HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/09/1936 ,. 424 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 9. 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, CommlsSioners Lutz find Mawters, Attorney Conniff and Clark Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Lloenses the following was granted: I A. P. MarCluis, 1 Barber ()hair 1.00 I~ Under the head of Introduotion of Resolutions the following resolution Vias introduoed: RESOLUTION BE I~ RESOLVED That the City Co~isslon of the City of Port Angeles, at its regular seSSlon held on the 9th day of August, 1936, that, WHEREAS, the Northwestern Power & Light Co., under ordinance No. 900 of the City of Port Angeles, has a franohise to oonstruot, operate and maintain pOVler lines upon certain ~treets and alleys in the City of Port Angeles and, among others, upon and along Valley ~treet from the corner of Third and Valley Streets qoutherly to the Boulevard, and . WHEREAS, a pole line was heretofore construoted under said ordinance from the corner of Third and Valley Streets ~outherly along the easterly side of Valley Street to the alley between Eighth and Ninth ~treets, and thence southerly along the westerly side of Valley Street to the Boulevard, and VrnEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has constructed a new bridge on Eighth Street aoross the Valley Street gulch and, during the period of oonstruction, it was found necessary to and the Northwestern Power & Light 00. did, under the oonditions of Hs f:t'anohise, remove the power line and by-pass said bridge to aid and faoilitate said oity in the oonstruction of said bridge, and I: WHEREAS, by reason of the construction of said bridgll aoross the Valley Street guloh on Eig.l>tth Street it beoame necessary that said power line run along the easterly s ide of Valley Street from Third Street to a point a short distanoe north of Eighth Street and thence orossing Valley Street under said bridge and on and across the interseotion of said Eighth and Valley Streets and continuing along the westerly side of Valley Street to the Boulevard and that certain of the poles on both the easterly and westerly sides of Valley Street should be re-located, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE30LVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES That in replacing the power line on Valley Street, the Northwestern Power & Light Co. be and it is hereby granted permission to carry its line from Third and Vall~y Streets on the easterly side of ValleY,Street southerly to a point a short distance north of Eighth Street crossing Valley ~treet under the Eighth Street bridge and upon and across the intersection of ~ighth and Valley ~treets and thence oarrying the power line on the westerly aide of Valley ~treet southerly to the Boulevard and in cdmnection therewith to make such changes in the location of poles as may be necessary. It was moved by ~ommissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution he approved and adoDteda Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor dec~are tne motlon narrled. I Under the head of Reports from Ci ty Officials and Employees,- Prof. F. O. McMillan of Oregon State ~ollege, employed by the City Light Department to check up onthe cause of local radio noises and disturbances reported that some of the causes of troub~. had been located and were being corrected and that the whole matter will be covered in the report which he will file when his work is completed. The ~ommission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: auR'l.~T E!I'~SE FlTllID Tractor Parts Gas Supplies Repa irs Ind Ins & -ed Aid II 1l ...;.11 II 'j.. pS 5.40 25.27 46.25 30.80 32.13 4.20 6.83 4.49 6.50 6/.50 25.96 13.69 75.25 3.50 2.50 8.50 1.37 23.78 22.85 10.00 71. 52 7.90 I L. Howll,rd ~ecve rs Evening News Blackburn Printing Co. 1. C. ~roves Associated Oil Co. Glenn's ~ervice Station James HardwarG Co. " 11 11 pyrene publications Supplies Meals for prisoners Gas Oil. etc. Hardware " Gas Pipe, etc. Lumber Repairs n I l Lysall Welding & Forge Uorks Davis The Wel.der Union Oil Co. P. A. Concrete Products Co. Epperson &. Sons Lysall Welding & Forge "orks Port Angeles Iron Works R. L. Fernandes Western Tractor & ECluipment Co. Associated Oil Co. Olympic rr1ntery Frank Macdonald & Sons State Treasurer n Repairs " September 9, 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the CitY of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 425 ., I I I I I UIOK .. ..u......, ...'tn~. OT~to.".".. "M'''.G. .,... ---,._--~._.__._------ ~1J1ID James Hardware Co. Crane Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Renssealer Valve Co. Buffalo Meter Co. Edmisten Machine Works Frank Macdona ld & Sons Port Angeles Irom Works Lysall Welding & Forge Works P. A. Concrete Products Co. City Light Department Sta te l'reasurer Ma terial and "upplies Pipe & Fittings Chlorine Hydrant Parts Meter Parts Shop Work Shop I"/ork rT n Servi oe Boxes Gas & Oil Ind Ins & Med Aid LIGHT FUND Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Lysall Welding & Fo rge "orks P. A. Concrete Products Co. , Olympic Printery E. O'Brien . State Treasurer Service Shop Work Light ~tandard Printing Wood Ind Ins & Med ~id LIBRARY FmID A. R. Cla rk Jennilu Norris Lowman & Hanford Co. puget "ound News Co. City Treasurer Recovering Books Supplie s Books Books Light & .Ia ter There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 77" ?7J:J~ City Clerk 51 / ].."71 I.' .; j. . g~ hh ~~ Mayor 16.07 10.72 14.45 34.22 21. 7 6 2.75 l2. 5 9 10'.50 28.20 14.69 15.35 96.25 16.15 .75 42.99 11.93 16,83 . n.96 10.50 10.:',0 20.81 16.66 8.56 ~