HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/14/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 14 19::#~ 61~ 1 I 1 1- I The .Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis, Commiss10ners Beam and F11ion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The m1nutes of the ~fev10us sess10n were read and approved. Under the head of New Bus1ness,- The ~reliminary budget for the ensuing fisoal year haVing been oonsidered by the Comm1ss10n,was placed ,on file and the City Clerk instructed to issue and publish the notioe required by law providing for a meeting of the Commission in the Chambers of said Commission at 10 a.m. on the 1st Monday of Ootober,1932 for the purpose of fixing the final budget,making the tax levy and providing for the hearing and appearance of any tax ,payers regarding said budget. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered 'warrants drawn for ,same,- Str~et Department Triok &, Murray City Treasurer City, Treasurer Street Department Street Department C.A.Wolverton Treasurer Washington State Bank Evening News Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. n . " " Ci ti Treasurer Olympic Laundry Ci ty, Treasurer James Hardware Co. Erne,st Harding Sanderson Safety Supply Co. Ulmer Office EqUipment Co. Paoifio Tel.& Tel Co. Ulmer Offiae EqUipment Co. Pacifio Tel &, Tel Uo. Willson Hardware Co. Johnson Transfer Co. James Hardware Co. E.A.Thomas E.A.Thomas Wm.Sohrader H.T.Swanson Motor Co. City:Parking Garags Puge~ Sound NaVigation Co. Port,Angeles Concrete Produots Laura Burns Haroid 11 Caven Lysail Welding & Forge Works Standard onco. Lamoureux Service E.A.niomas Gekr~e & Johnson Johnson &, Bork Frank C. Twaddle Glenn's Serviae Station A.L.Kemp WalkliI18 Motor Co. Paoifio Tel &, Tel Co. Frank Camello Ulmer Office EqUipment Co. Lee Cafe G.S.Aokers Gehrke &, Johnson F.L.1'lummer sta te Treasurer Seat~le Plumbing &, SUpply Co i Seatt.le Plumbing Supplt Co. , Puget, Sound Navigation Co. Eveni~g News v Hartzler-Weldon Lumber Co. n . n " Feder~l Pipe &, Tank Co., Gate pity Machine Shop Wenham Press Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Gehrke &, Johnson Central Maohine Works Grange Warehouse Willson Hardware Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works Rensselaer Valve Co. Ida J .Morse V.A.Samuelson &, Co. Paris Motor Co. State Treasurer CUrrent Expense Fund Pay-roll SUpplies Ind.Ins.& Med Aid n Pay-roll Pay-roll Car operation Stamps Rent Publications Service " Light & Water Laundry Water Hardware Expenses to Firemen's Lungmotor parts SUpplies Servioe SUpplies Servioe Hardnre &, Tools Hauling Powder eto. Repairs Repairs Filing saw Repairs H.L.Globes Freight Co., Pipe Rent Repairs Repairs Oil Repairs Repairs Gas Paint Speoial Police Repairs Speoial Polioe Repairs Servioe Wood SUpplies Meals for Prisoners Wood Gas Expenses Water Fund Convention 11 ItnZ Ind.Ins. &, Med Aid Copper tubing,eta. Paint Freight Water Notioe Lumber " Pipe Maahining Supplies Servioe Boxes Gas Copper Tubing Sacks Tools Repairs Hydrant parts Rent , Tire repair Repairs ~<> 41'2- r- L.I.D.General Fund Ind.Ins.& Med Aid 51. 00 11.15 27.93 8.81 17.50 38 40 15.00 5.00 50.00 24.4'4 1.25 4.25 924.40 1.00 2.90 5.45 40.50 18.95 2.75 7.55 3.60 4.25 50.83 15.00 29.65 8.30 7~60 .50 28.85 .70 .87 7.50 10.00 .65 15.45 14.58 13.00 1~55 292.06 35.00 45.00 4.80 18.00 .75 3.55 1.50 14.65 13~65 3.00 50.10 25.00 20.07 4.63 3.18 18.65 4.80 .20 4.70 299.69 3.75 19.80 8.45 31.50 3.10 .50 13.03 10.65 14.25 :1.0.00 .50 .75 7.13 ~ ,..- 62 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington L.I.D.General Fund Cont'd.- Wenham Press Leon E.Eubanks State Treasurer City Treasurer J.R.Bartlett City Treasurer Olympio Peninsula Motor Freight Puget Sound Power &: Light Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. V.A.Samuelson &: Co. n II Kee Lox Mfg. Co. George's Servioe station V.A.Samuelson &: Co. Standard 011 Co. Gehrke &: Johnson Harold T.Caven Blaokburn Printing Co. City Treasurer Benjamin Franklin Thrift Market Ulmer Offioe Eqyupment Co. Quiak Print Byron Winter J.Lloyd Aldwell Ino. S.T.Eddy Washington state Bank Pacifia Tel &: Tel Co. Cli~ford Cowling Har-tzler-Weldon Lbr. Co. Fry Drug Co. Lysall Welding &: Forge Works H.P-.MaNutt Wes'tinghouse Eleotrio &: Mfg. Co. . n " . II II . II II Line Material Co. II . n Joh11son &: Bork Pacifio Lamp &: SUpply Co., n' ". tt F.S.Lang Mfg. Co. n' n Seattle Hardware Co. n. n II' II Fobes Supply CO. II' n n~ IT II' II II' II II II " II' " II' " II' II General Eleotric SUpply Corp II- " n- n II' n " " Graybar Electric Co. Pool Eleotrio Co. Eleotrioal Engineering Co. Clallam County Fair Palmer Electrio Co. City Treasurer Puget Sound Junk Co. P " II Floyd Barnett " ' II " ' " Byron Winter , Pegram Electrio Co. Bartley Traoy Thrift Market Modern plumbing and Heating Co. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Gate- City Maohine Shop Puget Sound Navigation Co. Evening News W.W.Ebbett lil..... september 14 Bonds for L.I.D.No.145 Labor' b Lightb Fund Ind.lns.&:Med Aid Federal Tax Poles Water lrre1gh t Power Bill Freight Repairs Repairs Addressograph ribbon Tire repair Repairs 011 Gas Repairs Supplies Stamps Matches SUpplies Pens Lamps Rent Rent Rent Servioe Expense Claim Lumber Flashlight,eot. Repairs 2 Slice Bars Transformers Meters Meters Meter seals Screw Knobs Socket maohine sorews Dry Paste Water Heater,eto TheI'lllostats Fuel attaohment Heater Range switoh Inset for Peroolator Peroolator part Spring Con ta~ t Range Broiler pan Range Motor part Range Clooks Cirouit breaker Range Range par ts Range part Timers Thor part Units SWitoh SWitoh SWitoh Dus t Bag Sewing Maahine parts Rent tor booths Cabinets Filing fees Stove parts stove parts Wiring for range Conneotions Wiring for range Wiring for range Wiring for range Wiring for range Fuel burner Plumbing for water heater Stove pipe stove pipe Making Bearing Freight Advertising Expense claim 1Q (,. 7 I 'f 193~ 1'7 ?flf- /' li3.00 24.00 20.55 8;62 130.00 1.95 48 2.32 4834.39 4.60 19.85 3.40 4.90 1.25 45.85 5.78 48.00 2.40 29.50 3.00 .27 42.60 1.50 73.83 50.00 3.00 50~00 5.75 35.00 3.20 5.00 2.25 1.DO 290.28 80.08 55.31 2.70 8.57 6.84 .40 25.87 13.36 31.50 30.00 3.67 .75 .24 2.07 88.25 1.64 88.24 1.69 9.58 5.47 96.83 9.99 5.18 15.90 . .80 43.79 1.6b 3.26 2.27 2.58 1.8'1 24.00 42.87 4.50 4.76 3250 35.00 .60 25.00 26.20- 25.00 30.00 15.00 17.68 6.35 4.38 2.00 7.38 54.75 15;00 I I I I I SeJltember 14 Proceedings of the City Comm.~~iol! ~f 'the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193L "'lIll 63 1 Jess Eaton City Treasurer A.R.Clark Ethel Osterhout George M. Baker Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. Jennilu Norris Harris & Sehuller Gaylord Bro's Ins. l.C. tibrary Fund Wood Light & Water Bind.ing books Extra help Wood Service Petty Cash Repairs SUpplies Park Fund 1 J.C.Breitlauoh E.A.Thomas City Treasurer Nattinger Bro's City Treasurer H.P.MaNutt Labor & Material Rspairs Assessment L.I.D.No.138 Tools,eta. Light II Water 'Repairing rakes There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 7l~n71~~ City Clerk 1 I I ;f(o!J~ Mayor 1tl-7~ 1?11- 18.00 9;98 44.20 17~50 33.00 4.25 3.82 5.80 ll.OO 5.85 8;75 84.20 15.95 ll.68 .75 ..-ll