HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/09/1942 ~ 444 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 9, 1942 19_ The Commissioners met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Bewn and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge, W. F. Phillips.reported III cases tried and ~1259.31 collected in fines for the month of August, 1942. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and.Licenses the following were granted, H. O. Dibble, Addition Bon Ton Beauty Shop. 1 Gem Beauty Parlor, 1 Charm Beauty Parlor. 2 LaBelle Beauty Parlor, 3 Port Angeles Beauty Schocl, 5 Beauty Parlor Chairs Hansen Beauty Parlor, 2 Beauty Parlor Chairs The Hidden Beauty Parlor. 1 Beauty Parlor Ch!,ir F. H. Ader Barber Shop, 1 Barber Chair Ernest Doucette Barber Shop, 1 Barber Chair Bon Ton Barber Shop, 1 Barber Chair to residence, Lot 3, Block 277 Beauty Parlor Chair " " " 300.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Under the head of New Business: Pursuant to the authority delegated to me under Section Three of Ordinance No. 1104 of the City of Port Angelee, I, R. O. Ide, Chief of Police of the City of Port Angeles, hereby promulgate the following rules and regulations numbered one and two respectively con_cerning the parking of automobiles in said city bet~~en the hours of sunset and sunrise and the operation of motorcycles and bicycles and the parking of the same between the hours of sunset and sunrise. I Rule and Regulation No.1: Whenever any vehicle is stopped or parked upon any street or alley, except on Lincoln Street, between Fourth Street and Railroad Avenue, First Street between Chase and Valley Streets, '. Front Street be~ween Lincoln and Oak Streets and Laurel and Oak Streets between Railroad Avenue and First _I [Street, in the ~ity of Port Angeles, whether attended or unattended, during the hours of from sunset to sunrise, such vehicle shall display not less than two lamps, one on either side exhibiting a white light visible from a distanoe of 5CO feet to the front of such vehicle and not less than one continuous red light on the left rear visible from a distence of 500 feet to the rear. Rule and Regulation No.2: No motorcycle or bicycle shall be operated, stcpped or parked upon any street or alley, except on Lincoln Street. between Fourth and Railroad Avenue, First Street between Chase and Valley Streets, Front Street between Lincoln and Oak Streets and Laurel and Oak Streets between Railroad Avenue and First Street, in the City of Port Angeles, attended or unattended, during the hours from sunset to sunrise, unless such motorcycle or bicycle shall display a white electric light visible from a distance of 1000 feet to the front of such motorcycle or bicycle, and one continuous red electric light on the rear visible from a distance of 500 foet to the rear. It was moved by Mayor Beetle that the foregoing rules and regulations be approved and adppted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Pursuant to the authority delegated to me under SectionThree of Ordinance No. 1104 of the City of Port Angeles, I, R. O. Ide, Chief of Police of the City of Port Angeles, hereby promulgate the following rule and regulation numbered three conoerning the speed lit which automobiles, motorcycles and bic;>,c1es may be operated In said city between the hours of sunset and sunrise. Rule and RegulRtion No.3: During the hours between sunset and sunrise, no motor vehicle, motorcycle or bicycle shall be operated in the City of Port Angeles at a speed in eXCeSS of 15 miles per hour. I It was moved by Mayor Beetle that the foregoing I' ule and regulation be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Viotory Square Committee was granted permissicn to build a platform and erect a plywood monument at Firot a'1d Laurel Streets. Said platform and monument to be located south of the south me.rgin of First Street as directed by the Engineer. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered .mrrants dra.m for same: CUP~ENT EXPENSE FUND City Treasurer Larrick's Cafe Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Co. Epperson & Sons, Inc. Shell Oil Co. Waitkus Supply Co. Willscn Hardware Co. Vannausdle Second Hand Store Mulholland Radio Shop Shell Oil Co. Epperson & Sons, Inc. Todd's Cyole Shop The Fehly Studio Harold Hibbs Plumbing Co. National Fire Protection Assn. Howard-Conper Corp. Emerson u. Lawrence 1 The Fehly Studio Epperson & Sons, Inc. Willson Hardware ~o. The Stationers, Inn. Light and Water Meals for Prisoners Pipe Solvent Nails, Eto. Gas Radio Supplies Plier 5, etc. Valves Speaker Tube Gasoline Lumber Sharpen Lawn Mower Films J ate. Plumbing Supplies Folders No..le Expense Claim Supplies Lumber Padlocks BuppUe s >:" 5r;b /' 7.81 116.80 .93 13.91 60.28 6.09 3.10 18.54 1.03 U.24 16.62 1.55 .89 7.~9 3.00 44.09 5.39 7.85 2.33 2.78 21.68 iii... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 9, 1942 19_ 445~ I I I I I CITY STREET FUND Johnson &: Bark Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Olympic Peninsula Motor Freight Willson Hardware Co. Standard Oil Co. Whi te Traffic ?aint Lumber Freight Bill Nails Asphalt 190.55 74.16 ?G 26.57 ?~( ,- 15.59 78.49 5.46 e;: 11.40 131.17 16'/ 55".77 24.43 2...83 V 10.30 ,51.f - 357.66 4.77 1087.82 5.07 --v)' 19.47 -jr 7 1.61 1.07 WATER FUND Johnson &: Bork Shell Oil Co. Hugh.G. Purcell Co. State. Treasurer Paint Gasoline Fittings Tax LIGHT FUND Shell Oil Co. Willson Hardware Co. Johnson .& Bork Line.Material Co. Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. Stet~ Treasurer Gasoline Lwnps 1 et':J. Paint, etc. Transformers Repairs Tax PARK FUND Willson Hardware Co. Angeles GravcI &: Supply Co. Todd! s Cycle Shop . Harold Hibbs Plumbing Co. Sprinklers Door, etc. Lawn Mower Chain Plumbing Supplies There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. I).~ 7I17<<J~ City Clerk Mayor ~