HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/14/1949 582 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 14 194!L IThe Commission met in regular session at 10 A. M.J and ViaS called to order by Mayor Feeley. .The officers ; present were: Mayor Feeley, Comm::.ssioners Robinson and Taylor J and Clerk Law. , :.IMinutss of the previous session were read and approved. ,Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were approved. BUILDING PERlJITS: 1'1 <150 "~ Arthur Thompson~" Construct garage, Lot 11, Blk. 51, Tovmsite Stanley Yoder Remodel dwelling, Lot 8, Blk. 29, stratton Sub. Jack Del Guzzi Construct 5 room dwelling, Lc'" 18, Blk. .346, Toymsite Gus Fant Remodel dwelling, Lot 17, Elk. 87, Tovmsite Stanley Yoder Construct 5 room dwelling, Lot 5, Elk. 102, Carters School District No.7 Addition to existing building, Blk. 259, TO\7nsite H. O. Boyd Construct 4 room dwelling, Lot 19, Blk. 4h2 John H. Yahn Construct 7 room dwelling, Lots 13, 14, Blk 239, Townsite I:IG. F. OBerg Construct Garage, Lots 25, 26, Blk. 56, P.S.C.C. Sub of Sub. Lot No. 23 50.00 "Ruth Young Construct 5 room dwellin~, So. fl Lots 19, 20, Blk. 2.53, Tnst.7,500.00 ':Frank Foy Reroof House &: garage, Eh' 19, &: lot 20, Blk. 93, Tovmsite 300.00 1500.00 300.00 6000.00 300.00 9000.00 1000.00 1500.00 5000.00 LICENSES : 'M. &: C. Tavern II 11 0,) 11 Amusement ~~chines . Mus i c Me. chine Skeeball Machine S oft Drink 48.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids for construction of a 'I'as follows: A. Contesti, $1721.75. It Vias moved by Commissioner IbY Conuaissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the hoad of new business, notice gfaH~g~~g valuation for the year 1949, County Boards of Equalization wns submitted by the County Assessor as follows: drain from E. Street Reservoir were opened I Taylor that the bid be accepted. Seconded, j as returned by the State and I Mr. J. E. Law, City Clerk ;Dear Sir: In compliance 1I'rith statutes governing, I herewith submit the total assessed'valuation of all Real and Perscnal Property in ClaHam County, for the Year 1949, as returned by the State and County Boards of Equalization, as allotted tc the City of Pcrt Angeles, to-wit: City of Pcrt Angeles. - $ 8,8134,761.00 Respectfully submitted, A. J. Cosser, County Assessor, By S. W. Blaurock, C'llief Deputy. lIt was regularly moved and seconded that the foregcing nctice be filed. Ilotion carded. , A petition requesting that west Seventh Street in the Ei@;ht Hundred JJlock be opened and graded, was referredj to the Engineering Department. The Bra;;ier Constructicn Co. requested in writing that time be extended fer ropair cf the eeiling in the newl Fire Hall to ccnform with specifications as per c1l>ntract. The request was referred to Commissioner Taylcr. The Park Board submitted results of dral:1ingJ fixing length of terms of service for each member as foillilinl"vlS: , ICi ty Commissioners, City of Pcrt Angeles, September la, 1949. Gent lemen: You may wish to incoroprate in your minutes the fact that the Park Board at its first meeting Thursday September 8, '49, drew lots to determine the length of terms of its members. The results Were: Mr. E. Fleener, Mes. L. C. Burt, Mr. A. G. Johns, One Year T\'10 Years Three Years Very truly Yours, Eli~beth Burt. file a.! I I i~t was moved by Commissicner Rcbinson that the foregcing infcrmation be incorpcratod in the record and ,Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted ~'e. I,lotion carried. Jack DelGuzzi appeared before the Comission requesting permission to connect a lateral S8'i'.rer ,.lith the trUnk 1 sewer at 9th and l1ashington sts. The request was granted if connection is made according tc specifications I as fixed b the En inesrin De artment. -......;1I.:(. 'J;,:, "Ilid;kr~" 1\011<(> I" 111 (I V gl\lll S,-""l('d hl(l~ 1\111 I,. Jecu\cd 1.1\ thl' III lltl,. .\11\ hI' IPIIJ\('llln the rll"I' It'\. ~IClk of till' Cltv of ['ort Comnissioner Tavlor requested that bids be published for V:~l;-lIl~~1 ~:~I (:III~~tl vi ~~I~t\,tm~;CI~~ 1 l\lll~d~~ l~\ ,:~;:' 'I~I'~{I~()~E I~ti~~l:~~ d;;~ digging approxhnate ly 2000 lineal fret of trench for water l'l41 ilL III f\.1l1 nnd not la.tel.:\t IIHl~ oftl<fe l)( 11,\ (11\ Il(!rk o( I nrt ~ I oH!('(> of tlH- l'll' cl('-Ilt Jil[ 1M C-u'lr, \11g-. '''''. "rl"ll fl.t tll(' Clt) Hall M mains on Lauridsen Boulevard from Vine street to Linco.Ln ~'~I~'OII~n-~\l\';.('t :al;i.a(c~t\n&t~l\\' R~~~\~ :-; l\~lf f \~\~II '11I1'I'tnl,II1,f'(1 IS tM rlf.rr- street. Bids to be opened September 28. c-:mtllmplntf'1] IS fnl Ul.. pxtE'lli'itOll ~l:lll~ uC apIJlflxlllHlteh ZOllO ]111 fl p[ tl1.. Jln :-;U"'l't 1111111, ~('l'>~r of u('lllh ('I '.<lter m.II11S 'll 11\~i:l~l\:~;1\~I\I',\., :~:,tI~Y~~~ /~~']I)I(t~~~i [:~:,~\:,~]II;,:~\1:l:";\11111~1::l~~()1~1;:1'1~~~('t1~: It was also requested that b~ds be published for extension All bid/< /<11>111 J>, llcU>l11llU IIp,l 11~ light t, <'"J"d 11 \ 01 f\11 h <1.. of the Pine Hill trunk salver from the alley between 12th II ~~:~;~lf~\~(];~;.;<;,}~.~~t~::;!;~:~~1~~!~')' ] "cn,],":] ~;,.'(',';, 2'1",,';'"'' :~~v~~~~ ~~r~::~l~~i:nP~~~t l~~. La~~~~S~~ ~~u~;::~, S:~. I ,]i< ,..., 28th. It was moved by CO!:'JnisGioner Taylor that the said 'Dids be published. ~lr1;~I'~:;:l~~:~.a'~L!i.~I.i;~\:t~~7:~1(~:~;:~f'~~~L;:! Seconded by Connissioner Robinson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. "h];~~'i,1;~(11i.~:ll1 tr::E'li,~~\:\~\~lll.~( ~~;;~;; r\1;~ lIo:<iI illj<,' 1111' /'I UI1 I "f $;;.1)1.1, Wlli('ll.'lU.'U The Commission exa.."'Ilineu and approved the fol101.ving claims J and ordered l'mrrants wltl he ".,ruthll"l trl>~lle l~HI~!oI ;~llll issued in payment of the same'. ~:]!::~'::f,~f:;~~;t'H~i:t.;~~v~i;:t"'~: , l'ub\\:dH"I: ~{'lll. ll;, ~:>, 1!l4~1 I I I I I I I I 583 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Sanitation Fund: i Earl Davidson II Peni::::J.sula Sand & Gravel : City stroot Dept. ILittle - Holm Tire ,Co. 1:2 I Park Fund: 5''17. ~ I Jamesliii:rdware Ccmpany Supplies 'Viray /,: Raber 4 keys Ip~geleS Pittsburgh Paints Enamel Harris & Schu~ler Chimney Flashing, Roof Plate, ete, ,City Treasurer Taxes /,: Assessments on Lots 14. 15. Vlillson Hardware Cc. Light Globes I Cit,' street Dept. Gas Parking Meter! Traffic Control Fund: If.:J.~ I Graybar Electric Co. Amber Lenses Willson Hardware Cc. Tar DjJppers I Olympic Stationers Stencils, Brush City Treasurer , Postage i Thompson Studio. Photos for Traffio Float Ci ty Stroet Dept. Gas /,: Oil I, I ,Vater Fund: City street Dept. 'Fredericks Electric ; Nason Cafe I I PIO A. Eirening 1'Jey!s State 'l'reasurer 1 Light Fund: ,'8tiite Treasurer Fitchard's Asscciatod Service I P. A. Evening News Paciaic Tel &: Tel Co. General Electric Supply Corp. J.lTs. SOOll Rand Graybar Electric Co. Rayonier t Inc. : Rrank Pollow OlJlll1pic Electric Co. ,Angeles J,(achine &. Welding Wcrks _.. ~~..,-~...__._. ,.m _ I Current Expense Fund: III.~ Olympic Tribune - City Street Department :Vallsen Hardvmre Co. R. O. Ide ,Viray &: Raber K. & K. Fine Foods I, Radio Service Appliance Co. 'Little-Holm Tire Ccmpany Harris &: Schuller Radio Service Al1plinnoe Cc. The Converse Co. ,City Street Fund: /fI> ~,-f.!.. Ja:iiies Hardvra;:e'Company Harris &: Schuller ~G. &: W. Fire Service jAntono Smith's Grocery Olympic Seed Co. Little-Holm Tire Co. 'Angeles Radiator Shop :2 7'7. ,/9 I ;JgS',~ 'ojd/$.~ September 21. 19JiL continued Legal Publications Gas &: Oil Duplex Receptacle lfi.leage for August Repair of Camera Dog Heal Vibrator Tire Repair Labor /,: )~aterial Radi 0 Tube Firo alarm gong 11.19 7.40 .64 42.21 2.22 5.96 4.33 2.83 10.20 1.08 23.51 Nails Elk. Iron Pyrone Fire Extinguisher, Fluid, etc., Paper TOlilSil:s, Boraxe I Cleaner Lime Tire Repairs Repair 12.36 .31 9.07 10.65 60.30 22.88 48.41 Car llileage. August Gravel for dump Gas &; Oil Truck Repairs J et c. 39.06 25.75 151.08 58.60 Gas &: Oil Wiring Meals for vlOrkman Adv. Tax i 7.10 I 1.44 I 15.26 6.23 16, Blk 223, Tnst. 50~. 76 6.65 I 3.66 14.08 1.21$ 2.73 , .53 ~ 12.36 i 11.23 I 80.90 65.95 5.72 1.02 1231.50 1886.,34 3.09 .84 l1;;!iO'l 4,9.?~ j' 207.65 '] 196.09 2.06 !I 130.00 Ih.99 15.45 Tax Tube Adv. Pole contract rents Reel, Compound, FO.ses Poles Heters Tape 1loving Sub Sta. Fi tt ings Shcp Tlcrk I ~ I. Revolving F\111d: I.~ 'Olympic 7ribune Notice - Sale of Property 1.26 I I ,L. I. D. General Fund: /o.~ 1 lCiJ..ympic Tnbune - Publication, Improvenent Resol utian No. 152 10.114 I I There being nc further business, the session was declared adjourned. I I I I c~ty Clerk a 2_;t~_ () ~j/1L?'''M .....