HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/10/1951 "" 168 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Spptl'llm'h,:.,.. 10, 19-5L ,.." , ....... ,,"no. "'''~'''. ..".... ..... .... Th~ Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.J{., and was called to order by M"J"or Fe.eley. Officers pr~sent were: Hayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Hinutes of the previous session were read and amended as follows: The secretary of the. Port Angeles Golf Cl)lb has informed in writing that the Club agrees to pay for actual cost of water main replac.ement, payments to. be in monthly installments. Minutes otherwise approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were approyed: o' Building Permits: I:?./ ~" - W. C. Gellor Put New Siding on Existing Dwelling; Lots 34-35-36, Blk. 58, P.S.C.C. Dan Gagnon Build Fireplace; Lot 11, Blk. 206, Townsite Wagne Williams Build Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 9, Blk. 108, Townsite R. D. Evanson Tear Down Old Garage; Build New Shop & Garage; Lot 7, Blk. 207, Townsite 'II. W. Forsythe Build Addition to Existing Building; Lot 2, Blk. 114, rownsite John Bottgenbach Remodel Bathroom and Kitchen; Lot 20, Blk. 430, Townsite Don C. Smith Build 4-Room House; Lot 6, Blk. 225, Townsite Licenses: .:( if ~o Herman Hobson SpJldnut Shop Port Angeles Recreation 1,500.00 450.00; 1,500.00 1,000.00: 500.00 200.001 7,000.001 12.501 6.001 6.00 Second Hand Dealer Amusement Machine Amusement Machine Under the head of unfinished business, bids for improvement of lOth Street and portions of Peabody and Vine Streets .ith curbs and gutters were submitted as follows: Albino V. Casiiliio $3,609.34; Owens Bros. Eng. and Construction Co. $4;177.74. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the contract be m<arded to Mr. Casilio. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids for improvement of 12th Street between Lincoln and Peabody Streets with curbs, gutters and asphalt paving were received from: J. M. Bruch Compa"" $4,323.82; Port Construction Compa"" $6,043.07. It was moved by Commissioner T"J"lor that both bids being more than ten per cent above Engineer's estimate, the same be rejected. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The hearing for vacation of "R", "Q", and 22nd Streets, as requested by K. O. Erickson, was opened. No objections having been made or filed, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance vacating portions of the streets as requested. Seconded by Hayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, a petition was filed with the Commission requesting vacation of that portion of the alley abutting Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block No.2, of Cains Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. 21, and from the Southerl;r margin of Second Street to the Northerl;r margin of the alley running East and West through Suburban Lot 21. It was moved by Commissioner T"J"lor that the request be referred to the Planning Commission and Engineer's Department for recommendations. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Lee Hodson, City Librarian, appeared regarding Janitor's salary as fixed by Ordinance for the current year. Hiss Hodson requested that the Ordinance be amended, permitting payment of $140.00 Janitor's salary as provided in the budget. Decision was postponed until further consideration. The COIlmdssion and Police Chief discussed traffic on the Ediz Hook road and regulations to be established. Chief Ide recommended that the speed limit of 25 miles per hour be continued. Recommendation accepted. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 5{)'/: "..if Olympic Printery City Treasurer Olympic Tribune Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Olympic Stationers, Inc. Bussing Office 3upply International Enterprises Schreiner Chevrolet Co. City Shop Dept. H!i.bit Cle aners J. C. Penney Co. The Texas Co. Office Supplies Light, 1;later, Garbage, Envelopes Legal Publica.tions Tolls, Service 4494 Office Supplies Pencils, Office Supplies 1 Speed Chart 1: Key Repairs Clean Patrol Jackets, Hats and Belts 36 Cap Frames for School Patrol Hotor Oil 33.95 289.96 17.76 18.35 7.29 12.76 1.00 .361 18.95 46.40 33.00 24.26 :>.7 CITY STREET FUND: :(JS City Treasurer Bow Lake Equipment Co. Olympic Printery Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Olympic Tribune P. U. D. No.1 "Tater, Streets and Sewers Cable Dail;r Reports Petrolastic Asphalt Notice to Bidders Electric Power for Crusher 66.66 27.461 47.741 51.71) 1.32! .. 1l0.401' 2.45 5.10 31.90' 52.48i 58.79., 3.271 .62 300.00' 7.60' 4.99; 52.J6 14.85: 2.15: 5.581 9/ '1.3 CI TY SHOP FUND: ~'[cN:ah an Fuel Co. Dobson Auto Electric Aiken Noto rs Tower Super Service y.? WATER FUND: '1'1-7,/ Olympic Printery Homeli te Corp. Bussing Office Supply City Treasurer Claliam County P. U.D. 110. 1 City Light Dept. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Peninsula Herald L. L. Bullard Olympic Tribune 1 Sack Smithing Coal Lockheed' Fluid Parts Parts, Acetylene , Office Supplies Parts Drafting Ink Envelopes Morse Creek Power Lights at Reservoirs Phone Servic e Adv. Refund Hater Charge Adv. .... I I I I I I I I 169 ", . Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ".. . ",.... ....m. .....,..... ,..m... ..... ..... j WATER FUND. continued: Western Utilities Supply Co. Rensselaer' Valve Co. I Seattle Plumbing Suppl;r Co. Eklund Lumber Co. , Palmer Suppl;r Co. , Westinghouse Elec. . Suppl;r Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. 01;rmpic Electric Co. I Nailor Lumber Co. Angeles Machine &. Welding l';Orks Owehs Bros. Eng. & Constr. Co. ~ Taylor Heating & Plumbing Co. ~ James W. Caven I . ~~ LIGHT FUND: .2 It 15/ - ! Clallam County P. U.D. No. 1 I' 01;rmpic Printery Bussine Office Supply Co. ~ Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. J. Lyle Beam, Inc. Luvaas Tire-Retread Service Tower Super Service F &. L Servic e City Shop Dept. 01;rmpic Tribune Port Angeles Evening News City l';ate). Dept., Nailor Lumber Co. General Electric Suppl;r Corp. I 01;rmpic Electric Co. j Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Port of Port Angeles Port Tie & Lumber Co. Harold Hibbs Plumbing Co. Seattle . Hard>lare Co. Angeles }lachine & Welding Works J James I,. Caven /5Q 2! SANITATION FUND: t City Shop Dept. PARK FUND: /;1..1 'I'! IVheeler Hdwe. & Furniture Co. City Shop Dept. Pacific' Telephone & Telegraph Co. Angeles Pittsburgh Paints PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: OlyWpic Stationers, Inc. Johnson & Bork City Shop Dept. City Treasurer Westinghouse Eiectric Suppl;r Co. I CEHETERY FUND:.3.! .'1 City Shop Dept. <1/ L. 1. D. GENERAL FUl\'D: /3 ' 01;rmpic Tribune oE 1. 1. D. NO. 154: /75'- Owens Bros. Eng. & Constr. Co. September 10. continued. 19..2L Tap Y.achine ,& Fittings ,j, fll' 21B.59 . Valves 2,93B.59 Fittings 21.19 Lumber 29B.6B Pipe, " . , 403.59 Switches . , .' 13.18 Chimney Blocks 14.68 Wiring Supplies 26.41 Hardl<Jare 2.45 Iron 12.11 Bolts ,4.94 Fittings 30.38 Valves, etc. 36.88 July Power 20,743.58 Office Supplies ';';' 24.21 Machine Scrvice 7.73 Phone Service 27.90 Ins. Premi urn 140.00 Re-treads 19.16 Presto Gas 4.07 Wash Car 2.06 Gas, Oil, Repairs 189.55 Adv. 4.53 Adv. 26.32 Water Charges , . .. -.'I" .. " !r;;:. (." .'" .. 6.80 Lumber & Nails 34.88 Tape, Cement, Tools ... 47.23 Lamps and Wirillg Suppiies 400.10 Meter Parts, Tools, Fuses 98.24 Unload Transf. 34.60 Lumber ,. 26.70 Shop l'iork, etc; 5.04 Sheet Aluminum 40.78 Angle Iron 60.56 Fittings, etc. 7.51 Gas and Oil 159.29 Tools & Hd>le. 41.18 Gas, Oil, Repairs .:,.1' " 39.24 Services 3851, 5288 16.86 Paint Supplies 24.71 ~cJ",'1~2 , Duplicator Paper _. .' 4:64 Paint. Brushes 10.82 Gas, Oil, Repairs 49.77 Street Lights 5,000.00 Time S,,o, tch for Traffic Light " 4.29 .. I--.~ (1,",'1' i Gas 3.19 Legal Publication ,. 13.41 15% Retained, '1.. LD. No. 154 .... 1,756.05 There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. a. [ {/ t~. ! I i - . ! , Ci ty Clerk --' ~4/ d ,l]f- Mayor .....