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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
September 18
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The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 7:.30 P.M., and was called
to order by lo'l8.yor Smith. Roll call of Officers, showed the following present' Mayor Smith, Councilmen
Powell, Brown, Neer, Sandison, Wolfe and McFadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law.
It was. moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous session be approved. Seconded by Councilman
Wolfe and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, Manager Vergeer reported on inspection of timber in the Morse Creek
Watershed, sale of the same having been requested by James Spencer. Dr. Risser of the Olympic Health
District, filed written recommendation that for protection of the watershed, the timber should not be
removed. The Manager concurred with recommendation. It was then moved by Councilman Neer that request
for sale of timber bectenied. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Don Morrison appeared on behalf of the Lions Club and informed that street signs donated by the Club
are in need of attention as some are bent, missing or down. Manager Vergeer assured that repair and
replacement of signs will be attended immediate13.
Claims paid as of August 25 and 28, 1952, in the amount of 15,216.92 were submitted for approval by the
Council. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the claims be allowed. Secon:led by Councilman Wolfe.
All voted Aye. Motion Carried.
A petition signed by.abutting property owners was filed with the Council requesting vacation of the alley
in Block 190, Townsite. It was moved by Councilmen Wolfe that the request be referred to the Planning
Commission for recommendations. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. Jill voted Aye. Motion carried.
Approval of requests for transfer and renewal of beverage licenses were requested as follows:
Yolanda C. Carlson Don Feeley
Thos. W. llwens Donald V. Reed
Club Billiards Conrad' 5 Cafe
Naval Lodge No. .35.3 ,/estside Grocery
Tugboat Tavern and Grill Tradewell Stores, Inc.
B and M Grocery Tip Top Tavern
Palace Tavern Haguewood' 5 Restaurant
The Villa Quick Service Grocery
Rose 1 s Place Duck Inn
Log Cabin Tavern Chinook Tavern
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the renewals and transfers be approved by the Council. Seconded
'by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Appraisals and minimums fixed for certain parcels of property as requested were as follows:
Lots 19 and 20, Blk. 150, Townsite, $300.00 for the two lots.
Lots 17 and 18, Blk. 244, ".300.00 to be sold as single parcel or no sale.
Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 292, Corner lot, $1590.00. Inside lot, $1,000.00
Lot .3, Blk. 34, Townsite, $3,330.31
Lots 1 to 10 Incl., Block 434, Townsite, $75.00 per Lot.
I Lots 11 to 18 Incl., Blk. 434, Townsite, 1100.00 per Lot.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing appraisals and minimums be confirmed and property
advertised for sale. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
The fourth Certificate or progress claim for cost of City Police St.ation construction were filed in
amounts of $20,464.81, for construction, $605.82 architect's fees. It was moved by Council.Jnen Brown
that the claim be approved and paid. Seconded by Council.Jnan Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Manager Vergeer reported that demand has been filed by the Insllnance Compa~ requesting that sidewalk
adjacent to Tradewell Grocery be repaired or the company's responsibility clause will be cancelled. Mr.
Vergeer read copy of a letter to J. A. Hoare, property owner, requesting that the sidewalk be replaced
or proper13 repaired for safety and protection of the public.
Demand from the Division of Municipal Corporations regarding contract between the City and Humane
Society was discussed and action deferred until State Examiner Lockwood is informed from the Ol3'mPia office.
Request for ins tallation of curbs on South side of Georgiana Street, known as Block .3 of Hart and Cook
Subdivision of Subdivision Lot .31, waa submitted to the Council. It was moved by Councilman Neer that
necessary steps be taken to proceed with curb installation. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye.
Motion carried. r' '::' ,",n
City "anager Vergeer informed that on or before October 6th all preliminary work on assessment roll will
be completed for street improvement program.
Alsothat he has informed the Trustees of the Erickson Bhildren's Playfield Fund to take over bonds as they
are not Cit;y cash and cannot be carried as such.
Mr. Vergeer advised that a property owner constructing a home on the I Street hill near the road between
4th Street and Marine Drive has requested permission to cut excessive brush and shrubbery, thereby
obtaining a better view. It was the opinion of Mr. Vergeer that obstructions could be proper13 eliminated
to benefit homes but not to jeopardize property or streets by erosion. It was moved by Councilman Brown
that the Manager be authorized to supervise removal of the necessary shrubs. Seconded by Councilman
Wolfe and carried.
'''ayor Smith informed the Council that he. had received a call from !!:rs. Burt, Secretary of the Park Board
regarding status of George Johns, Chairman of the Board. It was moved by Council.Jnan McFadden that
Arthur Smith be nominated to serve as a Park Board member replacing Mr. Johns whose term expired in August.
iCouncilman Near nominated Mr. Johns to be re-instated as a Board member and the name of Dr. Melvin
I' Ilondelid was then placed for nomination by Councilman Sandison. It was moved by Councilman Brown that
the nominations be closed. Seconded by Councilman Powell and carried. Results of secret ballots cast
were as follows: Arthur Smith, 1; George Johns, 2; Dr. flondelid, 4. By ballots cast, Dr. Melvin Bondel1d
was eleclied by majority to serve on the CityPark Board. Manager Vergeer recolIllllended that Mr. Johns be
conunended for faithful service to the City while serving with the Park Board. The Council instructed that
a proper commendation be prepared and deliqered.
Complaints of disturbances caused by logging truck operators were called to the Council's attention.
IManager Vergeer stated he felt that in a few instances some drivers disregarded the rights of their
IneighbOrS but that in some instances people have overlooked the necessity of such equipment's operation.
He' also pointed out that the logging industry made a ljajor contribution to the City's econoII\Y.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
September 18 (con't)
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City Attorney Trumbull stated i' complaint had been filed against one operator. Vergeer stated that was
every citizen's right and that protective ordinances existed. No further action tak~n.
George Stokes and Neil Pendley of the Central Labor Council appeared before the Council requesting that the
City do all possible to obt-ain services of the State Tuberculosis MobUe Unit during the current year. The
Council and Manager pledged support of the request. Pendley and Stokes also requested that the uouncil
meet with a committee from the Central Labor Council in the near future. The Council agreed to meet at a
specific time set during the October 2 meeting and would include the meeting on the City's agenda.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions the follmrlng was introduced and read in full before the Cou-
WHEREAS, there remains in the tre~ of the City of Port Angeles an unexpended appropriation in the
amount of $758.51 from the budget of said City for the year 1951, in the fund designated as "Eighth Street
Bridge Bond Fund ", which fund was raised by general levy upon the taxable property in the City of Port Angel...
es and was appropriated for the retirement of bonds issued for the construction of certain bridges known as
the Eighth Street bridges; and
I~EREAS, said bonds have all be~n redeemed and retired and the bEbbia..e5s of the City of Port. Angel<!l6
'represented thereby has been fully paid, and the said sum of $758.51 is the r\lDlaining balance in said fund
over and above the amount necessary to retire such bonds and pay such indebt~dness; and
WHEREAS, by virtue of the hw s of the State of Washington, being ROW, Sec. 35.33.150, all such
',excess appropriations lapse and should be transferred to the General or Current Expen~e Fund or such City;
,now, there.fore, , .
being and constituting a surplus balance and appropriation in the Eighth Street Bridge Bond Fund of the
budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 1951, be, and said sum is hereby, declared to be
'surplus and lapsed, and is hereby transfer,ed to the Current E>cpense Fund of said City.
I .
,It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. ,Seconded by
~Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
! .
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introducled, read in full,
.'and placed on first reading;
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the imprqvement of certain streets and alleys I
in the City of Port Angeles by the construction and ll\Ying therein of certain trunk and lateral sanitary
sewers, all in accord with Improvement Resolution No. 161 of the City of Port Angeles; creating a Local
~provement District for such improvement; and providing that pa,yment for said improv:ement be made by special
assessments on the property in said District especially benefited, payable by the mode of pa,yment by
bonds, all in accord with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved by
the City Council.
I WHEREAS, Improvement Resolution No. 161 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
on August 7, 1952, declaring the intention of the Council .to order the improvement hereinafter described
:and fixing a time for hearing thereon; and
I WHEREAS, said resolution has been duly published and due notice of said hearing has been given as
required by law; and . . .
I WHEREAS, said hearing was held as provided in said notice and written and oral protests of certain
property owners were received, and after due consideration the Council of the City of Port Angeles by
unanimous vote decided that it was necessary for the protection of the public health to order the construct-
ion and j.n.~tallation of s,uch improvement; now, therefore, ,
I Section 1. That the following streets and ~lleys of the City of Port Angeles be improved by the
:ll\Ying and construction therein of certain trunk and lateral sanitary sewers as follows, to wit: the
.alley running through Blocks Two Hundred Fifty-two (252) and Two Hundred Fifty-three (25.3) j the alley
running through Blocks Two Hundred Forty-seven (247) and Two Hundred Forti-six (246) of the Townsite of
Port Angeles; and Seventh Street; all from the Easterly margin of K Street to app~opriate connections with
~ trunk sanitary sewer in H Street, by the construction and laying therein of lateral sanitary sewers j H
Street from its intersection with the alley running through Blocks Two Hundred Fifty-three (253) and Two
Hundred Fifty-four (254) of the Townsite of Port Angeles to its intereection with the alley running through
Blocks One flundred Fifty-one (15D and One Hundred Fifty-two (152) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, by the
construction and laying therein of a sanitary, trunk sewer; the alley running through Block One Hundred
fifty-one (151) of the Townsite of Port Angeles from the Easterly maTtnr of I Street to an appropriate
connection with a trunk sewer in the intersection of such alley with l:i Street, by the construc:uon and
ll\Ying therein of a lateral sanitary sewer j the alley running through Block One Hundred Fifty-two (152)
of the Townsite of Port Angeles from a manhole in the intersection of such alley with G Street to an
appropriate connection with a trunk sewer in H Street, by the construction and laying therein of a
~anitary trunk sewer; the alley running through Blocks One Hundred Fifty (150), One Hundred Forty-nine
(149) and One Hundred Forty-eight (148) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, and Block One (1) of Evans Sub-
division of Suburban Lot No. .36 West of M Street in the Townsite of Fort Angeles from the \-lester13 margin
pf I Street to an appropriate connection with a trunk sewer in Evans Street, by the construction and laying A" ~
therein of a lateral sanitary sewer;! the alley running through BJ.ocks vne nunarea Iwent.y-elgnt. _\J."O), vne ,-.-
Hundred Forty-two (142) and One Hundred Forty-three (14.3) of the Townsite of Port Angeles and Block Two
(2) of Aldwells Subllivision of ~uburban Lot No. .35 \-Iest of M Street in the T0wnsite of Port Angeles from
the liester13 margin of I Street to an appropriate connection wibh a trunk sewer in Evans Street, by the
construction andlaying therein of a lateral sanitary sewer; the alley running through Blocks One Hundred
Twenty-nine (129), One Hundred Forty-one (141) and One Hundred Forty-five (145) of the Townsite of Port
Angeles and Block One (1) of Aldwells Subdivision of ~burban Lot No. 35 West of M Street in the Townsite
pf fort Angeles from the Westerly margin of I Street, as the same now runs through said Block One Hundred
XwBnty-nine (129), to an appropriate connection with a trunk sewer in Evans Street, by the construction
~nd hying of a lateral sanitary sewer therein; Fourth Street from the Easterly margin of I Street, as
the same now runs through Block One Hundred Twenty-nine (129) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, to an
llPpropriate connection with a trunk sewer in Evans Street, by the construction and ;Laying therein of a
:lateral sanitary sewer; Evans Street from the end of an existing trunk sewer in the intersection of said
street with Sixth Street South to a manhole in the intersection of Evans "treet with the alley running
through Block One (1) of Evans Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. .36 "lest of M Street in the Townsite of
fort Angeles, by the construction and laying therein of~a sanit.aJ:y trunk sewer, including all necessary
;Labor and material for the complete laytng, construction and installation of all such trunk and lateral
~anitary sewers, with all necessary wyes, connections and manholes and all within the City of Port Angeles,
I Section 2. That the cost and expense of such improvement shall be borne by and assessed against
the property situated and included Witbin the boundaries of the District hereinafter created and described.
rhat the City of Port Angeles shall not be liable in any manner for any part ?f the cost and expense of ~ I _
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Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington
September 16 (cont)
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I said improvement, except in ~o. far as said City is made liable by virtue of the statutes of the
, State of Washington in such cases made and provided, particularly the statute providing for a local
improvement guar,!nty fund.
I Section 3. That there is hereby created a local improvement district to be called Local Improvemllllt
District No. 161, which included. all of the property specially benefited by such improvement, which
territory is described and fixed as follows, to wit: That portion of the area of the City of Port
Angeles bounded on the North by the Southerly margin of Fourth Street, on the South by the alley running
through Blocks Two Hundred Fifty-two (252) and Two Hundred Fifty-three (25.3) of the Townsite of
Port Angeles, on the East by the Westerly margin of G Street, and on the West by the Easter13 margin
of Evans Street, and containing the following s pec1fical13 described propert)', which is abutting upon,
adjacent, vicinal and proxmmate to the streets and alleys to be improved, and >Jhich constitute s
all of the property ~pecial13 benefited by such improvements and all of the .pro~rty to be specially
assessed in the improvement district hereby created, to wit: the North Jlalf (N~) of Blocks Two
Hundred Fifty-two (252) and Two Hundred Fifty-three (253), Blocks Two Hun:lred Forty-six (246), Two .
, Hundred Forty-seven' (247), One Hundred 1:ifty-two (152), One Hundred. Fifty (150), One Hundred Forty-nine
I (149), One Hundred Forty-eight (148), CWe Hundred Forty-four (144), One Hun:lred Forty-one (141) an:!
the South Half (si) of Blocks One Hundred Forty-three (14.3), One Hundred Forty-two (142), One Hundred
I Twenty-eight (128) and One Hundred fifty-one (151), all of the Townsite of Port. Angeles, and Block
One (1) of Evans Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. .36 West of M Street in the Townsite of Port Angeles,
, and Block One (1) and the "outh Half (S!) of Block Two (2) of Aldwells Subdivision of Suburban Lot
Nc,. 35 \'Iest of M Street ill the Townsite of Port Angeles, and all of Lots Ten (:[), Eleven (ll), Twelve
l(12)' Thirteen (1.3) and l'ourteen (14) and those portions of Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9) and
Fifteen (15) of Block One Hundred Twenty-nine (129) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, lying West of I
Street, as the same is now constructed and existing through said Block One Hundred Twenty-nine (129), a:n.
in the City of Port Angeles., Washington. .' .
~ection 4. That the property specifically described in the preceding section lis s between the
termirii and within the boundaries of said District and comprises all of theproperty specially benefited \r
I said improvement. That the nature of the improvement to be made is such that the special benefits
confered on such property ar.e not fair13 reflected by the use of the termini and zone method of
assessment. That the special assessments to be levied to pay the cost of said improvement shall be
jspead over the property specially benefited in an even amount for each square foot thereof an:! without
regard for the termini and zone method of assessment. That the spreading of the special assessment to be
Ilevied ag!,inst the property special13 benefited and to pay the cost of such improvement in an even
amount for each square foot th~reof will fairly reflect the special benefits conferred upon such property
Iso assessed. .'
Section 5. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed _ per cent per annum,
pEl3'"ble on or before twelve (12) years from the date of their issue, shall be issued in payment of the
cost and expense of said improvement, which bonds may be redeemed by the collection of special assessments
to be levied and asse~sed against the property within said District am specially benefited by said
'improvement, such assessments to be payable in ten (10) equal installments under the mode of "payment.
by bond" as provided by law. Such bonds may be delivered to the contractors constructing such improvement
'in redemption of warrants issued on the special fund of such local improvement district hereby created
'on estimates of the City Engineer, or the City may at its election.sell such bonds and make such
redemption in cash or cash warrants.
I Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage,
approval and lawful publication.
~t was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by
ICounCilman Sandison. All members voted Aye. Motion carried.
IThere being n9 further buainess, the meeting was declared adjourned.
City Clerk
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