HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/11/1950 ,. .... 46 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 11, 19~ ,,<,. 0""", ""'U,"'''_'', ,.,""..,..... ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by !Cayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners ltobinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approve.d. Under the head of aPJ'lications for building permits, the following were granted: 4> "'- F.11. Beckett ~ CO Construct 5-Hoorn Dwelling; Lot 1, 'Elk. 185, TDW1Isite Pete McGoff Addition to House; Lot 1, 31k. 451, Townsite Frank Pollow !.love Existing Dwelling; lot 15, Hlk. 542, T01'msite Corl D.mgaard dernodel House & \iarage; Lot 18, Elk. 234, Townsite A. ;L. Chapman Construct Garage; Lots 17-18, Blk. 29, Townsite Harold Sundberg Build Utility Room & ltecreation Hoorn; Lot 4, JJlk. 175, Townsite 5,500.00 . 500.00 .500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Under the head of ul~inished business, ~myor peeley reported regarding interview with Congressman Jackson concernine repair of Ediz Hook road. It Vias the opinion of Mayor I"eeley that if definite information is escertained as to amounts pledged by the four industries and the City toward road repair, Federal as.sistance imight be forthcoming. CommissiollEr Taylor informed that a letter from Mr. Jackson stated that if industries land. the City furnish 50% of re,pair cost, Federal aid would be possi!:>le for balance. ll.ayor Feeley q'.1l3st.ioned I as .tc whether or not the industries cculd be forced to maintain their portion. Attorney Trumbull informed ' that he thought they could. J<;ngineer Ahlvers reported that he had sent the industries estimate of cost for their portion but received no reply. ,After further discussion, Mayor Feeley volunteered to try for definite action in the near future. . ILay. Faussett again appeared requesting a taxi stand for Union Cabs at Front and Lincoln Streets. . Mayor Feeley informed that Mrs. Malesky occupies seven parking spaces, flllr of which a re not much used. Mr. Faussett suggested that the City could reclaim two stands, permit him to use Front and Lincoln, and ...till gain several parking spaces. It was moved by Mayor ]<'eeley that one parking meter be removed at Front and Lincoln and meters installed on East Front Street near the Pagoda hoom and at First and Laurel, thereby eliminating the two st.ands. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. ~~otion carried. The hazard to traffic on the North side of Front Street at Lincoln was also discussed and it was n-.eved by ~ Commissioner Taylor that ons parking meter west of fire hydrant be removed. Motion seconded by Commissioner I Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor informed of expense reQuired for removal of utility lines and stairway at :First and Laurel and replacement of the same. Also that stairway will be remo\'ed Wednesday morning permitting pro- cedure with excavation. The Commission examined and approved /170 1...9 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Wes.tern Union Bussing Offic e Supply LuV803S Firestone Service St.reet Uept. Herman Ahl vers Headrick "Spair Service Woodie's Harley Davidson K &. K Fine Foods IAlmy & Navy Store IHa 1,el 'sCafe Harry Kochanek R. o. Ide Habit Cleaners J. C. Penney & Co. Taylor Heating & Plbg. Co. ;Ci tlf Treasurer !Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. INatural Gas Corp. of Rash. IThe Tex.as Co. 'Seagrave Corp. I Luva a s Tire & Retread Servi ce ,Angeles Machine & Welding Works 'C. A. Wolverton jport Angele s Auto ::;upply Cam Mfg. Co. Olympic Sta tioners !p.nge Ie s Building Cen tel' Iu &. W :Fire Service ,United Janitor Supply Co. JHowa rd-Cooper Corp. Scanlan's Music & Radio Shop ISeattle Radio Supply Co. jThe Olympic Electric Co. tlymPiC Laundry & Cleaner, (- CITY STIlliET WID: if1 i - lAngeles Radiator Service Shop IAutomol.ive Parts Service j'vlash. Saw Filing & Ur. Works Olympic Stationers lCity Treasurer Port An!,'" Ie s Cone rete Prod. Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. lcrOVln Zellerbach Corp. 1/ ;WATER FUND: 3g~1 ~ 'Clty Treasurer ~City Light Dept. jUarlock Packing Co. ,H. E. Dodge 'City Street Dept. r & & "'" ",.",,, the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of sane: , Telegrams Post Hinder One Tu be Gas, Oil, and Repair Traveling l!oxpeIlll8 Car llepairs St.rter Pedal Lava Soap 4 Mattresses 205 Meals for .Prisoners Traveling J::xpeose Car Mileage for August Jackets, Caps, FLaes Cleaned School Patrol Caps and Jackets llepairs--City Jail Stamped Envelopes, Postage, Lieht, .Tater, Gar. Phone Services Gas Anti-Freeze 4 Hood Corner Pads Tire and Tube llepairs Repa ir Pump, etc. Express &. Frt. Chgs. Batteries, F19shhghts, etc. Fog Nozzles Tacks, "ape, etc. Plywood Extinguishers Janitor Supplies \'laming Light Needle & Tube Batteries Relay &. Fitting Laundry &. Cleaning 2.111 17.()0 5.09 11.10 51.39 46.40 5.65 1.67 50.90 155.91 25.60 29.26 53.10 56.65 42.06 292.ll 68.96 5.00 28.351 1.44 13.91 42.48 2.29 7.50 16.57 i 1.48 1.75 48.41 35.79 77.25 3.82 1.68 15.95 38.60 P.adiator Repair Parts, Tools and Hdwe. 2 Hand Saws Wiz Machine, Paper, Carbon, ate. Light am Ilater Sewer Pipe, etc. Cement, S~nd, Concrete Lime; Fittings for Waste Liquor il'ulnp 50.90 68.54 2.06 25.29 76.69 184.57 37.24 53.07 Postags Lights at lieservoirs Pa ck ing Car Expo nse, Supt. Repairs--Shop Fire Ext. , 2.00 ! 5.65 I' 18.61 28.28 541.17 52.52 I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington T""'" . ".V"'''' '~'T'r1,."', ''"''O~~''-,_ 'R'~lC.': 1:~~tI~ .~ j WATER FUND: , continued: . Automotive P.arts Service lfi.ddleton Motor Parts Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. I Angeles l.iachine & Welding ,10rks State Treasurer Hersey Mfg. Co. Olympic Foundry CD. Taylor Heating & Plumbing Co. Palmer Supply Co. Port Angeles Concrete Prod. Co. Hugh (i. Purcell Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. 17 LIGHT FUND: ..51[(,- a,ssing Office Supply State Treasurer Tovler Cupe r Service Pt. IIngeles Upholstery & ~'urn. Co. I J.ngeles Machine & lIelding Works I Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. , J"ink .lJelt Co. City Street uept. I Automotive Parts Service 1I0rthVlest Public Power Assn. , Port Angeles Evening News City Water lJept. J 0 tmson & Bork \'Ioodie's Harley Davidson I ven. Electric Supply Corp. Black & Decker Mfg. Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Pt. Angeles Concrete Products Co. SANITATION JiUND: IS1 ~r Angeles Millwork & Lbr. co. Street Dept. City Treasurer .;1,0 PARK FUND: 91'- Pacific Tel. & r}.leI.. Co. Street Dept. Olympic l'eninsula Ath. !issn. Aux. September 11, continued, 19~_ Parts Parts Sewer Pipe, Cenent, etc. Welding Hods Taxes Meters Fittings, Pipe Fittings S. Pipe Pipe Pipe Supplies 'faxes Parts Hepairs Shop Work--Repairs for 1'iinch on I'.H.D. Repair Parts Parts Parts for F .VI.D. rtoist J~echanism Equip. ltepairs Paint, etc. J:embership Fee for InW. Public PCYler Assn. Adv. ~ater at Sub-stn. Paint Check & Repair Lock lieters liepair Drill Hardware--Secondary Equip. Bldg. Blocks, etc. Lumber Ga s and Oil Water Services 5288, 5851 Gas, Oil and Repairs Linoleum Jiug 5:(5"1' =..7 Hurricane Head ASsy. with lock Exp"e s s Chg. Hammer, Bolts Lumber for Signs Paint Tacks, Tape Flashing Mechanism, Cr Hinds Street Lights for 1950 Gas and Oil PARKING Ml:TER & THAFFIC COllTROL FU ND: ~. H. Rhodes, Inc. liailway Express Agency, Inc. ,<'heeler HdVle. & !<'urn. Co. Nailor Lumber Co. Olympic Sta tioners Bussing Office Supply i Graybar Electric Co" Inc. City Treasurer Street Jlept. I 50 j ANn.~H CONTROL .FUND: ':3- i Clallam CD. Humane Society I ) There being no fUrther business, the session was declared adjourned. ~, e ;;C~ r! City Clerk Dog and Cat Licenses, Pound Fees //-/ tf. -';;;7 4~ 58.42 5.85 86.82 5.05 1,015.91 254.84 166.44 254.17 1,269.06 46.92 255.32 44.52 19.88 2,114.97 5.86 12.88 6.80 22.69 5.26 68.12 211.05 17.78 257.92 24.57 3.00 7.57 4.80 77.66 29.12 185 .70 114.54 2.02 155.97 1.60 25.55 65.20 7.67 176.31 7.60 3.59 4.47 .57 5.35 52.53 5,000.00 10.05 63.50 , Mayor