HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/21/1982
Port Angeles, washington
september 21, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7: 00 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Counci1rren Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast and Whidden.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstran, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye,
P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn,
J. Pittis, R. Orton, M. Carrpbell, G. Booth.
Public Present: D. Price, D. Brewer, R. Winters, B. and C. Pierce,
G. Fisher, L. Allen, J. Wright.
Councilnan Hordyk rroved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the September 7, 1982 regular meeting and September 14, 1982
special reeting. Councilnan Gerberding seconded and the I1'Otion carried.
Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent
Agenda, including vouchers of $228,800.70 and Payroll of $179,157.80. I
Councilnan Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried.
1. Henkels and McCoy Street Lighting Project - Acceptance of Work.
councilman Whidden rroved the Council concur with Light Director Cosens I
recxmrendation and accept as CCJI1lllete the Henkels and McCoy labor contract for
First and Front Streets street lighting and authorize final payment of
$20,698.80, with a $2,229.87 retainage. Councilnan Quast seconded and the
I1'Otion carried.
2. L.B.R. Replat - Acceptance of Improverrents.
councilman Gerberding rroved the council concur with Public Works Director
pittis' recorrmendation and accept the side sewer illlproverrents for the L.B.R.
Replat and authorize release of construction guarantee funds being held in
trust. Councilnan Whidden seconded and the I1'Otion carried.
3. Utility Defense Group - Payment of $3,695.89 Attorney Fees.
Mayor Duncan referred the Council to Attorney Miller's merrorandurn reccmnending
payroont of Utility Defense Group's August l4, 1982 billing. The billing
reflects an intensification of counsel effort due to the accelerated
litigation schedule adopted by the Judge hearing the WPPSS cases, with UDG
anticipating final resolution of the case by April or May of 1983. Councilman
Polhamus moved the Council authorize payrrent of the bill dated August 14, 1982
in the amount of $3,695.89 and Councilman Gerberding seconded. Counci1rren
Polhamus and Quast expressed concerns that the total amount budgeted for our
participation in the UJX; not be exceeded, and Councilnan Gerberding noted that
the City had entered the UDG to protect our interests and total costs in the
project. On call for the question, the I1'Otion carried with Councilm3n
Haguewood voting "No".
September 21, 1982
Items from the Audience not on the Agenda.
Richard Winters, 2118 Lake Farm Road, Port Angeles, requested the Council
impose a ban on male stripping and similar activities in Port Angeles.
Burt Pierce, 115 West 11th, Port Angeles, also requested the Council ban
stripping activities and suhnitted a petition with 150 signatures requesting
Council action.
Items from the Council not on the Agenda.
a. Stripping activities in Port Angeles.
Councilman Quast noted that the Council also has concems regarding the male
stripping activities and rroved the Council instruct Attomey Miller to prepare
an ordinance banning this type of activity for their future consideration.
Councilman Hordyk seconded and the notion carried.
b. Hood Canal Bridge Tolls - Washington State Transportation Carmission
Councilman Quast also ccmrented on the DepartIrent of Transportation September
15th meeting on the Hood Canal Bridge Tolls, at which the toll was set at
$2.50, and the Council concurred to continue their pursuit of fair and
equitable tolls for the Hood Canal Bridge.
1. Public Hearings.
a. Zoning Ordinance Airendrrent re: Chapter 80.50 ocw.
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance
arrendrrent placing a ban on energy facilities City-wide, and requested ccmnents
or questions from the audience and/or staff. No caments were received and
Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. She then read Ordinance No. 2231 by
ri:itl~~:ntitled .
Pursuant to the provisions .
01 Chapter 43,21C RCW, N ORDINANCE of the Clty of Port Angeles
notice i. her.eby given .ho.: 'prohibiting petroleum refineries
. The Ci.y 01 Port Angeles did. . , ~
on September 21,1982, toke 11quefled natural gas and llquefled
the action, described below. petroletnn gas facilities, energy
Any action to set aSide, en- . l' . .. I' ,
join, review or otherwi.e . faCl ltles, and ass=lated facl ltles,
challenge such action on .he as defined in OCW 80.50 from l=ation
grovnds of noncompliance .. . ' .
with the p,ovisions 01 Wlthin the Clty of Port Angeles, arrendlllg
Cha_pter 43.21C RCW (State Ordinance 1709.
EnVironmental foftc::y Act)
shall b;- commenced witt'lin ~
.hi~ (30) dDys or be barred.)( then IlDVed the Council adopt Ordinance No. 2231 as read by
The aclion taken by the City n Whidden seconded, and after further discussion, the notion
of Pon Angete$-. notIce of
I which is he..eby given I was as
(1) Passage 01 Ordinan<:e ~ .
Na_ 2231, amending Or. :otreet Vacatlon
dincnce 1709.
(2) The Ordinance prohibits. " . .
petroleum relineries, Ii. ~ed the publlc hearmg on the Allen/DNR petltlon to vacate the
queli,:,d natural gas and Ii- y abutting Lloyd Allen I s property on the west side of
quefled petroleum gas
lacilities, energy laeili.i..s, d 34, Alderwood Acre Tracts, and requested cannents or
and o"~cio'ed loeilities, os e audience and/or staff The applicant verified the legal
delmOO In RCW 80_SO. Irom . . .
locotion within the City of e area petltloned to be vacated. No further cannents were
Port Angeles. Dun 1 ed th publ' h .
(3) Said action pertained to I r can c OS e lC earlllg.
property located within th..
City 01 Port Angeles.
~ Pertin.ent documents may
I be' examined during reg'll lor
business l1ou-rs ot tne office of
the City Clerk, 140 West Front
Street, City Hall, Par' S rroved the Council postpone action on the vacation periding
Angeles, Washington 98362, fran the Real Estate Carrnittee on price and Councilman Quast
Paul D_ Carr ,
Planning Director further discussion, Councilman Polharmls rroved to amend his
L Pu~~~~~: 1?:.;982~ _hat the Council concur with the rec<::mrendation of the Planning
Cannission to vacate the 30-foot right-of-way abutting Lloyd Allen r s property
on the west side of Tracts 36,3S & 34 r Alderwood Acre Tracts, provided the
ccmnented on Condition No. 2 reccmrended by the Planning
lanner Carr reccmrended a possible change to t::he condition.
September 21, 1982
VI 1.
Items frem the Audience not on the Agenda.
Richard Winters, 2118 Lake Fam Road, Port Angeles, requested the Council
impose a ban on male stripping and similar activities in Port Angeles.
Burt pierce, 115 West 11th, Port Angeles, also requested the Council ban
stripping activities and submitted a petition with 150 signatures requesting
CO\ll1cil action.
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'm Quast noted that the Council also has concems regarding the male
] activities and lIDVed the Council instruct Attorney Miller to prepare
nce barming this type of activity for their future consideration.
~ Hordyk seconded. and the notion carried.
Hood Canal Bridge Tolls - Washington State Transportation Ccmnission
" Quast also camented on the Departrrent of Transportation September
19 on the Hood Canal Bridge Tolls, at which the toll was set at
~,the Council concurred to continue their pursuit of fair. and
')lls for the Hood Canal Bridge.
ing Ordinance ArrEndment re: Chapter 80.50 RCW.
opened the public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance
'ing a ban on energy facilities City--wide, and requested caments
rem the audience and/or staff. No carments were received and
losed. the public hearing. She then read Ordinance No. 2231 by
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N ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
. prohibiting petroleum refineries,
liquefied natural gas and liquefied
petroleum gas facilities, energy
facilities, and associated facilities,
as defined in RCW 80.50, fran location
within the City of Port Angeles, amending
Ordinance 1709.
Councilmm Hordyk then noved the Council adopt Ordinance No. 2231 as read by
title; Councilmm Whidden seconded, and after further discussion, the notion
b. Allen Street Vacation
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Allen/DNR petition to vacate the
3D-foot right-of-way abutting Lloyd Allen's property on the west side of
Tracts 36, 35 and 34, Alderwood Acre Tracts, and requested ccmnents or
questions from the audience and/or staff. The applicant verified the legal
description of the area petitioned to be vacated. No further carments were
received and Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing.
Councilmm Hordyk COl1l1'ented on Condition No. 2 reccmnend.ed by the Planning
Carmission, and Planner Carr recarmended a possible change to the condition.
Councilmm poThamus lIDVed the Council postpone action on the vacation periding
a recOITllEIldation frem the Real Estate Ccmuittee on price, and Councilmm Quast
seconded. After further discussion, Councilman Polhamus lIDVed to amend his
notion to read that the Council concur with the recOlll1'eIl.dation of the Planning
Ccntnission to vacate the 30-fCX}t right-of-way abutting Lloyd Allen's property
on the west side of Tracts 36,35 & 34, Alderwood. Acre Tracts, provided the
September 21, 1982
following conditions were attached: 1) Provided the Applicant file a zoning
lot for Tracts 35, 34, 27 and 26, AldeJ:WOOd Acre Tracts; 2) That the Applicant
provide an easerrent for uj;;ilities across said zoning lot prior to
resubdivision if desired by the City. He cited the following as his findings
of fact: A) The property will be returned to the tax rolls; and B) Vacation
c:orrbined with the zoning lot, would prorrote nore logical future developrent of
the property; and that the Council refer this item to the Real Estate
Ccnmittee for t,heir recornnendation on price. Councilman Quast seconded the
arrendmant and on call for the question the rrotion carried.
c. Olynpic Mem::>rial Hospital Street Vacation.
Councilman Quast rroved to continue the public hearing on this vacation to the
October 19, 1982 Council meeting; Councilman Whidden seconded and the notion
2. Planning Cannission Minutes - September 8, 1982.
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Ccmnission Minutes of September 8, 1982
with the following action being taken by the Council:
a. Conditional Use Hearing - Pingel.
Councilman Quast rroved the Council concur with the recornrendation of the
Planning Ccmnission to grant Pingel a Conditional Use Permit to operate a wire
marking service for canmercial fishemen as a Hare Occupation at 227 East
Tenth Street; citing the following findings of fact: 1) Since only hand tools
will be used in the operation, there will be no noise, SlIDke, dust, or other
obnoxious or harmful conditions created by the Horre Occupation; 2} IDeal
traffic will not be significantly increased by the Hare Occupation; 3) There
will be no injurious or detrimental impacts on adjoining properties; and 4)
The Hane Occupation will not endanger the public health, norals, safety and
welfare; and it is in the public interest. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the I'
motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk then rroved the Council accept and place on file as received
the Planning Ccmnission minutes of September 8, 1982. Councilman Whidden
seconded and the notion carried.
Manager Flodstran requested. the Council advise him or Planner Carr of any
corrrrents they have receiVed regarding the SeaFarms operation on Boulevard and
Motor for their use in a report to be brought before the Council at a future
t 3.
Electrical Power Rate Increase - October 1, 1982.
The Council had held a public hearing at the September 14, 1982 meeting for
consideration of electrical rate increases and Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No.
2232 by title, entitled
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2. All Kilowatt oours \KVVnj ......v"'...... 1""" 'H'" oca; " 5- ~ 'B
Section 2. Sectiot) 4 of Ordinance 205.4, Section 4 of Or. S-i"-!!J ~ 8 g ~- 8 ~ ~ i ~ ~ f4.p. ~, "
dinance 2137, Section 1 of Ordinance 2173, Section 1 of Or- ~ III ~-rn ::l g c:: 1-'- g 0
dinanc& 2198, Section 2 of Ordinance 2210, and Section , 1-'- ~~1 [Jl g f} I-'
13,12.0.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code ore each amend- @i ~~[ CD P. I-'-::l PI f} CD I-"
ed to read as follows: i5 ~~~iJ-8'~ ~ ro CD ~- I
13 12 040 Schedule G3 General Service. ~ >-'>-, H '8'1f} ~ g-",
A. This schedule is applicable to governmentol agencies, '11-'- il I-'-~ rt ~ 1-'_ 0 ~ 1-'_ rt 5->-' ~
PI 0 ~.2l ro ~ftf} ~!!J ~' rt g P ~ ~~, ~
schools, churches, municipal and commercial accounts, multi- ! ft@" ~ 5- il ~
pie dwellings with 0 single meter, and all industrial accounts III trag . [Jl ro o ~ >-' [Jl f} 5- [Jl
not Included under Schedule IP and IT.
B. Rate: !=j-~ [Jl g,g !=j' S-'< 0 CD "l ~'16 fl, I
ro I
1. Basic Charge: 05- g-~' ~ (JlS rt ~ >-' 5- ~ ~ Hl g:. >-' >-' !!J() W (;
o. Single Phase $10.00 ~ ~"l I ~ 0 PI !=j'1 III 8 '" ~
b. Three Phose $20.00 III III ~ ~f}~ ro 0 rn g:~'re [~~ g:J 5- ~~,
'0 1-'-
2. Energy Charge: ffirt Ii
CL 0-20,000 kwh'" ~$ 0':'0315 per-kWh N Ul ~ o ro III rt ro' 0 Ul >-' ::l ~ ro I-'
b. All kWh over 20,000 $ 0.0193 per kWh N ~~ .g(Jlp. . rt ~~ g- '&J PI ~ ;- f}m ~
3. Demond Charge: , W
N '1 ::l"ro~ iUl Ulrt ro 1-'- '1
0.0.50 kW of billing demand: no charge rt ~ !i;' '1~ o 1-":;: ()g
p. ~ ~,g~~5 ~Ill ~ ~ !!'
b. All kW over 50 kW of billing demand: ~i >-' g-~ro cort 0 :!:
i. December.May: $.4.91 per kW R ~, ::l
ii. June-November $3.57 per kW Hl ::l" ~a 00 III & ::l1ll::Ii >-' I-" I-'
g ..... B
Section 3. Section 6 of Ordinance 2054, Section 6 of Or- '" o ~- ir~troi~-~~c::& '"
dinance 2137, Section 3 of Ordinance 2210, and Section co ~~ I-"~ CO !!J
!" ;3'g. O::I: 00" 00 CD !:'ft !"
13.12.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each amend. @'1 &'1g !=j' ~ ro ro
ed to read os follows: ::Ii ~ !=j' ~ - .':: ~ &' ~ Ul
13.12.060 Schedule IP3 - Industrial Primar . . ~ ~
A. T is sc ule is applicable to industrial, manufacturing ~~ ro~:s ()@ ~i~f~hill 0
and processing plants where connected load is greater than () I-"S Hl ~
five hundred kilowatts. Energy delivered under this schedule g g ro g g (Jl
sholl be unregulated three phase, sixty cycle, Alternating Cur. ret;; X''1~ rtroOl-',rt ~.
rent at primary voltage. P,g'1 ()Hl III 1-" - ro g rt
B. Rote: p.;3 ....'..... ffiti' rtgP.O O~ I g
1. Billing demand for the month shall be the maximum f?ffi ;~g ~~ 8 - ~ 5'" g :J III ~ 1-"
one hour demand for the month or five hundred kilowatts, :;l I-"::l rt.!<'rt 0
whichever is higher. ~.,. ;~ ig, rtl-' ~~ o.lCrn.,~- NI1::l '1 ~
z;- Demand Chai"9~ ---- ~ PI ~ 0 ~ tti". ~ g ~ ~ ~ g,
a. For the hours of 7:00 A.M. through 2:00 P.M.. Monday....; ~
through Saturday: $5.50 per kW of billing O<!:l Hl~Hl b;~ a.trat}~op.b1Illf} =
i. December-May: roHl ~ p. ~ p.ro >-' ~
demand ~~>< !!J 1-" f}a~~>-'i~n~_ro '"
ii. June-November: $3.-47 per kW of billing ~g ~ CO
demand rop. N B
b. For all other hours: $1.67 per kW of billing CD Ul CD
demond, for all billing
- .~<'-- ~..._...__.- _____de_ma!"'d.in exces!)of that... ,
occurring during the -
hours ot 7:00 A.M.
through 2:00 P.M.,
Monday through Saturday.
3. Energy Charge:
a. September.March $0.0169 per kWh
b. April.August $0.0165 per kWh
Section 4. Section 2 of Ordinance 2173, Section .4 at Or-
dinance 2210, and Section 13.12.071 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are each amended to read os follows:
13.12.071 Schedule IT3 Industrial Transmission.
A. This. schedule is applicable to industriar, manufacturing
and processing plants, for power delivered at transmission
voltage, 69 KV.
B. Rote:
l.eming demand.for the monlh shall be ;th~~fTlaximum
one hour <:lemand for the month, - for the nours. 01 Mo"hday
through Saturday, 7:00-A_M. through 10:00 P.M '
2. Demand Chorge:
o. December-May
b. June-November
$.4.65 per kW of billing
$2.28 per kW of billing
3. Energy Charge:
a. September-March $0.0156 per kwh
b. April-Avgust $0.0152 per kWh
Section 5. Section 3 or Ordinance 2173 and Section 13.12.072
of~ngeles Municipal Code ore each amended to read
as follows:
1312072 Schedule II liahtinQ
A. This schedule is applicable to all miscellaneous lighting.
Yard or area lights ore available upon request. Upon approval
by the light Deportment, lights will be installed and energy
furnished on private or public property, for the use and conve.
nience of customers. A one year contract for service will be re-
quired before the light will be installed.
8. Costs of additional poles and/or line extensions
necessary to provide for lighting sholl be charged to the
customer at the time 01 installation or removal.
C. 1. If the Light Deportment retains ownership of the area
lighting, the maintenance of such lights shall be the respon-
sibility of the light Deportment.
2. The rotes for lighting which remains in light Depart.
ment ownership sholl be as follows:
a. 175 Watts or less: $ B.50
b. More than 175 Watts, but 250 Watts or less: 9.00
c. More than 250 Watts, but 400 Watts or less: 10.25
d. More than.4oo Watts, but 1,000 Watts or less: 14.75
D. 1. If the customer retains ownership of the area lighting,
the maintenance of such lights sholl be the responsibility of
the customer.
2. The rates for lighting which remains in customer owner.
ship-sholl be'-06 follow!;>!o-.....-- -----~. -
o. 175 Watts or less: $ 3.25
b. More than 175 Watts, but 250 Watts or less: 3.75
c. More than 250 Watts, but 400 Watts or less: 5.00
c. More than.4oo Watts, but 1,000 Watts or less: 9.50
Section 6. Section 9 or Ordinance 205.4, Section 9 of Or.
dinance 2137, Section 5 of Ordinance 2210, and Section
13.12.090 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code ore each amend.
ed to read os follows:
13.12.090 Servi e h
T e following service charges shall apply:
(1) Installation ond removal of
temporary SQrvice-:
(2) Connections or reconnections during regular
working hours (B:OO A.M. to .4:30 P.M.):
(3) Connections or reconnect ions after
regular working hours:
(4) Service colis on customer's equipment
and meters:
(5) Service calls on customer's equipmQnt
and meters after regular working hours:
(6) Installation of new services:
(7) Revision of existing services:
(8) Field collection charge (wilen service crew
makes arrangement for payment in the
process of disconnection for non-payment) 5.00
Section 7. There is added to Chapter 13.120 new section to
read as follows:
Electrical Inspection Fees. The fees for electrical inspections
performed by the City of Port Angeles, pursuant to State
Statute at City Ordinance, sholl be estqblished by the City
Council by resolution, which may be amended from time to
Sedion 8 Repealer, Section 7 of Ordinance 2054, Section 7
of Ordinance 2137, and Section 13.12.070 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code ore each hereby repealed.
Section 9 Effective Dote This Ordinance sholl toke effect
on October 1, 1982.
PASSED by .he City Cauncil of the City of Port Angeles at 0
regular meeting of thv Council held on thg. 2ht- - day of
September, 1982.
Marion C. Parrish
City Clerk
Craig l. Miller, City Attorney
Pub.: Sept. 2.4, 1982
September 21, 1982
Bob ~rgan, Manager of CrCMn Zellerbach, addressed the Council regarding the
prqx>sed rate increase and expressed concerns for the allocation of the rates
to industrial users, particularly for that portion of the rate for
conservation programs. Council and staff discussed this at length and
concurred to include a representative frem the Mill in the Utility Advisory
Carmittee's consideration of future proposed rate increases in order to
address their concerns during the rate allocation process. Councilman Hordyk
noted that the City has based its rates on a cost of service study and has
striven to allocate the rates on a fair and equitable basis. After further
discussion Councilmm Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance
as read by title; Councilman Gerberding seconded. Attorney Miller noted a
typographical error on Page 3 of the Ordinance, and on call for the question
the motion carried.
4. Electrical Inspection Fees Increased.
Ordinance No. 2232 rrade provision for increasing fees for electrical
inspectiOl1s. Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 35-82 by title, entitled
RESOwrION NO. 35-82
A RESOLUTIOO of the City of Port Angeles,
establishing fees for electrical
She noted that the fees had not been increased since 1934.
Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
titlej Councilman Whidden seconded and the mtion carried.
5. Suspension of City Council ccrnpensation for remainder of 1982.
The Council had rroved to waive their salaries for the rerrainder of 1982 at the
August 17, 1982 meeting. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2233 by title,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing salaries for the elective
officers of the City of Port Angeles
for the period September 1, 1982, to
December 31, 1982, and reviving Ordinance
2119 upon its lapse.
Councilmm Quast moved the COuncil adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by
title; Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried with Councilman
Hordyk voting "No".
6. Update on Northern Tier Project and Proposed View Trip by EFSEX:.
Mayor Duncan noted that Northern Tier has rrade sane changes to their proposed
facilities in the Port Angeles Harbor and indicated EFSOC COuncil Ill2Jl1bers
would be 11Eking a view trip to the oilport facility at Valdez, Alaska, and
officials frem Northern Tier would also be in attendance. EFSEX: had invited,
along with other local goverilment officials and representatives, both herself
(the past Port Angeles representative on the EFSEX: Council) and the Fire Chief
to attend, with the expenses to be paid by EFSEC as part of the application
fees. Councilmm Quast rroved the COuncil forego the invitation at this tine;
COuncilman Haguewoocl seconded. The Mayor and Council discussed the proposed
trip at length and COuncilman Quast moved to amend the rrotion to approve an
invitation, if extended, to the Fire Chief to view the oilport facilities at
Long Beach, California. Councilman Haguewood seconded the amendment. On call
for the question the rrotion carried with Counci1rren Gerberding and Whidden
voting "No". -~. -, - - . _ ~_~~__ - .
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September 21, 1982
7. Board of Adjustnent - Attendance Guidelines for Board Members.
Mayor Duncan read a I\'e!IDrandurn indicating the Board of Adjustnent I s request
for a policy directive frem the City Council regarding attendance at Board
rreetings. Councilman Polhamus IIDVed that the Council establish an attendance
policy for the Board of Adjustment which allCMs for rerroval if there are three
unexcused absences by a rrember. Councilman Whidden seconded and the Irotion
8. City council Goals and Objectives for 1983.
The Council discussed at length with Manager Flodstrom and staff their goals
and objectives for 1983; making sate additions and deletions to their list of
goals and objectives prepared in 1982. Manager Flodstrom indicated that staff
will proceed with the preparation of the 1983 budget.
9. Presentation on To-Date 1982 Revenues and Expenditures.
Manager Flcrlstrem and Finance Director Orton ffi3.de a brief presentation to the
council on the status of the General Fund at the end of August, 1982.
10. Proclarration - Fire Prevention Week.
~~yor Duncan proclaimed the week of October 5 - 11, 1982 as Fire Prevention
Week in Port Angeles and asked all citizens to "Show Their Concern and Leam
Not to Burn".
1. Proclamation - Handicapped Parking Awareness Month.
Mayor Duncan proclaimed the month of October, 1982 as DAV Handicapped parking
Awareness Month in Port Angeles.
2. Proposed Vie\\1 Trip to Valdez, Alaska - Further Consideration.
Councilman Quast noted that one of the points made by the Governor in denying
Northern Tier's application was the fire hazard to Port Angeles and in
retrospect felt that the Council should approve the Fire Chief's attendance in
the trip to Valdez, Alaska. He then moved the Council reconsider their
previous action and approve the Fire Chief's trip to Valdez, Alaska, at
EFSEC's invitation, and IDng Beach, California, or Portland, Maine, if
invited. CouncilnEn Gerberding seconded. COuncilrren Haguewood and Hordyk
both indicated that they did not feel the oilport facility at Valdez, Alaska,
was pertinent to the proposed facility at Port Angeles. CouncilnEn Polhamus
and Whidden spoke in favor of sending both the Fire Chief and the Mayor.
Mayor Duncan indicated that she was willing to go to Valdez, Alaska, if the
appearance of fairness issue with EFSEl: is resolved prior to the trip. After
further discussion the motion to reconsider was called for and failed with
Councilmen Quast and Gerberding voting "Yes".
Hattie Berglund, Port Angeles, requested information fran Pcrwer IoIanager. Booth ~
regarding the weatherization program.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M.
Ci ty Clerk