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Minutes 09/10/1924
..,,,..,, COIIlIISsllll. '. ,,'-'H;.~,,:';""".> ,--~'W P~eciir"gs ~f the City ~niiP;f the 'Cit;'~Port ~iieles, Washington ti--~LQ.Jf.- 192..(..... 'ko-m.rm~ _,~ .:.-" J\. '-"\~"":"- .~. "'"^" ~ ."Ur}...--o. ,,-JL~ 1::0' _~I ~~ ~-t,~ .15'-~-~~J~:\--.'~cJ.l.~~~I~ ~ .~cJL_4J. .n.--J":~,:d,-.__ , ~.rll~,\, 'i~ '~"t-:-_~"""',~v~_~.~/b .~u..Uo.l.~.~R_:><-v-~" 'Io~ eA~ ./cSl. ~". ~~. cvn ~_..l.,.L...A\ _&~3~'Yr..~c ~ ,?1l~""j('71'~ ~--Lr.-.~..~la.--:>;.t--..~~.'\'~~'o.f,) ./l.-~' Q}-l,~ __k~ ....~./V1.'\~. ~ ~,~~'<-,cQ ,:t- -"Yl4, ~L.. aJ~~"- J",,:~, ,t.-,~_",-",,~ -"""'~ _ ""-*_.t;, _tt,-.'/.>A-~o-..-tk - ~-j~,- :~~"""'~":F ~ I~ .:1t1-. AA-~.:'_~. ~ J:::l>- _ ~.~ ,u"b--.' J:..~ .~Gvv" Q. ~-.-w-- ,30 ~ /.>.-""'^-1t-_'l..;::03-~~-'{)~ , I '~~e~ ~ --,--,-^,,~"""-<>.. ~. ~.:bk'L _'Po~"",,-~ ,::l-J.\... _ t~ ~ _____ ..vv. \')~.e..l! ~ X . ! '.'-'~ .. ~''''''' -t;;:" '^". t <Vrlr'L.. . <1-.. ::tt '- _/.)ra.:t\: ...0 n..~, '~~:lz'^i ~-M -fA 4,5 ~ _-t,~~_. f"..-.(.r~ ,3-~, "^" ~ _ 43& '3:"\" c__.+J.. '- _~'-"Il-:2.-( !3-~CJ-"-r-~~~'~~~~,~-~ ~~~~_c<rV~'rH"L..-- f~~ "'~~.~~~<.~~~~ .1~ .kcfuCe~I~b~:h~~~::t~17 'bId. ","111. be received _ bJ' the- eltl' Clerk or the City of Port - ADireles" ~WashIDItOb. unW Sevtember_ 10;' .J,9U. at'n,~a;.-'m.':(and hut.".later). at "the ~:~~~~.~:,~~~~~c~:~~ ~~. ~:~~ :;~i::l.~~t';~itr:12~~bOf ~~~' man~~...R.' Smith'., SubdlvtaloQ' of the TownaUe' -of. Port '., AftpI6ll:.~C1allam County, 'WflIlbin&lon: beglnntnrr,at the 'slatlhB", JOaJ1hul~~ln, lbe tt1lU' lIower .1tr"P'raiic~i Streee;. l~:f: y four -called ~ ,,""'".....-c.., '''-::,.~~ce: ';i::ee ~~=~i~e:ttl~ :rl'li:~;'t~l~ l:~ ",.lnCh .&ewor, plpe;"450'fool'lIewer . d:z; . lr(lneh: - and one' tluah tank. . "....0:' . \,'~AllJblda mUat be aceompanled by-a _ J\._tOll ~C certl'led cheek IQ~a 8vm.Qot leu than :g:~~P~:~~~~&Clt~olb~h:m~~n:r b~'7. ~ . ~ 't,.~'~ ,cn,.:-" Treuurer ,ot, the CttY",'Ole'port -'. 1'"A,n~oI"" W..ftl.gton.' or ,'b.bI4wlll- -'--'-'-"1^" t!=:~~:lO:::~=~~~:fdf:~:;'~lt~. 0 . =1~~;i4.~~~~~~~~~~~~0: ;trii~'r::::-&~8i~U~-=~~lDO":f:~ .' .' .. "....,Un~ ot,...'.....'o.....OO.,......' 0' t.:-~ ',' -R ~'-l ' , r" tetlltn,of'''the',-.m.tl;'.,hlch,lumwIU a.......eA, ....._"".,.......D__p~....h .~, . -""Ii\. e..t.TY"~ " 'be.;."refUlldec1 'It-Plaua'and..lQMClfJoa_'-- - - LA..J ...... "'. "-A.J _......-v 't"'l" U - "-.... . - - - 1 ~ - ,tl908 are,_r6tt1f'J1ed__t~, the,CJ.t'k".Jot.;. ,. _ . ~<:;"~~~I~''1!::.':I~~r''.t.~'::-'tl.t ., >J~' I I ~ L ( i " Q . 0 1 , , '.~,I_a:ht. to ..eJee,tt:~~y,.~,or:. ~t.',bld,"'~, .--1ll^-,,' e(/'y"o..J'to.,.., ,::t..I.1.. ..m!U\ ,~"'-"'" 't--,. ~, . ~ !\.. \..(~LL1'"./"t"-", --~ ~'!IIWJll)lI:,Co_JUIlONcior.-.:'!l I. ., U ' (' .. II ........ 1dw.._JkJ,;.._~<.*..I.~.,,:,t~.~.jkt~ . ,. '.. ' ,. . , ' ~JV>~~~"r-~~~~\~)""JV:~.~g.::L~~~uma. ..:J\~. il ~_ :.I~l~ .~U ~ ~ _-to ""~ - -t'- J I. ~ ~ ~, ~ 0, l<n.<r~__h.!,:k. ~<-i.r""~ I ~ ~ Lt)\~ rl'1., - 'h\ <V-j0l- . ~~. --L; ,L..r0L +... .lUA- :rv-~-L t.- ~'\-~ ,tv'" ~ . ~.:tJ;'1. ,(!.~ tA:~ -'-1'a-Y'_ftl.. .~~.~lJ;1.-/>~.~ 1'~'~t..~_-i,ivvY\..^-~ C-<!l.~~_~L"-'Ul\.-'::tL~.u...~u.:.......:Io~' \ , , ' ~~J<--~,""~...Io"",,'",",,,~Q4~~.3ialL_,)'wY\''''''''~ ~~J~l-~,,^,,~~~.~.~-~,~.-f/:~j,~~~<n-" . - -;;-Ur.~,~j-- * .u..~ 'l~ '-~. e.cJl J~~ . -hJ.A,'~ c, . l' <l k 'D ,.. G -+- ,I. ' '1.' i IJ. \~ --_ ,.J \..r. n." I 0 S; ,_--Io...Luv1><., "'-""^" ~ C->-^ .u.v" ...hd....<>. ~..u.,,-,^, _. _ 1_ _~~~ _ ~.:.lit-..~ ~-t,nv-."",,~~.:t1~ ,cL,~I"..._ .~~~ :tl'-. ~-kd.--2l,,,,^,,~."-l.-J.,~..~aU.-vJO'l' ~ot,J_ f.> ~.R, ~J _ 0,~ # 1,7-\(.35'0 14$'11U- ~ .~am..m~:' _~ ~ft~ jo~"",~ :tL1..};U~\ _W~\-!,~~~.~Vl-l~t~~. ClY J.J,:J;4~,,>;"""'._~~-\ ,_R-*, 1["..~.11o q,.~aW,;.~.. _-&~ J7..00 0'0 . _..0.f..~..Ji;-";~,_'/.J~~~.,_~~_1,5:~,,31,,;:)~~ ,..:t,~_h 00000. ,.. ~I~..~.~. ~~,~~ r:~~~L~~1"~:i~,~~j ::L:!;;,~. ~. .JJ ~?..,~~. ~,l;ZO 6~-i,~'! . ~, .'\> ."