HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/16/1954 ,.. 410 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington S...pt.""'h".. 1 " 19--54- ""' . ""om. ....." ..,,,'",,. ,...m,. m" .... fThe Cit;y Council met in regular sossion at 7::30 P. M. and was called. to erder by' Ma.Y:er NeeII'. Roll call let efficers revoaled tho fClllowing present: Mayer Noer , Ceuncilmlln Br\lWll, P.ClWel1, Wolfe and, McFadden, :'Manager'Vergoer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. '. fIt was moved by' C~uncilman PlIWe11 that ~uto~ of tho prmous.meeting be approved. Seconded b;y Ceuncilman 'WGlfe. All voted ~e. Motion' carriod. ltindor th~ head of ~i~shed business, one bid was rec~ivedfnm Federal,Pacitic Electri~ CompaI\Y, former~ !Pacific EIectric Mfg. Cerp., te furnish .for the .Light Departmont,.2 type' TfI - 1, 69 KV,. 600 Amp., Style :No. A-7945-A, T PST Air Switches complB. e with Arciilg Borns, Tonninals .and .Manual Centrel Mechanisms, at :'net price et $1l!30.00 each, F.O.B. factGr;y with , freight allewed to Port Arlge1es. ~ager Vergeor recGlmmend- led that the effor be acceptod.and it was moved by Councilman..~Tolfe that recemmendatJ.on and offer be 'approved.. Seconded- by Councilman Brown and carried. lone offer ~s received from Burl and Emma Johnson for Lot 1, Blk. 440, Tewnsite, in alIlQunt ef $125.00. [Manager Vergeer recGllllDlended that no bids be' acceptedexcept when published, the same to be sublllitted 'and epened according to publicatien. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the offer be tabled f"r 'further investigation. . Se.corded by Councilman. Welfe ard carried.. 'The Council discussed reVision of th~ Coas~ Gu~ Lease whereby the Coast Guard is requesting eliminatien '!!$ 1600 1'eet of eriginallease of Ediz Hoek. Lighthouse ReservatiGn. Manager Verge ell' road mere recent irequest 1'011' an additional 6OO.feet making a .total. of 2400 j'eet West of the Cust Guard gate tll be eliminated ffro the City's lease. Mr. Vergeer advised th~t it is a legal .obligation of the City to take actien. ,That the Crown Zellerbach Corp., Pilots. Asseciation and Sa1men..Club have. been contacted with 1'avorable . report, although actien by' the Sa;IJnon Cl1!-b is awaiting their next meeting. Mr. _ Vergeer then recsmmended :counter propesal that the City be relieved of read maintenance within the Cust Guard entrance. The ,Council appreved reeollllltendationwith ne actien taken 1IDtil ai"ter ;>a1men Club meeting. It was then ,moved by Ceuncilman.PQWell that the' Manager be, instructed tG aclmowledge receipt of request from Cust - :Guard. AlSG initiate ceunter propesal regarding road maintenance and advise that the City will take :immediate actien after the' S.w..n, Club. reports. Motion seconded by Ceuncilman Welfe and carried. I ~ger Vergeer requestedpermission.te.cxecute deed for acquisition of property from aile" Lee and !J:ertrude Mar;y Neue" fer Let 1, Blk. 125, Tewnsite, .the same .being .in.regard. to right-of-~ for imprne- .lIIent. .It. was moved by Ceuncilman McFadden. that. the Ceuncil. approve .negotiations. Secondea by Ceuncilman l'I.lfe. .All Vltted-A,ye.' Motion' carried.. L . . lindeII' the head of new business, .a representative of Electrical Contracters and workers appeared and co_ ~lained regarding a city empleyee contracting .and installing electrical wiring and appliances during off .p.uty burs, the slll11e being. unfair to CGntractors and workers depending. upen this employment fer livelihoed. Mayor NeeII' assured that the Council is epposed to such practice by. full. tille City employees and will take preper steps te eliDinate. I I A group of Mothers also appeared .before the Council advising. of. unsafe conditions and citing attacks on I their children_goi~ home. flllm school and after the. first show, some not being safe even in their ewn back yard. Police hie! Kechanek ex:plained that. when. juvenile. :of.fenders and all under eighteen years 01' age aretJll'ned over to:,Juvenile Judge, the Pelice Dept.. has no jurisdiction. Attorne" Severyns intomed . that if a child deeswreng, a patrolman.or.somo'individual.lIlUst see...and makevarified cemplaint. Arter such cemplaint, the matter is ref-erred . to. Juvenile Court. Councilman Wadden expressed opinion that .colllDittee'shGuld discuss'with-Judgc"Church. Also that in some. cas.es the.parents mq be at fault and the lco.uttee lllight contact Juvenile Guidance. M,qer NeeI" con sideredt. he' matter a primary responsibility ef' the Council and all possible . should .be: done'.to .help. Manager Vergeer assured that every effort possible will. be made tG cerrect the situation. Also tbatcurfelf could be enforced am cited the 1955 lBudget as providillg fllran~therpatrelman. ~Elmer Knutsen of Oakland, California,requesteoi that the Ceunc:U. consider granting 1'ranchise 1'011' installat- tiGn of. CGlaxial cable: to provide service. aerial.to TV users. Manager Vergeer ex:pla1ned type of service land lIIJ.uested time to inquire and investigate betere. a1V action. be. taken. It was lllGYed by Ceuncilman \B~ that the reque1lt be tabled. for further investigation. Seconded. by Councilman Mcfadden and carried. Requests for beverage license'renewals were considered as follows: Miles C. Gilberts, Palace Tavern Derethea Averoul, Jflllrine' Drive Lunch Elaine SChoeneman and Jeanette Del, Gatewa;y Tavern W. A. Blagden, Blagdon'.s Grecery Glen A. Hurleng, Handi..Spot Grocery Clifr~rd G. Swain, Ediz Hoek Samuel J. and Hubert R. Haguewe$<i, Haguewood's Restaurant .Yulonda Carbonetti Carlson, Carbonetti Grocery Clarence A. Binkle", Rose's Place. American Legien,t'i.ter Able" Post No. 29 Clarence R. and Charles Binkley, lieses Place Joseph E. Faires, p. A. Marine IlGck Casper and .EvelJrn Merle, Tip Top Tavern L&uise T. Williams, Brewer Esta~e, Club Billiards Donald W. and Eunice 1. Burwell, Quick Service Greclilrt Ed J. Becker and Den Grinnell, Olympic Recreation ' Clarence A. Binkle", Roses Place' A. L. Buse, B. and M. Grocer;y B. p. O. Elks Naval Ledge No. 353 Jas. E. and J..hn B. Robinson and lialter. W. tiarren, HartingtGn & Giles Leonard L. and Jerr;y L. Dess, Little Brick Tavern Guido Gallacci, West Side Grece'7 Margaret Ann Bailey, Bailey's GroCe1T Tradewell St..res, Inc., Store No. 37 William W. Walker, Log Cabin Tavern T. E. Enos, Enos Distributing. Claude R. Phifer, .Phifer Distributing Co. David AndersGn and T. E. Enos, Pert Angeles Distributing It w~s me~tl by' Counc1.lwm Brown that request .1'o~ renewals be approved. Secomed by Ceuncilman Powell. All voted A;te. Motion carried. Report of Police Judge fer the month er August showing &2,299.50 fines collected, was filed f..r approv,u. It was meved by Councilman Brown that the report be accepted am. approved. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. I I ....... '1 ,I Iw I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington -----5.l1Jl!.Dlb.RJ.6 cctntinued 1954- no, . "_". ....... '''''~'''. ."..... ..... .... . !Claims paid September 8 and 10 in total.lIIIlDUDtGf 36,785.88.wereconsidered by Council.. :{t lfas.move4 by CCluncilman Pewell.that claims .be approved. as..paid. .Seconded..by .Ceuncilman McFadden. All voted ~e. Motion carrino . '. . I'The Oity. Treasurer submitted 'report showing receipts and disbursements 1'011' the month of August, alse . balanceS- I/)f the 1'unds. It was meved by Councilman McFadden that. the Treasurer's report be acce,Pted land placed en. file. Secordedb;y CeuncilDanWolfe and_carried. -' l!equest was received frem the Fir~ Department that the. $900.00 item in the 1955 Pre1.iJllina1'7 Budget'1'er new hese be changed' teinclude wire, the item to read II New. Hese. ani Wire, $900.00. . It was IIlGved by' Council- 'lIllln Wolfe that the item be .changed te read as. requested,. Seconded by CDuncilman Brown. All veted Aye. Moticm carried. Preliminar;y Budget 1'011' the year 1955 was censidered by the Council. lolmager Vergeer.reviewed in detail, g.epartments by itoms. Arter miner deductions and additiollB, it was moved by Ceuncilman Welfe that the Preliminar,r Budget as llIIlended, be approved as will.appear_.at .p1.lblic hearing of October 4th. Metien i' I!econded by Ceunci'lman Brewn. Unanimously carried:. . i I UIlier the head 01' intNducthn of Resolutbns, the 1'ellewing wa introduced for consideration by the f CllllJIlCi1: I..: ~: 'nIIS RESOLUTION SUPERS~ES' IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION' NO. 166 PUBLISHED IN TIlE AUGUST 30 AND , AUGUST 31, i\l54 ISl)UES OF THE PORT ANGELES EVENING NEI'lS I IMPlD~.RESOLUTION NO. 167 )1 A RESOLUTION ef the City of Port Angele~,' W~ington, r~p~~ng .ImpNvement .Reslilutien No. 166, passed ~dapproved August 5, 1954, and declaring the intention 01' the City Council to construct and impron j certain streets' within the city.and do all 'work necessary .:!-nC<l:mectien therewith, and fixing a time and date for the' hearing on. this resolution 01'. intention. IBE IT RESO~~ by the.City COWlcilof. the City of Port Angeles, wash~ngton, as follews: I Section 1. Improvement Resolution No. 166, passed and approved August 5, 1954, is hereby in all respects repealed. . " _ Section 2. That it is the intentictn of the City Ceuncil.of the City .of Port Angeles,l'lashingten, tel> erder I t;he .constructien and 'improvement .of the fctllowing described highwq, streets, alley lIlld drive together with all necessar;y appurtenances thereto and by deing all work necessary in connectien therewith: l' A. Clearing, draining, grading. ballasting and paving. of .a highwq. up Tullwater Ca$ctn be1lween Cedar ,and Tumwater Streets fI'Glm Marine Drive te Lauridsen Boulevard am. "A" Street, thence wester~ ctn Lauridsen i Boulevard tct "C" Street, with a 24-feet wide asphaltic cctncrete pavement. . . . B. Grading, draining, ballasting and paving of Marine Dri~ from a point 200 feet east ef its !intersection with "A" Street to Ediz lieekRead withS"inch cement concrete pavement 20 feet to 24 feet jwide, with cement concrete curbs and gQkrs where necessar;y. with a 9-foet wide aspbalt parking strip on ,the seuther~ side of said. paving, with the CGlnstruction of a precast concrete bridge 28 feet wide and with ;a 4-1'oet wide walk across the lagoen waterwq. I C. . Filling, drainin&, grading and ballasting 61'. West Frcont Street prod1.lced westerly from Oak Street ito itlil intersection with 'alle;yStreet or to. a. .point appr.~tely 300 feet wester~ ef the W margin'.r :Cherr;y Street; Valley Str~et frOl). West First Street te West Front Street as produced; Cherry .Street fNlll iWest F11stStreet tel> West Front S1IIeet as produced, with 50"feet wide asphaltpav<lIlent; and the lllley be- :twoen .Front. and First Streets extending from Oak Street te. Valley Street. i . . Sectien 3. Fer the reaS1ln that the above described highwq, .streets and drive tel> be CCllnstructed and im- prned are am will be' arterial higlIwqs that will. be of. special benefit to a large part Gf the property .~ within .the city limits, it is the intention of the CounciLto create an enlarged local imprctvC!Dent : district te p~ the cost "f' such improvements. It is estimated that approximatelT 18% ef the cost of these improvements shall .be charged to the property .'J,ying between the termini .Gf the prGposed improvements.and. extending back frctll the marginal lines there.f itc the middle.of each block (ell' at least 90 1'eet back) en .each.side thereof, alii that approximatelJ- 82$ ,of the !:Gst of liluch improvements will be charged. to the .remairder ef the property within the enlarged ,.district, the proposed boundar.l:es. Gf which are as 1'ellws: , , Beginning at a point en. the NGrther~ Margin of Lauridsen Boulevard and the Easter~ Margin ef "F" ,Street, which is the Southwest corner ef Bleck Feur. Hundr.ed Fifty-Eight .(458), Tewnsite; thence Northerly '~ng the said Easter~ Margin ef "F" Streette-the Nerther~ Margin ctf Twelfth (~h) Street, thence Wester~ aleDg tho said Nerther~Marg1n of Twolfth (12th) Street to the.Wester~ line ctf Let Sixteen (16). ,Bleck Three' Burdred Fifty-3even (357), Townsite, thence Northerly aleng said Wester~ let line preduced ^ Nerther~ te. the Norther~ Margin. ctf _the alley betweea Tenth (10th) ant Eleventh (11th) Streets; thence Westerly aleng said Northerly Margin of the.said alley between Tenth . (10th) and Eleventh (11th) Streets te :tbe Easter~ Margin Gf "L" Street; thence Norther~ aleng the said Easter~ line of "L" Street.to the !Norther~ Margin of Tenth_ (lOth) Street; thence l~ester~ along the said Northel'~ Margin of Tenth (loth) ,Street te a pGlint near the. center .ef Suburban ~ Forty-Eight (4S) which is Tn Hurdred Fifty (250) feet J?alilter~ frGm the Easter~ Margin e1' '!N" Street.; thence Northerly.through Suburban :r..t Ferty-Eight_(48) i~d the center ef Blctcka Tw,. (2) ani Ono (1) of. the' Subdivision .ef Suburban Let 'lhirty-Ei&ht(38) te. the int.ersectien with the Southerly_line .of the,C. M. St. P. & p. R, R. Right ef_W~, line; thence Nertheaster- ~ aleng the s,a1d Raimad Right .Gf W...,.- line .to. the intersection Gf the Easter~ line ef Suburban Let 'fhirty-lbee(3lJ); thence Northerly lll.eng the stid Easter~ line of Suburban Let Thirty-Threo (33) and ,ilong. the Easterly line "f. Suburban. Let Thirty (30) to the Strait. of Juan de. Fuca; thence' Northeasterly along the euther shere line .of Ediz Heok, for a distame .e1' appreximat~ three thousand six hundred and !ferty (3640) 1'eet; thence an the approximate ceurse ef S 45e 55' E. to an intersectien with an at right :angles_to the Inner Harber Line; thence Souther~ ani Easterly aleng said Inner Harber line to the Nerth- :west cerner Gf . Bleck Nine (!}) which point iliO en the Easterly Margin of "AU Street; thence Ilertheaster~ a .'distance ot 370. teet aleng,the Easterly ~rgin ctf "A" Street; thence in.a_Seutheasterly directien en the extens1en of a line fifteen (15) teet N..rther~ of .an parallel.te the C. H. St. p. & P. R. R. mn line tangent between Oak. ani Cedar Streets to the angle peint of the Inner Barber Line at the Northwest 'cerner of the in'erseetion e1' Railroad Avenue ani Oak. Street; thence NDrtherly ~eng the Westerly Margin of Oak Street preduced Norther~ ..ne hundred. fifty (150) feet; . thence Southeaster~ across the Harbor area par~el te Rai1rea<i Avonae, to the Weeter~ Margin. of Chase Street; thence Sctutheasterly along. the Inner Harbor Line to the Westerly Margin o:t: vacated Liberty Street extended NQrtherl;r; thence Sc>uthwesterly 'along said extendedWester~ Margin ef Liberty. Street to the SoutherJ,y Margin of vaeated Railroad Avenue; thence Easterly alctng the Sou1;her~ Margin of vacated Railroad Avenue toe its junction with the East City rts Line; thence Seuth aleng the East City Limits Line tG the Northerly Right ef Wo;y Line et the C. M. 411 ~ 412 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 16 continuecl 19..51._ ,'co, . "".n ,m" ....<0.... ,"..... ..... .... St. p. II: p. R. R. Ce.; thence Wester~ aleng siid -Right .I WlQ'Line to the .Easteld,y ~1argin ef vacated Libe;t.:r.Street; thence Seuther~ aleng the saidmargin-er vacated Liberty Street W the line designated as tJie Wester13 brink of Ennis..Creek Valley, continuing Souther~ along the Wester~ bt'ink ef Ennis Creek Valley ard Whites Creek Valley to the Northerly Margin. of Lauridsen Boulevard, East ef Walcett Street~. thence l~ester~ aleng. said Uertherly'Margin of Law1Isen Beulevard to the place of beginning, exce]:lt certain lets and pertiens lyiog in .TuIlwater Creek Valley, Valley Creek Valley and Peabo"- Creek V e;r. . '" . ,u,r Section k. The city' sengineers are hereby' directed to subnit .to the Ceun1il at or prier to the date . f1xed.tor . such hearing a statement ef tile estima'ted. cost .am expense ef such impro~nts, the pertien et suCh cost and expecse that shoulli be b'ornel:u the prepert;y within .the proposed enlarged distric~, the ll)cal imprllVementdistrict 'aSsessments. outstanding and. unpllid. agaimt the jlroperty in such propes eO. district, and the ag. gregate actual valuation ef the real estatez including. 2~ ef the actual valuation - ef the imp- rGvements inthe proposed district accerding to the v:u.uation last placed upen it tell' the purposes ef general, tan.tien, together with a dias;;o- ell' print showing thereen the lets, tracts, parcels ef land am other propilrty which will be speci~ benel'ited by said. imprnements .and .the est:unated lIlllOunt ef the cost and &XpeDSethereof to be berne by. each 1Gt ,tract er parcel ef land or .other prepert;y within the propGsed enlarged district~ Sectien 5. All pe~ns libe mq desire te object to the i"Qrmation. of such enlarged: lU.*V1etare hereby noti- i"ied. to .aPI'!,ar and present such objectiens at a meeting of the City C.uncil to be held in the lIeeseve1t JUDieII' High School Auditorium, Porf.Angeles,. Washington, .at .7:30 p. m. on the ~ day ef October, 1954, which time and place is hereby fixed for hearing of matters relating to said. propesed .improvemenl;s . and all object- ions thereto and.i"er determining.the"lIIe'thGd ef payment of said impnvements. ". The City Clerk and engineers are hereby. directed to prepare am. give netice ef such hearing in the nw:mer required b,y law. . Sectien 6. This resolution shall' become 'eftective'immediate-lJ'--upenits passage and approval. 1 _ (PASSED by the Ceuncil e1' the City ef Pert Angeles, Washirgton and approved b,y its ~r at a regular ,meeting ei" said Council held this 16th da,y. ef September, 1954. I . ;It was meved b,y Ceuncilman Brown that the reregeing resolutien..be appreved an:!. adepted. Seconded by Hiss Pewell. All vol; ed Aye. Metien carr:l:eli. I -- -No t'urth;r business appe~, the meeting was declared adjourned. ()., g Lcuv- (J... .City.Clerk.,. (2~J$/'~ Mayor .. . LEGAL PUBL'ICATION NOTICE OF FILING r NOTICE 1s hereby given that the City Council 'Of' ilie City of Por~ Angeles has placed on file their Preliminary Budget 01 expendJtures nd revenu~ for. thealear 19~J:: c6r:'* on NOTICE TO UIDDERS Bids w1l1 .be- receIved up to '6:00 p.m.~' Sept: '30th, 1954, at the o!fl~e , of tl}e City Clerk. 140 West Front St Port Ang~Ies. Wuh.. to fUr- niSh one only % wn, automobile cab and chassis, eQ.uJppred with 90 inch utility body _ deslgnc11 as to uermit installation of a 32 foot aerial tadder."Cab ro axl~ dimension to be 48 to 53 inch!'!s. - - . A separate bid may be submitted i on 8, 32 ft., rot&ting a~rj~ ladder for t11e above for use in l'eplliclng : st~~ ~W~~Ot en'!.ent to be appro::dmate ley- . el after moun chaSSIS. I G. S. . :lPub: se~i~~ 1~~a~4a~~~ N .- -- -' I I. -I -I