HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/18/1950 ,. 48 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 18. 19~ "'" . """""" ...m.. .m"... """........... ..... The Commission met in regular session at 10,00 A.M., and was called to order by h~yor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, &ttorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. ,1;inutes of the previous session were read and approved. Und€r the head of applicetions for building permits, the following were granted: . 7 ,/,,0 c Ceorge Byrns Remodel House; Lot 5, Elk. 2, Owens Addition Petersen & Craver Remodel Store; Lot 20, Blk. IS, 1'ownsite A. .T. Linn Construct Porch & Sidewalk; lot 8, rilk. 69, 1'oWllsite M. E. Shepherd Build l-Car Garage; Lots 15-16, Elk. %24, Tovmsite 550.00 6,000.00 500.00 550.00 Und€r the head of unfinished business, Mr. Nielsen, Mrs. McLaughlin, and other landlords appeared regarding discontinuation of rent control and results of survey by the Eoard. ~:ayor Feeley admitted some confusion regarding date of report and advised that the report will be finished Thursday. br. Nielaen cited discrimination against landlords as all other controls are removed. Also requested that the Commission take in their own hands and abolish control as the squeeze is too close to permit payment of taxes and upkeep. J,~s. McLaughlin expressed the desire of all landlordR to run their own business without controls as others do. Also that other cities have discontinued. I Commissioner Taylor informed that he is personally in favor of discontinuing control but thinks the Board should have opportunity to complete their report. Also that the Commission is not fully informed and do not want to ignore the Board Tihen report is so near completion. Commissioner Robinson did not .favor un-necessary waiting as all reports are a slow process. Mayor Feeley again advised that the report would be ready Thursday and moved that the Commission postpone any action until next Monday. Attorney Trumbull cited quotes from housing Act of 1949 which requires that a ,public hearing be held after ten days notice of such hearing. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that forJ1ler motion be withdrawn and the Attorney instructed to draw necessary docwnents for repeal of rent control. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. It .was further moved by Commissioner Robinson that the date of public hearing be fixed for September 29th, at 3:00 P.M., notice to be published and place of .meeting to be determined later. Hotion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. ),jotion carried. 'fhe second and final estimate for work done by J. U. Bruch Company at Ocean View Cemetery in amount of 1196.42 as filed by the Bneineer was approved and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Gommissioner Robinson that the claim be paid. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor reported approval by the State Health Board of specifications for the chlorination system and it was moved by Mr. Taylor that the bid submitted by Karl H'. Norby for ,)6,],24.00 be accepted as the lowest and best bid according to specifications. ~lotion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye.. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Earl Wilcox and others appeared on behalf of Barber and rieauty Shop operators regarding license required by the Ci~, declaring that said license is unconstitutional and requested that the City adopt an ordinance declaring unconstitutionality of tne same. Mr. Nilcox pointed out unfairness of charging barber and beauty operators for using the~r tools and equipment when other I professions do not pay. ! Commissioner hobinson agreed that t,he small fee charged did not mean much to either the City or the operators. Mayor Feeley questioned t,he Attorney if the Ordinance was constitutional, to which he answered it is, and the City has power to sustain. But if the part regulating and fixing hours is inValid, the rest of the Ordinance could be held legal. Mr. Wilcox cited cases brought before United States District and State Supreme Courts, and that the said Courts had held against such Ordinances. It was moved by Commissioner Ilobinson that the Attorney be instructed to draw an Ordinance repealing the Ordinance fixing license fee of ;il.OO per chair for barber and beauty operators. !"ayor Feeley questioned the reaction of other businesse~ paying licenses and Commissioner Hobinson suggested that in .that case a license might be required for everything. After further discussion, the question was again voted and on roll call all members voted Aye. Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Bill 1ienner and a group of Camp Fire Girls appeared, requesting that the Commission adopt a resolution formally recognizing the ownership by the Camp Fire Girls, Inc., of the Camp lire Girls Club House in Jessie Webster Park. The Organization also requested lease, for a nominal fee, to 150 'xl40 , in the Southvlest corner of Jessie Webster Park in which the clubhouse is located. Attorney Trumbull informed that due to lack of factual information, his off hand opinion is that the City has no power to relinquish as per request. That if building is erected, by rule of the TBW, it becomes property to o>mership of the land. Mr. Ti:wnbull also cited importance that all the facts be established. The requests were referred to the Attorney. !AndY Caris requested permission to put in fill three feet wide On Chase Street from Yirst to Second Streets. The lTBtter was referred to the t.ngineer. jA petition signed by property owners near 10th and I Streets requested that the City install pipe lines to furnish adequate water service. This was referred to the Water Superintendent. Commissioner Hobinson informed of a complaint by Todd Haller regarding an open swimming pool endangering li ves of small children and responsibility of the same. This was referred to the bttorney. Notice of assessed valuation for the year 1951, as returned by the State and Count~' Boards of Equalization, was submitted by the County Assessor as follows: Septamber 15, 1950 l:r. J. E. Law, City Clerk City Hall Port Angeles, Washington D€ar Sir: In compliance with statutes governing, I sublr.it herewith the total asseRsed value of Heal and Personal Property in Clallam County, for the year 1950, as returned by the County and State Ill.... I -I I I 49" Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 18th, continued, 19~ "" , ,.,... .'", ........"'. '''''''0 ..". .... Boards of J<;qualization, as allotted to the City of Port Angeles, as follows: I Total City of Port Angeles ------------ $8,911,S58 Respectfully submit.ted, A. J. C OSSER, COUNTY ASSESSOR I , J I Recmmoondation by the Park Board was presented, requesting that burial charges in Ocean View Cemetery be I increased five dollars when sectional concrete boxes are used. Due to additional labor required, it was ,moved by Commissioner Taylor tha t the Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to the present jOrdinance effecting change in fees. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I By: John L. Husung, Ueputy The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants 5~ CURRE.'-1T EXPENSE FUND: :J 5' 3 - John J. Driscoll Olympic i'rin te ry ID & B Battery & Electric Station IEaotman Kodak Co. The Texas Co. Isamuelson Motor Co. .r'itchard's Ass. Service IVlillSOn Rardware Co. Angeles Millwork & Lbr. Co. Peninsula fuel Co. Radio uervice Appliance ,7 CITY STREET FUND: 1:1.5''' - Richfield Oil Corp. The Texas Co. Luvaas Tire-Retread Service ,Butts Texaco Service 'Dobson Auto Elsctric in & Il Batter)" & Electric Stn. 1Automotive Parts Co. iMiddleton Motor Parts Co. Illrown Drug Co. IWillS on Hardware 5:L ~/A'l'EH l'UND: 7 f.;? - Olympic i'rintery IJohrlSon lianufacturing Co. lll.ayonier, Inc. /Rensselaer Valve Co. 'Olympic Tribune 'D &. B Battery & Electric Stn. IBow Lake Equipment Co. David &. l'hompson, V{recker Service Willson hardware Co. 'I'Federal Pipe & Tank Co. ,Palmer Supply Co. Hugh G. Purcell Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. , oG :LIDlIT rlJIIIJ: :< ~ - J. J. McLaan J I tf SANITATION HlND: )3 Earl Davidson Car Mileage for August Dobson Auto Electric 1 Cartridge 'D &. B Battery '" Electric ::Jtn. Plugs, Point ! ~7 CONTROL FUND: 3 ~ Tools and rlardware i O. g XCUV ,I I I City Clerk I I I I I I I , I " I. I PAHKINO 1CETER &. 1'RAFFIC ~f{illSon Hardware Go.. , ~, 1. 1. D. llEVOLVOO FUND: I - 1U:GmPiC Tribune 76 L. 1. D. GENE.'\P.L l'UND, ~ ~ 'Olympic Tribune I . ,There being no further oos1.ness, issued in payment of same: Services for Conducting EXAms Permanent Registration Cards Battery 4 Boxes Hlm Gas Steam Cycle Car Repair Spray, ~ittings, Shovel lumber fuel Oil Tubes 10.00 9.94 14.03 11.99 114.00 3.09 74.49 1.96 5.75 104.93 5.55 Motor Oil Gas, Oil, etc. Tire, :Retreads, Repairs Ground Cables 5 Gal. Bandix Metalclene Battery, Magnito, etc. Parts, etc. Tools and HdvTe. First Aid Kits Valve, Brushe s 40.94 684 .24 297.66 2.25 9.86 75.07 36.94 70.45 21. 78 17.50 Printing, etc. Ram Parts Steel Plate Hydrant,ext. Adv. Parts Shovel Parts Parts Tools, etc. Bands Pipe and Fittings pi jl8 }~ttings, Valve & 'fee 11.80 19.19 16.07 19.57 6.S7 5.44 57.54 10.30 39.37 15.94 421.28 99.97 71.48 Traveling Expense 25.05 28.28 1.25 5.88 3.57 Notice of Sale 1.26 Legal Publica tions 6.75 the session was declared adjourned. ~~/d~4+ l!ayor I ~