HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/20/1933 ,... 146 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington september 20,1933 193_ I , The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by llayor 1 Davis. Roll call showed the follovling officers present. I.iayor Davis;Commissioners Beam and" Filion,Attorney Plmmmer and Clerk Hawkins. I The J.Iinutes of the preTious session were read and approved. The City Clerk was instruoted to issue a call for bids to wreck and dispose of the building on the West ~ of Lot 3,Elock 1 ,Tideland East of Laurel Street in Front of Port Angeles. The bids to be opened September 27th.1933,at 10 a.m. Under the head of New Business,- Hrs .l.Iargaret Audett presented a peti tion accompanied Vii th sketches for ]':ew City Buildings on Lincoln street between Second and Third Streets on the site now partly ! occupied by the Fire Department Building. The matter was ordered filed for further co~sideration. Under the haed of unfinished business,- The following resolution was introducej,- 'lESOLUTICN AUTHORIZIlW CITY OFFICIALS TO ';;XECcT~ r:R.A:TT I" AID AGREElIENT ',11TH TH8 STATE OF '.!A3HINC:';:'Orr \'IEERK,S, the City of Port "',ngeles has heretofore madr applica ti'n ~) "'" Direqtor of the Emer-,;ency Relief Administration for the State of ;'lashington for "rant in Bid I agreemo!lt wi th the state of ','Iashington of funds to be used in munieipal work, to wit: Reconstruction of bridges over Tu~water and Valley Creek ~ulohes on Eight Street in said city, and WHEREAS, said applioation has been granted in the sum of ~26,140.00 and a 5rant in aid agreement upon the same has been sub,itted to the City for execution. 1l0IT, 7.ffEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED By the City Commission in regular session assembled, That the grant in aid agreement with the state of ITashington be and the same is hereby J accepted and that the !.Iayor and the City Clerk be and said officers are hereby authorized i to execute the same on behalf of the City of Port Angeles. It was mOTed by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be adopted.Seconded , by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The I.~yor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the fOllowing olaims and ordered warrants dra\yn for same t- Ci ty Treasurer R.E.DaTis J.Lyle Beam J.P.Oberteuffer Current Expense Fund Stamps Expense aecount Expense account License collector r;{'6:> ;;, '... 2.00 4.00 13.50 36.00 Light Fund Puget Sound Power & Light Co. City Treasurer Cornie Vl.Puhl Dick Draper Electrio enercy Filing fees Advertising Advertising '1') ; ,,,-, , ! .: 4872.71 12.50 5.00 17.31 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. /7, /l1!~ 7G~:- City Clerk Mayor .... I I I I I I