HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/12/1934 JI"'" 236 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington September 12, 1934 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attormey Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were gran ted ; Chas. Pringle, Remodel present dwelling, Lot 24, Blk. 3, Cain's Sub. 36, Patterson Hotel, Mrs. C. B. McDowell, 8 rooms Fred Owens, Skating Rink Fisher's Drug Store, Soft Drinks $100.00 8.00 25.00 5.00. I Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following Resolution was intro- duoed: RESOLUTION TO SUPPLY MATERIALS FOR USE WITH STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION FOR \7ASHINGTON I WHEREAS, The Washington Emergency Relief Administration has arranged to supply cer- tain labor for laying a new main on ~diz Hook from the Washington Pulp and Paper Plant to the new Coast Guard Hanger, within the City of Port Angeles, it being required that the City of Port Angeles arrange to supply materials for making said improvements and . WHEREAS, this improvement of a new water main is deemed to be a desirable improve- ment and it is determined that materials in the amount and for prices as hereinafter set forth are necessary to carry out said work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City of Port Angeles do furnish, provide and deliver all necessary and proper materials as follows, to wit: 4000 l1n. ft. 6" Wood pipe 6000" " 8" " " Wood pipe fittings ~2000. 00 3600.00 100.00 $5700.00 I This material is to be furnished in comnecti cn wi th labor to be furnished by the Washington Emergency Relief Administration upon said project in amount of $5700.00 It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants . drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE Packer-Scott Co. City Treasurer Blackburn Printing Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Evening News City Treasurer Glenn's Service Station H. Cleve Durkee Todd Cycle Shop Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 11 II 11 Supplies Stamps Supp lie s Service Publications Stamps Repairs Spe cial Polic e Parts for Motorcycle Service " Penn's Garage- The Den I. C. Groves J. Lloyd Aldwell Packer-Soott Co. Shell Oil Co. Goodrich Rubber Co. Harris & Schuller Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Frank Maodonald & Sons Reuben Jacobs Paris Motor Co. Garvin Auto Co. rt Repairs Supplies Meals for Prisoners Insurance Supplies Gas Fi re Hose Rapairing can Servi ce Repairs Labor Rent for Truck Repairs " Angeles Bravel & Supply Co. Sh ell Oil Co. Filion Mill & Lumber Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works Vim Schrader General Paint Corp. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Washingt~n Pulp & Pap,er Corp. Paoific ~el. & Tel. vo. State Treasurer Sand & Lumber Gas Lumber Repairs, Hdwe & ~ools Filing Saws Paint Repairs Lime, eta. Serv io e Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Cjf g ,.r LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND City Treasurer Warrants purchased .... I 6.50 4.00 67.10 1.25 7.49 1.00 4.35 12.00 7.65 3.75 4.62 3.20 5.70 5.95 5.00 10.00 79.95 190.00 .75 6.95 3.00 4.95 22.00 1.00 1.75 12.60 4.12 183.60 23.20 3.40 3.60 34.26 11.00 57485 4.50 67.86 I I 3896.66 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 12. 1934 193_ ., 237 I I I I I LIGHT FUND C~ ty Trea~l'i.rer Frank Maaaonald & Sons Standard Station No.1199. Shell 011 Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. James Hardware Co. Lowman & tlanford Co. Westinghouse Elea. & Mfg. ~o. , General Eleotrio Co. Washington .;tate Bank iPuget Sound Power & Light Co. O. E. 11:ddy Olympic Printery A, M. "ether Johnson & Bork MCHugh & Peterson Pac. ~el & Tel 60. Quick Print City Treasurer Angeles Co-operative 0reamery Harris & Sohuller Byron Winter Mook Electrio Co. J. LlO;jrd Aldwell & CO. H. P. M:cnutt State Treasurer VlA'lJER FUND V. A. Samuelson James Hardware Co. Quick Print Washington State Bank Lysall Welding & Forge Works Sta~e Treasurer .. LIBRARY FUND Paaifio Tel & Tel Co. Thelma Hall Jennilu Norris Gaylord Bros. Ino. Paoker-Scott Co. The Puget Sound News Co. Ed B. Taylor Hertzberg Dindery Co. City Treasurer PARK FUND State Treasurer Kissner Motor Parts Co. James Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork Lysall Welding & forge Works EDIZ HOOK WATER EXTENSION FUND Water Department Puget Sound Navigation Co. Paris Motor Co. Frank Maodonald & Sans City Light Dept. McDonald & Nailor City Treasurer Federal Tax Supplies Opening safe Grease G. M. C. Truck Gas Repairs Supf.lie s Scale Pla tes Meters Rent Power for August Rent Supplies polcs Suppli es Repairs Service Supplies Water Drinking Cups Supplie s " Repairs Insurance Servi ces Ind ins & Med Aid Repairs Supplie s " Rent Straighten Hydrant Valve Stem Ind Ins & Med Aid Servic e Extra itelp Petty "'ash Supplies Supplies Books Repairs Books Ligh t & .Ia ter Ind Ins & ~ed 4id Lamps Sprinkler, etc. Glass, etc. Sharpening Picks Pay Roll Fre ight Gas Sharpening Pick, etc. Gas & Oil Gas, etc. Ind Ins & Yed Aid ,j: .,~ l..-€a There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?1?n)~ City Clerk -~~ 0.: -d Mayor 0' ~f37 1.37 6.00 10.00 2.00 73.80 1.50 .60 17.28 4.40 54.95 85.00 5403.22 3.00 32.65 109.20 1.20 17.25 14.10 30.85 1. 95 2.95 12.90 8.75 7.50 11.50 3.00 20.66 1. 75 1. 95 ,,-.;; 27;10 I' , 45.00 .50 27.72 g'3 'IY;' - 4.25 7.50 8.70 1.00 5.71 18.33 1.75 66.08 10.45 3'). /9 14.48 2.16 1.15 1.20 .40 98.00 2.23 1.58 23.95 51.46 4.56 44.40 ~