HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/17/1951 ,.. 170 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 17. 19~ ,_, . ...,.. ..."" ..."m.., '''''''', ..... .... The City Commission convened in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumoo.ll, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the pravious session were read and approved. Under the head of applications BU:rlJlING PER!.IITS: 15' q~j,.' F. J. Keating < I Eliner Dorr Mrs. E. J. Gilliland Jack Atkinson Donald VI. Burwell Del Guz 3m Bros. Del Guzzi Bros. Albert E. Mills ,., LICENSES : ~?,' Milady'S Slenderizing Salon Club Cafe " " " If for building permits and licenses, the followin? were granted: Construct 5 room dwelling, Lot 20, Elk. 94, Townsite, Line inside walls of existing Bldg., Lot 18, Blk. 15 Townsite Enlarga living room, add closat, Lot 20, Blk 58, P. S. C.-C., Tile floor and insulate, Lot 14, Blk. 5, Lutz Sub. of Lot 17, Enlarge Store Bldg., Lot 9 { Elk 271, TOll'llsl.te ' . Construct 6 room dwelling, S. 11 & 12, Blk. 578, Townsite Add Store Bldg. to present market, Lot 10, Elk. 200, Townstie Construct Garage, Lot 4, Elk 129, Morse Sub Div. 5,000.00 600.00 400.00 SOO ;00 500.00 14,000.00 14; 500.00 550.00 Steam Ca binet Restaurant Operator- Automatic Music Machine Soft Drink Service Amusement Machine Soft Drink Service Automatic Music Machine Amusement !.Iachine 25.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 12.00 6.00 Log Cabin Tavern n-" " ... Under the haad of unfinished business, the hearing of Assessment roll for L. I. D. No. 155 was opened. , There having been no objections made or filed, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the' Holl be approved anCl accepted, and the Attorney instructed to prepare an Ordinance confirming the same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mayor Feeley received a letter from Captain M. C. Jones, Engineering Division of the U. S. C. G., informing , that the stone rip-rap project on Ediz Hook is tendered to the City to operate and maintain, thereby , absolving the Coast Guard of any responsibility. Engineer Ahlvers recommended that the City accept the , prbject and responsibility. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the Clerk be'instructed to advise the Coast Guard that the City accepts the completed Ediz Hook rip-rap project and responsibility of the same. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted AJS, Motion carried. Under the head of new oo.siness, Mrs. J. A. Rupprecht and Mrs. A. W. Tinkham appeared on behalf of the I Lincoln P. T. A. and the Port Angeles Council 0 f P. T. A. respectively, and presented resolutions as adopted by the organizations requesting that the Commission make provisions in the 1952 budget for Fluoridation of the water supply. Commissioner Taylor advised that cost of equipment would be approximately '3000.00, and if it is the desire of the people and Commission, he favors tbe same. After further discussioll, it was moved by Mr. Taylor that the Commission make provisions ill the 1952 oo.dget for' first ateps toward installa- tion of equipment for lfluoridation of water supply. Seconded by Commiseioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Sheila Astley questioned the importance of Fluoridation or pollution control, and which project should be first considered. Commissioner Taylor advised the t there is no direct relationahip and one would not interfere with the other. Inez McLaughlin and Miss Astley also appeared for the Soroptimist Club, and filed a written request that the, Commission consider construction of a public comfort station in conjunction with the City Jail. Commissioner Robinson advised that the project should not be included in the budget, oo.t'if favorable, should be consider;' ed in Jail specifications. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Architect be consulted, to !determine if the project can be included in specifications and cost of the same. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried. . Joe Morrison again appeared regarding right-of-way and portions of land at Morse Creel<: for which he requests re-imbursement for use and gravel removed. Attorney Trilmbull expressed doubt if a claim could be charged I against the City under the circumstances. It was moved b.Y Commissioner Taylor that, the matter be referred to the Attorney and Engineer, to contact the leaseholder and ascertain if tha City can legally purchase. Motion seconded b.Y Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Robinson emphasized the fact that the Commission is willing to purchase the property any time Mr. Morrison can deliver legal t~tle to I the same. ' Albino Casilio requested pmmmissi~n~terent,the City grader for construction work on East Tenth Street. Legality of equipment rental will be determined by the Attorney. Attorney Chamberlain presented a proposed plat of property outside the ~ity for approval by the Commission as required by Statute, Commissioner Robinson informed that there should be no objections to the plat as such, and moved that the City endorse filing of the plat without ob(jections. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley and carried. !'ire Chief Wolverton requested that amounts in the Fire Department Budget be transferred as follows: 1150.00 from Insurance and $200.00 from Radio and Fire Alarm Supplies, to the item of Department and Office Supplies, all in the same Classification. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the transfers be approved as requested. Seconded b.Y Commissioner Robinson and carried. Mayor !'eeley informed that interested parties have offered to purchase timber on City property in the Ennis Creek watershed. It was moved b.Y Commissioner Robinson that the matter be referred to the Water Superinten-I dent with instructions to ascertain if sale of timber will jeopardize the watershed, and submit contract for, approval. Motion seconded by Mayor t'eeley. All voted Aye. Moticn carried. I I i Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: i RF.sOLUTION WHERBAS, there are in the City of Port Angeles, certain streets which have been designated as primary and secondary State Highways, which streets sre under the direction and control for purposes of maintenance I and traffic guidance of the Director of Highways of the State of Washington; and .... I I' I I 1 '1 II I i Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 171' September 17 , Continued , 195], ",....".."....".""..........."....... ... WHEREAS, said Director of Highways maintains in the City of Port Angeles, certain equipment, facilities and employees for the purpose of so maintaining such streets, and particularly has available in the City of Port Angeles, materials, equipment and employees for the purpose of painting traffic guide lines on the surface of such streets; and ' WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles does not have equivalent facilities for the painting and marking of ,'such guide lines; and : WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the interest of the City 0 f Port Angeles, and of the State of Washington I tha t the materials, equipment and employees of the State of WaShington, under the Director of Highways, be used for the painting of traffic guide lines' on. the surf.ace of the streets in the City of Port Angeles, both ,on those streets designated as St~te Highways and other surfaced streets; and I WlIEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is authorized by the Laws of the State of Washington to request the Di'rector of Highways to perform such service and the Director of Highways is so authorized to perfo'rm such Ise'rvices upon request; now, therefore, . . I ' BE IT RESQJ,VEJ) that the Director of Highways of the State of Washington, be, and he is hereby requested . b.l( the City of Port Angeles to paint and mark upon the 'sur faced streets of ssid City, other than those ,streets designated primary and sec'ondary Sta"te Highways, such traffic guide lines as from time to time shall, II be' designated and requested by the City of Port Angeles a'nd approved by the Director of Highways; and that \ the State of Washington be reimbursed for the cost and expense of so painting and marking such traffic guide ,lines by the City of Port Angeles from any monies available for such purposes and in funds property chargable with such expense. !I:was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Conmlissioner. Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ,The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: : CURREN'l' EXPENSE FUND: /15', () 5' IBuilding Code Publiching Co. R. O. Ide Forrest O. Reed Willson Hdwe. Co. 'J. C. Romick CITY STREET FUND: $2.7fl" E.A. Jensen';"Shell Jobber lVfillson Hdwe. Co. WATER !'1llill.: / 'Ill!. 'I~ Zellerbach Paper Co. ' City Shop DDpt. Hooker Electrochemical Co. State Treasurer Hugh Govan Wi]~son Hdwe. Co. 5 Building Codes Car Mileage for August Traveling Expense Tools & Hdwe. Telephone 9.75 24.45 70.00 4.49 6.58 15.74 58.98 15.76 457.09 53.35 1,084 .15 '18.54 182.59 2,265.00 5.82 1.90 15.66 1,63 35.24 57.08 55,795.10 11.87 80.00 8.36 102 .63 . ; 342.50 55.66 6.58 10.00 257.24 Compressor Oil, Grease Tools & Hdwe. Paper Towels Gas, Oil, Hepairs Chlorine Sta te Tax Move Shovel Pipe, etc, LIGHT WND: S~ ~'/f,~" State Treasurer G. & W. fire Service City Water Dept. Willson Hdwe. Co. ,City Treasurer Line Material Cb. Hugh Govan 'General Electrit Co. S. & S. Electric Co. Forrest Hansen I , SANITATION FUND: 1?',.3~ Automotive Parts Service I PARK FUND: J P::t, (p 5 ,City Treasurer State Taxes Refill fire ext. Water Charge Supplie s ..Express Chgs. Connectors Move Trans f, Transformers fuse re-fills Grading Filters, Tape Light) Water Garbsge 'PARKING METER & TRAFFIC COllTROI, FUND: Jack Sahlberg Eguipment co:-- G. & L. Paint Supplies 'James Hardware Co. I CEMETERY 1<'UND: City Trea;;:U;:er I 'L. I. D. GeneralEUnd: .z 57. ~ 'I CItyW;t"er Dept. - I (0 further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned. I I i '1"'1,51t Signs. Paint, Toola etc. It), n>, Water Eng. wcrk J4// /l. /i-f o I' t: :t: mAAr". City Clerk ,..,4