HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/13/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
S eptemb er 6
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be given due consideration in the Park Buiget. Seconded by Councilnan Sanqison and carried. Also con-
sidered was ~20,000.00 in Current llxpense Miscellaneous for Polluticn Control e>..l'er.se, an increase of
$.20,000.00 to Street Lightin item in the Light Dep9.rtment BU(iget, and provisions for .improvement of the
Oak Street Zig-Zag.
Councilman Smith reported cn meeting in Ol,ympia concerning Safety Program, about 200 beir,g in atte,!dance.
Hr. Smith described session as very interesting and educational.
Under the head of .introduction of Resolutions, the follafing were introduced:
A RESOLillION of the City Council of Port Angeles, l'Tashil1gton, fixing the time and place for a hearing upon
the assessment. roll for Local Improv!'llent . District No. 167.
It was moved by Councilman I'Tolie that the fo regcing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Co~cil_
man Matthieu and carried.
RESOLU'l'ION NO. 31-56
A RESOLUrrON transferring budget appropriations l-lithin the Library Fund.
It was moved by Councilman IIcFadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Secorrled by
Councilman Matthieu and carried.
RESOLillION NO. 32-56
A RESOLUTION granting the' Pacific Telephone-and Telegraph Compan,y the right to operate am maintain certain
buried. telephone cable 1-rithin the corporate limit of the Ci4Y of Port Angeles.
It ',.ras moved by Counci~'llan Sancti.son that the foregoing Reso:Lution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Maxfieili:l ami carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordi nances, the fo llowing lfas introduced and read in full:
An Ordinance transferring within the '1956.L:i,trary Budget appropriations the sum of $150.00 within the
Library Departroont from the item of "Clerk.1.YpistH to the item of "Sick Leave, Vacation and Additional
Help" and transferring the sum of $200.00 appropriated within said. budget from the item of "City Employe
Retirement" to the Item of Sick .Leave, Vacation and Additional Help" and, transferring the amount of $30.00
from the item of "Travel Expense" to the capital item of "Periodicals."
It lfas moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Secorrled by
Counc ilman Holf e and carried.
No further business appearing, the weeting was declared adjourned.
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{/ City Clerk
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The City Council met in special session at 7:30 P. i'l. and was. ca1.:j.ed. to order by Mayor NeeI'. Officen pre-
sent were: Hayor Neer, Councilmen Smith, Sat:ldison, Matthieu, Holfe, I1cFadden and Haxfield, j'lanager Vergeer,
Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
l1ayor Neer stated that the meeting is called for the purpose of examining and approving the preliminary
budget as prepared by the Banager.
~lr. Vergeer read report citing fhanges made and reconmlended that publicity fund not be included.
Budget alterations lfere as follows:
CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: General Adm:i.nistration, $100.00 from I'dsc. to C.E.R. and OASI; increase County Health
item, $1,000.00. Police Department, eliminate prior service, $1,850.00. . Fire Department, re-
duce salaries and wages $4,778.00. Treasurer, salary increased $lO.OC, prior service.deleted.
Engineers, Rodman, Chainman reduced $3,000.00.
Street Department: Propose removing Oak Street zig-zag and constructing pedestrian roadway with short
stairs at lower quarter.
Library Department: Prior Service eliminated. Assessments from Capital Outlay to Haintenance and Operatioll\.
Library Cumulative Fund, $15,000.00 as requested not available although Council in favor when possible.
Light Department, Line truck item increased $2,000.00 to include flat bed truck from Unappropriated Reser-
ves. Street Lighting and Lab Equil'OOnt to New Street Lighting and Equipment.
After further examination arri due consideration it lfas mOlTed by Councilman HcFadden that the preliminary
budget as subrr.:i.tted aOO amended be adopted. Seconded by Councilluan Sandison and carried.
L. O. Hadison filed 1-lI'ittiln llequest for permission to open Caroline Street East of Francis in front of Lots
4, 5, 6, 7, aOO 8 in Block 37, Nom.an R. Smith Subdivision, a distance of 200 feet, coet to be paid by J.lr.
IIladison. It 1-/aS moved by Councilman Smith th..t request be granted and the Engineer instructed to establish
proper grade. Seconded by CouncilmanNaxfield and carried.
Council considered a written request from Hr. Gilmore asking the City to repair elevated walk on ,,,est 2d
Street which in his opinion would cost approximete:Ly $50.00. l1anag~r Vergeer advised that after inspection
of the walk, tl" City has no responsibility and is not liable. This~ras confirmed by the City Attorney.
Council decided that provisions of existing Ordinance governing sidewalk repair and maintenance l-all app:Ly
as in other locations.
Harry Pryde, apprentice administrator, expressed thanks and appreciation for opportunity to mork with City
and observe municipal operations, also for courtesies extended. Hayor NeeI' and Council ,Jished ]fir. Pryde
success aOO luck.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Q.,., ~ ~aw-
U City Clerk
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Mayor '