HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/17/1985 I "I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 17, 1985 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Quast, Schermer, Stamon. Members Absent: Councilman Gerberding. Staff Present: Acting Manager Orton (Manager Flodstrom arrived at 7:11), Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, J. Hicks, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, D. Heassler, D. Krank, C. Dahlman, B. Raymond, T. Funston, J. Abernathy. Public Present: L. Sunny, J. ~~rtin, M. Merrick, W. Schmidt, R. Rondeau, B. Rooney, S. Fahnestock, J. Hallett, B. & C. Philpott, D. & P. Vautier, F. McPhee, J. Davies, L. Ross, J. Levin, M. Haley, L. Lee, D. Quast. III MINUTES councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the September 3, 1985, meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda, including (1) Request for payment of $18,501.60 for City's share of phase I Harbor Management Plan; (2) Correspondence From Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (3) Vouchers of $792,793.00 and Payroll of 9-8-85 of $215,679.88. Councilman Stamon requested that staff look into two notices from the Washington State Liquor Control Board, specifically a notice of discontinuance and a notice of renewal, both for the same business. Following discussion of manpower charges paid to Clallam County Sheriff's Department for Derby Days, and the fire alarm at the Hong Kong Restaurant, on call for the question, the motion carried. V FINANCE 1. Bid Awarded to National Electric for PCB Retrofi1l Councilman Schermer moved for acceptance of the recommendation of the Light Department to award the contract to National Electric for the base bid in the amount of $48,369.86, including tax. Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Stamon discussed with staff the liability involved for the City in disposing of this material. During discussion, Attorney Knutson explained that Federal Law from the Environmental Protection Agency would never free the City from liability; that the City can only dispose of the material in the best possible way. On call for the question, the motion carried. 2. Payment of Riddell, Williams Bill - $10,424.97 - Authorized Councilman Quast moved, regretfully, to approve payment of the September 3, 1985, Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $10,424.97. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Quast did note that this bill includes one of the winning litigations. Attorney Knutson explained that a judgment had been upheld in the bridge and termination loan cases by the Supreme Court of the State of Washington. Councilman Quast explained that the Council is expending these funds in order to protect the ratepayers from tremendous costs, and so far, has been quite successful. On call for the question, the motion carried. 401 402 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17, 1985 3. Repowering of Fire Truck - Bid Awarded to SeaTac Ford - $30,558.86 Co~ncilman Quast moved to accept the low bid from SeaTac Ford for repower- ing the Fire Truck at a total cost not to exceed $30,558.86. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Stamon noted that the existing gasoline engine and transmission would not be traded in by the City, but would be retained to sell as .surplus property. Following discussion, on call for the question the motion carried. 4. Police Car Maintenance Bid Awarded to Phelps Tire Following a review by Finance Director Orton, Councilman Schermer moved to award the bid to Phelps Tire as per their offer for service and maintenance of the Patrol Car Fleet. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following discus- sion, on call for the question the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Hordyk reported on a UGN inauguration breakfast recently attended by members of the Council. He encouraged Councilmembers to support the UGN drive. He then donated $25 to UGN and requested other Councilmembers make contributions. Councilman Stamon reminded those present that the "Get the Drift" beach cleanup program was Saturday, September 21, 1985, at 9:00 A.M. at the Coast Guard parking lot on Ediz Hook. She urged citizens to volunteer to help with the clean-up. If there were enough volunteers and enough time, it was hoped that Hollywood Beach and the small beaches along Railroad Avenue could also be cleaned up. Councilman Stamon then added Item No. 17, Discussion of Late Hour Uses of the City Pier. Councilman Schermer added Item No. l3-B, Formation of Council Committee to Discuss Joint Dispatching Facilities. Mayor Whidden then noted that tonight's newspaper indicated the Hood Canal Bridge will be tOll-free during the period of appeal by the State of Washington, thanks to the efforts of the Fair Toll Coalition. Councilman Quast, Vice-President of that organization, explained the efforts of the Fair Toll Coalition in the matter and informed those present that the Fair Toll Coalition is requesting donations of $2, the former toll amount, to be sent to P. O. Box 13, to help fund the continuing litigation in the matter. He also requested consideration of includion of funds in the 1986 budget to be contributed to the Fair Toll Coalition by the City. ITEMS FROM THE. AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Frank McPhee requested permission to comment on the selection of the architect for the new City Hall. Mayor Whidden placed this as Item No. 13-C on the Agenda. VII LEGISLATION 1. Recognition of Brian Kott for Attaining Eagle Scout Rating Mayor Whidden read a letter of commendation to Brian Kott for recently attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Mayor Whidden shook Brian's hand, personally commending him, exclaiming what a pleasurable opportunity this was for him. 2. Recognition of Liz Zenonian and Cynthia Dahlman, City Dispatchers Mayor Whidden then presented a Certificate of Recognition to Cynthia Dahlman for administering instructions on CPR to parents of a 2~ year old girl, resulting in the child' s successful resuscitation. Cynthia main- tained the instructions amidst a felony in progress while alone on duty. Incredible! Mayor Whidden then presented an award to Liz Zenonian for successfully instructing a baby sitter in the technique of opening the airway, enabling a child to begin breathing again, after a seizure. Liz remained with the baby sitter on the telephone, offering encouragement and suggestions on I I I I I I I . :1 'I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17, 1985 keeping the child stable until the Paramedics arrived. How fortunate we are to have individuals such as Cindy and Liz employed with the City. 3. Yard of the Month Awards for August Mayor Whidden then presented Yard of the Month awards to the following: James W. Martin, Trenia and Gary Funston (congratulations, Trenial), Bob and Carol Philpott, Helen Rice, Firwest Mobile Park, Doug and Arlene Eacrett, owners. 4. proclamation - Forget Me Not Days - American Disabled Veterans Mayor Whidden proclaimed September 16th through September 21, 1985, as Disabled American Veterans Forget Me Not Days, and urged the support of all citizens and organizations for that week. Marvin J. Merrick, representing American Disabled Veterans, explained that this organization had grown from 750,000 to over one million in one and one-half years and that the organiza- tion has donated $1,000,000 to the "Save the Lady" Statue of Liberty Fund to make it accessible for all disabled persons in the country. Mr. Merrick suggested having one week-end or one day set aside to honor Vietnam veterans in Port Angeles. 5. Public Hearing - J. G. Norton Street Vacation - Ordinance Adopted Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments; there were none. He therefore closed the public hearing and read the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2356 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of Washington Street abutting Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, Green's Belle View Addition. Councilman Schermer then moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Quast seconded, adding as an amendment that the compensation in Section 2 be zero. Councilman Schermer concurred. On call for the ques- tion, the motion carried. 6. Planning commission Minutes of September 11, 1985 A. Public Hearing Set for October 1st on DelHur Rezone Councilman Quast moved to set a public hearing for October 1, 1985, to consider the request of DelHur, In,:., to rezone a parcel of property Slightly over 2 acres in size, from RS-9, Single-Family Residential, and ACD, Arterial Commercial District, toRMF, Residential Multi-Family District, located just east of the Plaza Shopping Center, south of Highway 101 East. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. B. Public Hearing Set for October 1st on Haley/Steward Rezone Request Councilman Quast then moved to set a public hearing for October 1, 1985, to consider the request for rezone from Haley/Steward of approximately 14,000 square feet from RS-7. Single-Family Residential, to OC, Office Commercial, located on the northwest corner of Seventh and Race Streets. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. C. Minutes Accepted Councilman Stamon then moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of September 11, 1985, as written. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Following clarification from City Planner Carr as to the location of landscaping on First Street between Oak and Laurel on the south side, on call for the question, the motion carried. 7. Resolution Passed Setting Public Hearing on Gund Plaza Street Vacation Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled 403 404 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17, .1985 l I I RESOLUTION NO. 31-85 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate "H" Street between Eighth Street and the 9/10 alley, the unde- veloped street identified as Eighthl Tenth Crossover Drive, and the alley in Blocks 253 and 254, TPA. Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, setting I the public hearing for October 15, 1985, and to refer the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. 8. North Olympic Library System Task Force - Report on Library Site - Jo Davies Jo Davies addressed the Council, reviewing the findings and the recommenda- tion included in the final report of the Port Angeles Library Facility Task Force. The report listed Front and Cherry as the preferred site. Follow- ing discussion with Ms. Davies, Councilman Quast commended the Task Force and the Library Board for selecting a site which would bring people to the Downtown area. The Council concurred that members of the Task Force and the Library Board would meet with members of City staff to discuss the Library's needs and to work together on possibilities for the Library site. 9. Dropped to Item No. 11 - Appeal of Sign Permit Denial - 122 West Lauridsen In order that Mr. Lammoreux, owner of property at 122 West Lauridsen be extended the opportunity to review information received by the City Council from the Public Works Department, Mayor Whidden dropped this item to Item No. lIon the Agenda. 9. Public Defender Contract Authorized I Councilman Quast moved to approve the 1985 Public Defender contract in the amount of $10,200, and to authorize the Mayor to sign that contract. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Hordyk inquired as to the reason for the $850 increase over 1984. Attorney Knutson explained this was a very justifiable increase, due to the increased number of domestic violence and DWI charges, etc., being referred to the Public Defender. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 10. Loan Agreement Between City and Waterfront Associates Tabled Councilman Schermer moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to sign a loan agree- ment, along with other closing documents necessary to consUmmate the City's loan to Waterfront Associates. Councilman Quast seconded, urging that this be Subject to receipt by the Chamber of Commerce of the promised $3,000 from Waterfront Associates for audio-visual equipment. Following discus- sion at great length, Councilman Haguewood moved to table this item until the Council could see the loan agreements and other closing documents. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Following further discussion at length, the motion carried with Councilmen Hordyk, Haguewood and Stamon voting "Aye" and Councilmen Quast and Schermer. voting "No". 11. Appeal of Sign Permit Denial at 122 West Lauridsen I Paul Lamoreux, 122 West Lauridsen Boulevard, was opposed to information submitted to the Council by the Public Works Department. Mr. Lamoreux presented his argument on the issue, stating his sign was not an obstruc- tion to public safety and that no complaints had been received on the sign. During discussion, Attorney Knutson pointed out that as well as the right- of.-way use ordinance, two other ordinances prohibited the extension of a sign into public right-of-way, specifically the zoning sign ordinance and the Building Code ordinance. Following discussion at great length, Councilman Quast regretfully moved for denial of this appeal until Council can revise and discuss the hard- ships which might be present under current ordinances. Councilman Stamon seconded for discussion. Following further discussion, Councilman Quast I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17, 1985 withdrew his motion, moving to table the decision on the matter until October 1, 1985. Councilman Schermer seconded. Mr. Lamoreux thanked the Council, stating that he would be very agreeable to this arrangement and feeling that this was a good decision for the benefit of the entire community. Councilman Quast then instructed staff to draft a mode of variance for the current ordinance being enforced in this situation. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. Manager Flodstrom stated that the right-of-way use permit vehicle for dealing with this type of situation, as flexibility. may be the proper it allowed more 12. Preliminary Review of City's Septic Tank Pumping Regulations Mayor Whidden reviewed a memo from the Public Works Department regarding the issue of the City's restriction of discharge of septic wastes into the City's sewer system. Public Works Director Pittis requested the Council simply review the information at this time and bring it back on the agenda of the October 15, 1985, Council meeting, to allow the Public Works Depart- ment ample time to notify all operators of septic pumpers in the area. Councilman Quast then moved that the information submitted to the' Council be mailed before October 15, 1985, to all affected dumpers and that a new discussion be scheduled at the October 15, 1985, meeting. Councilman Schermer seconded. Following inquiry by Councilman Haguewood, staff explained that wastes fI:om recreational vehicles dumped into the City's sewer system would still be accepted, as this material was not ,any better or worse than standard sewage from a house. Councilman Quast added to the motion that copies also be sent to Henry Hamm the County Sanitarian, and the County Public Health Officer, Dr. Stan Garlick, for discussion at the County Public Health Advisory Board on September 24th. On call for the question, the motion carried. 13-A. Arai/Jackson-Lindberg Selected as Architect for Design of Port Angeles City Hall Councilman Quast moved to authorize staff to work with the firm of Arai/ Jackson-Lindberg to develop an architectural engineering contract to be presented back to the City Council at its October 1st meeting. councilman Schermer seconded, commending staff and the two Councilmembers who served on the Selection Committee for their diligent work. Councilman Quast pointed out that Mr. Lindberg is a local architect and has joined this team. On call for the question, the motion carried. 13-B. Establislunent of Council Committee to Discuss Joint Dispatching Facility Councilman Schermer presented the concept of appointing two members of the Council to work with City staff and others concerning the concept of joint dispatch facilities. Councilman Hordyk volunteered to serve on the com- mittee. Councilman Stamon nominated Councilman Schermer to serve. Mayor Whidden formally appointed Councilmen Hordyk and Schermer to serve on the committee. 13-C. Frank McPhee - Comments on Selection of Architect for City Hall Frank McPhee, 911 East Eig~th Street, addressed the Council. Mr. McPhee opposed the selection of a Seattle architect for the new City Hall. He understood that one of the architects was from Port Angeles and felt this was good, but opposed the selection of a firm from Seattle. Mr. McPhee reviewed the background of the firm of Tim Haley, a local architect. Mr. McPhee also referred to a recent call for bids from the Economic Develop- ment Council which included specifications that required the use of a special press not available in Port Angeles. He stated if we continue to allow specifications that eiminate our local professionals or jobbers or printers, we never will see a press of this nature on the Peninsula. Mr. McPhee listed all the local firms that the firm of Tim Haley had included in tlleir proposal, stating that the firms that were not local were chosen only because local professionals of that nature did not exist. Mr. McPhee felt there is a need to provide an environment which will enable our children to return to Port Angeles as professionals after they complete their college educations. 405 406 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17, 1985 Councilman Hordyk emphasized that during the development of a contract, the City will still use every local resource possible. Councilman Quast noted there was another local firm, specifically Johnston and Hunt, Mr. Hunt being a colleague of Councilman Quast. However, Councilman Quast deferred decision to the unanimous recommendation of the committee selected to choose an architect for the project. Manager Flodstrom further stated that although all of the eight finalists interviewed for the project were very qualified and capable firms; the best proposal at this particular time for this particular project was made by I~ Arai/Jackson-Lindberg. He stated this did not take anything away from the firm of Tim Haley or the firm of Johnston & Hunt who had both done excel- lent work locally, but the committee felt they had a responsibility to pick the best firm for this particular project, based on what they had shown the committee. Mr. McPhee stated that at some point we have to help our local people. 14. Final Acceptance of Institutional Building Programs Work for William Shore Memorial Pool Councilman Schermer moved to accept the Light Department's recommendation to authorize the final payment on this contract and accept the work. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk abstaining. 15. Final Acceptance of Senior Center Insulation Contract Councilman Department contract. Schermer moved to concur with the recommendations of the Light and accept the work as well as authorize final payment on this Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 16. An Ordinance Adopting State Law Regulating Firearms Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2357 AN ORDIANNCE of the City of Port Angeles generally prohibiting firearms in certain areas, consistent with Chapter 9.41 RCW; declaring violations to be a misdemeanor; and adding a new section to Chapter 9.42 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; and amending Ordinance 2129 and PAMC 9.42.010 by adding the definition of the term "firearm". Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Stamon requested this Ordinance be made very public. On call for the question, the motion carried. 17. Concerns Over Problems with Youth at the City Pier Councilman Stamon noted that she had received complaints from a numbe~ of people over verbal comments and sometimes outright threats toward Port Angeles senior citizens attempting to use the City Pier in the evening hours. She also referred to on-going and expensive problems with vandalism at the Pier restrooms. She requested consideration of possible closure of the Pier or increased patrolling and enforcement in the area. Manager F1odstrom explained that enforcement efforts had increased, and suggested that he and Parks & Recreation Director John Marsh get together with the Park Board to develop recommendations to be brought back before the Council. Police Chief Cleland also volunteered to work with the Park Board to develop recommendations. Councilman Quast suggested having undercover officers patrol the area. VIII LATE ITEMS None. I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17, 1985 IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA George Mattson, 1006 East Front Street, addressed the Council, stating that the first settlement had apparently been made on the ESM contract. He stated that if the report is correct, Clallam County is now part owner of a football team, very aptly named the Tampa Bay Bandits. Councilman Hordyk brought up a problem along the waterfront with one of the City's tenants dumping into the. Bay, causing a very unpleasant odor. He instructed staff to make known to the tenant that the City Council would not tolerate this. Manager Flodstrom explained that the owners had been notified that this was unacceptable. Manager F10dstrom also explained that the State had been notified in regard to this problem. Councilman Haguewood inquired as to a special appropriation which had been made to the Police Department. Manager Flodstrom explained that informa- tion on the status of this appropriation was forthcoming. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 9:32 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litigation. The length of the executive session was approximately one-half hour. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session_~t approximately 10:02 P.M. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:05 P.M. ;n/?/u) ()~aL - _ lerk d.~~rAllL i!.iJL, Mayor - 407