HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/1955 "'462 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 15 55 19_u '""...""...m....".""".'"".."....,_ The City Cauncil met in regular sessian at 7:30 P.M. and was called to. arder by MayaI' Smith. Roll call af :officers revealed the fallowing present: Mayar Smith, Cauncilmen Brown, Neer,. Sandisan, Matthieu, Wolfe '8.nd McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attarney Severyns and Clerk Law. i It was moved by Councilman Brawn that minutes of the previaus meeting be approved. Secanded by Cauncilman Walfe and carried. , I. - Onder the head af un'finished business, the bid by Del Guzzi CanstructianCa. to. repair and remodel the City Building was cansidered. Architect Field discussed revised specificatians showing change in front entrance :from ariginal plans. Martin Prasalowiz submitted bid far the ,entrance alteratian wch was more than Architect's estimate. It was, the apinion af Manager Vergeer that revised plan far entrance shauld be ll.ccepted ar the original plan deleted. It was maved by CauncilmanNeer that revised plan for frant entrance be approved and included.. Seconded by Councilman Sandisan. All vated !rye. Motion ce.rried. I - . Architect Field reviewed bid analysis as previausly requested and in his apinian the repair and exteriar bartian afcontract cauld be dane first, thereby hav;ing funds. availab;Le in two. budgets. Tatal af cantract as revised wauld be $28,320.00 less tax. Hr. Vergeer infarmed that tinancing is no. prablem althaugh the ~ttarney advised keeping cantracts within b)ldget apprapriations. It was alSo. the apinian af Mr. Field that the bid being more than ariginal estimate, an~sis shaws it is'nat aut af arder accarding to labar and material casts. It was moved by Cauncilman Brown.that cantract be awarded as revised with necessary ~ravisians to. canfarmwith bndget apprapriations. Motian secanded by Cauncilman Matthieu and carried. t " . Pursuant to. publicatio.ns, the hearing an final assessment roll far L.I.D. No.. 168 was o.pened. There haVJ.ng I been no. abjectio.ns made o.r filed, it was maved by Co.uncilman HcFadden that the hearing be closed, assess- . I ment roll approved and referred to. the City Treasurer far callectians, and the City Attarney instruc~ed to. I prepare an Ordinance confirming the same. Motian secanded by Cauncilman Wolfe. All voted !rye. MatJ.an carried. The Engineer infarmed that actual cast af. the praject was less than estimate by approximatel3' 1$28 to. $.32.00 per lat an lats assessed for bath curb and gutter and sidewalks. I . . Mayar Smith read camplaint filed by Cnackaert and Lundgren regarding delay in Front Street impravement, same having clased their skating rink, and requesting definite date as. to. when. they can get sewer ?annect- ians. After cansiderable discussian between the City Engineer, Foreman Stan Faster and the camplaJ.ntants, it was decided that the l4a;rar, l-lanager, City Engineer and Hr. Faster would meet Friday at 10:30 a.m. to. consider temparary cannectian. Cauncil cansidered easement far use af property in Morse Creek Hatershed between the City and the Federal Government. It appears that easement is satisfactary with exceptian af wards "and assigns" wch ,.{auld permit property to be transfered to. parties ather than the City. It was mou-ed.by Cauncilman NeeI' that agreement be appraved with "and assigns" stricken, thereby eliminating assignability. Hatian secanded by Cauncilman Sandisan and carried. . . The preliminary budget af estimated expenditures and receipts far the year 1956 was considered. lfilliam. I ;Jahnson af the Park Baard appeared and qeustianed and questianed salary of caretaker at Lincoln l'ark, also. ' Irequested additianal funds to. com truct fence at Cemetery. . . I :Nelsan Ha;rtnagel, Library Board, and Librarian Hodsan alSo. appeared regarding salaries and Library Cumulat- i i ve Reserve Fun:l. . After due cansideratian, certain budget i tams were fixed as fallows l' I ' Cemetery Fun:i: Clearing and fencing fram $1,000.00 to. $3,000.00 ; Library Fund:. Librarian from $370.80 to ~ElO.80 . I Travel expense left to. decisian af Library Board. . Library Cumulative Reserve: From $10,000.00 to. $1,349.00. Opinian af Council: that appropriatian can :be sullstantially increased in f\lture budgets. , i Fire, Cumulative Reserve Fund: $5,000.00 apprapriatian eliminated.' Light Funi: City Managerappropriatian increased fram $6,600.00 to. $7,000.00 far tatal amaunt annual salary af $11,000.00 ... i i - ~ngineer Ahlvers reported anceming request far remaval af Oak Street zig-zag from private praperty. It ~ppears that the structure wauld have to. be practically rebuilt and stairway connectians would be too. steep. Cauncil requested estimate af canstructian cast. I . :Cou:'-c~ cansidered easements far ingress and egress to. maintain, repair and replace waterpipe in Oakcrest AdditJ.an, the same being granted by ~lr. and Mrs. Roy E. Lieurance, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler C. Moffett, and ~. and Mrs. Perry Brackett. AlSo. Mr. and Mrs. Groaschell, grantars far the same in Alderwaad Acre ,Tracts, both being adjacent to. .the City af Port Angeles. It was moved by Cauncilman Brown that easements i ! be approved and title to. water main accept",d. Seconded by Cauncilman Matthieu. All vated ~e. Matian i icarried. 1 I Fire Chief \'Ialvertan requested transfer of $600.00 framlndget item af Captains Salaries to Valunteer Firemen. Manager Vergeer recammended refusal as t his. was nat the intent af the ariginal budget appropriatian. I It was maved by the Cauncilman 11cFadden that request be rejected. Secanded by Cauncilman ~Ialfe and.. carried. Cauncil cansidered applicatian by Earl D. Bennett and C. W. Hinkley far license to. aperate two cabs as the City Cab CampaIV. The applicatian cauld not be cansidered until JanUl.ry 1 ;men the present permits as provided by Ordinance will have expired. ~ Claims against fixed estimate casts' in Local Impravement Districts were filed as fallows: ! Current EJcpenaa Fund, 1954 Pqrolls chareable to. L.I.D. No.. 167, $3,592.53 Robert Clawsan, crew car far August, L.I.D. Na.l68,. _ . 14.98 It was lIlOU'ed by ?auncilman Hatthieu that fixed estimate claims be appraved and warrants issued an respective 'L.I.D. CanstructJ.an Funis in payment of same. Hatian secanded by Cauncilman ~Ialfe and unanimously carried. ~ . . . IThe City Treasurer filed far. appraval, financial repart far the manth af August. Also. filed was repart af the Palice Department and the Palice Judge showing $2,504.50 fines callected in August. It was moved ',by Cauncilman Matthieu that reparts be accepted and placed an file. Secanded by Councilman Brawn. All roted ~e. lfutian carried. ,Cauncil cansidered aptian an the Jahnsan property in Peabady gulch at Fifth Street, alSo. right-af-way 'from W. S. Loucks, bath being in cantemplatian af Peabady fill an Fifth Street. It was moVed by Cauncilman ~cFadden that the Manager be autharized to. acquire aptian for riehts of wa:y. Secanded by Cauncilman Brown 'and carried. . " 1 . . I The,fallowing applicatians far beverage license renewals were filed as fallows: YJarlatts Faad Stare, Log I CabJ.n Tavern, Tradewell Stare No.. 37, P. A. Distributing Ca., Olympic Distributing Ca., Haguewood's . t Restaurant, \1est Side Grocery, Handi-Stap . Grocery , Rase's Place, Olympic Recreatian, K. an:! K. Fine Faods, I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~Al'hlnh",l' 1 5 pol:ltinued 19""'5- '"''' . '''''. .",," ,,"',..... '''"''"' m.. ..... , Club Biliiards, West Dependable Super Market, Tip Tap Tavern, Dan Feeley Distributar, Babe's Tavern, Lee Hotel, Carbanetti .Gracery, Enas Distributing, H. and C. Tavern.. It was mQved by Cauncilman Brown that the faregaing applicatians be appraved. Secanded, by Cauncilman Sandisan. All vated ;\ve. I Motian carri'ed. Councilman Neer tald the Council that fences an the Eighth Street bridges are in damaged and hazardous conditian and shauld be repaired: Manager Vergeer advised that the State lIighw,,", Department favars removal af the fences but they remain by public demand. Cauncilman Walfe infarmed that the CommUnity Actian Committee has two Freedam Faundatian Awards which they wauld like paced in the City Hall. Cauncil will accept the same with presentatian to. be made at the next meeting. Keith Pattersan, manager af Radio. Statian ,K. O. N. p. asked the Cauncil if they would abject at direct broadcast af Council meetings. It was the.apinian af Cauncil members that sudh broadcast would canvey false impressions. That members ..would nat feel free with apiwns and executive sessians would be re- quired. Also. if the, public is interested the meetings are apen. After.cansiderable discussian, it was maved by Councibnan HcFadden that Hr. Pattersan be invited to make. trial tape recarding af the next meeting, same to be run far Gauncil cansideratian and thereby determine if such broadcast wauld b e satisfactary. Motian secanded by Cauncilman Walfe. On roll call, Cauncilman J'lcFadden, l'1alfe, NeeI', and }~ar Smith vated A:ife. Cauncilmen Sandisan, Matthieu and Brown vated apposed. Motian carried. Under the head af introductian and reading af Ordinances, the falla>ung tTere read in full far cauncil cansideraticm: ORDINANCE NO. 1.354 AN OfIDINANCE transferring the sum af ,$140.00 .fram Travel and EKpense to Office Recards and Supplies within. the Library Fund, and the sum af $250.00 from the Department Supplies and Miscellaneaus to Elct,ra Labar, within the Sanitation Department. ' It was maved by Councilman NeeI' that the faregaing Ordinance be appraved and adapted. Secanded by CaUIlcilman Sandisan and carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1.355 AN ORDINANCE autharizing FIBREBOARD PRODUCTS, .INC. of Part Angeles, Washingtan the right to. canstruct, lay and aperate a spur ar cannec1;ing track. far. switchipg purposes alang the JIarthern portian af Third Street starting at a paint approximate~ .350 feet East of the intersectian af Third and H Street and running thence Westerly approximately 380 feet along the narthern partian af said Third Street. It was mov.ed by Cauncilman Brown that the faregaing ardinance be passed first reading. Seconded by Councilman NeeI'. All vated !rye. Matian mrried. An Ordinance prahibiting having and inhabiting hause boats as private hame, hatel ar baarding hause, within the Part Angeles Harbar, was talbled far further cansideratian. There being" no. further business, the meeting was declared adj auI'm d. ~,f:. L~ . City Clerk 7f.~~ MayaI' ' 463 ,." ~