HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/1948 480 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 15. 19~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and vras called to order by Mayor Epperson. 'I'Ie1:'e: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson, and Clerk Law. iMinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Officers present I I I I Under the head of applications Building Permits: of.. ,H.' B. Thompson o. Norman Kennedy I ) ~ Wayne Welch Jack Del Guzzi Jack Del Guz zi Henry Talmadge M.. W. Almaden W., H. Riley Harry Hendrickson Mary P. Martin .s'/ ,n:.icenses: <\to Audett Hotel Marine Drive Lunch tt U III for building permits and licenses, the following "[lere granted: Build garage, E'~ 19 &,20, Blk. 4, Cains 18, fuild porch, Lot 10, Blk. ll4, Townsite Remodel, Lot 8, Blk. 86, Townsite Build 5 room Dwelling, Lot 3, Blk. 227, Townsite Build5 room dwelling, Lot 4, Blk. 227, lIlownsite Build garage, Lot 4, Blk. 34, To,msite fuild addition, tot 15, Blk. 5, P.. S. C. C. Remodel Dvrslling, Lot 17, Blk. 204, Townsite Remodel Dwelling, Lot ,9, Blk. 107, Townsite Repair Dwelling, Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 65, P. S. C. C. 750.00 150.00 7"".00 5QQQ .00 5000 .00 150.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 500.00 Hotel Operator, Restaurant Operator Soft Drink 29.00 12.00 : 5.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids for construction of a building to house the diesel generator wera opebed as follows: Jack Del Guzzi, $6,975.00; Byron A. Campbell, $7,422.00; Sig Larson, $7,512.00; GordoJi Lynch, $8,258.17. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the bid sulxnitted by , Jack Del GUZQ for $ 6,975.00 be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , ltO!l'1C1: 'l!O IDD:BB.S Notll"l' I::: here-by given tha.t blrl.~ ': ~'~lIth~e a~el;ldp:it l~~ef~; ~i~rh~ Bids for industrial fencing and installation were also opened as follows: Owens Il.n.",n, at the CHy Hall 0' ,,'d CIty, BrOS., $4,496.00. It VIas moved by Commissioner Steele that by recommendation of ,I~~: J:,tet94~~flt~ ~~;~~[Ot'f~~"th~e~;l~~t Light Supt. Lean, the one bid be rejected, and another call for bids be published, 11))cP&rtmcnt Ilppr()ximatc]y 110011ne,Li '1~fJ\a~ffl~f~~UBtt~I~\fgg;:]~~t:~db~a~~~ to be opened Sept. 29. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion 'emher 1, 19~8, SpeclficatiO'll,!; mAY carried. I t the (JUice of the Clldcnt. The Commls- e ".ht to "jeot any Under the head of new business, Harold McLaughlin appeared before the Commission regarding recreational program for 1948, and informed of expected increase for the coming year. Tha Commission complimented the instructors and athletic committee, and pledged support of the said p/;ogram. Dr. Melvin Bondelid, recently appointed chairman of the Park Board, spoke before the Commission regarding park activities, and expressed desire for continued co-operation between the Commission and Park BO?rd. I Waino Saari appeared on behalf of Front Street property owners regarding the proposed Front Street cut off; . requesting that the same be included in the 1949 budget. The Commission informed that no money is available ,in the City funds for the said l.lIIp,' rovement, and it was not tho eir opinion that a L. I. D. should be established II a t, this time. 'lIiss Norris, City Librarian informed the Commission that she plans to retire, and requested that the Librarian's salary be fixed at $3600.00 in the 1949 budget. The Commission vriil meet vrith the Library Board to discuss I the change in salary. The tentative fudget for the 1949 Health Pool was presented and ordered fUed. Lee Thomas, owner of the Windsor Rooms, he ving ICity License be, transferred to the neVI owner. IIi"" granted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. I ' ,/lotice of assessed valuation for the year 1948, IFbmitted by the. County Assessor as follows: sold beriinllerest to Wilhelmina CrIIlhman, requested that har It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the request for transfer All voted Aye. Motion carried. as returned by the State and County lJoard 'I of Equalization was I" I September 9, 1948. ~!r. J. E. Law, City Clerk, City Hall, City. I , In accordance vrith the statutes governing, I herevrith sulxnit the total assessed i valuation of all Real and Personal property in Clallam County, for the year 1948 as returned by the State and County Boards of Equalization, as allotted to the City of Port Angeles, as Follows, to-wit: I City of Port Angeles, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 8,009,165.00. Respectfully submitted, A. J. COSSER, COUNTY ASSESSOR, by S. VI. Blaurock, Chief Deputy. Under the headdof introduction and reading of Ordinances, tha following was introduced, and pleced on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. ;';;1.00 AN ORDINANCE grant:L-,g to Public Utility District No.1 of Clallam County, crown-Zellerbach Corporation and Rayonier, Inc., their successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate electric power Ilines by means of poles and vrires to be erected along certain streets and public places in the City of Port ~ngeles for the purpose of transmitting electric current. itI:t was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and 'seoond reading. ,peconded by Mayor Epperson. Ail voted Aye. Motion carried. pnder the head of introduction introduced: 'Esther L. Yaple of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the follovring was Lot 10, in Block 446, Townsite, 75.00 I Se conded It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. by Commiseioner Johnson. All voted Aye. !.lotion carried. 'I I 1 I I 48~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Sep+.ember ] 5+'h, o.<lDtin.Uf!d 19hL I I I I I ,......~..,R.._n.___ ,m. ~ lThe CoDDDission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. ~ .J .2.. ,'7 : Peninsula Prlnting Co. :Mu1tigraph Sales Agency 'I Port Angeles Evening News Allan Distributing Co. IpaOifiC Telephone &: Telegraph Co. Sohreiner Chevrolet Co. IMine Safety Appliances Co. : J. C. Penney Co. J ~ bIT S mEET FUND: S '1 i' ~ lChicago. Milwaukee I< St. P. Ry City Treasurer IAllan Distributing Co. Iwestern Tractor &: Equipment Co. lWATER FUND. I ~(. .1..3 IAutomotive Parts Service Harris &: Schuller I Glass Specialty Co. i Columbia Ribbon &: Carbon Co. 101ympic Printery ~Paoifio Telephone &: Telegraph Co. ,'Hooker Electrochemical Co. : .?,t; (LIGHT FUND: 7" , jPaCifiC, Telephone &: Telegraph Co. Allan Distributing Co. jCarl W. Price Glass Specialty Co. Port Angeles Evening News I City Treasurer Beyd's Wood Specialty Co.- :IPeninsula Electric ' Filion Jewelers Graorbar E1e ctri c Co. j'i i SANITATI ON FUND: If ,HErrls &: Schuller I PARK FUND: 11 (1 ,Pacific Telephone &: Telegraph CO. II He.rris I< S chulle r ,Allan Distributing Co. ITaylor Heating &: Plumbing Harold Hibbs Plumbing &: Heating 'I . " P. M. &: T. C. FUND: <"'Go - 'Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Paper 100 Duplimat Masters Publication Gas and Oil Service 872-800 Car Supplies Sheet s and Case s Freight Express Gas. oil, Parts ete. Parts Flat Bar Repairs Ribbons Supplies Phone Chlor ine Phone Gas Washing Cars Repairs Advsrti s ing Cash Payments Cross Arms Wiring Material Repairs Derrick Repair Radiator Service Sheet Metal Oil El and Reducer Septic Tank Cleaner .- 'I" CUMULATIVE RESERVE..- CURRENT EXPENSE: I (J"" ~ 'Chiarelli &: Kii'k Revised Drawings Balance on Police Car !There being no further business, the session was deolared adjourned. (). c. ;;t.~. rJ City Clerk I...)tl,l issued in pa;yment of s!lllle: 'I 18.07 10.021' 1.50' 225.03 m.5~ 166.42 22.66" 41.77: 214.041 1.87, 353.64 28.811 30.33 .74 2.471 h4.80 , 11.59 2.50' 33.90 II 83.76"' 48.55: 8.00 19.57: 2.87' .74 61.4111 9.47 3.09 473.80,1 11.3d , 3.00 2.73 4.721 1.32', 5.41- I 266.79 1000.001 '-c- ~J.-^-i ~- Mayor