HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/1981 I I .1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 15, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to interview candidates for the Board of Adjustment vacancy. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Quast. Members Absent: Councilman Polhamus. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. J. Pittis, M. Cleland, P. Carr, M. Campbell, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, K. Rodocker, L. Glenn. Public Present: O. Hegseth, R. Hill, W. Hatch, C. Whidden, D. Bragg. III BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT INTERVIEWS The first applicant to be interviewed by the Council was Mr. Robert B. Hill. Manager Flodstrom read Mr. Hill's letter of interest, and he was questioned at length by the Council. The second applicant, Stephen F. Pazan, could not be present at this meeting, however the Council will try and schedule an interview with him before the October 6, 1981 regular Council meeting, at which time a decision will be made. IV CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. v MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the'September I, 1981 meeting. The motion was seconded by council- man Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Quast requested a correction to Register Page No. 162, V, Items From the Audience Not On the Agenda, (d) as follows: n. . .of attractive waiting stations on or off Oak Street. n Councilman Quast also requested a correction to the spelling of Judge Von Reis' name on Register Page No. 168, XI, Council/Staff Reports. The motion to approve the september 1, 1981 meeting minutes, as corrected, was then passed by the Council. VI CONSENT AGENDA VII Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Conse~ Agenda including Vouchers of $251,989.48 and Payroll of $169,667.10. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. I 1 0830 1', NOTICE OF CALL FOR 81DS Notice is l1ereby given thot I sealed bids will be r~c:.i....ed by the City Manager of t"e CltV of Port Angeles at 140 t West Front street of said City , until :2:00 p.m. September 10, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Or1 1981 for 'urni.hi"g the o ; folio-wing equipment o"d/ol' Council that two bids were received for the Po11ce Departme matodol: (A) Port Angeles Cycle Hub, 1982 Harley Davidson Special wi 1) 0"" (1) 198\ Law En- $7,280.28. and (E) Howard's Ski Marina, 1982 Kawasaki witIHarceme"tMatorcycl~.. . , . -;. Bid sheets, speclf'cahor\s $5,472.44. However, Mr. Orton reported that Howard's Sk1 ~,and;nst,uct;on.areavoiloble quested their bid be withdrawn because they could not cornmj '<am Ma~;a" Porr;.n. Per- ~ sonnel Director, P.O. 80x price specified above for the four or five months until de 1150. PortA"gel.s. WA98362 unit. (2~~'04~~:xt;~~~ld be. mailed 10 oavid Flodstrom, City Manager. P.O. Box 1150, 1..0 West Front Street, Port Ang&les, Wa$hlngl.on 9836:2. All bids shall be opened on September 10, 198' olld tabulated for the City Council with a recommendation at1oc;:hed fOI" consideration by said COllncil in session September 22, 1981" . A cedified .check or bid bond for 5% of the amount bid shall accompany each bid. All bids "0 include delivery 1'=.0.8. Port Angeles, Washington. The City Council reserves the right to consider delivery time and to C1ccepl or reject ony or all blds or OilY part thereof. David T. Flodstrom City Manager Pub.: Aug. 30. Sept. 2. 4. 6. 1981 FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: POLICE DEPARTMENT MOTORCYCLE Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the re Finance Director Orton and award the bid to Port Angeles C bid of $7,280.28. The motion died for lack of a second. 169 I I .1 169. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 15, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to interview candidates for the Board of Adjustment vacancy. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Quast. Members Absent: Councilman Polhamus. Staff Present: Manager F1odstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. J. Pittis, M. Cleland, P. Carr, M. Campbell, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, K. Rodocker, L. Glenn. Public Present: O. Hegseth, R. Hill, W. Hatch, C. lihidden, D. Bragg. III BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT INTERVIEWS The first applicant to be interviewed by the Council was Mr. Robert B. Hill. Manager F10dstrom read Mr. Hill's letter of interest, and he was questioned at length by the Council. The second applicant, Stephen F. Pazan, could not be present at this meeting, however the Council will try and schedule an interview with him before the October 6, 1981 regular Council meeting, at which time a decision will be made. IV [ -:u9aJ~S '~:>OJ p9ljsnJ:> CALL TO ORDER '~:>OJ U!DJp p9ljSDM , ' '4D9d PUD 'UjDol ^PUDS The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood a '~JDq uOHD:>HHnD9g , 1110S dOl mON31B s9!1ddnS r;9 U9pJD!)/S4UDld Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file a . LSat'SU minutes of the September 1, 1981 meeting. The motion was see 'SLti ....ow 'B SJ!lnoJpAll man Hordyk. During ,discussion on the motion, Councilman Qual Ill!'" epo,l,'1IUOJ~::~~~~::! correction to Register Page No. 162, V, Items From the AUdie)' ~4p~~: .q~~i J.}PI>Jlll'iWS Agenda, (d) as follows: ". . .of attractive waiting stations . dlnb~ 19 Street." Councilman Quast also requested a correction to th U9~::~U'MDl Van Reis' name on Register page No. 168, XI, Council/Staff RJ d..Jll , . . 'ISat'&99 's~t$ 'D'O\ to approve the September 1, 1981 meet~ng rn~nutes, as correcte' 6UIPuOII D..JI 'OIPOZ M~N passed by the Council.. \ '1llt6'~S' 001$ ....OI.pooM ~nOllN'" CONSENT AGENDA 'wd S.~ . U"D""'Dq '1\0> ou 'atrLS' . 'OS' u.$ "ID 'ulqo. dOll' Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed ~l JOID,qol!ns 'poo"')";d"St ~;;N . , "',\01 'JDloe'! ~ v Agenda ~nclud~ng Vouchers of $251,989.48 and payroll of $169, . 'CllS6'&99 'Slat-LS' 'stES motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 'JAloe,! ,,"D 'D.Ollpoo'" JD,!II~ H"'~8 'twwow s9^OIS/6u!lD9H 09, 'Ul t-SU I I! . 00'1 dn>p'd lDd st$ 'pJO' Ie .~'''oJd~'t' 'Ip:",! .:'.!.'lwn\ HI~ Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton informing the Council that two bids were received for the Police Department motorcycle: (A} port Angeles Cycle Hub, 1982 Harley Davidson special without trade-in - $7,280.28; and (B) Howard's Ski Marina, 1982 Kawasaki, without trade-in - $5,472.44. However, Mr. Orton reported that Howard's Ski Marina has re- quested their bid be withdrawn because they could not c6mmit to the bid price specified above for the four or five months until delivery of the unit. V MINUTES VI VII FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: POLICE DEPARTMENT MOTORCYCLE Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Finance Director Orton and award the bid to Port Angeles Cycle Hub, with a bid of $7,280.28. The motion died for lack of a second. 170 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1981 VII FINANCE 1. Cont. The Council, Finance Director Orton, an cussed the two bid proposals at length. mended acceptance of the Port Angeles C this is the third time the police motor approximately $400 each time. Chief CI prefer Harley Davidson over Kawasaki, b both companies will most certainly expe future. Following the discussion, Councilman Q the bid for the police motorcycle to P $7,280.28. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck voting "NO." I 2. RELEASE RETAINAGE: OCEAN VIEW MAUSOLEU~ Councilman Buck moved the Council auth~ age to S. W. Baker Company, for work di Mausoleum. The motion was seconded by ( VIII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA 0830 NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS , NOlice is hereby given that ,sealed bids will be r..ceiv..d by th.. City Manager 01 the Ci ty of Port Angel es 0 t 140 West Front street 01 said City until 2:00 p.m. September 10, 1981 ,for furnishing the- following eqL1fpment and/or material: 1) One (I) 1981 low En. 1forc:emenl Mo'otcycle. 0: Bid .heets, 'pecificotions Clnd instructions are available from Marian i Parrish, Per- sonnel Director. P.O. Box 1 ISO, Por' Angeles, WA 98362 (206.457.0411, ext. 1171. Sealed bids should be' maited to David Flodstralt! City Manager, P.O. Box I ISO: 140 We.t Front Stree!, Port Ange'e., Washing'on 98362. All bids shall be opened on September' 10, 1981 and tabulated lor the City Council wffh 0 ~ recommendation attached for f;onside.raticn by soid Council in session September 22, 1981. A cerfilied check or bid bond 'or 5% of the amount bid sholl occompany each bid. All bids to include delivery F.O.B. Po" Ang..'es, Wasflington. The City Council .reserves rha right to consider delivery time C!nd 10 accept - or reieet eny er ell bid. or any part th..reol. i David T. Flad.lrom City Manager Pub.: Aug. 30, Sep!. 2, 4, 6, 1981' I I:hen dis- iy he recom- '!d out that l cost of my people '!age, and iin the near I tion to award ith a bid of arried with 10% retain- .netery .cried. Councilman Hordyk noted that the August 18, 1981 Informational Packet contained correspondence regarding a tire claim submitted by Mrs. sherman Iverson which was denied by the City's insurance carrier. Mrs. Iverson was backing her car up in order to position it nearer to the curb on Oak Street and, in doing so, came in contact with the metal edge of the curb which punctured her tire. The I claim was denied because Mrs. Iverson was in a red or no parking zone, and the loss was caused by her driving action as opposed to any negligence on the part of the City. Councilman Hordyk referred back to similar claims which were paid by the City, and moved the City honor Mrs. Iverson's claim in the amount of $75.98. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion the Council questioned Manager F1odstrom as to the circumstances sur- rounding the claim, and Finance Director Orton explained why the claim was denied. 'On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." Staff will draft the necessary Ordinance and subini,t it for con- sideration at the next regular Council meeting. Councilman Quast thanked the Police Department officers and the Reserve officers for their handling of the crowds at the Junior Salmon Derby, and also thanked the Parks and Recreaction Department and Light Department for beautifying the area around' .:the' Light Department building. X LEGISLATION 1. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of September 9, 1981 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Rezone Request: Ranta A public hearing on this matter was scheduled for October 6, 1981. I B. Revised Preliminary Plat: Cronauer A public hearing on this matter was scheduled for October 6, 1981. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of september 9, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 170 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September IS, 1981 VII FINANCE .. --. - ~---' 1. Cont. The Council, Finance Director Orton, and Police Chief Cleland then dis- cussed the two bid proposals at length~ Mr. Orton explained why he recom- mended acceptance of the Port Angeles Cycle Hub bid, and pointed out that this is the third time the pOlice motorcycle has been bid, at a cost of approximately $400 each time. Chief Cleland also noted that many people prefer Harley Davidson over Kawasaki, because of increased mileage, and I', both companies will most certainly experience a price increase in the near future. Following the discussion, Councilman Quast reintroduced his motion to award the bid for the police motorcycle to Port Angeles Cycle Hub, with a bid of $7,280.28. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." 2. RELEASE RETAINAGE: OCEAN VIEW MAUSOLEUM Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the release of the 10% retain- age to S. W. Baker Company, for work done on the Ocean View Cemetery Mausoleum. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. VIII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Hordyk noted that the August 18, 1981 Informational Packet contained correspondence regarding a tire claim submitted by Mrs. Sherman Iverson which was denied by the City's insurance carrier. Mrs. Iverson was backing her car up in order to position it nearer to ,the curb on Oak Street and, in doing so, came in contact with the metal edge of the curb which punctured her tire. The I claim was denied because Mrs. Iverson was in a red or no parking zone, and the loss was caused by her driving action as opposed to any negligence on the part of the City. Councilman Hordyk referred back to similar claims which were paid by the City, and moved the City honor Mrs. Iverson's claim in the amount of $75.98. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion the Council questioned Manager F10dstrom as to the circumstances sur- rounding the claim, and Finance Director Orton explained why the claim was denied. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." Staff will draft the necessary Ordinance and submit it for con- sideration at the next regular Council meeting. Councilman Quast thanked the Police Department officers and the Reserve officers for their handling of the crowds at the Junior Salmon Derby, and also thanked the Parks and Recreaction Department and Light Department for beautifying the area around ,the. Light. Department building. X LEGISLATION I. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Mayor Haguewood read the planning Commission minutes of September 9, 1981 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Rezone Request: Ranta I A public hearing on this matter was scheduled for October 6, 1981. B. Revised preliminary Plat: Cronauer A public hearing on this matter was scheduled for October 6, 1981. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of september 9, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. RESOlUTION NO. 34.ill A RESOLUTION 01 In.. City of Port Angeles .~seWn9 0 heOr-ing dot. for 0 petition to I \locote 0 portion of the easterly 20 I..ef 01 the un. named 100 foot wide right.of. way ot the west line of Porf Angeles Townsite. being parallel with cnd adjacent to i Suburban LoIS 134 and 135. WHEREAS, Ihe owner of interest in real estate abutting upon. the following sfreet hos filed 0 pefHion with Ine City Clerk 10 make vocation of 0 portion of the eoslerly 20. 'eel of the un. named 100 foot wide right-of- way Of the west line of Port Angeles Townsite, being parolfel with and adjacent to Suburban Lots 134 and 135; and WHEREAS. said pelilian . oppeors to he-va been signed . by the owners of more than . two. thirds 01 Ihe properly abutting upon Ih.. righl.ol. way lough' to b. vacated: NOW. THEREFORE liE IT RESOl VED BY THE COUNCIL . . OF THE CITY OF PORT 'ANGELES ollollows: Section 1. The petHion to make such vocation s.hall be heard and delermined by lhis Cou ncil on Ihe 3rd day 01 November, 1981, which is not more thon sixty (60) days nor less thon twenty (20) days hereofter. Seclion 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to g.ve twenty (20) days nolice 01 the pendency of -said petition according to the pro'Vi-sions of RCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the Council 01 Ihe City 01 Port Angeles Ihis 15th day of September, 19BI. Samuel J. Hoguewood MOYQr ATTEST: Morian C. Parrisn, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Ocl. 4.11. lB, 25,1981 &!NANCE NO. 2168 . I A IN C,E.Ilt I".!.-City of. . . .W~lngl proc~ll~th\ iII..".'!1 01 lurplu:S.: .......,JJn<l ,,-,.-sonol prQp*rty 01 Ih. Cily of PorI Angele., and adding 0 chopter '0 n,le 2 Ollh. Port Angele. Municipal Cod.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I OF PORT ANGelES, os ~ lollows: . Section L Property to' be I DeclGred Surplu., PriO'r to, I s.lling or otherwise di:ipollng of any city property, Ihe City \ ~I ~holl de1ermin. whether the property to .,., lold or otherwise transterred.1 II nec.nory to the further and efficient operat;on of the city. If the Council determine. the property to be no longer necessary. it may &0 declare by motion. Disposal of the prop..rty .hall Ih..n be in oc:-c:ordonce wi'th the terms of this .ordinance-. Section 2. Exception. This ordinance sholl not GPply to the following dispositions of property: (0) When the oole or other disposItion is 10 onottler governmental agency: (b) When personal property disposed 0'1 is to be traded in upon the purchase 01 0 like vehicle provided, thot the provisiolls of Sectian 3 01 this ordinance .holl be (:omplied with; (cj Wh..n the Council, by resolution, hos determined thCl' on emergency exists. . Se<:tion 3. Trade4.nl of I \ Personal Property. 1 (l) The City Council may direct either the sale or ,he ~ "trode.in" of old personal: property upon the pUf"(hase oi "neW, s.imllar personal property. (2) II the Council elects 10 trade-in used :personal property it shall include in a I coli lor bids lor the new equipment a notice that the City hos for la~e or trade.4i.n used equipment of 0 speclhc type and descriplion which will be .old or tradlKl.in on the some day ond hour 'that bids on the new equipment are opened. Any bidder on tne new equipment may include in hi. offer 10 sell, an . .offer to accept the used equipment 00 0 parI payment of the- new eql.lipme-nt pur. chase price, setting forth the I[ amount of such ollowance. (3) Pe"on. wi.hlng to bid on the purchQ$Et oi the used property only_ may submit. 0 bid for such purchase m. dependent 01 0 bid on the new equipment, (4) In delermining the lowest and be.t bid on the, new equipment. the Council shall consider the net cost to the City 01 such ne~ equipment aHer trade.," ~, allowances have ,been l deducted. (5) The City Council may oc-c.pt the new equipment bid 01 any bldd..r, withoul trading In the old equipment. ~ but may no' requlre any bidder 10 purcho.e the used ~ipment wit~out O\olrDrdi~g the bidder the new eqUIp' ment contract. (6) Th. Council moy accept go independent oHer to pl,Jrcnase 'the used equipment rother than allowing 0 'rode. in, if that is the mOlt cost elfective 10 the City. Seclion ~. Sale el Real I Property. The City Council may .el1 reol property, upon I ol1Y terms and conditions which it deems approprlote. i Seclion 5. Sole at Public ~ Auction. An sales of city- pr-ope-rty, not otherwise t t-e~e~~1 ~~~.~~~..~,,~~i?~: ~ sold' at public ouclion. The City Council may de.ermine whelher such auction shall be by closed bid, or by public auct,on. If the CouncH determines that the sale is 10 be by public auclion, Ihe City I Council .hall determine Ih.. ~Ime and location of sue" pubfic auction. .. I'; I .............. ..........IIVIl . Section 6. Advertisement of Sole. (1) Whenever city property is to be S'Otd, either by sealed bid or at public auction, the City Clerk sholl publish notice thereof once during each of two successive weeks in the official newspaper of the City. NQ1J;;e shall olso blli posted in 0 conspicuous 9'oce in City Hall. The dote of first publication shalt be a' least ten (10) days prior to the dote fixed by the City Council for the sole of the property. _ (2) The notice ot sale shoH particulorly de$cribe the property to be sold. designate the day. hour. ploce of so'e, and the method of bidding. Section 7. Transfer of Title. The title to any dty property sold 01 public auction shell not be transferred until the purchase price therefor has been fully paid. Section B. In. tergovernmental SaJe. The City Council may dispose of c:.ity property to another governmental agency, and may acquire property trom another governmental ogency by means of private negotiations. upon such terms 0$ may be agreed upon, and for such con~ siderotion os may be deemed by the City Council to be oppropri ate. Section 9. Codification. Sections 1 through 8 of this ordinance shall be codified in a new chapter in Title 2 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Section 10. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective in the manner provided by law. PASSED by the City Council at a regular meeting of the Council herd on the 15th day of September, 1981. Samuel J. Haguewood MAYOR ATTEST: Morlan C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~raig t. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Sept. 27, 1981. 171 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1981 X LEGISLATION 2. RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION: NASON 'Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 34-81 entitled, Resolution No. 34-81 I A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of the easterly 20 feet of the unnamed 100 foot wide right-of-way at the west line of Port Angeles Town- site, being parallel with and adjacent to Suburban Lots 134 and 135. Councilman Horayk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of November 3, 1981, 'and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommenda- tion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 3. RESOLUTION: AUTO ALLOWANCE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 35-81 entitled, Resolution No. 35-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establish- ing a procedure for reimbursement or payment for the use of personal ~utomobiles for official travel. Councilman Buck moved the council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." I 4. ORDINANCE: AMENDMENT TO UBC SIGN PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title ordinance No. 2167 entitled, Ordinance No. 2167 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the waiver of the permit fee for certain signs, and amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2140 and Section 14.04.020 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller pointed out that the sign permit fee will be waived if the application for the permit and installa- tion of the new sign (replacing a non-conforming sign with one which con- forms to the new Sign Ordinance) occurs prior to April 1, 1982. On call for the question, the motion was passed unanimously by the Council. ' 5. ORDINANCE: SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY I Mayo~ Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Miller outlining the pro- posed Ordinance for disposing of surplus City property. The Ordinance requires that' the Council review and approve all proposed dispositions of surplus property. The Council also determines the method of sale and any terms which are applicable. Additionally, a procedure is included for allowing trade-ins on purchases of new personal property. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2168 entitled, Ordinance No. 2168 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establish- ing procedures for the disposal of surplus real and personal property of the city of Port Angeles, and adding a chapter to Title 2 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 172 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1981 X LEGISLATION 5. Cont. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Quast, Manager Flodstrom and Attorney Miller discussed staff's participation in the public bidding process, which is allowed under this Ordinance. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. 6. ORDINANCE: USE OF MUNICIPAL PIER Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2169 entitled, Ordinance No. 2169 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing regulations for the use of the City pier and Water- front Park, establishing a permitting procedure for user groups for activities to be conducted at that park, providing penalties for violation of the ordi- nance, amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2086 and Section 12.04.020 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and repealing Section 3 of Ordinance 2146, Ordinance 2159 and Sections 12.04.025 and 12.04.026 of the PAMC. Councilman Boardman moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." 7. STATUS REPORT: DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PHASE II Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director pittis con- cerning the recent meetings between Makers, ABAM, and Lee, and the Downtown Improvement Group on Phase II of the Downtown Improvement Project. During the discussion which followed, Mr. Sy McLaughlin addressed the Council on behalf of those businesses which are on the fringe of the proposed improve- ment area. The Council and Mr. McLaughlin discussed the present memorial fountain at First and Laurel Streets, and maintenance of the downtown planters by the Park and Recreation Department. Comments were also heard from Mr. Orville Hegseth and Bill Watkins, who both submitted letters containing their opposition to the proposed Phase II improvements, and Mr. John Tangedahl, owner of a small business on the east fringe of the improve- ment area. Manager Flodstrom then reviewed the updated, suggested work items for phase II, in the order of their priority, and the estimated cost for each item. Following Manager F10dstrom's summary, Mr. Gerald Hansmire, of Makers, gave a brief presentation on the proposed Phase II improvements, using design drawings to emphasize several major proposals. The Council then discussed use of the EDA grant funds to improve and beautify the downtown parking lots: the EDA grant application and the purpose of the project as stated in the application; and maintenance of the project improvements by the City. The discussion concluded with Councilman Buck moving the Council schedule a special meeting on September 29, 1981 to further discuss this matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 8. REIMBURSABLE WORK AGREEMENT WITH PORT OF PORT ANGELES Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director pittis which explained a proposed reimbursable work agreement between the City and the Port of Port Angeles for the exchange of manpower and/or equipment to per- form work that could not be provided by their own work force. In this partiCUlar instance, the specific request involves the Port providing a 10 yard truck for the hauling of gravel in return for the City's Solid Waste Utility providing the excavation and transportation of gravel from the landfill to the Port's log yard. This cooperative agreement would enable the Solid Waste Utility to excavate the sanitary landfill trench within its present budget without additional requests for extra money. I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1981 173 X LEGISLATION 8. Cont. I Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Agreement with the Port of Port Angeles for reimbursable work. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. councilman Duncan then moved the Council approve the request for the trade of the Port's 10 yard truck for the hauling of gravel in return for the solid Waste utility providing the excavation and transportation of the gravel from the landfill to the Port's log yard. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. 9. CERTIFICATION OF AD VALOREM TAXES Finance Director Orton commented briefly on his memorandum to the Council regarding the certification of property tax levy for 1982. He explained the circumstances surrounding the $30,000 shortfall in the City's regular property tax entitlements, which is due to the late actions of the Board of Equalization in hearing appeals related to the last revaluation, and pointed out that the City may not be able to recover the shortfall. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Certification to the Cla1lam County Commissioners for the City's Ad Valorem Taxes necessary for the City Budget for the year 1982 in the amount of' $1,433,375. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 10. 1982 BUDGET PLANNING I Throughout the months of July, August and September, the Council has been establishing goals and objectives for 1982 and beyond. A list of 22 goals has been established, in four categories: Transportation, Community Develop- ment, PUblic Safety, and Finance and Administration. At this meeting, the Council prioritized the goals and objectives as follows: Transportation (A) Improvement at Specific Locations i.e. Boulevard Bridge, 8th and "c" Intersection, 8th,and Peabody, Race Street - 8th to Park Avenue, Boulevard and Lincoln, First and valley, Ah1vers, Old Mill and Golf Course Roads, and Downtown; (2) Downtown Streets; (3) City Wide Circulation Plan; (4) Arterial Development Program - Planning and Funding; (5) Comprehensive storm and Sewer plan - West End; and (6) Continued PTBA Involvement. (B) Community Development - (1) Long Range Planning and Development, i.e. Growth Management Through EDC Community and PDA City Wide; (2) Convention/ Community Center Facility Program; (3) Development of Under-utilized Lands, i.e. CBD, Waterfront, Ravines; (4) Update of zoning and parking Ordinances; and (5) Civic Pride Foundation. (C) public Safety - Improve Communication Equipment; (2) Fire/Police Building Remodel; (3) Traffic Violators Bureau; (4) Human Services; and (5) Advance Life Support. (D) Finance and Administration - Self Insurance Program and Administration; (2) Codification of all City Ordinances; (3) comprehensive City Energy Plan; (4) Continued Utilities Stabilization; and (5) Upgrade of Existing Park Facilities and Park User Fees.' 11. LETTER FROM P. FROUDE RE ANNEXATION PROPOSAL I Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Paul Froude, suggesting the City annex the property on the north side of Highway 101 opposite the Port Angeles Plaza, and the portion immediately east of there which has been purchased for enlargement of the Plaza. Councilman Quast then moved the Council refer Mr. Froude's letter to the Planning Commission for analysis and a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 12. LETTER FROM COUNTY RE CENTRALIZED HEATING COMPLEX Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Board of Clal1am County Commissioners concerning implementation of the Northwest Regional Power Act and its intent to emphasize conservation as the most appropriate and cost effective method 174 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1981 X LEGISLATION 12. Cont. of solving the growing electrical problems of the northwestern states. The letter stated in part that. . .n a widespread and successful conservation program will not only avoid surcharge penalties, but will earn credits for our area thus making local economic improvement a more realistic possibility." Therefore, the County Commissioners proposed that an in-house study in- volving the School District, the City and Clallam County be immediately I started which would result in a feasibility determination of the cost and energy effectiveness of a central energy producing station for the city Gym (Convention/Community Center), swimming pool complex, library and old fire station, the School District Central Services building, and the County Courthouse. Additionally, if the facts gathered in the study indicate that a centralized energy station is feasible, an application for a detailed site specific study and preliminary architectural drawing funding be made under authority of the Act. The Council, Manager Flodstrom, and Light Director Cosens then discussed this matter at length, and whether the City or County has the qualified staff to do such a':study; federal or state funds available, and the pos- sibility of including this in the Commercial Weatherization Program pro- posed for next year. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to work with the County Commissioners and pursue the matter of an application for technical assistance funding for the proposed study. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. 13. CONVENTION/COMMUNITY CENTER During the August 18, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council agreed to renovate the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center and proceed with Phase III of the Convention/Community Center Project. At this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Don Jewell, Event and Facility Consultants, informing the Council that he will begin checking with several architectural firms regarding their interest, and perhaps SOlicit a somewhat general proposal from each. Manager Flodstrom and Mr. Jewell would them reduce the number of firms to three, based on their qualifications, and then schedule interviews with the Council. During discussion on Mr. Jewell's letter, Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that Don Jewell has agreed to come to Port Angeles October 7th and 8th and travel with Commissioner Lydiard, Manager Flodstrom and other interested city or County officials, to several outlying areas (Sequim, Forks, C1allam Bay) for the purpose of meeting the people and gaining their input on whether they support or oppose the construction of a convention/community center in or near Port Angeles. Mr. Jewell will also be present at the October 20th meeting to discuss architectural firms. I 14. CLALLAM COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Board of Clallam county Commissioners advising the Council that the Board is considering the adoption of a resolu- tion establishing a county Boundary Review Board pursuant to ROW 36.93.030(2). The purpose of the Board is to review all reconfigurations of municipal boundaries in the County including special districts. Such a review would assure that all proposed boundary changes would: (I) not adversely affect the efficiency Or quantity of services of affected municipalities; (2) be consistent with local regulations and land use policies to the maximum ex- tent possible; and (3) facilitate the planning and provision for municipal services in an orderly fashion consistent with the general welfare. I During discussion on this proposal, Attorney Miller briefly explained the responsibilities and membership of a Boundary Review Board (one member appointed by the County, one appointed by all of the incorporated cities within the County, and three appointed by the Governor). The Council then discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed Board, and the City's present annexation process.. Councilman Quast then moved the Council inform the County that the City would appreciate a resolution which would make it possible for both the County and City Planning Commissions, the CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1981 175 X LEGISLATION 14. Cont. Clallam County Board of Commissioners, and the City Council to"fmitua1Iy study and resolve any land use planning adjacent to the City limits. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 15. USE OF MUNICIPAL PIER: NAVY MOTHERS' CLUB I Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Georgetta M. Larsen, Washington State Commander, Navy Mothers' Clubs, requesting permission to. use the Municipal pier for their Memorial Service October 6, 1981. Attorney Miller then pointed out that no council action is necessary, since this request is a permitted use under the newly adopted pier Use Ordinance. l6. PROCLAMATION Mayor Haguewood read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of October 4-10, 1981 as FIRE PREVENTION WEEK. XI. ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA None. XII LATE ITEMS None. XIII COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS I Mayor Haguewood: Read thank-you letters from the P.A. Wheels Skate Club and the P.A. Wheels Parent's Club, thanking the Council for use of the Municipal Pier for the Muscular Dystrophy Fund Raiser on September 7th. COuncilman Quast: Asked police Chief Cleland if he had any data on the acci- dents which Mr. Froude referred to in his letter to the Council (Legislation #11). Requested a list from Finance Director Orton of the people who still owe money to the City and whether they still receive services (i.e permits, etc.) in spite of being indebted to the City. Requested discussion at the next regular meeting of the Council committee structure and the actual functioning and performance of the various committees. Councilman Duncan: Reported that she or Commissioner Lydiard have been traveling to Olympia to attend the EFSEC proceedings on a regular basis, and the proceedings toward the order are almost on schedule - EFSEC will vote on a proposed order October 16, 1981. Manager Flodstrom: Reported on the primary Election results. Pointed out two items of interest in the Informational Packet: a proposed Ordinance for the Water Utility and a copy of the RCW's pertaining to mandatory sidewalk repair. XIV ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. to an Executive Session. x:v RETURN TO OPEN SESSION/ADJOURN~ffiNT I The meeting returned to open session at 10:45 P.M. and was adjourned. ~~.~ City Clerk ~"V'.f:J ;:~~~ LMayor