HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/19/1957
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
September 19
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Port Angeles City Council met at :7:30 P.M. and was called 1;0 order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers I
showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen !Brown, Sandison. Matthieu, W,olfe, McFadd;en ,and
Maxfield, Manager Vcrgeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that minut es of the previous meeting be a~proved. Seconded by Councilman
Maxfield and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the second and final estimate for work done and material furnished
by Matt Malaspina Co. in L.I.D. No. l7S, amount of $7,177.93, was filed for approval. It was moved by
Councilman McFadden that estimate be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. l7S Construction Fund in
payment of same. Seconded by eouncilman Sandison and carried.
Third and final estiniate (August) for work done and material furnished by Matt Malaspina Co. ill L.I.D. No.
173 1I!!i. ~p\:!!,:oved ill amount of 1~34.09 It .was move4 b~ Councilman Sandison that estimate be approved and ,
U!/it'\l1aHilIffdNSn t~I"li'LNY'D17NoCoi~\r!l6d/1oll Fl1l!d:Ln ovment .of $ame and the l;,ty Clerk authQJ::l.Zed to
. . ... for '~234.0 . bear1ng ~nterest at the rate of 4 5/~ per annum,
dated September 23, 1957, proceeds to be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 173 Construction Fund. Motion second-
ed by Councilman Matthieu and carried.
Fixed estimate claims l1ere approved for payment as fo1101<s: L.I.D. No. 171, Peninsula Herald, publication,
$8.34 and City Treasurer, postage, $1.07. L.I.D. No. 173, H. N. Hansen, stakes and hubs, $31.00 and
Olympic Prin~ery, printing, $SJ.~?' L.I.D. No. 174, Evening Nel1s, publication, $9.24 and Peninsula,
Herald, publ1cation,$S. 76. 1.1"as moved by Councilman Maxfield that fixed estimate claims be approved
and paid. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried.
Council accepted report on investigation of Fifteeneth Street between Pine and Cedar Streets as per former I
request to extend width of street and improve same. Mr. Vergeer informed that considering amount of work
done by the Street Department, further improvement at City expense is not justified. Councilman Wolfe
advised that conversation with property owners concerned, reveals that desirl'd improvement has been accamp-I
lished and all are happy.
. Under the head of new business, claims paid September 10 and 16 were approved in total amount of $39,890.19.
It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that claims be approved as p!lid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and
Council discussed repair of tennis courts at Lincoln Park and construction of new. It appears from reports
~luWittfidtthat niw courts could be installed at estimated cost of $4,200.00. It ..as moved by Councilman
o e a repor be accepted and filed for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and
Council received communication from Merchants Bureau expressing appreciation for improvement to parking
lots by blacktop paving.
Don B. Tisdale filed clailD! for damages to basement and contents in amount of $2,950.03 iuleged1y caused by I
flooding due to overflow and excessive diSCharge of water into sewer. It was moved by Councilman McPadden
that claim be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried.
;'f Council pondered the question as to whether or not the City should proceed with engineering and design of
{ ! plans for a trunk sewer system in the westerly area of the City. Engineer's fees would be $10,000.00 for
complete survey and designs. Estimated cost of project was $750,000.00. Estimated property valuation,
J\ $94,712.00. It is understood that federal funds are available as a loan for engineering expense. The City
Engineer considered most improtant at this time, a survey to determine drainage in vicinity of C Street
preparatory to State paving prOject. It was the opinion of Mr. Vergeer that a Federal loan at this time
would be misleading improvement within reasonable time. Counci requested that estimated cost of survey
\ be obtained for portion of area where improvements are contemplated. .
One request was received for approval of beverage license by Victoria Hotel Co., Ltd., for the New Lee
Hotel. It was moved by Councilman Brown that application be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and
Mr. Vergeer informed Council that property owners at 8th and K Streets want grade lowered thereby enabling :
installation of curbs. He said the change is desirable but not justified at this time. Mr. Warder advised I
that regrading 110uld involve the entire block and should be done by petition including all. It was moved
by Councilman Wolfe that request be considered if all property in the block is included. Seconded by
Counc ilman Sandison and carried. I
Mr. Schultz appeared regarding traffic light on Madne Drive at Fibreboard PiPer Products and considers it
unnecessary., Mr. Vergeer informed that light "!as installed by request of the Safety Connnittee. Councilman
Wolf e considered the ligh t quite necessary for protection of mill employees. The matter willlbe investig-
ated and reported later.
One property owner inquired as to when L,I.D. can be expected for sewer installation in vicinity of 12th
and 14th Streets east of C Street. Mr. tlarder advised that field work is completed and cross drainage
west of C Street must be determined and all tied in.
Property owners file d petition requesting improvement of Second Street to Race Street by installation of
curbs, alIrainage and paving. Petition was referred to Planning Commission for recommendations.
Arthur Tobias having requested variance in zoning ordinance and permission to extend garage, the Planning
Cormnission unanimously recommended the request be granted. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that
recommendation be accepted and request approved. Seconded \~y Conncilman Wolfe and mrried.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that reports of Street Department activities and the Treasurer's
financial report be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Mayor Smith. read a
letter from Washington Identification Conference expressing appreciation fer cooperation, the same having
been attended by Chief Kochanek and Marguerite Miller.
Council revie..ed the preliminatnbudget for 1958. also revised proposed budget for the Light Department
las adopted by Seattle and the Northwest being approximately a 4% increase. Councilman Wolfe expressed "
opinion that this increase would not be too heal thy with other departments, there being too much different- ,
ial in salary scale. No other changes were made except the Health Department and it was moved by Council- I
,man McFadden that the appropriation to the Olympic Health District be increased from $7,SOO.00 to $8,000.00.'
Motion seconded byCbuncilroan Maxfield and carried.
Under the head of introduction "'d reading of Odi.nances, the following was introduced and read in full: I