HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/18/1984 I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 18, 1984 I CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. for the purpose of interviewing candidates for positions on the Medic I Advisory Board. II INTERVIEWS The Council interviewed candidates Betsy Warder, Paul Breitbach, Mike Doherty and R. S. Dubigk for positions on the Medic I Advisory Board. III CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING Mayor Duncan called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. IV ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Schermer, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, J. Marsh, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, D. VanHemert. Public Present: L. Sunny, P. Brown, T. Haley, D. Price, C. Ritchie, A. Crall, J. Spiess. V MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the September 4, 1984, meeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. VI CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including: (1) Waterfront Trail Survey (Phases 1 thru 4) - Clark & Associates, $5,150.02; (2) Ch2M Hill - Del Hur Westside EIS, $14,360.33; (3) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (4) Vouchers of $236,942.49 and Payroll of $206,279.02. Councilman Gerberding seconded this motion, which carried. IIV FINANCE I. Buy-Back Authorized - Two Lots at Ocean View Cemetery from Mr. Ivan Underhill Councilman Quast moved to authorize a buy-back of Lots land 2, Block 211, Section J, of Ocean View Cemetery from Ivan Underhill for the same price as Mr. Underhill paid for the lots. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 2. Bid Awarded to Utility Supply Company for Electrical Meters Councilman Gerberding moved to follow the recommendations of the Light Department and accept the low bid of Utility Supply Company, Inc., of Tacoma, Washington, for $13,292 including sales tax for electrical meters. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 3. Bid Awarded to Henkels & McCoy for Golf Course Road Distribution Line Project Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with. the recommendations of the Light Department and accept the bid of Henkels & McCoy, Inc., of Portland, Oregon, in the amount of $17,779.59 plus 7.8% sales tax, for a total price of $19,166.40 for the Golf Course Road distribution line. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 203 204 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 4. Payment of $8,913.66 Authorized to Riddell williams Councilman Whidden moved to approve payment in the amount of $8,913.66 for the September billing of Riddell Williams. Councilman Quast seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. VIII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast noted that a report from the Real Estate Committee would be presented as a late item. IX LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearings A. City's State Environmental Policy Act Ordinance Adopted Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. John Spiess of the North peninsula Home Builders' Association addressed the Council. Mr. Spiess spoke in support of adopting the ordinance and encouraged the Council to look at new exemptions addressed in the ordinance. Mayor Duncan then asked for further comments from the audience. There were none. She therefore closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2312 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing environmental policies; amending Ordinance No. 1886 and Chapter 15.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following lengthy discussion with staff, on call for the question, the motion carried. B. Resolution Passed Authorizing Block Grant Application for City-wide Sidewalk Project Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 26-84 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Manager to submit an appliction to the State of Washington for a Community Development Block Grant. Councilman Quast moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. with Councilman Gerberding seconding. Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. There were none. She therefore closed the public hearing and called for the question on the motion to pass the Resolution. The motion carried. C. Equipment Declared Surplus - 1105 South Race Street Declared Surplus and Referred to Real Estate Committee Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. There were none. She therefore closed the public hearing and read staff's recommendation. Councilman Quast stated that there have been recent developments regarding the property located at 1105 South Race Street which might be beneficial in obtaining additional right-of-way by going into a land-swap procedure. He then moved to accept staff's recommendation to declare the mobile equipment surplus and authorize staff to sell the equipment through sealed bid or negotiated sales with other interested parties; to accept the cash offer from the City of Burlington for $20,000 for the 1979 FMC Sweeper; and to declare the real property surplus but to refer it to the Real Estate Committee for further negotia- tions. Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilman Hordyk then voiced concern over surplusing relatively new equipment when it might be possible to place the bodies of old equipment onto the newer chassis. Manager Flodstrom I I I . " it . I . ~ 'PORT AN o - Q~ ~4. (~ . () ~~ (f) t",~ ~~~~) t.JJ '~,~~~~ ..,......--- 1 CITY OF PORT .ANGELES ~ ~~~ ~ ......:0 . 140 WEST FRONT ST.. P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 .PHONE (206) 457.0411 October 2, 1984 ""!!-" Duane Berentson Secretary of Transportation Department of Transportation Transportation Building KF-Ol Olympia, Washington 98504 Dear Secretary Berentson: This letter is being sent on behalf of the Port .Angeles City Council, the Mayor of Sequim, and the Mayor of Port Townsend. The purpose of this letter is to summarize for you the discussion which took place at a recent City Council work session where the Washington State Ferry System's Long Range Plan was discussed. At our meet ing of September 25, several representatives of local govex:nment.al .entities expressed their concern and di.spleasure with the Department of Transportation's process for obtaining public input on the Department's Long Range Plan for the Ferry System. It is gener- ally felt that not only were insufficient opportunities for input available, but also when the opportunity did present itself, the format did not result in adequate presentation of the public input. It is the general feeling of most, if not all jurisdictions on the North Olympic Peninsula, that the involvement of North Olympic Peninsula governmental agencies and citizens has been overlooked or i.gnored in your Environmental Impact Statement process. The fact that you and Mr. Sorte were invited to attend this meeting of North Olympic peninsula governmental entities and you both chose. not to attend, further accentuates your disregard for our input and the need for our involvement. I beleive that most people in attendance at the September 25th meeting appreciated the attendance of the Planning Director of the Marine Division of the Washington State Department of Transportation I Mr. Don Nutter. Mr. Nutter was able to provide the Council with some assurances that efforts will be made in the future to solicit the input of citizens of the North Olympic Peninsula and that past efforts were inadequate. However, it was obvious that Mr. Nutter would not be making the decisions that would determine how Washington State Transportation Department would complete its draft Environmental Impact Statement process and who would be involved in that process. Page tV!O D,wne Berentson Oct. 2, 1984 I I have attached a copy of the minutes from that special City counCil. worksession as \\.'ell as a copy of a newspap~r article \-lhich appeared the fol],mdng day in the Port Angeles Daily News. We would like to thank Mr. Don Nutter for attending our meeting and providing us with additional information which we had not previously received. We hope 1'1:::", Nutter is able to adequately impress upon Mr. Sorte and yourself, OUi. concerns and the direction which we feel the Department of Trans- p0:ctat ion Marine Divis ion needs to go to accomplish a proper and legally c~r.Tect solicitation of public input when it is part of an EnVironmentalt_ Impact Statement process. Sincerely, Mayor Dorothy Duncan CITY OF PORT ANGELES cc: All P.A. City Councilmembers Mayor Dinan, Sequim Mayor Shirley, Port Townsend Bob Levin, Clallam Co. EDC Mike Wilson, Clallam Co. Commissioners Je~ry Hendricks, Exec. Dir. Port of Port Angeles B. J: Brown, Jefferson Co. Commissioners . I c . I I I 205 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 suggested that the equipment be surplused for the purpose of attracting bids while at the same time staff look into the feasibility of swapping chassis with equipment that the City currently owns. Councilm ~Schermer suggested offering the equipment for bid both as complete units :;Z]J:~~~n,W?~~n~, i'a~ap the packers separately. Councilman Quast then amended the pre ^ I'll, ')W9 'SaAa 'El99S'lSt 'Jal adding that the 1978 Ford C8000 with 25-yard packer, the 1980 ;10/001"&$ 'sl"ay"" "WOJY' with Hei1 packer, and the 1983 Ford C800 with 20-yard Leach ::;~ ,~"""u '''"a..'o~ W~ '... _!I0WOlno 9^ 'ap" advertised in three or more different modes as recommended b "'PU"I .UO, '10 LL. I)W9 Flodstrom and Councilman Schermer, and that the acceptance 0 l.6SL'LS' JO l:~9'LSt d h C . 1 ' 1 Wh ' dd . IsaM 101 ,(oMyfhH Btl: reserve to t e ounc~. Counc1. ~an 1. en concurr:d W1.th th aU!JOW asnoYly6n' 'S66'B$ On call for the questl.on, the mot1.on as amended carrl.ed. ""J!W 000'0' 'JOpa' -u! 'U&1I9:Jxe 'UO!POJ~-p;od 'S^ 'UOI % 'OSl:~ lB, IOllU I ES69-l:SJo 'qo, Jadns 'OSl:'~ 'Blo 11IICH '"'' ,s03 EEl. l:98S'LSv 'OPUOH S,PJOMOH 'S6t'S$ '""au a"!1 'a50 l ~lfJod MO, JGI!DJ~ 'es!. nJ, 'UO^ Ja5uassod 0 I Bt, 11IICH - .:.-....--..:.~^_"--.61o(J!;;7.l:J>~ - Arthur Crall - D. Petition for Annexation - Tabled - Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mayor Duncan stated that the applicant had requested this iterr from tonight's agenda. Cotinci1man Schermer moved to table Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. E. Appeal of Denial of Taxi Cab Driver License Denial Upheld Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Craig Ritchie, attorney for Mr. Crall, addressed the Council. Mr. Ritchie referred to specific qualifications listed in Section 5.36.090 of the PAMC and stated that Mr. Crall met those qualifications. It was Mr. Ritchie's opinion that the license was denied without the authority of the law and due process. He stated that denial of the license denies Mr. Crall a right that he would otherwise be entitled to, such being that he would be discriminated against under Federal and State Civil Rights laws. Councilman Quast referred to the application completed by Mr. Crall, which stated that he had been convicted of drunk or reckless driving in 1982 or 1983. Mr. Ritchie stated that Mr. Crall was not correct in filling out the application. Councilman Quast also stated that the City Council has a responsibility to the public and that he did not interpret the ordinance in the same manner that Mr. Ritchie did. Attorney Knutson then addressed the Council, directing the Council's attention to the September 14, 1984, memorandum from Director of Finance and Administrative Services Rob Orton and the memorandum from himself regarding the license denial. He pointed out that the City Clerk's denial decision could be found in the August 29, 1984, letter to Mr. Crall from City Clerk Lannoye. Attorney Knutson stated the three mandatory reasons for denying a taxi driver license had apparently not been met in this situation; otherwise there would have been no need for the Chief of Police to have made a recommendation. He stated that in the rules of statutory interpretation the Police Chief's recommendation was based on discretionary authority that the ordinance conferred upon him. Attorney Knutson cited in his memo a court case which supports that view of statutory interpretation principles. He noted that Mr. Ritchie had not cited specific cases which support his view so it was difficult to respond to exactly what legal authorities Mr. Ritchie was relying upon. He stated that if the ordinance is read as a whole, it is apparent that there are requirements for types of information to be put in the application that give the Police Chief direction as to what kind of investigation he is supposed to take. Mr. Knutson referred to a Washington Supreme Court case in which the court said specifically that it is appropriate to deny taxi driver's licenses based on violations that are related to the occupation of taxi driving. Attorney Knutson also pointed out, as he had in his memo, the law recognizes that in a case like this, where the public safety is at stake, it is important that the powers that be, be given discretion to make the best decision in the public interest. He then referred to a Supreme Court case, the Standow case, in which it was determined that the burden for proving that the final decision was not based on proper factors, is upon the applicant. He stated that even if there weren't standards in the City's ordinance, as long as the reasons for the denial were based on factors that have been recognized as proper by the Washington Supreme Court, the decision is legitimate and legal. There being no further comments, Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. Councilman Schermer then moved to sustain the denial of the taxi driver license. He cited the following findings of fact: (I) The applicant's convictions related to operation of a motor vehicle directly relate to the operation of taxis in public areas regulated by the City, and would not be I I 'I 205 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 suggested that the equipment be surp1used for the purpose of attracting bids while at the same time staff look into the feasibility of swapping chassis with equipment that the City currently owns. Councilman Schermer suggested offering the equipment for bid both as complete units or offering the packers separately. Councilman Quast then amended the previous motion adding that the 1978 Ford C8000 with 25-yard packer, the 1980 Ford C8000 with Hei1 packer, and the 1983 Ford C800 with 20-yard Leach packer be advertised in three or more different modes as recommended by Manager Flodstrom and Councilman Schermer, and that the acceptance of bids be reserved to the Council. Councilman Whidden concurred with the amendment. On call for the question, the motion as amended carried. D. Petition for Annexation - Tabled - Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hare Mayor Duncan stated that the applicant had requested this item be removed from tonight's agenda. Councilman Schermer moved to table t~ em. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. ....' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A eal of Denial of Taxi Cab Driver License - Arth-~=~~~LR~~~~~:~~N~~ Denial Upheld NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t~at the City Count; I of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~- Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comment ingtan will tondutt 0 publk hearing at HIO P.M. Septem. Ritchie, attorney for Mr. Crall, addressed the Council. ber lB, '984 in the publit meeting room 01 the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. 4t. Street, Port Angeles, ! Washington, T~e purpose of the publk I heQring is to heor the ap- peoi of Art~ur D. Croll in the denlol of his application for Q taxi driver's license. Merri A. Lan-nove City Clerk by sherri L. Anderson Deputy City Clerk September 11. 1984 stated that he had been convicted of drunk or reckless driving Pub.; Sept. 14,1984. 1983. Mr. Ritchie stated that Mr. Crall was not correct in fiLi.J.rig-Oilt"'the application. Councilman Quast also stated that the 'City Council has a responsibility to the public and that he did not interpret the ordinance in the same manner that Mr. Ritchie did. E. Mr. Ritchie referred to specific qualifications listed in Sect of the PAMC and stated that Mr. Crall met those qualifications. Ritchie's opinion that the license was denied without the auth law and due process. He stated that denial of the license den' a right that he would otherwise be entitled to, such being tha discriminated against under Federal and State Civil Rights laws Councilman Quast referred to the application completed by Mr. Attorney Knutson then addressed the Council, directing the Council's attention to the September 14, 1984, memorandum from Director of Finance and Administrative Services Rob Orton and the memorandum from himself regarding the license denial. He pointed out that the City Clerk's denial decision could be found in the August 29, 1984, letter to Mr. Crall from City Clerk Lannoye. Attorney Knutson stated the three mandatory reasons for denying a taxi driver license had apparently not been met in this situation; otherwise there would have been no need for the Chief of Police to have made a recommendation. He stated that in the rules of statutory interpretation the Police Chief's recommendation was based on discretionary authority that the ordinance conferred upon him. Attorney Knutson cited in his memo a court case which supports that view of statutory interpretation principles. He noted that Mr. Ritchie had not cited specific cases which support his view so it was difficult to respond to exactly what legal authorities Mr. Ritchie was relying upon. He stated that if the ordinance is read as a whole, it is apparent that there are requirements for types of information to be put in the application that give the Police Chief direction as to what kind of investigation he is supposed to take. Mr. Knutson referred to a Washington Supreme Court case in which the court said specifically that it is appropriate to deny taxi driver's licenses based on violations that are related to the occupation of taxi driving. Attorney Knutson also pointed out, as he had in his memo, the law recognizes that in a case like this, where the public safety is at stake, it is important that the powers that be, be given discretion to make the best decision in the public interest. He then referred to a Supreme Court case, the Standow case, in which it was determined that the burden for proving that the final decision was not based on proper factors, is upon the applicant. He stated that even if there weren't standards in the City's ordinance, as long as the reasons for the denial were based on factors that have been recognized as proper by the Washington Supreme Court, the decision is legitimate and legal. There being no further comments, Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. Councilman Schermer then moved to sustain the denial of the taxi driver license. He cited the following findings of fact: (1) The applicant's convictions related to operation of a motor vehicle directly relate to the operation of taxis in public areas regulated by the City, and would not be 206 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 in the best interests of public safety; (2) The applicant provided incorrect information in his application with respect to criminal convictions involv- ing the possession of intoxicating liquor and public morality and decency. His application referred only to disorderly conduct, while he also had convictions of minor in possession, petit larceny, failure to pay fines, disturbing the peace, and first degree criminal trespass. (3) Issuing a license, in view of the motor vehicle convictions and overall criminal record, places the City at considerable liability risk for operations in which the licensee would engage. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried unanimously. I 2. Planning Commission Minutes of September 12, 1984 A. M-1 Permit Granted - Jones/Washington Stevedoring Request was made for an M-1 Permit to allow a 4,400 square-foot marine- oriented warehouse with stevedoring office and ten parking spaces located at the corner of the Tumwater Truck Route and Marine Drive. Councilman Whidden moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation to grant the M-1 Permit subject to the following conditions: (ll Submittal of a new site plan that is designed not to allow parking spaces accessing directly onto the alley right-of-way, that allows only straight drive-in and drive-out access to the alley and the Truck Route and maitains a vision triangle of 20 feet down each property line at the intersection of the alley and the Truck Route, which site plan must be approved by the Public Works Department; (2) The present sidewalk is to be improved to City standards as specified by the Public Works Department; and (3) No free- standing signs are erected in the northeast quarter of the property and no landscaping over 30 inches in height occur on the northeast eighth of the property; and citing the following findings of fact: (A) The proposed use is functionally related to waterfront industrial uses nearby; (B) The proposed use will not have detrimental effects upon residential areas because of the grade separation; (C) The location would be good for the proposed use because it is adjacent to the two major arterials serving the waterfront industrial area; and (D) Provided the conditions are attached, I. the proposed use will not have a detrimental impact upon existing and potential traffic patterns. Councilman Hordyk seconded, and following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. B. Conditional Use Permit - Upton - Extension Granted A request has been made for extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a frame shop in the RMF, Residential Multi-Family District, located at 524 Cherry Street. Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission to grant the extension of the Conditional Use Permit for one year, subject to the fOllowing conditions: (1) That upon approval of the extension the applicant immediately initiate, by submitting appropriate plans, the closure of the curb cut; and (2) That a sign of only one square foot in area be permitted. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. C. M-l Permit - Clallam County - Approved Request has been made for an M-I Permit to allow a heavy equipment shed at the pre-existing maintenance facility located on Lauridsen Boulevard at "E" Street (1033 West Lauridsen). Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendations of the Planning Commission to grant the M-1 Permit subject to the following conditions: (1) That the equipment shed and vehicle wash area be set back no less than 10 feet from the north property line and this area not be used for structures, outdoor storage, vehicular parking or I circulation; (2) Landscaping, including ornamental trees, shrubs and climb- ing vines, be planted in the 10-foot buffer area; and citing the following . ... findings of fact: (A) The proposed equipment shed and wash area comply with the intent of the M-1 District; (B) The structures do not constitute a change in the type of activity conducted at the facility or a significant increase in that activity; (C) With adequate vegetative screening and separation, the proposed development will reduce visual and noise impacts on adjacent residentially zoned properties; (D) As conditioned, the pro- posed development is compatible with the surrounding present and future land uses. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. D. Conditional Use Permit - ~rown - Extension Granted Request has been made for an extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a bookkeeping service as a Home Occupation located at 622 South Valley Street. Councilman Whidden moved to concur with the Planning Commission's I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 recommendation to grant a two-year extension of the Conditional Use Permit subject to the original conditions. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. E. Minutes Accepted Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of September 12, 1984, as written. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 3. Mayor Authorized to Sign Maintenance Contract for Leased Police Vehicles Councilman Schermer moved to authorize Mayor Duncan to sign a maintenance agreement with Sunrise Motors for maintenance of leased Police vehicles. Councilman Quast seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 4. Staff Instructed to Prepare Amendment to City Pier Ordinance Mayor Duncan reviewed a memo from the City Attorney with recommendations on possible amendments to the ordinance, which were discussed by Council at the September 4, 1984, meeting. Manager Flodstrom presented a memo from Russell Hesselman, Chairman of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission, with a recommendation. The Council discussed with staff the method that-would be used if the parking lot were closed at 11:00 P.M. Parks & Recreation Director Marsh stated that it would be closed through signage, that no gate would be installed. When asked by Councilman Quast, Police Chief Cleland answered that he had discovered a direct correlation between cars parked in the parking lot and littering and vandalism near the parking lot on the Pier. Manager Flodstrom stated that prior to the existence of this parking lot, these problems had not occurred at the parking lot of Haguewood's Restaurant located nearby. Councilman Haguewood stated that vandalism in the restrooms is an on-going problem and closing the parking lot would not solve anything. He stated that probably one percent of the people create this problem. Mayor Duncan stated that the amendment would accomplish two things: (1) It would allow the City to live up to its own ordinance; and (2) the Council would be following the recommendation of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission, who had devoted much time and study to this problem. She indicated that she would like to see this implemented for a trial period at least. Councilman Quast made an additional recommendation that a pOlice officer make an on-foot inspection on an irregular basis on the Pier. He stated that he had heard the highest commendations on the police officer who was placed on foot patrol to help alleviate the bicycle problem. He stated that local business proprietors had stated that shoplifting had decreased during this period and had requested the police officer be placed on duty during the Christmas season. Police Chief Cleland indicated this was being planned. Councilman Hordyk noted concern over too much signage and regulation on a public facility such as the Pier. He stated that the City should attempt to promote some kind of a positive attitude, as the Pier does belong to the public. Parks Director Marsh agreed with Councilman Hordyk and stated that the signs would possibly be wooden and would be very complimentary. He stated that within the last two weeks there had been a party on top of the tower at the Pier, to which he had put a.stop; that seven more of the mushroom lights, at a value of $37 each, had been broken; and that a fire had been started in the restroom. Following further discussion at length, Councilman Schermer moved to accept the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission as follows: (1) That the City pier parking lot be closed from 11:00 P.M. until 8:00 A.M. in the winter, and from 11:00 P.M. until 7:00 A.M. in the summer-to all parking other than authorized U. S. Coast Guard personnel; (2) That the restrooms be closed during those same time periods; (3) That the Pier remain open to foot traffic 24 hours daily, including Coast Guard personnel and those individuals using the finger floats. He also moved to accept the recommendation of Councilman Quast that the Pier be patrolled by foot patrol on a regular basis at irregular hours. Councilman Quast seconded, and the motion carred with Councilman Haguewood voting "No". 5. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Scheduled for October 9, 1984 The Council scheduled a meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee for October 9, 1984, at 5:00 P.M. to discuss model conservation standards and an amendment to the weatherization program contracts. 207 208 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 Manager Flodstrom indicated that the Water/Sewer Cost of Service informa- tion study, which has recently been completed, will also be discussed at that time. He also mentioned that Councilman Gerberding had requested information on how PUDs relate to annexations. 6. Review of Parking Ordinance No. 2018 The Council discussed the matter with staff at great length. Councilman Hordyk instructed staff to prepare a letter to the Washington Truckers' Association to enable them to provide input. 7. Paul Breitbach and Mike Doherty Appointed to Medic I Advisory Board The Council cast ballots Paul Breitbach and Mike Advisory Board. for two positions on the Medic I Advisory Board. Doherty were selected to sit on the Medic I I \~ . NOTICE W- -- . , SPECIAL MEETING ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Part Angeles, Wosh. lng'on, wiU !told a special Letter Supporting Symphony's Tr' me&ting on September 18, :ed '.1984, beginning a1 6:30 P.M. .- Ilhe purpose of this special Mayor Duncan read a letter that she h~eetin9 is to int"~iew con. !n requested to sign . 'dIdDles for yocanCles on 1he . . support~ng the Port Angeles SymphonYrort Angeles Medic I Adviso- ,\~ng tr~p to the Peoples' Republic of China. The coul1Y. Soard,. "II b h Id' luthorize the Mayor -The meeting WI e e In to sign the letter of support. COU~Meeling room #160 in the ested that staff contact Mr Hsu in Forks and look int Clollom County Courthouse Laques from the City . (priOr to the regular meeting. of Port Angeles, as this is a custom Merri A. .Lonnoye something from your city to their city. Manager Flodstr S b II lftO'C'ty Clerk inform the Symphony eptem er . 7Q1 that the City of Port Angeles was iri~: Sept, 17, 198<4. lis. X LATE ITEMS Fire Truck to be Used for Burn Foundation Fund Drive i Following discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize the Fire Department to use the fire truck September 21, 1984, for the purpose of obtaining funds in a Northwest Burn Foundation Fund drive. The fire truck I-- would be parked in the Safeway parking lot during the fund drive. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. Property at 11th and Valley not Purchased by City Councilman Quast moved to concur with the Real Estate Committee's recom- mendation to inform Mrs. Garber that the City at this time does not wish to purchase property located on the northwest corner of lIth Street at Valley Street. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Information Presented on Weed Control on Vacant Lots, and Cross-walks on One-Way Streets Manager F1odstrom directed the Council's attention to .Items Nos. 22 and 23 on the Information Agenda. Item N9. 22 contained information regarding staff's research on overgrown lot regulations and Item No. 23 contained pedestrians' rights-of-way in crosswalks on one-way streets. Screening of Day-Care Employees Discussed Councilman Quast instructed the City Attorney to research the possibility of implementing an ordinance authorizing the City to screen employees for day care centers. He stated that this question had been brought to him by concerned parents. City Attorney Knutson stated that he would look into it. He stated that his initial reaction was that the City could regulate this type of activity, possibly through business licensing. XI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Gerberding commended the City Light Department for rece~v~ng a commendation from Mr. Casad, a Puget Sound Area Manager for Conservation. A job well done! He also discussed with staff weed control on vacant lots. Councilman Hordyk inqUired as to the status of the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment. Manager Flodstrom indicated that the position is currently being advertised and will be closing soon. He stated that no applications had been received. Councilman Hordyk also discussed with staff the condition of Solid Waste equipment. I I 208 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 Manager F10dstrom indicated that the Water/Sewer Cost of Service informa- tion study, which has recently been completed, will also be discussed at that time. He also mentioned that Councilman Gerberding had requested information on how PUDs relate to annexations. 6. Review of Parking Ordinance No. 2018 The Council discussed the matter with staff at great length. Councilman Hordyk instructed staff to prepare a letter to the Washington Truckers' Association to enable them to provide input. r---- flaIU01s-g- 9- Paul Breitbach and Mike Dohert1 /'''P.lfI''''''O;) . I Advisory Board . '!:9~I-l~t 's"laBu" jJOd - ~JI 'JU.a-.J Of e6oJo'!) ~aUNYM for two po";; -t~&~'&89 iO~ Doherty We>.t11 pJooq puo WOOl! /lllVHS 1[ 'OOl'-O&9- L -s..6al!^!Jd -, 4'1!'1 '41!M "WOII aIO^!Jd I I palUDM WOOl! /IllIIDDU lUallS//HIluaM 99 I Letter Supporting Symphony's Trl",- ~_:6~~r}!l1.'.:>~a;~,~L-J.-.:ed 7. The Council cast ballots Paul Breitbach and Mike Advisory Board. : I Advisory Board. on the Medic I X LATE ITEMS Mayor Duncan read a letter that she had received and been requested to sign supporting the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra's upcoming trip to the Peoples' Republic of China. The Council concurred to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter of support. Councilman Quast suggested that staff contact Mr. Hsu in Forks and look into producing some plaques from the City of Port Angeles, as this is a custom in China to bring something from your city to their city. Manager Flodstrom stated he would inform the Symphony that the City of Port Angeles was interested in doing this. M .., Fire Truck to be Used for Burn Foundation Futid Drive I Following discussion, Councilman Gerberding mov-ed to authorize the Fire Department to use the fire truck September 21, 1984, for the purpose of obtaining funds in a Northwest Burn Foundation Fund drive. The fire truck I would be parked in the Safeway parking lot during the fund drive. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. Property at lIth and Valley not Purchased by City Councilman Quast moved to concur with the Real Estate Committee's recom- mendation to inform Mrs. Garber that the City at this time does not wish to purchase property located on the northwest corner of 11th Street at Valley Street. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Information Presented on Weed Control on Vacant Lots, and Cross-walks on One-Way Streets Manager Flodstrom directed the Council's attention to Items Nos. 22 and 23 on the Information Agenda. Item N9. 22 contained information regarding staff's research on overgrown lot regulations and Item No. 23 contained pedestrians' rights-of-way in crosswalks on one-way streets. Screening of Day-Care Employees Discussed Councilman Quast instructed the City Attorney to research the possibility of implementing an ordinance authorizing the City to screen employees for day care centers. He stated that this question had been brought to him by concerned parents. City Attorney Knutson stated that he would look into it. He stated that his initial reaction was that the City could regulate this type of activity, possibly through business licensing. XI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Gerberding commended the City Light Department for receiving a commendation from Mr. Casad, a Puget Sound Area Manager for Conservation. A job well done! He also discussed with staff weed control on vacant lots. Councilman Hordyk inquired as to the status of the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment. Manager Flodstrom indicated that the position is currently being advertised and will be closing soon. He stated that no applications had been received. Councilman Hordyk also discussed with staff the condition of Solid Waste equipment. I . I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 1984 Councilman Whidden discussed the date of the workshop with Lyle Sumek on goal setting. Manager F10dstrom stated that it may be later than October 5th and 6th, 1984. Councilman Whidden also inquired as to the status of a Conditional Use Permit of a Home Occupation on 13th Street. City Planner Carr stated that application should be received within a month. Waterfront Mall Project Discussed Councilman Whidden then inquired as to the status of the Waterfront Mall project. Manager Flodstrom stated that the Port of Port Angeles and the Department of Natural Resources had signed a lease the previous week and that the Port had awarded a bid for completion of the site work. He informed the Council that City staff has been in contact with Waterfront Associates, developers of the project, regarding closing of the loan and the firming up on conditions. He stated that the information would be brought back before the Council. Councilman Whidden also discussed the WPPSS Bridge and Termination Loans, and the revaluation of residential properties in the recently rezoned area of Olympic Memorial Hospital. September 25, 1984"- Special Meeting/Work Session Discussed Mayor Duncan reminded the Council of the upcoming work session to be held September 25. 1984. Manager F1odstrom stated that Duane Berentson, other Department of Transportation representatives, officials from Jefferson and Clal1am Counties, Port Townsend, Sequim, Forks, the Fair Toll Coalition, and the EDC, had been invited to attend to discuss the Department of Transportation's Draft EIS for a Long Range Plan for the ferry system. XII ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session at 9:00 P.M. XIII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at approximately 9:30 P.M. XIV ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:30 P.M. ~()'~~Q'/ Clerk r J~~ 20~