HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/17/1953 ""3 r Ii . U-:r Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 17. lQ~,. 19~ ,.., . ",""n. ..."". ''''_''. .."..... "m .... J The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M., and was called to order by Mqor Smith. Roll call 01' Officers revealed the following present: Ma.Yor Smith, Councilman Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe and McFaddet\, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and <;:lerk Law, .. It was moved by Councilman Neer that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as recorded. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Under the head of unfinished Business, one bid to furnish otfice equipment was received from the Burroughs Corporation as follows: Electrically operated four total adding and subbracting machine, net, $644.27. Two Burroughs bill and stul;l validating cash registers, net, $1,568.4$. Manager Vergeer recommended, that due. to lack of competitive bids, the offer be rejected. It wg,moved by Councilman Sandison that the'recommendation be approved and offer rejected. Seconded by Councilman Neer and unanimously carried. Pursuant to notices published, one bid was'received from Guido Gallacci for purQhase of'Lot 15, Block 127, To>msite, in amount of $150.00. The minimum having been set at this amount, it was moved by Councilman Mc- Fadden that the bid be accepted. ,Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Council.discussed Laurel Street. bluff improvements and possibilit.y of acti~n by certain individuals to dellliY operations. It was noved by Councilman McFadden that a resolution be adopted prohibiting the parkitig of cars on sidewalk. area on the East side of Laurel Street from the South line of First Street to the bluf!.1 Motion seconded by .Councilman Neer and unanimo~sly carried. , '. I Manager Vergeer announced that he'has received reply from the State Highwll3'" Department regarding request for, traffic signal installation and operation at First and Race, First and Peabocl3', Fourth and Lincoln; and Sixth ani Lincoln. The reply informs that the Department will conduct a sixteen hour traffic survey at these intersections September 22, recOllllllendation for signal installation to be determined by results of survey. Under the head of new business, W. ,E. Parr, Assistant Administrator at OnlYmpic Memorial Hospital, spoke before the Council regarding car.~ of indigents arrested by city and county peace officers and requiring hospitalization, citing loss to Hospital as approximately $500.00 over period of six months. MlliYor Smith 1nfonned that in his 'opinion, an Attor,ney General'.s ruling. has established responsibility of the City fof prisoners in City Custocl3'. Counc;\lman McFadden pointed out that ~ of the cases are other than City responsibility. Manager Vergeer advised that if such a ruling makes the City responsible, funds will be provided in the budget, the same to be used for City responsibility only. Councilman McFadden IIOved that the City Treasurer be instructed to transfer $100,000.00 from the First I'NatiOnal Bank to the Ol3mPic State Bank, thereby making deposits more equitable. Motion seconded.by Councilman Wolfe. All voted 4e. Motion carried. The Council approved renewals' of beverage licenses as follows: Harrington and Giles, Handi~top. Grocery,' I "Fraternal Order of Eagles, M. & C. Tavern, Tugboat Tavern, Lee Hotel:, p. alace Tavern, P. A. DJ.stn.buting Co., lPeninsula Beverage, Smith's Beverages, Haguewood's Restaurant, Boulevard'Grocery, Bailey's Grocery, Tip Top 'l'avern, Parkw~ Grocery, 1wket Basket, Sunrise Grocery, P. A. ThH:ft Store, Marine Drive Lunch, Tradewell I Store Quick Service Grocery, Log Cabin Tavern, Ba.be's Tavern, Ol3mPic Heights Grocery, and Duck Inn. It was 'moved' by Councilman Mcfadden that the applications for renewal be approved. Seconded by Councilman Neer. !All voted Aye. Motion.carried. Manager Vergeer intormed the Council that the Y. 11. C. A. is delinquent in payments for utility services i and requested opinion of the Council regarding collection as the amount is increasing each month. The Council recollllllended mended leniency and it was moved ,by Councilman Powell that action be postponed until the Geod Neighbor drive is concluded. Seconded by Councilman tiolfe. ..All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ,Mr. Vergeer also read a letter from the 'Building Trades Counill regarding a JI,zo. Hunter, no action being , I taken by the Council. ". i IGeorge Sylvia appearfld. :regarding curb and sidewalk grade in front of his,lrDperty on West Second Street, the ,grade having been prenously run by the Engineers and is now four inches higher than the present grade. ,Manager Vergeer recommended that the grade be gradually tapered at City expense, thereby permitting use of ',drivewll3'". It was moved. by Councilman Wolfe that the recommendation be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I . ',The monthly report of the Police Department for AUgust was filed for approval. It was moved by Councilman ,Powell that the report be !lccepted and approved.. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I .council instructed that the City request the Federal. Government to turn lIVer to the State of Washington its .property at Camp HlliYden, the same to be used for establishing a State Park. It was IOOVed by Councilman McFadden that the Council go on record as approving State acquisition of the property for park purposes. Seconded by Councilman Sandison ani unanimousq carried. 1- 'The U. S. .coast Guard presented the City with a large aerial photograph of Port Angeles from the Coast and ~eodetic Survey of Department of Commerce: Council accepted with thanks and instructed that the same be acknowledged by letter of appreciation. I ~uant to invitation mended, John Glann and Don Sleeper of School District No. 17 appeared and explained rtivitieS and program of sununer recreation council for which the City,has !leen appropriating 1?5,OOO.00. The Humane Society also having been invited, no representatives appeared. Mr. Vergeer advised that the Society was infonned by letter as to what the City will do and the same has been accepted by the Society. :I'he Council instructed that an Ordinance be prepared to confonn with agreement. I. - Manager Vergeer announced that copies of the preliminary budget for the year 1954 will be available for distribution within the coming week. Also that nonnal. routine of billing will be on regular basis after ~ransfer of garbage accounts. ) There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. (j . 8 . :;;e..a-u.r, (j ;rJ~~ a..... I I. I I .