olympic Printery Angele s If.achine & Yielding Works Downs Auto gle ctri c I, 1 f, WATER FUND: /1'11- D & B Battery & Elec. Stn. ::J.anish I\!otor Co. Aug. Rent of Lots for Stock-piling Lumber Repairs Employees Daily Reports Equip. Repair Parts Wiring Parts 4.64 15.56 ...... ,I -I ~ ) 1 I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,.""'.."""..,....f.......,....~"""'TIIILIl!.771l~ WATER FUND. continued: Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Downs Auto Electric Co. City Street Dept. J. B. MQthews Glass Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. State TreQsurer LI GHT }-u'ND: :<1 7 'If 7 7 B. Ii. LeQn ' . P.U,.D. No.1 'Olympic StQtioner s G & VI Fire Service State TreQsurer D & B &ttery & Electric Stn. Truck & Equipment Co'. SQmuelson Motor Co. I Peninsul:l HerQld I Line MQterid Co. ,I General Elec. Supply Corp. I SANITATION FUND: /51.9 'f City TreQsurer ; City Street Dept. II Kenneth av,en i ~.1!!.@.!. / i~ ~ City Treasurer Olympic Ele ctri c Co. Willie V. De Vine Olympio StQtioners P.N.L.A. QuQrterly IFred M. Stephen, Tre..s. A. A. Young , Doubleday & Co., Inc. 1'1.. :C. If.cClurg & Co. I Jack Schlesinger , New Method Eook Bindery, Dover Publications, Inc. 11- :PARKl'UND: /3/3_ : City Street Dept. I Dovms Auto Ele ctric School District No.7 ! City 'rre;surer I, JQmes Hardware Co. Wash. Lib. Assn. Inc. "j P.M. & T.C. FUND: is? - I Schreiner Cha vrolet Co. Kenneth Owen City Street Dept. Ii City Treasurer ,s I LIBRARY klll',IOHIAL FUND: -<? - l'uget Sound News Co. September 8. continued. Parts Parts Gas and Oil Repairs Parts Fittings Sewer Boxe s Taxes Expense August Power Supplies SodQ-a cid Taxes Repairs Parts Parts & Repairs Ad'!. Transformers Insulators Water GQS and Oil Garage Rent Light, Water, Garbage Fluorescent Lamps l1imeographing Typewriter Ribbons Adv. Institutional Dues Pruning Shrubs Books Books Books Books Books 19~ Gas and Oil Tools Qnd Hardware Aug. Payroll, Summer Recreation Fel. L.W.G. Fertilizer One Chevrolet Sedan, less Trade-In Warehouse Rent GQS Postage There being no further business, the session was declared Qdjourned. Bo oks (). ~, i-~. CI 'Ci ty Clerk 479 " 14.241' 18.58 57.89 38.64' 9.6~: 36.35' 29.46 972 .14' I 55.741 18,687.90. ,8.981 3.09 1, 758 .3~1 , 11.93: 4.07 5ll.41 12.74 792.69 97.85 , , 1.60 120.34 30.00, I' 9.01 6.18 .75 2.58 2.50 15.00 23.00 7.10 101.04 4.75 4.861' 8.9I 14.99 8.89 1,180.00 96.93 13.13 I I 433.21 15.odl 7.82 .98 , i 28.85 ![ i I \~, ,l LV ~--'\o-~_I Mqor I ~