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Minutes 09/15/1926
Ie.. -66 :,' ~! ~. $: ,; .; i ;coi.,', ,',,- . Proceedings of the City COmmission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington /<Jt P::J~II\ / S'-k- 192~ [_n___ _ :t~~~-~.~~.-~0--~ --AdJ.vujS~.<VIJ <l,"",-~ e.~~~ -r,:-dLLut- ~_ lJ. Ii ~-LJ>\A.de --1\...U ~~At(R~"~~ t-.~l"-~1 i~~<--"-" -- uu~-L .' ._}y..~ -:JJ-!- L\..-a-I(. --- ~ O/'Y\m" ~/'l ~ <...-y..CA-{}. J.LJlu. f-~ <.Vv- ~ {l) t.."~~r.JI.'vv, _ c.4'~-lCc-~-=L:- ~~ <~~~. h~. fot."", -<",(.. I'-v-\ .t~-<.\.<<, _ 61."--:--,>-\~, \~~. __ .._ __ __ __ .__ __________ ~~~"'n-i---rl:.. JA- ~_"rv_.'Ldz_~u~-<"~ --a..g1~L-.~~, ....------ "-'- - ..--- -------...-- .. ------.-.----...------. .---.. .__.,-.. ~ >'--'~--"'~'_..- ......-. ---,. --. ...- _.__.______ ~\liL- __ 1A/Y\ wn~"'~_4 _ {---lie. -,t~m- ..;,~:.,.. ,~nLrd:L e o-LV""'-:C ~AJ L --::~y,"" -n_ ~ ,,-,,-=-,:T-.'"<-,9J:::... -Q ~- ^---^-,,~f:~~. .40 -'~-- 2.0 _ t.i.m-e1., If'., _evv....~."-._~_L~-L~I L.(_2~-,Ji'L. _1k~~ -JS'."'6-~~rrl-..1 I~ ..~~-~?-- 0-:::~_~'~~_____n _______ _ ___n__________ __~__:_=_~-&-~G~ 1---~~/V~~~~~-~a.'~:~;j ~~~jj-=:;~LL~eL0- H~"'----"^-- _.J-'L"'~""-.-f~-u, f..,:t.,t_:c~~ 6,-~-=~-1 S' 8, _~.c<:~ Jloc co_ ___.~----:J~CL. -i-~U'c~:1-~'V\.~" n.J~<- .f:~" _=Us_ J~L~J--V:?_ <<- ... =V-'Ll::Yn..::\- ~{- (\ O-J\.lT?---X - ~~ --~ - ./L L-o--~ -- "-'^- ~ _ .--,--<-u..~L-R -~t,-.t.-L1 t~ -----.----.- ---.~------.. ----~- 1;'~.T\:- OF .r;;:,;-,.'~~;RLF:5 r~~~~ j [, .' """"OTJuR"'<'1t!ll'lr<'~ ~qtlce a Ja'~ herrb)"h.:irl;'en~u..At 1 tho I ------' -..----- --------~---------.----- - .~~:~I~~~~~~~~ ~rtot~~~~~~\:r, :;~~~ plclI' Wharf Cumpan,.-," a Corporatlonl the/, tollowlmt . del!lcl"'lbed _ portion' or -- JtaUroad A'"enuc In the ell;)" DC Port L ~=~::'~~.~~b':~;-~:;~'~~~ ~~W~d ?r A \~~:u.;~~~A~hrh~hP~u~.:~~e.r~)~ f . :::'T;I{:~ lJl~18~:~~:!t.,f}t-:,~i J~~~3~:ll \\r~~: i ________~,_.__,_.____.___.._ _ _ _ _ ____. __ _I ~~:~~~t~~~lJ[~.t~ri~.II.f~nJ~t:.;lf~~t~~; . bno ruull,lr"od -feot. thenc;e nurthfirl)-" 1I. I dlitl1nee bf fifteen ~ feet to point or f~~~nun~;:ibb~:;~n: ()~,' \Ig~t HO:..b~I-Z~~ --..--.---..----..--.-..-.---...-- ----- - ----1 :~.ffi~~to~~:~~')O~~II~lt:~~~ T,,~~t (~l 1.':U4fel Slr-oot. In '_Imid OIL)", for tho punmlu.~ 'or erectln~ :u1I1 . mttlntarnlnR' n." wnNl'hoUft." thf't"OOn. ani) -! for' U1Q . ! uu., and_ pUI"(IOll08S tlecllllmr)- Dlulln- ~h~~ltht:?tpe:ii~~ i-~J~t~r;'~j - - - -- -- - H::-6? ~~~h~he",~~~;1Il):r~':art"tt~~~m~~1'i;1 Dolbr. provtllc.) that thp ;t:~nthl.to I l ~.:;~~~~ ti,l~e1"lie;~r ~:s~~:':1l~i itl~l~uctl~;~ : -- - - - ---~--- -- ~- ~---- <or Purt ~\nJ:chlR al 1h~~~pibtfOh orl flvl!. }'cn1"8 froID. Mid ~ ;~~~ '~~~J:lmIO~u~~;:1~. --- -- - ~------------- - ---- - .~~6 ~~]I I:;'.:l)m~~ ~fn~J~i~}(Hlt~e.a ~61~ I ,~~'r~(~.UI Railroad .~' Un-JL^\ _::H'L __ - G L lL J.-~ __~i\~-.LLv~ _ <IN>-\S?'v~ ~ ~ lJ /[ L" ~'oL~. __ cfh...-_n,~~~~ --d~~-":'l~) L_ - .t0c.-~1 ~--~Yn<r---~":\=--b J' ~-.,~-- .~ri jL-.~a.Lr.~:-Ll.aA~~-~tt~_ ~~JCCL~3~..LR'-~t'~ --"t~~.~t'~-~tLiO-: (r,,~-t _ ~~~L ^-~JL-~~11.-~vl::~-~A-".,\l.k~;_,it;t-~1 h p~ d. <:~ ~L_Lt~'1 .""ccA.>>~.~~, ~,' tt'::;j' t,".u L'm,:1~d,~, ~cdc:~l.~~ -"~~JI t-r--Vt~_d.~~ik~un;'~~~> cu.-d-t-'~OI--J~~-~ UL<L-V>.<?-\i:~>Y'<-1~~ ~^'-~'^'~ --'r,j~:fl:L - ~'(A)Vl~--:j" ng )(r~-J- ~ -"i-~~.t;;~~-- -- ~dc~:'G/"""llLJ~_ ~...vr.-.~~_._ __._______. .___ _ . ____ -.~- -- - -----~ -:+-t_ __'l.v", tl0'0 ~~ _ _~ _ {_~fu __~b<y--,-..~~~ I u___m -~":~<t/>)C\;' '-'-'7~ _-~ _ _~~ .:.t"~ ~~_"--C~~,l't. "-J.-.~ J,.WJ.z ._~AL...... i~~~~~.~~' --=JLj9~'.=~~b_~=,;t;~::=.=