HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/11/1935 ,... 322 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 11, 1935 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showe,i the following officers prese~t: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, ,\ttorney Plummer and C:lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for BUilding Permits and Licenses, the following I were grant ed: I John R. Smith, Addition to House. Lot 10, Blk. 100, Townsite Mrs. Ceo. 8, Carter, Build Garage, Lot 9, Blk. 300, Townsite Mrs. Norma Cummings, Sandwich Shop, Lot18, Blk. 2~, N. R. Smith Subd. James IT. Caven, Master Plumber Co-operative Laundry, Cleaning and Pressing Mrs. Norma Cummings, Francis & 1st Sts., Restaurant Fred Owens, Pavilion Skating nin~ Harrington & ~iles, 5 Card Tables Harrington & Giles, Soft Drink 100.00 50.00 250.00 25.00 5.00 15.00 20.84 25.00 5.00 I CURREl~ EXPENSE FUND The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warran ts drawn for same: I The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Johnson & Bork The Pac ~el & Tel vo. Evening News J. Ltoyd Aldwell, Inc. The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. I. C. Croves Port Angeles Motors F. M. Godding The Pac Tel & Tel "0. Blackburn Printing Co. James Hardware 00. The Pac Te 1 & Tel C:o. Howard-Cooper Corp. Johnson & Bork Vim. Schrader Lysall ilelding & Forge ./orks City Light Dept. Garvin Auto "0. puget Sound Navigation ~o. Johnson & Bork B. Winter V. A. Samuels~n & "0. City Transfer C:o. James ". C:aven Washington Pulp & Paper Co. WATER FUND Edmis ten Machine Harks Getchell & Gagnon Puget ~ound Nav igation Co. Ci tyLight Dept. I Standard Oil Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Davis, the Helder Haugen Sheet Metal Works Kearns Motor Co. Harris & Schuller Crane Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply "0. Hooker Electroohemical Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Go. LIGHT FUND . puget Sound Navigation Co. Chas. Bea m Blackburn Printing Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co. ':Ia ter Dept. Standard Stati~ns, Inc. Burroughs Adding Ma chine Co. General Electric Supply "0. 11m. Corsegner S. H. '/hite H. B. Sherman Mfg. Go. Hestinghouse Electric Supply "0. General Electric Co. puget Sound Power & Light C:o. LIBRAHY FUlID .... City Treasurer WashingtGn Bindery C. L, Sarff Demeo, Library Supplies Packer-Scott Co. Jennilu Norris The Puget Sound News Co. The Pao Tel & Tel Go. Service Varnish, etc. Service Publications Insuranc e Ser vi ce Meals for Pr i sone rs Repa irs Special Polic e Ser vi ce Supplies Supp lie s Servic e Expans ion Rings Ca lsomine Sharpening Saws Re pai rs Lamps Repa irs Freight Paint, etc. Labor and Material Tires Oil Plumbing Lime .50 3.10 1.25 60.28 .'1.00 3.75 24.50 5.00 43.50 2.10 5.50 1.50 7.25 6.83 3.08 1.35 23.14 1.51 18.64 2.58 17.35 48.25 79.16 10.47 1,5.00 103.59 1 I~ p.'!'/ Labor and Material Tire 1Il ~ube Freight Charge s Gas & Oil Asphalt Chlorine Blacksmith ,'/ork Pipe Straps Repa irs tD truck Inlet Pipe Reservoir V/rench Sockets It" Pipe Ch:j.orine Pipe Bands 4.38 1.23 1. 64 25.69 6.08 14.32 3.20 1.02 17.18 26.44 4.20 11.78 14.57 9.32 1 .f )L{-I/ Freigh t Charges E:xp ens e Ac coun t Printing Service ~ater at Substation Lubrication Mach in e C:overs MateriaJi & "upplies Labor Expense Accoun t Conne c tor s Insula tor s Meters Electric Energ,y ~~' ./ .l,Sj..""S 10;41 13.50 19.74 12.75 1. 95 2.00 I, .59 32.82 120.00 30 .30 ". 6~ 24.93 88.<:4 6156.69 I Light & Hater Binding Grinding Lawn Supplies Supplies Supplie s & Up-keep of \irounds Books Ser vie e 8.71 111.37 1.50 7.05 3.65 7.00 1; 50 4.25 ."? S " I"" Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 323~ September 11, 193.5 193_ I PARK FUND D. D. McMullen C, L, Sarff Fred ':iesco t t Labor ' Repai rs to Lawn Mower Sharpening Lawn Mower 2.00 S'e .5.25 I. ~ 3.25 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 'I ?J?714~~ ) \CJJ~ \ ' City Clerk Mayor 1 ,r 1 1 I ..oIIl