HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/13/1933 r-- 142 ~ ,,' Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Septem8er 13,1933 193_ .... The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order IY Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers ptesent. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney J"lummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for licenses the following was granted,- Landru & Nelson, Resturant at III N.Oak street $15.00 Under the head of new Business the following Resolution was introduced,- IUPROVEJ.IEHT RESOLUTIOn No.14? BE IT RESOLVED By the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles;- That it is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles to order the following descriled improvements to wit;- First- A lateral sewer oommencing at the Trunk Sewer at the interseotion of 5th and I Street . thence running northerly to the alley le~veen Fifth street and Fourth streets at I Stree , thence easterly along the alley letween Fifth and Fourth streets to "E" Street for the purpose of giving sewerage and drainage to the Blocks 126,122,119 and 115 of and in the City of Port Angeles ,together with all necessary appurtenances and e~uipment necessary to complete the same and do such other work as may Ie neoessary in connection with the plans and specifications to Ie prepared IY the City Engineer. Second- The costs and expense of the said sewer shall Ie lorne IY and assessed against th, property which will Ie served and sewered therelY and is lialle ther~fore as provided Iy law. Third- That all persons desiring to olject thereto are herelY notified to appear and present such oljections at a meeting of the City Commission to Ie held in the oity Commissioners Room on the seoond floor of the Fire Department Building on Lincoln Street in the City of Port Angeles ,Washington on the 18th day of Octoler 1033 at 10 a.m. of'said day which said time and place is herelY fixed for the hearing on matters and things relating to the proposed improvement and all of the oljectimns thereto and for determining the method of paying for the said improvement. Fourth- That the City ~ngineer shall sUlmit to the City Commission at or prior to the said date all data and information re~uired ay law to Ie sUlmitted. It was moved IY Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution ae adopted. Seoonded IY Commissioner Filion. On roll call all memaers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances the following Ordinance was read IY Title and placed on its Third reading.- AN ORDINANCE, Providing for the issue of negotialle londs of the City of Port Angele~ and lorrowing money thereon for the purpose of reoonstruotion of the Iridges on Eight' Street over Valley Creek Guloh and Tumwater Creek Gulch in the City of Port Angeles; Declaring the said proposition to Ie one of strictly munioipal purpose and suamitting the same to the ~ualified Toters of the City of Port Angeles at a special election; and declaring an emerE,ency. It was moved ly"Corilmissioner Beam that the foregoing Ordinanoe Ie plaeed on its final passage and adopted. SecondeR Iy Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all memlers voted aye. The l.layor declared the motion carried. Under the head of unfinished lusiness the following resolution was introduced,- RESOLUTI011 REQUESTING THE COmvTY ELECTIOn BOARD TO CALL A SPEciAL CITY BONDING SLECTION. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED By the City Commission that WHEREAS, It is necessary and desiralle for the safety and convenienoe of the inhalitants of the City of Port Angeles to reoonstruct Eight street bridges over Valley and Tumwater Creek Gulches and for that purpose it is necessary and desirable to issue and sell negotiable bonds of said City in the sum of 055,000.00,to provide money for said reconstruction, and VIHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has adopted an ordinance deolaring the issue and sale of said bonds to be a struotly munioipal purpose and is neeessary and desirable for the benefit of the people of the City and under the law it is neoessary to submit the said ordinance and the proposition for issue of said bonds and borrowing of said money to the eleotors of said City for ratifioation or rejection, and VIHEREAS, it is desirable f~r t~e ben:fit of the inhabitants of the City of Port Angeles that the ~ue~tlon of lssulng sald bonds be determined at the earliest possible time ln orderto proTlde employment for the people of said City as soon as the same can be aooomplished. , THEREFOREJB~ I~ RESOLVED,BY,THE CITY CO~n~ISSION That an emergency exists making the lmmedlate SUOffilSSlon of the saldordinance and bond issue to the vote of the people neoessary for the imm:diate preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the lnhabltants of the sald City and for that reason a speoial election should be called as soon as possible under the law. I I I " -' ~~ I I ""'IlIl 143 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 13,1933 193_ I I I I I "... ::""::"::':::"':ESOLVED, that the City Commission does hereby reQuest the County I Eleotion Board to oall a special eleotion in the City of Port Angeles for the ratifioation or,rejeotion of Odinance No.98~ of said City,whioh ordinanoe provides for the issue of bonds in the sum of $55,000.00 and borrowing of ~oney thereon to provide funds for the reoonstruotion of the Eight Street bridges in said City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Election Board shall be reQuested to call said speoial election in aooordance with Sections 9538-9539-9540 and 9541, Remington's 1933 oode,and all other laws appertaining thereto. The form of ballot and ballot title is substantaily as follows; "Shall the City of Port Angeles,to reconstruot the Eight street bridges over Vallay and Tumwater Gulches ,in accordanoe with Ordinanoe NO.989,borrow $55,OOO.00,issuing therefor the negotiable serial eoupo~ bonds, bearin~ interest not exoeeding six per cent. per annum,said bonds to mature annuallY,commenoing the second year after date of issue and ending sixteen years after date,in such amounts as will be met by eQual annual tax levies for the payment of principal and interest thereon?" Bonds Bonds Yes No It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the 1I0tion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Paoific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Paoific Tel & Tel Co. Paoific Tel & Tel Co. The Olympic Printery Central Machine Works Gehrke & Johnson Crescent Securities Co. City Treasurer L.D.Fairchild Lee Cafe ,; 'Washington state Bank P.A.CDBcrete Products Co. Wm.Schrader ~tomotive Parts Co. Mooks Auto Eleotric Garvin Auto Co. Ed.B.Taylor Plumbing Ce. V.A.Samuelson & Co. Willson Hardware 60. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Cot Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Standard Oil Co. , Standard Oil Co. Evening News Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lysall Welding & Forge ~orks State Treasurer George's Service Station State Treasurer Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. ,Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Central Machine ~orks Central Maohine ~orks H. T. Swanson Gehrke & Johnson V.A.Samuelson & Co. Standard Oil Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works Puget Sound Navigation Co. Ida J.Morse Washington State Bank Vlillson Hardware Co. Marohesi Studio G.E. Coolidge Current Expense Fund Service Servioe Service Service Supplies Repairs Oil Blue prints Via ter Wood Meals for prisoners Filing cabinets Brick,etc. Filing saws Fan belt Repairs Repairs Repairs for Street flusher Repairs Galv.netting Hardware Window shades Lamps Supplies Gas Gas Publications Lumber,eto. Lumber Hepairs Ind.Ins.& Med.Aid Repairs .)--1 /-+o.-f'7--'- 6.95 1.40 4.85 7.40 35.20 2.48 8.25 2.10 360.00 3.50 24.85 15.00 69.23 1.25 1.25 14.25 13.10 2.90 8.67 8.50 5.97 4.20 .60 11.38 75.00 304.81 22.82 112.66 212.64 38.95 59.78 2.50 \7ater Fund Ind Ins. & Med.Aid Pipe, eto Water presure charts Copper service tubing Pipe Pipe fi ttings Hydran t Flange end valves,eto Repairs Repairs Refund Kerosene Repairs Gas Repairs Freight Rent Rent Hardware & tools Supplies Sharpening pioks ,(,. ')5jb r 42.01 1387.68 11.23 234.61 280.75 8.28 70.17 77.97 76.10 4.00 20.40 8.22 71. 34 141.98 9.00 16.67 10.00 45.00 9.60 1.75 9.60 ~ ,... 144 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193__ September 13,1933 Fobes Supplj;! Co n " " II tl:T Westinghouse Electric & Mfg.Co. " II II Graybar Electric Co. 11 n General Electrio Supply Corp II II Washington StoTe ITorks " II Floyd Barnett " II 1f If Byron Winter II Tl Harris & Sohuller City Treasurer Central Machine Works Port Of Port Angeles C.n.Alexander Palmer Electric Co. Ed.B.Taylor Plumbing Northwest Plumbing & ETening News Lake & Boye Fobes Supply Co. Quick Print Q,uick Print Pacific Lamn Pacific Lamb Westinghouse n Co. Heating Co. & Supply Co. & Supply Co. Eleotric & Mfg.Co. n Fobes Supply Co. II Lini Uaterial CD. II n V.A.Samuelson & Co. City Treasurer I Montgomery Hard Co. J.L~oyd Aldwell Inc., Thos.J.Donahue Shell Oil Co. Blackburn Printing Co., Burroughs ;ldding ),lachine C.2.Hammer S.T.Eddy Washington State Bank E.O'Jlrien Clifford CoY/ling Lysall Welding & Fotge Vorks ~7. B. No bles ..... Light Fund Range unit Ganges Fuses Uni ts, coils, eto. Ranges Range Cooker Broiler pan Iron elements Switb.hes Panels Panels Panel Range . Heater platform Clock & Panel Range Range mirror Box Connection Range unit Buffing motor,etc Chuok,eto. Volt immersion heater Rectifier for time clook system Panels 60pper wire Coils Range Coils Ranges Uni t & coils Range coils Washer parts Range Heaters Heaters Heaters Yliring for range II " II II Repairs to stoTe Express Repairs Freight Vliring for range Cabinets Connecting up range Connecting water heaters & ranges Advertising Making signs ~hermometer for testing range ovens Supplies Supplies '.7ire \'Ii re Transformers Transformers Transformers Trans former oil Transformers Meters Transformers Transforemers Transformers Hachine bolts and washers Wire Contactor Sockets Repairs Via ter Tires Rent Cedar poles Oil Supplies Haintenance Service Keys Rent Rent V.ood Car hire Repai rs Freight 11.08 500.09 16.05 123.06 400.08 51.00 7.89 1.30 6.06 1.13 23.05 46.10 5.96 103.66 4.99 8.50 100.02 1.99 3.19 32.91 24.55 3.93 11.55 45.86 27.44 1.35 2.79 205.80 18.82 284.89 8.86 8.73 1.33 77.91 24.01 44.51 58.80 31.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 3.00 8.61 3.25 4.10 50.00 87.46 5.55 68.60 74.70 4.00 1.62 7.90 19.20 192.77 357.63 236.84 338.52 425.10 2.20 283.58 189.76 412.10 283.40 566.80 9.22 196.82 24.95 7.06 1.22 1.95 33.74 50.00 20.80 6.53 41.25 16.75 1.40 3.00 45.00 3.75 25.00 2.65 1.26 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 13,1933 193_ ""'IIIIl 145, I aillson Hardrrare Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. puget Sound Navigation Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Paoific Tel & Tel ~O. \'1. '.'J.Ebbett Sam I,Iorrish Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. state Treasurer MoHugh & Peterson City Treasurer I City Treasurer Blackburn Printing Co. Harry Hartman Jennilu Horris The Puget Sound News Co. City Treasurer Paoific Tel & Tel Co. standard Oil Co. willson Hardware Co. Gehrke & Johnson Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Fred wescott James Hardware Co. State Treasurer Lamps etc. Cross arms Freight Freight '),u~''\'.-:ice Car hire Car expense Service Ihd.Ins.& lled.Aid Renairs St~mped envelopes J,i brary Fund Lightb& Hater Supplies Books Petty Cash Books Final payment on heating plant Service Park Fund Oil Hardware Gas Sand Sharpening Lawn tIower Repairs Ind.Ins.& Med.Aid. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 'lJ ,111. ()~ City Clerk I I I )Jv r,L)~ / / I1ayor 7?-t> r ~ . Jb L '1<> .:..- .1 If?/) ;..... 1.55 162.50 85.43 41.82 8.25 15.00 30.00 8.75 22.44 54.82 4.36 8.89 3.25 1.00 5.50 .57 600.00 4.25 .40 12.98 3.50 3.25 2.50 7.45 13.29 ....lIIl