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Port Angeles, Washington
September 18, 2001
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett,
Wiggins, and Williams. Councilmember McKeown arrived
at 8:15 p.m.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, S. McLain, L.
Dunbar, G. Kenworthy, S. Sperr, and M. Pennino.
Public Present: R. Hayes, L. Lee, T. Price, K. Spence, K. Rogers, T. Bihn,
and R. K. Smith.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle, followed by a moment
ALLEGIANCE: of silence for the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins requested that a letter regarding forestry practices (HR 2389) be
PLACED ON THIS OR added as Item 1.7.
Mayor Doyle requested that payroll information be added as part of future Consent
Agendas; he also inquired as to whether the check register could be added to the
meeting packet for each meeting rather than once a month. Manager Quinn stated that
this issue had been discussed at the last staff meeting and that it would be possible to
comply with the request. In that about 74% of expenditures are payroll, Mayor Doyle
felt this information would assist in the Council's awareness of current payroll
information. Manager Quirm added that providing information similar to a budget
status report would also be beneficial for the Council to see capital outlay, major
services, and personnel and supplies on a monthly basis and how they compare to the
monthly budget. As part of that report, the Finance Department would also provide a
breakdown of payroll by department.
Manager Quinn asked the Council to choose a date for the luncheon meeting with the
Lower Elwha Tribe somewhere between October 2 and October 5, 2001.
Leland Lee, 905 W. 11th Street, referenced Page 28 of the check register, specifically
the payment in excess of $415,000 to Delhur Industries, Inc. for the Edgew0od Drive
project. Mr. Lee expressed concern about the roughness of the pavement surface, and
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September 18, 2001
LATE ITEMS TO BE he wondered if a fault existed in the specs or in quality control. He asked about the role
PLACED ON THIS OR of the City Engineering Department in such projects and, further, he urged the proper
FUTURE AGENDA: authority to review public work projects and take whatever action necessary to insure
(Cont'd) quality. Mayor Doyle indicated the Engineering Department would follow up on this
Roy Hayes, 86 Blue Valley Road, asked that the Council consider consumer needs with
regard to Northland Cable and, before considering a six-year contract with Northland,
he urged the Council to be cognizant of communication problems between Northland
and the public. Mayor Doyle informed those present that the City is currently working
on a franchise agreement with Northland Cable, and he inquired as to whether Mr.
Hayes had discussed his concerns with City staff. Mayor Doyle invited Mr. Hayes to
contact City Hall and express his concerns.
On the matter of Mr. Lee's concerns, Councilman Hulett asked about the pavement on
the east end of 8th Street. City Engineer Kenworthy responded that extensive
conversations have been held with the contractor and, as of this date, the City has
withheld payment. He is currently in the process of writing a review of the situation for
the City Manager and City Attorney. Resolution is expected shortly.
FINANCE: 1. 2001 Paving Contract Award
2001 Paving Contract At the Mayor's request, City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the bid for the 2001 paving
Award contract, noting that the one bid received was well within the estimate. After reviewing
the areas to be paved, Engineer Kenworthy recommended approval of the contract with
Lakeside Industries. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Hulett moved to
award and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the 2001 Paving Project
with Lakeside Industries, Inc. in the amount of $210,875.20. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously.
Laurel Street Slide Repair 2. Laurel Street Slide Repair Bid Award
Bid Award
City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the bids submitted for the Laurel Street slide repair,
noting that this particular bid was for the wall only. Engineer Kenworthy explained the
difficulty in preparing an engineering estimate, and he explained there was
approximately $170,000 in funding left for this project. City personnel will do the
repair work on the stairs. Councilman Wiggins moved to award and authorize the
Mayor to sign the contract for the Laurel Street Slide Repair with Primo
Construction in the amount of $125,951.04. Councilman Campbell seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Before considering the Consent Agenda, Councilmember Williams asked whether
approval should be granted for the payment to Delhur Industries as referenced above.
Manager Quinn assured the Council that staff would monitor the situation. He was
certain this was not the final payment. Therefore, Councilman Williams moved to
accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) City Council minutes - September 4, 2001;
2) Wires - September 7, 2001 - $1,138,997.30; and 3) Check Register - September 7,
2001 - $1,249,644.41. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson. A
vote was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 1, with Councilman Hulett
abstaining due to absence from the September 4 Council meeting.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Erickson, Hulett, Campbell, and Wiggins had no report.
REPORTS: Councilman Williams toured the Rayonier trail easement with Parks Director Connelly.
He also attended the UAC/P.A. Works!, and PABA meetings, as well as the RTPO
September 18,2001
CITY COUNCIL meeting regarding the Hood Canal closure in 2006, covering information regarding
COMMITTEE alternate traffic/transit possibilities. Councilman Williams also attended the Transit
REPORTS: (Cont'd) meeting in Forks.
Mayor Doyle provided a welcome at the meeting of the Salmon Recovery Funding
Board, he did the ribbon cutting at opening ceremonies for a new quilting business, and
he attended the Cutter Winona reunion. The Mayor also attended a meeting of the
Peninsula Development Association, the Port Angeles High School ceremony regarding
terrorist attacks, the Richard B. Anderson ship reunion, and he provided a welcome to
the Friends of Fine Arts Center. Mayor Doyle summarized the City/County ceremony
regarding the terrorist attacks, and he informed the Council that the Tanabu High
School visit has been canceled because of the attacks.
OTHER 1. Public Fireworks Display for High School Homecoming
Mayor Doyle read the request from Fire Chief McKeen to approve a public display of
Public Fireworks Display fireworks conducted by Entertainment Fireworks, Inc. on October 12, 2001, at Civic
for High School Field for the Port Angeles High School homecoming game. Councilman Williams
Homecoming expressed concerns from the public regarding thc noise and any fear it might instill in
the public in light of recent terrorist events. After discussion, thc Council agreed that
the decision to proceed with the display would rest with school officials. Councilman
Campbell moved to grant approval to Entertainment Fireworks, Inc. to conduct
a public display of fireworks on the 12th day of October, 2001, at Civic Field for the
Port Angeles High School homecoming game. Councilman Williams seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Cable TV Future Needs 2. Cable TV Future Needs and Interests Report
and Interests Report
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information pertinent to the Cable TV Future Needs and
Interests Report, which Deputy Director McLain indicated was part of the franchise
renewal process with Northland Cable. Using a power point presentation, Power
Resource Manager Dunbar summarized the franchise renewal process and then
described the stages involved in the Basis for Grant or Denial of Franchise Renewal, the
Cable Related Subscriber Needs and Interests, the Telecommunications Related
Community Needs and Interests, the City Fiber Preliminary Layout, the Northland Fiber
Upgrade Plans, the Northland Upgrade Schedule, a listing of the renewal teams, and
the Key Features of the Basic Term Option. Resource Manager Dunbar also reviewed
the negotiations schedule that is underway with Northland.
In the discussion that followed, Mayor Doyle offered commentaries concerning the
three access channels requested and the costs to the customers that may be associated
with those channels. Resource Manager Dunbar indicated this request is similar to
franchise agreements held by other cities, and there would be a definite benefit related
to local programming. However, Northland's proposal back to the City will likely
identify how much of the costs would be passed on to the customers.
Discussion ensued, and Councilman Campbell spoke to the value of the needs
assessment, and he expressed optimism that a franchise agreement will be agreed upon.
Further, he expressed the hope that Northland would take seriously the need to upgrade
efforts in the area of customer service relations.
September 18, 2001
Cable TV Future Needs Roy Hayes, 86 Blue Valley Road, returned to the podium and addressed the issue of the
and Interests Report cable company providing three access channels: an education-access channel, a public
(Cont'd) access (a negotiable free-access channel), and a pay channel.
Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Cable Television and
Telecommunications Needs and Interests Report and authorize staff to request a
formal proposal from the cable operator to reasonably meet future cable-related
needs and interests as identified in the report. Councilmember Erickson seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Pilot Testing of Water 3. Pilot Testing of Water Source Filtration Options
Source Filtration
After introducing the options for pilot testing of Water source filtration, Mayor Doyle
recognized Deputy Director McLain, who introduced Utility Engineer Sperr. Engineer
Sperr, using a power point presentation, discussed the alternatives for pilot testing,
along with the recommendation for the Council to consider the Septra CB Cartridge
type filtration. FolloWing an explanation of the differences among the five filtration
alternatives and cost estimates involved with each, it was Mr. Sperr's finding that,
because of the minimal costs involved with the Septra system, this system, even though
not yet approved by the Department of Health, would be the best alternative to complete
the Pilot Testing. In the event that the Septra System is not approved by the DOH, it
was Mr. Sperr's suggestion that the Membrane filtration be chosen an an alternate
Following questions and discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to concur with the
CH2M Hill and the Public Works & Utilities staff decision to pilot test the Septra
CB filtration process in order to determine if it is the best municipal treatment
facility to be installed if the Elwha dams are not removed, and, further, to allow the
Public Works & Utilities Director to negotiate with the DOH for a Pilot Testing
Protocol that may or may not include testing of membrane filtration in addition
to the Septra CB. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried
Before proceeding further, Mayor Doyle asked Clerk Upton to introduce the new
Deputy City Clerk, Mary Pennino. The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, issued a kind
welcome to Ms. Pennino.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Public Hearing to Receive Federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant
Mayor Doyle read the recommendation on the matter of the Federal Local Law
Public Hearing to Receive Enforcement Block Grant. The Department of Justice requires a public hearing on the
Federal Local Law grant application. ChiefRiepe explained that the procurement of the Forensic Evidence
Enforcement Block Grant Drying Cabinet would be a good use of funds, that the safety of employees would be
enhanced, and the purchase would augment the department's ability to collect evidence
of DNA.
Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. There being no public testimony,
the hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. Following discussion regarding the amount of the
grant and the expenditure of past grant funding, Mayor Doyle observed that no action
was required of the Council.
Electric Utility Rate 2. Electric Utility Rate Presentation/Hearing
Presentation / Hearing
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information in the packet, after which Deputy Director
September 18, 2001
Electric Utility Rate McLain introduced Angie Sanchez Virnoche, Project Manager for Economic and
Presentation / Hearing Engineering Services, Inc. In her presentation, Ms. Sanchez Virnoche described and ~
(Cont'd) . explained the Revenue Requirement and Rate Design to the City Council, covering
overview and purpose, revenue requirements and summary of the revenue requirement
analysis, the cash basis approach, and key revenue requirement assumptions. In
addition, Ms. Sanchez Virnoche presented the overview, typical goals, and final goals
involving rate design.
Following Ms. Virnoche, Deputy Director McLain presented changes in electric rates
for residential, general service, primary service, and industrial transmission customers.
Rates to residential customers will increase by 19.5%, and industrial rates will be
increased by about 35%.
Councilmember McKeown arrived at 8:15 p.m. Deputy Director McLain responded to
questions raised by the Council pertaining to the rate stabilization fund, return on
investment, and future increases anticipated. Deputy Director McLain indicated it is
likely the rates will be readdressed in October of 2003. Mayor Doyle opened the public
hearing at 8:28 p.m. There was no public testimony offered. After further questions
and discussion, Councilman Williams moved to continue the public hearing to the
October 2, 2001, regular Council meeting. The motion was seconded by
Couneilmember Eriekson and carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:45 p.m.
OTHER 4. Compact Flourescent Lamp Coupon Agreement Amendment
(Cont'd) In response to an amendment to the ENERGY STAR® Labeled Compact Flourescent
Lamp Coupon Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration, Mayor Doyle
Compact Flourescent Lamp reviewed the amendment to include torchiere floor lamps. After brief discussion,
Coupon Agreement Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment to the
ENERGY STAR® Labeled Compact Flourescent Lamp Coupon Agreement. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously.
Fiber Optic Pilot Project 5. Fiber Optic Pilot Project
Because of the increase in the number of companies interested in becoming a part of the
Fiber Optic Pilot Project, Power Resource Manager Dunbar presented to the Council
a status report regarding the project. The City has received interest from Qwest,
Northland, Capacity Provisioning, and the Clallam County PUD No. 1, which now
provides opportunities to achieve City goals in partnership with others. Included in Mr.
Dunbar's presentation were the Applicants and Site listings, a Parmer Development
Activity Summary, and an Updated Project Schedule. Brief discussion followed, and
Councilman Williams mentioned the possibility of grant funding available for
Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize a delay to the fiber optic pilot
project schedule to allow additional time to prepare and, further, that the matter
be returned to the Utility Advisory Committee / Port Angeles Works! Committee
at the meeting of November 13, 2001. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Wiggins and carried unanimously.
Purchase of Conservation 6. Purchase of Conservation Agreement with BPA Amendment
Agreement with BPA
Amendment Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities, and
Deputy Director McLain explained this is an amendment to an existing contract, serving
as a conservation augmentation program for specific programs differing from other
September 18, 2001
Purchase of ConserVation utilities. He explained the process by which this would evolve, after which
Agreement with BPA Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to accept the amendments
Amendment(Cont'd) to the Purchase of Conservation Agreement with the Bonneville Power
Administration, including revision 1 of project 1 and the addition of project 2.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Forestry Practices 7. Forestry Practices
Councilman Wiggins introduced the issue that will be before the County
Commissioners regarding maintaining the infrastructure of public forest roads and the
assignment of Title II and Title III monies. In the interest of prioritizing financial
emphasis on maintaining the public forest road system, Councilman Wiggins suggested
an 8/20 split between Title II and Title III funding. To that end, Councilman Wiggins
moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to the County Commisioners
supporting an 80/20 split in Title II and Title III funds. The motion was seconded
by Councilmember McKeown and carried unanimously.
Elwha Luncheon 8. Elwha Luncheon
See City Manager's Report.
INFORMATION: City Manager's Calendar / Council Goals / Project Status Report:
City Manager Mike Quinn asked Council members to consider a target date of October
3, 2001, for a luncheon meeting with the Elwha Council. He added he would send an
agenda to Councilmembers listing issues to be addressed at the meeting.
Mention was then made of the rescheduling Of the meeting with the Victoria City
Council before October 9, 2001 because of problems associated with the reduction of
ferry schedules. Manager Quinn indicated that the City is awaiting a response from
The Coast Guard has suggested that the City procure an alternative location for the
regional Veteran's Day celebration due to maintenance plans. Two options would be
the Vern Burton or the High School auditorium.
Discussion ensued on the information on 1 747, and it was determined that the Council
will not take a position on this issue. Attorney Knutson informed the Council for future
reference that, if the Council wanted to pass a resolution either favoring or opposing a
ballot measure, the matter should be placed on the Council agenda, listing the title and
the number of the ballot measure and then allowing people on either side to comment
if they wished.
Councilman Campbell referenced the Public Works & Utilities August Monthly Report,
Page 247, suggesting that the difference between the years 2000 and 2001 be placed on
the electrical usage section.
Mayor Doyle then commented on the Stage 2 water restrictions, and Manager Quinn
advised this is a voluntary effort for the residents of the community to conserve on
water consumption. Stage 2 is not a serious stage, and it was Manager Quinn's belief
there would be no need to move to another stage.
Peter Ripley commented on the tragedies of this past week and complimented the
Councilmembers on their professional reactions to the terrorist attacks and their
steadfastness to the issues involved.
September 18, 2001
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. to discuss litigation for 10-15
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned tO Open Session at 10:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjoumed at 10:00 p.m.
L~n-y Do~, Mayor/ / Becky J. l)pt~ler[ ~ ---