HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/17/1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... 333 September 17. 1941 19_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.II.. and 'frae called to order by Maror Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Acting Attorney Taylor and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses, the following were granted: J. W. Lin:leey, Hemodel Garage, Lot 9, Block 30, N. R. bmitl1 Subd. H3rry LeGear, Remodel House, Lot 6, Block 579, lovmsite B. D. Hampton, Hemodel House, Lot 11, Block 526, lownsite F. G. Shriner, Build House, Lot 5, Block 329, Tm"lneite Herold_Hibbs Pl~bing & Heating, Master Plumber H. D. Dodge, Photographer (1 day) H. D. Dodge," (1 ") 2CO .00 1000.00 475.00 5600.00 2S.00 2.00 2.GO Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following ordinances passed their third readings and were adopted: AN CRDINANCE creating a Municipal Defense Com:r.issicn, prescribing its duties, and dee~arin,;; all emergency. AN ORDIIlP.NCE providing for the establishment and maintenance of a Pelice Department in the City of Port Angeles; repealinG Ordinance No. 503; providin;; for and declaring an emergency; placing the ordinance in full force and effect after its lawful publication. It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing ordinadce be placed on its final readinc:; and adopted. Seconded b~' Commissioner Beam. On rcll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Reports fro~ City Officers the following were read: September 16, 1941 To the Honore ble h~ayor and City COl'1l!'.issiCn Port Anleles, Washington Gentlemen: I herewith submit the first monthly estimate (August) ofwork done and material furnished by the Washington Asphalt Co., contractor on City Street Project No. 15, "Marine Drive". 600 Tons Bituminous Cement Plant Mix Type Class F @ j6.S0 per Ton Less lS% retained ~lllOunt due Contractor $3,900.00 585.00 $3,51S.00 Very truly yours, H. E. tlodge, City Engineer It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the City Engineer's firs~ estimate on City Street Project No. 15, nllarinc Drive", be approved and the Cit~. Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant for the sum of $351S .00 to the Washington Asphalt Company in pa,~ent 0: same. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Hayor declared the motion carried. September 16, 1941 To the Honorable M2ycr end Ci t;r GOIT-.lllission Port Angeles, Vlashington Gentlemen: I herewith subJr.it the first monthly estiP.'.ate (August) of work done and material furnished by the Washircgton Asphalt Co., contractor on City Street Project No. '16, "Laurel, Oak and Cher::-y Streets.. 20,000 Sq. Yds. Preparation Roadway @ ~ .05 per sq. yd. 2,,500 Tons Bituminous Cement Plant II.ix Type Class F @ $6.5S per Ton ;$ 1,000.00 15,87S.CO 16, 87S.00 ~,531.2!? $14,343.75 Less 15% retained ftlllOunt due contracta' Very truly your s , H. E. Dodge, City Eneineer It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the City Engineer's first estimate on City Street Project No. 14, "Laurel, Oak and Cherry Streets", be approved and the City Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant for the sum of $14,345.75 to the Washington Asphalt Company in payment of same. Seconded by Com~issioner Bea~. On roll call all members voted aye. The 1~yor declared the ffiotion carried. The Connnission examined and allowed the following claimfl and ordered warrants drawn for SRme: CURRENT EXPE;,rSE FIDID Olympic Stationers Wm. J. Conniff Wallace & Tieman Sales Corp. n'.% 146.79 S.uonli es ~nse /l.ccount Hardware ... ,... 334 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 17, 1941 19_ Herron's Variety Store City Treasurer D & B Bat.tery & Electric Station w. S. Darley.& Co. , Willson Hardware Co. i Harris & Schul] er Plates, Cups, etc. Stamps . Shop Work, etc. Supplie s Hardware Shop ,(ark ),0 ".. 1.46 5.00 15.80 4.52 17.05 245.66 .jJ---V CITY STREET FUND O1,'TIlpic Stationers D & B Batterl & Electric Station Wa shirigtcn ~ sphalt Co. " " Blueprints Machine Work AUGust Esti.'llRte n Project #15 .. fl16 It 111~~' - 1:05 .36 3315:00 . 14343.75 I WATERFL'ND Clallam Adjustment Corp. Ol,'lllpic Stationers W. S . Darley Co. Marckmaon & WilliAms Rens sele er Valve Co. Peterson Wholesale hRrdwarc Co. John~-!{anyille Corp. Collect Delinquent kcounts Blue Prints Pump Tee Hydran t Bolts File s Pipe &. Dends 1.85 .52 n.B? 11.42 8.02 2.44 702.83 I .f5 ,3{ . LIGHT FUND Chaff. E. Beam Clallam Adjustment Corp. R. ~!.. r\~org~:J. ~utcmotivp. Parts Sp.rvi~e HArri.s e, Schuller Line Material Co. " II Expense Collect Delinquent Accounts Lumber Pis ton Rings Mete,.- Enclosure Line He rdwa re Rubber GlovesJ etc. Scales Tra nsformers Fuse Links 76;30 34.55 1.57 4.64 5.3/, 161. 92 48.96 29.66 775.34 6.83 Peterson Wholesale Hardware Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. II II " r) (I?' 9' PARK FUND Willson H~rdware Co. Herron I s Varietr Store H~r::ilryare Toilet Paper 31~ 1.97 1.85 Thero beina no further business the COllllnission then adjmrned. ??~ -N7ro~ I City Clerk Mayor I I II..