HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/18/1935 """324 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 18,1935 193_ The Commission met in regu~ar session at 10 a.m.and was called to order by llayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis Commissioners Lutz and Masters ,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses the following were granted,- Epperson & Sons, Storage shed, Lot 3 Block ~68,Townsite Phyllis Burke, Commercial Hotel,~4 rooms ;1500.00 24.00 Under the head of reading communications the following was read,- I.!r.Ralph Davis ilayor of Port Angeles My Dear IiII'. Da vis,- 1 wish to tender my resignation as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Port Angeles Public Library to take effect at once. It has been a pleasure to me to serve in that capacity,and I thank you for all courtesies extehded. Yours very truly, Katherine H.White. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the resignation of Katherine M.\r.hite as a member of the Board of Trustees of The Port Angeles Public Library be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion c carried. The Mayor then submitted the name of Mrs.Maude ~ilson for appointment as a member of the Board of ~rustees of the Port Angeles Public Library. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The !.layor declared the motion carried. . The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- CURRENT EXPENSE FmID George's Service Station, William Porter LynCh'S Service Thomas ]{. Gup till M.R.Alleman Sta te Treasurer ? 1. 50 50.00 1. 00_ 3.50 3.74 ) II J J 51.40 \ Repairs Elec tric Drill Grease car Stenci Is Lumber Ind.Ins.& lied.Aid \'lATER FUND Lannoye Auto Rebuild State Treasurer 36.69 25.85 Repairs IND.INS.& llED.AID. /.,y!q LIGHT FUND Western Union , Union Oil C'ompany Gehrke & Johnson Sta te Treasurer 1.08 ~0.18 , 40.18 16.85 Telegram Oil Gas Ind.lns.& Med Aid 1~~ (. I PARK FmID State Treasurer Ind.lns.& !.led Aid 7.83 There being no fUr~her business the Commission then~djO ed " , e;0<9~ , ' ?;?>>;J~~ Clerk Mayor " l... I 1 1 I 1