HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/1937 ,.. 522 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Sept0mber 15. 1937 193_ IThe Commission met in regular session at 10 A,M. and vms called to ord',,' by l,!8yor Da'lis. Roll call showed the followin.,' offieers present: Uayor 'uavis, Commissioners Henson 'lnd Masters am Clerk Hawkins. I The minutes of the previous se?sion wer~ read and ap]roved. City Attorney, ',1m, J. Conniff, having been granted leave of absence on vacatinn, the Commissi~n designated Stanley A. Taylor actin~ City Attorney durin~ his absence. Under the head of Applicaticlns ~or Buildin(; Permits 3nd Licenses thJ fall 01'; in", Vlere I gran ted : Sig Lar80n, Build House, Lot 8, Blk. 16.1" "oYIDsite Earl L, Caskey, Remodel .louse, J 30' of Lot J;a4; 14 & 15, Blk. 119, ~own8ite Sig Larson, Build Dog Hospital, Lot 6, Blk. ~7, N. 1. Smith's Subd. Olympic Forest Cafe, Restaurant 10(10.00 150.0(' 1 4000.00 15.00 I I Under the he ad of Introducti on of Resolutionc the folloVl ing r~solu ti on W>lS introduced: R3S0LUT lOll VIHE1EAS, the Jity of Port Angeles is the OViller of the follovling described real property, having ac~uired the same by Treasurer's deed dated September 11, 19~?, uni3r and by virtu~ of the authority of ~ection 9,)93 of Remington's Revised Statutes, L:hal'ter 143 of the I Laws of 19G9, page 365, to-wit: Lots Eleven (11) an,j Twelve (12). Block Four Hundred Thirty (430), of the Government Tormsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, ':la~hinc.:ton, and ';IHE:J.EAS; Pete" McGof" has offered to llUrchase from the City of Port ~nF~l"s th~ above described real prJperty for the sum of ';;100.00, ;,ayable as follows: i15.rO on the first day of October, 19\7, and ,110.00 on the 1st day of each anil every mur~th thereafter I until said .)lOO.~O has been paid in full, toge'her with inter :st on r:lOn1hl,' balsnces a t the ra te of 71' pel' alillum, and, I ':IHERSAS, the City "ommissivn has viewed the said property and is of ,the opinion that the offer is f'lir value and is ill excess of thp. 8CI10unt paid by the "ity for said lots, plus all L.I.D. assessments, inclujin[; interest and other char~ps a.:,inst the snme, NO"/, THBR'\FOR':, BE IT rt,30L'ED That said offer be aecellted an:! that t~h~ ';it" of port Angeles sell the said propert,' at private sale to the said Pet~r BcGoff for th, sum hereinabove set forth, oubjec+ to any other valid li-3ns against the s'tme; that th" Jity ...ttorney be inst~'ucter1 to rrepare a quit cl8.im dqe-1 conve~,in-:: sai1 ~'ro:;:ert~' to the purch>iser, and that tho, City Jlerk 01' the Cit:r of Port An!,'ell'9 be an,} h~ i8 her~by instructed to exe'~ut., said "uit claim dnd, ,nr! that the l.!a,'or of th,co ''''ity of Port Angele, be and he is her'Jby instructed to c_utersi'7Jl sni-! quj+ cliim deed, when the purchase price ani ,.11 accrued interC1st ther ,on has boen p01.i1 in fu~l. It was movGd by Commi3s'ioner Henson thr,t the foree:oin~ r'solution be gr!ort~d. Second'd by Commissioner ],"asters. On roll O<1n ul1 members voted aye, The },layor decl~r91 the motion carried. The Commis8ion examiner1 m 1. allovled the folloYlin' ~l aims and order.,a war ,-ants dra"1n "or same: CURR'~IlT E:.:?_El!3E r,-mlD ll. A. Masters Olvrnnic Stationers .. n- II Expense ..d.C ..:ount Supplies " 19.33 ,60 1.05 GF.5r 1.('1" :\.75 3 \.11(' ASGocia~ed Oil Co. Glenn's Service Station R. O"Jen Haro ld ThoM:,son Gas Oil .f..:;ej Killer ~xtra Firel'nn " ~1 - QI l'y .~'l'REET FUlID Standard Oil Co. Fran}: llacdonald & :ion J Johnson & Bor~ Oil Rellairs l'r,int, etc. 15.78 4.00 ~8. 71 b.g t.I:i ':/,\T:::n FUND Li~ht Dep9.;,tment Port dngeles Concrete Products _0. SeattlG Pl~mbin~ Sup~:y Go. Olvmnic utntioners Ly;ail -;lelding & For::;e ~'orks Grange\Yar~l,ouse Co. Johnson & Bark !.\o tor Oil Draftsman 1 s i'a~es !,\a tel' ial s Uaterials & ciupplies Bluep:-in ts Shan ~7or k Gra;'s Seed Pai n t 7.70 9(' .%8 1".71 115.07 -J- ' .94 '\-- 5.60 l. 'V .77 v ,,:,.87 LIGHT FlfND Port finge19s Evening News Blackburn I'rintin" Co. Byron './in ter Ci tv Treasur,::r SOMd 1!:lec tric Co. VI. P. 0' j)~" Johnson & Bork Advertising Meter Bills 1,Ia teriD ls Miscellaneous cCash P8yme:"_ ts Fixtures Compiling Reports Pa int 95.03 20.15 19.84 14 .~5 ,.60 5:;.50 1. 05 "1l.. ../ ~\O ~ I I I I I Septcnber 15, 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 523 " Grange ':/archouse Co. Puget Sound Powcr & Li::;ht Co. Fer tilixer Powe:, 13i 11 GUJ.R.'.n:cY FillID Taxes I City Treasurer AC ~IDET;T FUIID E1gar Hixon For DamaGes Th~:ee beinc no further business the commission then /J?7YJ~ ~ , I City Clerk I I I adjOUrn~.D~ 7'f; Ma~'or 2.86 5,598.28 89.08 250.00 ~