HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/22/1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Septe~ber 22, 1943 19_ ""IIIl 563 I I I I I The Commission met in regular sessien at 10 A.I.!. and was ealled to order by LIByaI' Robinson. Roll oall showed the following oflicers present: Mayor l\obinson, Con.nissioners Eeam and lIasters, Atcomey Jor~'1ston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building ~err.~ts and Licenses the following were granted: Gus WahlberJ, Build Garage, Lot 6, Block 114, T01msite R. C. Richardson, Roof House, lot 6, Block 365, TO":'1si te. S. Baker, Build Wocdshed, Lots 29 & 50, P.S.C.C. Subd. of Sub. Lot 23 James W. Caven, ]f.ast T Plumber License Under the head of ;,ew Business I 50.00 200.00 100.00 25.00 A written request of Alex Harris, City Patrolman, fer a leave cf absence to enter the Army Transport Service for the duration of t he war, came before the COII'",is5ion. After due consideration the request was granted. The Commission examir,ed and a llowed the following claims ;md ordered warrants drawn for same: CURR ENT EXPENSE FU:1I; 01Y11",pic Sta ticne rs Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Harcld Hibbs Plumbing & Heating II 11 II n " Bond paper H;md Rolle I Plumbing Supplies 11 II Tire Repair, etc. Shop Wo,.k Laundry Polishing Wax Galv. Pipe \." -v/ "?D ". V. A. Samuelson &Co. D & B Battery & ;ole ctrio Co. Olympic Lau:'1dry & Cleaners Janitor Su~~ly Co. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating CITY STREET FU~!D Howard-Coop~r Corp. Freight WATER FUND ~ & B Battery & Elect~ic Station Ke11e;,- & DeVine Hoo'ker Electrochemical CO. II If Car Repairs Tire Repair Lhlol"in~ 5") '1'1 LIGHT FUND ~ity Treasurer Westinghouse Eleotric Stamps RepRiring Voltmeter l' 1:;0. PARK FUND Elva L. Uorris Bowl Brush & Droom cTATE HD ,.mID George's Servioe Station 1 Nash Sedan LIGHT INVESTI'E'IT ruim City Treasurer Victory Bonds FmEMEN'S PEKSI\:m Fln.~ City Treasurer Defense Bonds I..LD. GUARA~jl'Y YJ:~ City T:"ea surer Assessments 1. I. D. REVO!.VTIi;; FUND Ci ty T,.easuror Assessments There being nc further business the Commission then adjourned. ?7llYij~/ Ci ty Clerk 1.80 .75 10.83 8.36 72.31 115 .44 10.03 9.07 1.67 2.12 1.64 2.88 15.00 11.99 r, , -- 71.21 18.80 2.25 1707.18 14800.00 3700.00 100.49 46.22 ~gat~ Mayor j