HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/18/1973 372 """lIl PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY,OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. SEPTEMBER 18, 1973 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers persent were Mayor Basom Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson and Wray, Manager Puddy, Attorney Mof- ' fett and Deputy Clerk Hobbs. Councilwoman Ross was absent. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carr~ed to accept and place on fire, as received, the Minutes of September 4, 1973. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to concur with the recommendation of the Light Superintendent and award bid for Light Department 7,500 KVA Outdoor Unit Substation at 16th and "Air Streets to 'I low bidder, Westinghouse Electric in the amount of $94,882.20.' including sales tax. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carried to concur with the recommendation of the Police Chief and accept the low bid of Stancil-Hoffman Corporation in the amount of $7,129.50 for the radio and 911 recording system 'and tapes. Bid amount includes sales tax. . A motion was made by Councilman Hbrdyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carried to approve for payment the first (August) estimate'of work done and material furnished by J. D. Shotwe~l Co., Tacoma, contractor for 1973 Street Improvements, in the amount of $33,000.00. A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Hordyk, and unanimously carried to approve for payment the third (September) and final estimate of work done and material furnished by Campbell Construction, Inc. Tacoma, contractor on the L.I.~D. #196-16th &. "F" San. Sewer, in the amount of $3,000.00 and to accept the com- pleted project. A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to concur with the recommendation of the City Attorney and deny the claim of Eugene E. Edris for damage done to furniture while patrolmen arresting an armed man, amount of claim $57.37. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to take from the table the tennis court project at 13th Street Playfield. I A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unani- mously carried to authorize the 'construction of the tennis court at the 13th Street Playfield by City personnel and that the City personnel be instructed 'to commence construction as soon as possible. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk, and unani- mously carried to approve for payment Claim Vouchers in amount of $135,076.15 and Payroll Transfers in ambuntof'$75,731.15. Mayor Easom read a letter from California State University of Sacramento and pre- sented a Certificate of Completion to Scott D. Judd for successfully completing a field study course on Operation Qf Wastewater Treatment Plant. Senator Gordon Sandison presented a proposal to the Council that the State Fisheries be authorized to test the site located beneath the U.S. Highway 112 bridge over the Elwha River to see if the Ranney water collection system would be feasible for a muni- cipakLwaterisy,st;emd at the industrial intake site on the Elwha River. Representa- tives Paul Connor and Charles Savage were present and also interested in this pro- posal. A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to cooperate with the Department of Fisheries and authorize them to paya.'fodthe;'te s'ts fortthe?RahneyRSys't5'!mS / oi' ';;11. A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimouSl~1 carried to accept and place on file the Planning Commission M~fidtes of September 10, 1973. A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to refer to the Planning Commission for recommendation the application for a zoningnghang,egbY:CSufinvsidee. Enterprises:; Inc. for property in a eSD-Cl Zone located between 17th and 18th Streets and between C and D Streets; the request for the City to vacate an easement for the northerly 30 feet of C Avenue; and the petition for vacation of a portion of Center Street commencing at Mt. Angeles Road. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carried to authorize the City Manager to enter into negotiations and implement the ... 370 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. SEPTEMBER 18, 1973 (Continued) land trades with Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company for the following properties: the railroad will conveyvapproximately 78,250 sq. ft., being all that land as descriBetl In the raiiroad,letter~of September 12, 1973 File: P- Wash.-Port Angeles (No.1) and the City will convey approximately 5,250 sq. ft. as described in above letter; and the railroad will convey approximately 0.9 acres (10th Street) and the City will convey approximately 0.8 acres as described in the raiload letter of September 12, 1973 File: P-Wash.,-Port Angeles (No.2). The following ordinance was presented: I ORDINANCE NO. 1799 AN ORDINANCE granting a non-exlusive franchise to Port Angeles Telecable, Inc. to operate and maintain a community antenna television system, and to distribute the signals as herein provided in the City of Port Angeles. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to adopt the foregoing ordinance as presented. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyl}, seconded by Councilman I1Uk-E,M and unanimously carried to give the City Manager authority to notify Bonneville Power Administra- tion that the City does have a plan for involuntary electric cut back, should it become necessary, and to adopt the Light Superintendent's suggestion of a rota- tional basis of power cut back with no authority to implement plan given at this time. ./ A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unani- mously carried to approve the shoreline management development permit application of Port of Port Angeles to dredge at the east side of the port dock for increased ship moorage. A letter from the Housing Authority of the County of Clallam, regarding their 1 thanks and appreciation for the sidewalks recently completed on both sides of Pea- body Street between Second and Fourth Streets, was read in full. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to take from the table the North Olympic Library request for paving of the parking lot behind the main library. A motion was made by Councilman Horg~k, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to deny the request of the North Olympic Library System to pave the present parking area located behind the main library. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Lukey to name West End Park llShane Park" in memory of Shane Fowler, a young boy who passed away re- cently due to an accident at the park site. A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to table the above motion, until more information could be obtained. A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the Civil Service Commission Minutes of August 30, 1973 and the Park & Eeautification Park Board Minuces of September 12, 1973. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the Financial,(Light, Water, Sewer, Sanitation, and Equipment Rental)"Reportslfor May, June and July, 1973; the Utilities, Fire, Recreation and Police monthly reports for August, 1973; the Operational Jail Costs 'I for July and August; and the out-of-town report from the Water Superintendent. Other subjects of discussion were two Light Department personnel being authorized to attend the underground school in Everett beginning September 24; hole in Ediz Hook will be taken care of by Coast Guard with City's help if needed; Association of Washington Cities Regional Meeting to be in Port Angeles at Birneys on October 15; bus system has been discontinued in Port Angeles and the Senior Citizens are anxious to proceed with getting a referendum on the ballot for a utility tax to cover bus transportation; must appoint replacement for Larry McHone, who resigned from the Planning Commission as of October 1; 911 Conference held at the telephone office and was ~eryrwe~lvatreNdea; copies of the Swan-Wooster multi-purpose center plans 'have been distributed for study; Leone Western, Director of the Senior Citizen Cen- ter, has turned in her resignation to accept a teaching position at the college in Bellingham, and the Mayor read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the favorable action taken by the Chamber upon the requests of promoting a bi-centennial celebration for our City and for the Chamber to spearhead a drive within the business community to reduce electrical usage. ~ 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGEIE S, WASH. September 18, 1973 It was mentioned that most of the businesses downtown were still leaving too many lights on and all signs and display lights should be turned off after store hours. There being no other business, meeting Jwo d~ - Deputy Clerk adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ~21~~ Mayor -82473 ~.. . - CALL FOR BI DS NOTICE is hereby given fhat., sealed bids will be received by l the City Manager, City of Par6 !Angeles, P.O. Box 711. until 2:00 P,M" Sept. 17, 1973 for ~furnishir'\g the following: , RECORDING EQUIPMENT )FOR RADIO. PHONES & 911 tSYSTEM for PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT, Specifications are available at ithe office of the City Manager, L '140 W. Front Street. I A certified check or bid bond ifor 5 per cent of the amount bid ,shall accompany each bid. All jbids 10 include delivery F.O.B. Port Angeles, Washington. All bids will be opened and lfabulated for Ihe City Council ~with a recommendation 'aUached lor consideration by Council in seS510n Sept. 18, 1973. I The Council reserves the right ~to cons.ider delivery time and to :accept or rerect any or all bids I ~or any part thereof. HAL PUDDY City Manager ~:_ub.: AU9:.. 24 and 31~ 1973, ~ .., I I I I I