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Minutes 09/22/1908
""~-,, -: (82 Proceedings of City Council of the City of Port Angeles, \V ashington .m:.........__. ..trt. ;21, ..______.___________.___:..;____.-......190 'i_ ""~'~."."T ......~"~,, ""r<"wo ..,., .. ~~==--=-~= ;:Ji=m~~~~~::~ka~~~~ ::::::~~1 I ~ . -'. 7.7 . / _ ,~-() _f/ U . /] H- v . J/ //' ~ . /1 _____________ AA.u .Lftt ,_/varz.u..,_./rvZ-U~~ L _ v~ ./J.7ttdIi./.L:U:--ij '1Wu//aE ____________ Amdk, aud__dvl. _(;Ztild,,_ ~df" __.1:..____.__1:.___________. _______ _______ ____;) ____._________._____--____ _._______..__________ __ _________ - _____n_.____.___ ____On_nO ------ --------- tlfCL - ;Z;[i1uu!i4 -J;~- fit. ~ - }JU~~/4 - ~ .. Mad ------ I ______ _ ____ Wi.-c{ n_ ~J..f!c( ___________-:-_________________._________________ __n~--n- ,I --- - --.-- -- . 7Aki~-TjJj;--- . n--'~:-d----. . - ....... ; ..====,~,jwct;~":J&___J~__~u=~"(AL~~-:e ~~'! ~~_~===_ ~._. 7Iof)maka;f;";;L-rP1Ada_~ ~~ ~/,2f__1J :- .... ... _________7// ::~;J~-~-~--------.-;q.:.- ~L W7----7~--.--- _____7/2. -.Il '>>t_ ~ -J - ----=---!fff: aadJ./~ ____---~.-.J::..-u---- ~---:. t< dO / - ~~Jl.Jt.I -;yu c)lta-~ -----~ ~I ~ )~Yr/'- j: '9---~----- - ~---'-------- - _n_________~ ._~_ _._---------,---'--T----.--"----u-------- ________--,,----__________:____. nn L__u_--tCf;1:~ ltl/i-!#; Jkui2 ALml-a-~t5: nO at~';?Mt. ka. -- ~ ------.7/Jrf~/;jJj ~~--;:_-- "--7;'/Oa.c~!J~~ - . ... < -----.- ~7tJ_=____________ . 7/'/,1 .7?a;~r jlUdtl)t(c(V?~(-----~~,.~/~1#J~~ . - ~i<bl!J!___ r; -- ~~- . f) 0~ . .'tf}h/J ~. '~77:;'7; 7Fq v / E- -_____ 7/oi ,&tJUtUUtL%q' /VULu. --------- /~<{.. . - .CT--~ /-:-___ .-,.___~/ / tJ tb ---'-------------- ----~--j. ". . .-~. . ~~_c, ~ aad+t.~fi.a.~ (-.-.-.~:..-.~~--'!1_r-. ~-' a&CQt : c.;/ ~wJ:4 ..- tlL; ~-'r' :- t!d - ~~ --- ~-~--------------~/-i-~~/~. /7} /903-=-_k . dLd7'-~- _____:....___ _ p~ ~ _ ~d..____n__n .. _ ________________ ___. ~," . . ""'---------.- -------------.--------------.--.. ------.-,,--... --"7'.--------"7"""jp= --.-------:.,- ..~--- . 7:-------.~.~.. pap:_--~CL-tludJtk '~ik~f#t~-n.. . ....~~fi;;;!J/~.ibntL.~.~ -------------.-:t';;J ............ -' --:-----.7 r---r -.--------;---7-? ___nO --y-----S)- - Ji-:LJt; ~:!:dCJi/tJ::ri:if:~ ~ .~ .~~oL..-fo--F~ -..f2j~~'-~Fcf.- it-~ '-1 ~. ..Pl-- Cvud u WIUuUJ..--__ --------- ..... ..--- , 1 , j I I "1 I : il I' ~~ --: -rr-~--: l : I ' I )--- 1- I L- 'I i .! I I I _.. 1 j 1 I ___J j~.-