HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/1987824 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 15, 1987 I CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting was called to order at 6:03 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Hallett, Hesla, McPhee, Quast, Schermer, Stamon. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Orton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, A. Rose, K. Ridout, B. Coons. Public Present: J. Hallett, R. Hallett, M. Lemon, S. Gant, R. French, M. Merrick, L. Cochrun, K. Gabriel, H. Berglund, M. Johnson. III INTERVIEWS OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CANDIDATES Interviews were conducted with the following: George Carriveau, Ruth Thompson, Barney Caine and Jerry Cornell. IV CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING Mayor Whidden called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. Roll Call All Present. V APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the minutes of Septem- ber 1, 1987. Councilman Hesla seconded. Councilman McPhee amended Regis- ter Page 822, paragraph five, adding wording so the sentence would read, possible to synchronize Eighth Street lights at Peabody ::and Lincoln." The motion carried. VI FINANCE 1. Bids Awarded for Telephone Work in New City Hall Complex Councilman Stamon moved to award Items 4, 6, and 7 to First Call Communica- tions in the amount of $24,591. and Item 5 to AT &T in the amount of $6,065. and authorize the Mayor to sign the contracts. She moved further to reject all bids for Items 1, 2, and 3. For the sake of discussion, Councilman Schermer seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 2. Payment to Riddell, Williams for Legal Representation on WPPSS Authorized Councilman Schermer moved to authorize payment of the July 26 August 25, 1987, Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $10,891.94. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. Upon inquiry by Councilman Quast, Attorney Knutson responded that the total amount for this particular litigation was approximately $330 $340,000 so far. VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Quast moved to accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda as follows: (1) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (2) Vouchers of $304,252.32; and (3) Payroll of 9 -6 -87 of $228,679.95. Councilman Hallett seconded. Councilman Stamon requested clarification of an item purchased by the Fire Department. On call for the question, the motion carried. VIII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. IX LEGISLATION 1. Yard of the Month Certificates of Award The following individuals were presented certificates for Yard of the Month: Phil Thelma White, 221 Eunice; Harriet Payne, 424 South Oak; Dorothy White, 2907 Maple Street; Larry Williams, 1044 Campbell; Juanita Kinney, 839 West 5th. Eva Conrad, 308 West 5th, was also a recipient. The following individuals received awards for Neighborhood of the Month: Bill Jean Folden, 2405 South Laurel; Gordy Jackie Carlson, 110 Lopez; Joe Barbara Eckert, 120 Lopez; David Elizabeth Wold, 109 Lopez; Leonard Irene Wylam, 103 Lopez; John Mildred Sutton, 2310 South Laurel; and Herb Jerry Beebe, 2318 South Laurel. 2. Public Hearings A. City Council's Goals and Objectives for 1988 and Beyond CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 Mayor Whidden listed the goals established by the Council at a workshop with Lyle Sumek. Top priority goals and targets: (1) Maintain and Enhance the Financial Stability of City Government. (2) Expand and Diversify the City's Economic Base. (3) Address Solid Waste Disposal Needs of the City and Region. (4) Enhance Effectiveness of City Operations and Delivery of Services. High priority goals and targets: (1) Promote and Support Tourism. (2) Enhance Citizen Involvement and Communication with the City. (3) Improve City Facilities. (4) Improve Streets and Traffic Systems. (5) Review Human and Health Services. Moderate priority goals: (1) Improve Water System. (2) Plan for Port Angeles' Future. (3) Enhance and Beautify the City's Visual Image. (4) Develop Harbor and Improve City's Waterfront. Other priority goals and targets: (1) Handle Community's Wastewater. (2) Enhance Public /Community Safety. He then opened the public hearing. Councilman Quast'inquired if copies of these goals were available for the public. Councilman Stamon also noted that another opportunity would be provided for the public to comment, October 6, 1987. Marvin Merrick, 615 West 8th Street, inquired about the Eighth Street bridge`s. Mayor Whidden responded that was one of the sub -goals under Improving Streets and Traffic Systems. Upon recommendation by Councilmem- bers Schermer and Stamon, Mayor Whidden closed this public hearing until completion of the additional two public hearings ran the agenda to allow Manager Flodstrom time to complete the copies of goals for distribution. C uncilm Quast moved ,to to eCess this part of the pint lic hearing dsaliagr }'61. C pc .w c: Y`CJ J d h C iC'-`i C: Ic t�G =i I r c LA- r� l 1 C 1 an s1 u -fi ;oa councilman Stamon seconued and the motion carried. B. Resolution Passed Declaring Lots a Menace to Public Health, Safety and Welfare Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Mike Lemon, 1026 West Sixth, was concerned with the terminology "public nuisance He referred to an issue discussed at the previous Council meeting where citizens had voiced concern over a neighbor's unsightly yard. He asked why a yard that was unsightly, filled with junk, etc., could not be declared a nuisance and the lots in question tonight could. Attorney Knutson explained that the term "public nuisance" comes out of the State statute. He stated further that whether the lots were occupied or not occupied was not a distinguishing criterion; rather, if they do create a fire hazard or an interference with the public right -of -way, they can be declared a public nuisance. He further explained that interfering with the public right -of -way meant something that creates a traffic hazard. 826 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 Mayor Whidden asked for further comments; there were none; he therefore closed the public hearing, reading the Resolution by title, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the existence of a public nuisance and requiring the elimination of such nuisance. Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun- cilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Hallett discussed briefly with Manager Flodstrom correspondence distributed to the City Council and how staff had responded to that letter. Ken Ridout of the Public Works Department explained that the City had only the right -of -way cleared, eliminating the fire hazard and clearing the right -of -way. Councilman Quast asked if we could still use this ordinance during a wet summer in declaring overgrown lots a nuisance to mandate cleaning those lots. Attorney Knutson answered that if it was not a fire hazard, we could not. Councilman Quast was aware that the public hearing was closed but wanted to ask the audience if a new problem had been created. It was his understanding that some of the lots, once cleared, encouraged young people to drive motorcycles on them which also was a nuisance for the neighbor- hood. He asked if anyone had had that experience. An individual from the audience began to respond but Councilman Stamon raised a point of order, stating that the time for public comment had passed as the public hearing was closed. Councilman Schermer felt the Council needed to be cautious in their judg- mental position if there was a vacant area of town where there was nice clean, tall grass growing, and it was not dry. He felt it may not be a hazard at all, aesthetically or otherwise. Councilman Quast asked about proper procedure. Attorney Knutson explained that proper procedure would be to ask questions of the speaker while the speaker was at the podium. He further explained that in this case, tonight's public hearing was not a legally required public hearing, so there would be no particular legal problems with asking questions at this particular time because this was more informal; simply for the purpose of the Council getting as much information as possible. On call for the question, the motion carried. C. Street Vacation Request STV- 87(8)4, Portion of Vine Street Delayed Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing on the issue, which was considera- tion of an ordinance to vacate that portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 11, Block 16 and Lot 10, Block 11, Puget Sound Co- Operative Colony's Second Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles. Mayor Whidden asked for comments from the audience. There were none; he therefore closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating that portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 11, Block 16, and Lot 10, Block 11, PSCC2d. Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Quast seconded. Councilman Stamon requested a report from the Real Estate Committee on the compensation amount to be added under Section 2. Councilman Quast responded that the Real Estate Committee had not yet met with regard to this case. Councilman Schermer urged the Council to delay action in order to allow time for the Real Estate Committee to make a judgement on compensation. Councilman Stamon then withdrew her motion and moved to delay decision until October 6, 1987, to afford the Real Estate Committee an opportunity to meet and discuss compensation. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 Copies of the draft City Council's Goals and Objectives for 1988 and Beyond were distributed to the audience. Councilman Stamon noted that this was a somewhat condensed summary of a process that the Council had gone through. She stated these were the priorities the Council had identified and not the total number of issues that had been identified as possibilities. Mayor Whidden then re- opened the public hearing. Hattie Berglund, 1834 West Seventh, felt this was an impressive list. She knew the Council would make the public aware of Capital Improvement Projects and the priorities that were established during that process. She felt that recycling should be top priority and was aware that Councilman Schermer had been working on that. She asked for a brief explanation of the sentence under the goal of Enhancing Effectiveness of City Operations and Delivery of Service; i.e., to Develop a Community Value Driven Mission Statement. Manager Flodstrom stated that in the past we have had a state- ment of what the City of Port Angeles is all about; i.e., to Provide Efficiently and Effectively Traditional Services to the Community. He stated the Council had found there were seven different definitions of what "traditional" was. He stated the Council had determined the need to deter- mine the values of the community; i.e., what the community deems as ser- vices they need to have provided for them which they would like municipal government to provide, and create a mission statement based on community values. Councilman Quast noted that in 1981, the City had no statement of purpose, and was basically providing basic services such as water, sewer, and light, though many cities do not provide that service, and the Council at that time added that the City also was responsible to enhance the quality of life. He stated that was a rather broad term. He stated we have parks and youth programs, and senior services and human services. He stated we had done this to enhance the quality of life in the community. He also listed the Medic 1 program. He stated there were a variety of opinions on the Council, some feeling that maybe those types of things could be provided by private entrepreneurs. He stated for that reason the Council had placed that as one of the targets, one of the goals to be reflected upon. He encouraged the four candidates in the audience tonight to reflect upon that and provide some input as to what they thought the quality of life should be. He was pleased to see in the newspaper that we were a most livable city, number 10 or so. Councilman McPhee added we were the only one in this part of the country. Councilman Quast stated this must mean that we have done something right in enhancing the quality of life in the last seven years. Mrs. Berglund referred to the goal to "Review all City Requirements and Permits She hoped that in the permitting process, we would be really careful and retain the permitting conditions that protect the public with strong enforcement measures and time limits on the enforcement of those permit conditions. She then addressed the goal under Traffic, stating that traffic flow was certainly becoming a problem in'Por` Angeles. She felt the list was very comprehensive and there were a number of good things on it. Councilman Stamon noted that the Capital Improvement Plan may not be com- plete by the October 6, 1987, public hearing but would be a part of the City's budget process. Joan Sargent, 309 West 15th, supported Hattie's concerns over recycling. She felt we are falling way behind on that. She mentioned under, "Improve City Facilities" that she did not see anything regarding the Senior Citizens Center. She noted that Port Angeles is recognized as a desirable place to retire and we have more and more retirees coming here. She felt the present Senior Center is very inadequate and wanted to see that added to the list of goals. She commented on the street and traffic systems, stating that we have some real problems and hoping that we would not wait until some serious accidents occurred before doing something there. She mentioned improvements on Race Street and Boulevard, stating there should be a light there. The Council answered that there would be a light there. She felt the light should have been there when the street was completed. She also felt that turning left from Eighth onto Lincoln, there was a left 827 828 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 turn signal needed. She also urged inclusion of a left turn lane on First Street. Councilman Quast added that the goal sheet was very brief, stating that provisions had been made for a light at Lincoln and Eighth and it was in the planning stage. He added also that these lights would be synchron- ized. He stated the delay of the light on the Race and Boulevard intersec- tion was due to the contractor not being able to provide the material on time. Marvin Merrick, 615 West Eighth Street, referred to "Improved City Facili- ties and Continuing Improvement of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center It was his understanding that the Center did not include an intercom system. Public Works Director Pittis explained that initially we would use the sound system from the current City Hall. Jerry Glass, 1108 South Oak, referred to the goal to Promote and Support Tourism. He asked what role the City would play in pursuing the idea of a destination resort facility. Councilman Stamon responded, as representa- tive of the City on the Tourism and Convention Association. She did not think the City intended to be financially involved in building a resort. She stated the intent was to provide direction to herself and other members that work with these other organizations, such as the Tourism and Conven- tion Association and the Economic Development Council, to provide continued support in working for a destination resort facility somewhere within Clallam County. She stated that was one of the goals for the Tourism and Convention Association for this year. Councilman Quast stated that a year or so ago there was a proposal to establish a destination center east of town overlooking a river estuary, and the City was asked to reconsider its policy to not provide any services outside the City limits, because that resort would have needed access to the sewer treatment plant. He stated this would be the type of support which might involve a change or flexibility in policies to improve the economic base of the City. Tom Roberts, 2009 Ennis Creek Road, asked if the new secondary treatment plant was going to be located at the same place as the current plant, and when that plant would be completed. Manager Flodstrom stated that con- struction was scheduled for 1991 -92 to come on -line for operation April 1, 1993. Mr. Roberts asked if Gales Addition would be added into that. Manager Flodstrom stated that there had been no discussion of annexation of Gales Addition at this point. He stated that the new facility would have the capacity to serve that area if it were annexed. Councilman Hallett felt it important for each Councilmember to do as much talking as they could between now and the next meeting so the public would know this was their opportunity to respond. He stated the Council was going to take these goals and unless they got direction to proceed other- wise, they had to assume they were carrying out the mission that the community wanted them to. He stated this meant budget and allocation of resources and perhaps 10 years from now, something approved now could be constructed or come into play as we have seen previously. He felt it very important that everyone in the community had the feeling that they had the opportunity to participate because these were their4goals and their direc- tion. Councilman Quast called on Manager Flodstom to explain to the audience the City's Capital Improvement Plan. Manager Flodstrom explained that in Port Angeles, we have established a six -year plan which could include Public Works projects such as bridges, roadways, the construction of storm drains, sanitary sewers, but also could be the purchase of major pieces of equipment such as a Medic I vehicle, or a fire truck, road maintenance equipment, or data processing equipment. He stated the reason these had been put together in a multi -year Capital Improvement Plan was to enable the City to plan financially for projects of this nature. Councilman Schermer spoke regarding Mr. Glass' inquiry about a destination facility. He added information that four years ago, the businessmen of the community supported a ballot issue to turn Vern Burton Memorial Community Center into a convention center and while it passed more than 50 it did not meet the 60% requirement; but at the same time, the City made a commit- ment to continue to set aside money from the hotel /motel fund to possibly A. Shoreline Management Permit Granted City of Port Angeles eventually enlarge the facility. He added that in the design stages of the City Hall, the east end of the building was left empty with lawn, specifi- cally for the possibility of future expansion. Mr. Glass supported the idea and felt there was definitely one needed in the area. 3. Planning Commission Minutes of September 9, 1987 829 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 The Council reviewed the request to dig or drill three test wells for subsurface water sampling to determine any down- gradient contamination from the Landfill site, located on the beach at the base of the present City Landfill site on West 18th Street. Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to grant the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, citing the the following findings: (A) The proposal at this location will not materially interfere with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the State; (B) The proposed use, located in an isolated area will result in three minor structures, approximately 6" (six inches) wide by 24" (twenty -four inches) high. As such, this proposal will not cause a sight problem, create a fire hazard or otherwise impact any existing land use in the immediate vicinity or zone; (C) The proposal is a system designed to indicate whether an existing use (the Port Angeles Landfill) can affect the ground water quality in the immediate vicinity. Therefore, the proposal can be seen as a potential benefit to the public health, safety and welfare. Councilman Hesla seconded. Councilman Stamon asked the City Attorney about this procedure. She could not see the City denying its own application for a permit. Attorney Knutson stated there was no other way provided in the Shoreline Management Act to issue such a permit except by the City; but there always was the possibility of appeal to the Shoreline Hearings Board. On call for the question, the motion carried. B. Minutes Accepted Councilman Hesla inquired as to the ravine filling that continued after receipt of a letter from the Council. Planner Carr stated he had looked at the filling, which was 30 to 50 feet away from the stream at the base. He stated the applicant had been requested to submit additional information. Council and staff discussed the matter at some length. Councilman Schermer recommended taking some steps, either by scheduling a meeting of the Coun- cil with the Planning Commission or receipt of some information from staff letting the Council know what the steps are for passing an Ordinance for control of landfills. He felt the same problem existed up by the Little Theatre and no regulations existed. He felt it imperitive that we start working on a landfill ordinance. Councilman Schermer moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commis- sion minutes of September 9, 1987. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried. 4. Easement Denied on Elwha River for Crescent Water Association Councilman McPhee moved that the City not grant an easement to anyone upstream of the City's Raney collector. Councilman Hallett suggested Councilman McPhee be specific. Councilman McPhee added that this included the Crescent Water Association. Councilman Quast seconded, inquiring of the City Attorney regarding water rights. He asked if usually someone who had a water right would not allow someone else to go upstream and pre -empt that water right. Attorney Knutson did not know what was customary but stated that legally, they were not bound to do that. Councilman Quast asked what type of right or precedent the City had estab- lished with regard to its Raney system drawing water off the Elwha River. Manager Flodstrom answered that the City of Port Angeles does have ground water and surface water rights on the Elwha River and has installed the Raney collector well within conformance of those water rights. He stated that the construction of another collection system would affect our ability to meet our water needs but would not diminish the rights that we have been granted under our own water right permits. He stated the issue before the Council this evening from Crescent was to utilize City properties for the construction of a well site, and if the 830 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 Council were to deny this request, the Crescent Water District could certainly move to a private site and work through easement agreements with private property owners. He felt it didn't seem appropriate for the City to grant an easement on City property for a use that could potentially affect, to the tune of half to three quarters of a million gallons a day, the underground source of water that we use for our Raney system. Councilman Hallett discussed briefly with Manager Flodstrom the City's water rights and whether these rights would pre -empt someone from going upstream, not on City property, and extracting large amounts of water. Manager Flodstrom responded that the Department of Ecology and Department of Natural Resources, along with the Department of Social and Health Services, does take into consideration existing water rights before issuing new water rights. Councilman Stamon urged that the Crescent Water Association, pursue obtain- ing an easement downriver from the City's Raney collector. She felt this was a good opportunity for the City to cooperate with our neighbors to the west, if at all possible. Brian Twoey, resident of Chinook Road in Joyce, addressed the Council as the Manager of Crescent Water District. It was Mr. Twoey's opinion that the taking of water by the Crescent Water District from the west side of the river would not affect the City of Port Angeles' water supply. He felt it would be a good idea to have a hydrology engineer who was neutral, agreed upon by both agencies, prepare an opinion on it and if it was proven that it would not affect the City, he urged the Council to then allow the Crescent District the easement. Councilman McPhee asked if the Crescent District would be willing to shut down operations later on if it did become a hardship to the City of Port Angeles. Mr. Twoey responded that the Water District would, and that under the conditions of the water rights they would have to. Councilman Stamon stated this type of situation would end up in litigation, which would be an additional expense. Following additional discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. BREAK The meeting was recessed for a break from 8:36 P.M. to 8:54 P.M. 5. Interview Board for Firefighter and Firefighter /Paramedic Exams Selected Councilman Hallett moved the Council approve the two interview boards for Firefighter and Firefighter /Paramedic as follows: Firefighter Interview Board: Robert Coons, Personnel Manager, City of Port Angeles; Sue Trump, Operations Manager, Employment Security Department; David Jackson, Fire Lieutenant, Tacoma Fire Department. Firefighter /Paramedic Interview Board: Sandra K. 4sbe, Human Resources Assistant, City of Port Angeles; Steve Hauff, Assistant Director of Public Works, Clallam County; John Hawkins, EMT Coordinator, City of Bremerton. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. 6. Consideration of "Draft Guidelines" for Financial Assistance Requests The Council reviewed a draft policy submitted by Manager Flodstrom for requests for fundings (financial assistance). Councilman Stamon commended Councilmen Hallett, Quast and staff, feeling they had done a really good job of developing the beginnings for a set of guidelines. She then moved to instruct staff to proceed with drafting a final policy for the Council's consideration at a subsequent meeting. Councilman Hallett seconded. Coun- cil discussed the issue. Councilman Stamon added to the guidelines that the Council will consider as a part of their deliberation to determine if that request fits with the goals and objectives of the City. The motion carried. 831 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 7. Marketing Plan with Amendments Adopted for Marketing City's Downtown Property and Seventh Street Property The Council reviewed a draft marketing plan for City properties located at 140 West Front Street (City Hall), 240 West Front Street (City Light building) and Second Valley Street (City Light storage yard). During discussion, Jerry Cornell, 824 West Fourth, urged the Council to add a little incentive for intergovernmental cooperation. He stated there was a need to see those pieces of property Downtown marketed in such a way that they benefited the Downtown. He stated there were some legally zoned appropriate uses that would not necessarily benefit the Downtown. Councilman Hallett voiced concern that if the City tries to do that, we also open ourselves up for criticism that we are not marketing our property openly, etc. Mr. Cornell stated that the Council took that kind of heat when they marketed the Police Station Building, offering a no interest kind of a deal. He commended the Council for standing by their guns on that and was glad the Council had made that decision. He felt the Council needed to be prepared to do that again and to take some heat if necessary. Following extensive discussion, Joan Sargent, 309 West 15th, asked if the City was also including property located at Seventh and Peabody. Council confirmed this. Ms. Sargent urged the Council not to include that piece of property because she felt it would be a wonderful location for a Senior Citizens Center. She stated she had been involved in drafting a proposal for a new Senior Citizens Center and that there were not that many pieces of property available; also that this location was within good walking distance for residents of the senior resident facilities in Port Angeles. She felt it a shame to dispose of it, as the City already owns it and it could be used in the future for a Senior Citizens Center. Councilman Hallett urged the Real Estate Committee to further clarify the terms "compatible" and "complementary" to the existing Downtown community, as they were quite subjective terms. Councilman Schermer inquired if a short -term tax reduction incentive for City property could be offered. Manager Flodstrom felt incentives would be better provided through purchasing terms than through tax breaks. Manager Flodstrom stated that the Downtown Association's definition of the terms "compatible" and "complementary" meant businesses that fit within the zoning of the Central Business District, that would be marketed in such a way by the City of Port Angeles to attract businesses that would be similar to those in the Downtown, and would tend to perpetuate the Central Business District westerly from where it currently is. Councilman Quast also added that the City preferred to sell to a business which paid property taxes and which generated sales taxes. Manager Flodstrom did not remember discussing that; "however, Councilman Schermer did, but did not know what the legal position would be if someone had adequate funds for a purchase. Councilman Quast then moved to concur with the proposal by the Real Estate Committee to market surplus properties, including 140 West Front, 240 West Front, Second and Valley, and the Seventh and Peabody properties; that they be marketed as outlined in (1) with the amended version under the fifth paragraph that says, "If at the end of the 60 -day period, the properties remain unsold, the City will place the properties with the Port Angeles multiple listing service as an open listing." The Council concurred to change the wording in the policy that the Port Angeles multiple listing be brought in to help sell the property if any of the property was unsold as of December 1, 1987. Councilman Schermer seconded. Upon inquiry by Councilman McPhee, Councilman Quast instructed staff to provide summaries of appraisals to all Councilmembers. Councilman McPhee requested a full copy. He did not want to vote in favor of something without knowing more about it. Councilman Stamon added a friendly amendment that the price would be determined and agreed upon in executive session. Councilman Quast concurred. During discussion, Councilman Stamon pointed out that the Council at this time was simply agreeing on a process, not on a price or the listing; that these would be determined in executive session. The motion carried. 832 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 Councilman Schermer stated that staff could proceed with beginning to make signs, etc. 8. Joint Cities /County Health Services Committee Update Councilman Stamon explained that the Committee was not ready to make recom- mendations to the Council; that the point of tonight's discussion was to get direction from the Council to take back to the Committee. She recom- mended that the City ask the County for further information, an indication of what City taxpayers receive for property taxes that are paid to the County. She stated that 60% of the taxes go toward law enforcement from which City residents receive no benefit. Following extensive discussion, Councilman Stamon moved the Council auth- orize the committee to ask the County to demonstrate where their property tax revenues are going in terms of provision of County Services. Council- man Quast seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 9. Staff to Draft Civic Pride Memorial Foundation Provision Councilman Quast felt that a vehicle needed to be created whereby the City could present tokens of appreciation or recognition or welcome to visiting officials from other nations or local organizations who had served the community for a long period, etc. He also discussed the need for a memorial fund and mentioned the provision that had been left in the new mall in the City Hall complex where memorial tiles could be donated by citizens who wished to memorialize either themselves or someone else. They could have these tiles placed in the mall along the edges of the walkways. He stated the money derived from these could be used for additional improvements to the facility, such as benches, etc., for which the City does not have funds. Councilman Quast then moved to instruct the City Manager and City Attorney to research the matter and propose to Council a set of corporation papers as well as by -laws for such a non profit civic pride foundation. Council- man Hallett seconded. Councilman Stamon clarified that this would not be public money; this was a vehicle for citizens of the community to con- tribute funds to the foundation in order that we can make use of these funds in various ways. Upon inquiry by Councilman McPhee, Attorney Knutson explained that there were situations where both the City and the County can legally give funds. particularly if it's a governmental entity. He stated however, that the City could not give a gift to a private company. Attorney Knutson doubted that staff could come back with a set of incor- poration papers that would allow the City to set up a private corporation that would allow the City to do what it cannot do itself. He stated that you would be starting the whole process with City funds and assisting it with City funds. On the other hand, he felt some of the things Councilman Quast had proposed could be done by the City without a separate private foundation by setting up a fund that contributions could be accepted for and administered by the City for legitimate City expenditures. Following discussion, Councilman Quast amended the motion to instruct staff to establish a vehicle for a non profit civic pride foundation. Councilman Hallett concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried. 10. Proclamation Fire Prevention Week Mayor Whidden proclaimed October 4 10, 1987, as Fire Prevention Week and asked all citizens of Port Angeles to conduct fire drills and plan out their fire escapes during this week. 11. Celebration of Citizenship Day September 16th, 1987 Mayor Whidden proclaimed September 16, 1987, as a celebration of Citizen- ship Day in Port Angeles and urged all citizens to take part in this once in a lifetime celebration of the Bicentennial of the signing of the United States Constitution. 12. Public Power Week 833 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 Mayor Whidden proclaimed October 4 10, 1987, Public Power Week for the purpose of increasing the awareness of public power and to provide special recognition for public power related benefits. 13. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Scheduled It now being after 10:00 P.M., Councilman Stamon moved to continue with the items on the agenda. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. The Council scheduled a meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee for September 28, 1987, at 4:00 P.M. X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS /LATE ITEMS Councilman Hallett asked to be excused from the first meeting in October as he would be out of State and would be unable to attend. Councilman Stamon commended the Parks Department on their middle school fun night. She felt that was a real good opportunity for the middle school kids to get together and have a fun night. She thanked them for planning that. Councilman Stamon complimented City Clerk Sherri Anderson for her "Succeed in Port Angeles" update. She felt it was very informative and there was lots of good information in it. She inquired about the use of the Senior Center van, stating it had been well received. She noted appreciation for the donation of the bench at Veterans Park. She stated the Beautification Committee would be meeting Thursday morning at 7:30. Councilman Hesla also thanked the Park and Recreation Department for the varied youth activities. He encouraged any families in Port Angeles if they had idle youth at home after school, there were quite a few different activities offered by the Parks Department. He reported on the Chamber of Commerce meeting. He stated tonight was the last night for summer hours. He announced a celebration thanking the Chamber volunteers was scheduled for September 24, 1987, at 6:00 P.M. He stated they were having problems with their landlord and upkeep of the building. He discussed with staff the need to reschedule a fund raising event for the Chamber which was planned for the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center which would not be released by the contractor by that date. Councilman Quast asked Public Works Director Pittis if storm sewers were too small in the area of the new DSHS facility. Public Works Director Pittis explained the compounded elements that contributed to the difficulty in that area. He further explained that beauty bark, used in landscaping the new DSHS facility, could clog the system. Councilman Schermer reported on a trip he had taken with Bob Jones and Andy Rose, touring the Snohomish County solid waste transfer station which cost almost as much as our new City Hall. He stated it was conceivable that such transfer stations would exist in our County in the future. He stated that consumers dropped off recyclables first and ware charged for non recyclables, thereby creating a greater incentive for recycling. He stated they also have a compacting system where all material is compacted and put into trailers and hauled to the landfill. Mayor Whidden read a letter addressed to Marion Schilke, President of Aid Association for Lutherans, thanking them for the $1,100 donation to the Port Angeles Medic I program. The letter read that actions like this continue to make Port Angeles a better place to live. Mayor Whidden asked about the status of railroad crossings. Manager Flodstrom said he had spoken to a representative from Chicago Milwaukee. He stated they were working on these now. He stated a permit had been obtained to do one. Mayor Whidden inquired of the Park Recreation Director the status of a MIA sign. Staff responded that the item was going before the Park Board. Councilman McPhee wished for the sign to remain where it was. Councilman Quast felt it should be located possibly where the "All American" log was but not on the bell tower. He felt it was unaesthetic. Councilman Quast also stated that the Veterans Center could be an alternate location. 834 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 1987 XI ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting was adjourned to executive session at 10:32 P.M., for the purpose of discussing two issues of litigation and one item of real estate for approximately 45 minutes. XII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at approximately 11:17 P.M. XIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:18 P.M. CITY CLERK