HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/12/2003 5038 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING GATEWAY REVIEW TEAM MEETING MINUTES September 12, 2003 8:00 a.m. - ProTech Center The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Chair Karen Rogers. Roll Call & Attendance: Members Present: Karen Rogers, Chair, Gary Braun, alternate, Orville Campbell, Mike Chapman, Jan Harbick, Kevin Thompson, Russ Veenema - ex-officio, Larry Williams (arrived at 9:00 a.m.), and Jack Harmon (arrived at 9:05 a.m.) Members Absent: Wayne Barrett Public & Staff Present: Lee Pardini, architect, Arla Holzshuh, Paul Lamoureux, Sandie Barnhart, Jim Heckman, Dan DiGuilio, Tim Smith, Brian Gawley Approval of Minutes: The minutes were approved as written with Orville motioning and Gary seconding. Gateway Hybrid Design & Cost Estimates by Merritt + Pardini: Mr. Pardini discussed the [sheet] drawings he placed on the white board. He refreshed us on the concept of the layout of the two story structure with the sails. He again pointed out where the assorted parts of the structure are on the property. Mr. Pardini chose to discuss the negatives first of the project as he sees them. One he feels is a negative is the enter and exit off of Front Street. In essence you dead end in the structure and have to come back out the same opening. The lower level is the same set up, entering and exiting from Railroad Avenue. There is no problem with having two cars side-by- side, in passing. Also, the elevator is to be moved to the Front Street side of the structure near the Visitor Center and plaza. Mr. Pardini said it is a typical 65' bay, 18 foot parking stalls, 25 foot lane, 18 foot parking. The reason this structure is called a hybrid is because it uses the drawings developed before for this project. And instead of having expensive pre-cast T's, and having the buses on the lid, you're using very economical systems, not the bus load on the structure, and the slab will have a much simpler topping, and thus protect the water from going into the lower level. It has all the pluses, and none of the negatives, except that it dead-ends. The parking count can cause this structure to be re-structured. If the mm-around is not satisfactory, after a trial period, some parking spaces can be given up, maybe going from the 117 to 103 spaces, to allow for re-striping the spaces to accommodate the mm around. On the lower level it will be on solid ground so "asphalty" concrete on grade so that expense won't be so great. Each level could have a mechanically controlled sign letting drivers know if a level is full to capacity. The point of using the hybrid is to make everything as simple as possible. The benefit is that the buses are on grade, with possibly only a slight grade to enter off of Railroad. The excavation needed will be very little in comparison to last design. Jan Harbick questioned whether it is mandatory to have the Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting I September 12, 2003 5039 elevator. People with disabilities are asking this question already, waiting to see if they will be accommodated or not. Mr. Pardini is under the impression that people could sue if the structure was built not being totally accessible to them. Visitor Center: When asked if Russ wanted to ask any particular questions to start the Visitor Center discussions, he commemed that he had submitted his comments to Mr. Pardini and Tim Smith and is awaiting their responses. Mr. Pardini said that he would like to speak to Russ after this meeting, or at his convenience, to see what needs Russ is going to have. Mr. Pardini realized that if the Visitor Center is to be included in this project, Russ's needs for the Center will have to be met. Russ will not try to push for what he wants at the detriment to the project. He is willing to listen to what Mr. Pardini has to propose. Mr. Pardini did say there will be a caveat that this is a ballpark cost figure and he will prepare sketches and drawings to reflect the newly revised "old" concept. Tim commented that the community and Pardini input makes him firmly believe this project plan is now manageable. He asks we make some decisions today and more as it develops. Mr. Pardini reminded this group of the funding gap and explained the next step to refining and developing this concept. He wants everyone to bring forth their questions on everything, including the sails structure, so they can be discussed. He referred to the funding sheets that he had distributed to this committee. He knows at this time there are not a lot of details in the numbers and those will start showing up as the project components are accepted. He reminded this group that even the sails issue needs to be discussed. He said at one time Dan had mentioned that he could provide bus shelters and other shelters that have standard features. Technical features might include the bus width. This is a standard item that he works with regularly and should pose no problem. He feels very confident on the technical level. This amount you see does include the sails structure. Costs sheets: Karen suggested we start at the top of the costs sheet and make sure everyone understands how the top sheet is presented giving explanations for each line item. Mr. Pardini went over the September 4, 2003, Budget & Gap Financing cost sheets. He used the same numbers as the concept of last Fall, showing how he shifted the numbers and footage in the conceptual drawing. Each item on the page was discussed. Again he mentioned the elevator has been moved to the From Street side bringing it in line with funding it from FTA funds, as part of the transportation project. Russ voiced that he will need soon to have City Manager Quinn and Finance Director Ziomkowski go over the figures and make sure Russ could afford this new Center. The idea of selling tickets, etc., along with brochures for Transit, would enable more FTA funding as it shows usage of transportation in the project. All the toilets and shared breakroom facilities are all in the FTA funded portion of the project. This concept is a one-story, L-shaped building. The elevator is actually in the Gateway project area. Sails, sidewalks, retaining wall, lights, bus lanes, shelters, utilities, two crosswalks are in the plaza area. Lee was speaking of the costs of Visitor Center basically in the area of $165 per square foot. Russ feels his need will be to have the City, Mike Quirm and Yvonne Ziomkowski, finance director, to over the figures and make sure Russ could afford this new Center. He will accommodate the verbal concept of this project with or without the Visitor Center. The idea of selling tickets, etc., along with brochures for Transit, would enable more FTA funding as it shows usage of transportation in project. Lee explained the toilets, etc. are the expensive items in the building. All of this is already figured in the plan now. Tim spoke of the potential to lease marketing space, such as a lighted panel, in the proposed visitor center as a source of revenue to help pay for development of the center. He said in Victoria they do this. The lighted panels they use really Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 2 September 12, 2003 504O capture the attention of the people passing through. Russ agrees that this could be done here also. Mr. Pardini spoke about the land acquisition costs that are being brought forward. He isn't sure how valid they are. He will plug new numbers in as they are received. Tim suggests this as an action item before the next meeting. Mr. Pardini also explained how the sales tax is broken down between materials and labor. Due to breakdown, we now only have $700,000 left for this project of the $1.5 million we had when we started. Mr. Pardini also explained to Russ that the figures do not include furniture and internal fixtures, as it was assumed he would be bringing in furniture, chairs, desks, etc. from present Visitor Center. In reality the $357,750 is $457,750, the architectural costs is the $100,000. Chair Rogers shared information from Mike Quinn, city manager, regarding this challenge and gap. He feels confident the gap is able to be closed and move forward on design. He said that the costs of the Visitor building will be looked at, and if we can meet the challenge it will be "in", otherwise, "out". The minimum side of the gap he feels can be worked on and managed. The directional signs and costs were brought up by Mr. Pardini, with the request that Tim Smith should talk to Gary Kenworthy and make sure it could be reallocated in the project as well. Mr. Heckman was interested in the cost projections. Again, Mr. Pardini said they work with the middle bid or cost, rather than the lowest or highest. Mr. Pardini feels we will be pleasantly surprised at the bids by local contractors. He is dealing with figures cautiously. Chair Rogers wants to make sure we can complete this project successfully. She does not want the costs to go above what this committee expects. Tim feels the project, construction-wise, is a pretty straight forward project. He knows we "all" are watching closely and don't want to get into any trouble in figuring expenses. A question was asked by Mr. Heckman on the plaza. He was wondering if this part of it would provide the drama that the local people are looking for. He didn't feel sails alone would do it for him. He felt this should be revisited. Since we are working with planning level estimates, Chair Rogers expects cost concerns will be a continuing focus by the committee. The tweaking of the aesthetics will happen once we know where we stand with the construction estimates. Russ was still working on the question of square footage for the Visitor Center. He couldn't come up with the number stated earlier. Mr. Pardini said he didn't come here today and couldn't be precise about that. Russ reminded him that it was said that it was to be 3600 square feet, which includes the drivers breakroom and toilet. Mr. Pardini believes so. So, after figuring and remembering there will be no second floor, the 3600 figure was crossed out. This is again one of the things Mr. Pardini wanted to go over with Russ. Tim would like to see Mr. Pardini, Dan, and Russ get together before the next meeting and work on refining this part of the project and bring that information to the next meeting, reflecting all the components of the square footage of this building and revised costs. Mr. Pardini suggested different ways to control costs, such as siding styles, i.e., log long house look, brick to tie in with downtown look, etc. Again, Arla brought up the soft costs of how the tax on labor costs are presented, labor only. She understands the taxes are on product only costs, not labor. Chair Rogers asks to clarify the wording of that on the cost sheets to reflect an easier understanding of those figures. Mr. Quinn will be out of the office for a span of time between our meetings. The land acquisition discussions and update will have to take place in executive session of the City Council and Transit. Dan DiGuilio volunteered to provide a memo to the City Manager, which will be part of the discussion at the Executive Session of the City Council. Tim said he wants the Downtown Association to be included as a confidential recipient of this information as they are certainly a partner in this project. Chair Rogers went over the highlights of the meeting needing action thus far: · Chamber/City making sure the Transit is comfortable and with an understanding of the Transit/Visitor Center building facility Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 3 September 12, 2003 5041 · Clarify the Visitor Center and study it "offline" involving the $457,000 · Gary Kenworthy will be contacted by Tim Smith to request he resolve the TIB/signage cost issue · Dan DiGuilio will prepare a memo for City Council/Transit on status of land acquisition. · Resolve City sale of 28' land acquisition Tim requested we have Mr. Pardini "break out" elevator and pedestrian/vehicle passway for better understanding of additional "optional" elements at this point. Mr. Pardini felt it would be an important walkway that should be enlarged with security / safety features. Russ brought up the restriping and the "dead end" as the same issue in relation to coming in and going out of the building in the same place. Mr. Pardini said that is correct, but it had to be brought up as an issue to consider, as it could be viewed as a trial for a year or so, and if it works, fine, but if it needed to be changed, it would be as simple as restriping to make larger stalls, difference between 117 and 103 stalls. Orville questioned how expensive the car counters are. Mr. Pardini ventured a guess at about $5,000 - $10,000. Orville felt that with the car counter, we could gain those 14 or so spaces, and could be good to get the car counters in the long run. Tim said he would seek to determine the potential revenue impact of those 14 spaces to the profitability. Chair Rogers said she would check out with ADA whether the elevator would be mandatory to this project. With this project, we are already being watched to see if we are going to be ADA accessible. Manager DiGuilio cautions us to error in having one versus not. The site it will be most needed is the plaza site. There will be the advantage, too, of the walkway linking the west parking area with the plaza area. Jim Heckman spoke of the parking - no net loss. He reminded us of the current spaces to park and of the ones being developed on the lower level and main level of this project. He feels the no-net-loss parking issue is satisfied. Arla discussed the misconception Mr. Heckman has. She gave the clarification of the parking sites and totals. Tim feels Transit and City and Downtown Association needs to sit down and talk about allocating the spaces below the plaza area. (Larry Williams arrived at 9:00 a.m. Jack Harmon arrived at 9:05 a.m.) Mr. Pardini discussed the question about future building and adding parking spaces to this structure. He said to be cautious about future plan. He has seen projects that were built with future expansion in mind, and when it came time to build the addition, the building at the new time would not qualify for a building permit to do the work because of a structure that would not accommodate that expansion now. The current building code is what determines what you can do. After discussion, it seemed to be the consensus of this group that we would not be adding onto this site, but probably go west for additional parking site, like Tidelands West. Also, space could be acquired immediately west adjoining this structure and build on to it going west. Chair Rogers wrapped up the assorted tasks by members and staffto work together off-line on tasks such as what the Visitor Center needs are, land acquisition status and costs letter, Transit to verify accommodations for drivers, layout of the building in relationship to Visitor Center with City Manager and Finance Director analyzing costs, Gary Kenworthy coming back to us with clarification of wording on TIB directional signage, consideration of Vehicle/Pedestrian Passway for width and lighting to avoid a deep, dark tunnel and security effect, bus turnaround analysis, 117/103 space that Tim will look at with an eye to revenue, elevator by Gateway plaza. She is searching for that win-win-win answer. A motion was made to take this from a planning cost phase to construction cost with the hybrid, recognizing and studying the funding gap and looking at all options. Gary Braun made a first on the motion as stated by Chair Rogers Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 4 September 12, 2003 5042 and Orville Campbell seconded. It was approved with unanimous vote by committee. * Mr. Pardini asked that with Mr. Quinn the point of contact, how does he go about letting people know answers to these questions. It was explained that Tim will get information while Mike Quinn is out of the office, and disseminate information to those involved. Adjournment: 9:15 a.m. Next Meeting Date to be announced. Respectfully Submitted, Sam Martin, Secretary /Glenn Wiggins, Mayor l~ecky U~t;n, ~y Cle~ - ]- I:\OFFICE\WPWINkMYFILES\GATEWAY Minutes\Sept 12 03 min.wpd Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 5 September 12~ 2003