HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/22/1948 ".. 482 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 22. 19~ "The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.H., an:! was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call 'Of 'I officers showed the following present: l,:s.yor Epperson, Comni5sioners Steele ani Johnson, Attorney Wilson, and Clerk Law. il}~inutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications ,BUILDING mRl:ITS: 0 CV Lemuel Ross '7 'Je - II Frank Follow I I ,Frank Pollow J. F. Woods Everett Pilon R., A. L:allory E.- F. Roth P., H. Yaple far building permits and licenses, the following were granted: - Build gara,e, Lot 9, RLl<. 3h3 Townstte, leove Dwelline, to Lot 15, Blk.l99, TONnsite Hove Dwelling, to N ~ Lots 19 & 20, Townsite Remodel dwelling, Not ]1" Blk. 171, Townsite Build porch and utility room, Lot I" Blk 15B, Townsite, Build 4 room dwelling, Lot 16, Elk 157, Townsite Build 5 room dwell~, Lot 6, Blk 63, Lewis & lJastie Build earage, Lot 9, Blk. 446 Townsite BOO. 00 1000.00 BOO.OO 1000.00 700.00 3000.00 5000.00 1000.00 I, LIC~;';3E;S: "B. & M. Grocery Soft Drink 5.00 Under the head of new business, Gerald Chamberlin appeared in the interest of Standard Shingle' Co., and Andrew Severyns for ~~e P. A. Shingle Co. requesting that tl:e Ediz Hook sub-lease of P. A. Shingle Co. be transferred to the Standard Shingle Co. An agreement for the said transfer VIas .presented !>y the Attorneys, j:and the Conunission having no objedtions, the matter was referred to the City Attorney, to be concluded at ., the next session. The Hayor presented a letter from the Central Labor Council requesting that daylight saving t1i4re be decided ; by a vote of the Citizens. After discussion, it was moved by Mayor epperson that the request be filed for "consideration regarding certification to tlB ballot. Motion seconded by Commiss ioner Johnson. All voted Aye. lcotion carried. A petition signed by twenty property, owners requesting that Second St. between Vine and Eunice Sts., ard Albert St. from First St. to Third st. be surfaced with "Road l&x.", was presented to the Comr.ri.ssion. The I'petition was referred to the City Engineer for further consideration. Victor E. Warner from the real estate department of the Army Eneineers Corps requested a construction, survey, and exploration permit for the decontamination of certain areas in the vicbity of Morse Creek dam. The , following resolution was approved and adopted: RESOLUTION '-iIHZREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described property: The East one-half (e~) of the Southeast quarter (SE~) of the Southwest Quarter (SW~), Section Five (5), Township TI,enty-Nine (29) North, Range Five (5) Y!est, 1'1 .n., and The ',lest one-half ('.[~) of the Southeast quarter (SE~) of the Southwest ouarter (S1i~), b' the Southeast quarter (SE-~) of the Northwest quarter O~:r~), amI the Northeast quarter " (NE:1;) of the Southwest quarter ,: (S';[1;), Section Five (5), Tmmship 'lVlent~,-rrine (29) North, [tange Five (5) ':Jest, ;[.J.'., and iY'Hlti:REAS, said property VlaG formerly used by the United States Army as a Combat Range, and it has been II discovered that there remains unexploded ammunition thereon, ani ,'IHEREAS, the United States Goverrunent has requested a permit to go upon said property and decontaminate the area, NG.'I, TIEREFffi2:, BP~ IT RZ30LVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute a survey and ,exploration permit granting to the Gover.runent the right to go upon said property fer a period of three (3) months and carry out such explorat<i>ry work as may be necessary to find ani remove any unexploded missiles thereon. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the faregoing resclution be approved and adopted, granting permit to allow the GoverlL'llent to enter and decontamina te the above described property. J:otion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. Under tllli head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was passed third reading and adopted: ORDIHAl!CE NO. lQOO AN ORDIIlMrCE granting to Pilblic Utility District !lo. 1 of Clallam COlmty, Crown-Zellerbach Corporation and Rayonier, L'1c., their successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate electric power lines b~' means of poles ~nd wires to be erected along certain streets and public places in the City of Fort An~eles for the purpose of transmitting electric current. It ~'Ias moved b~l COr.'Bussioner Johnson that the foreGoing Ordinance be passed third arrl final readi"lg and finally adopted. Seconded bjr Ea;,ror Epperson. All mewbers voted Aye. l.:otion carried. The Corrr:ission examined the follcw::'f1..g ,; CUrl.,("NT EXmNSE FWD: 71-1'/ SChrBirier Schevrolet Co. ;'Iray & Raber !,,'Iillson Hdl'1e. Co. Angeles Co-op. Crea.m-erJ' Howard - Cooper Corp. Samuelson Eotor Co. claims) and ordered 1I1arrrtnts is:-::ued in payment of the SaJ!E: Too Is & Hdwe. Supplies S upplie s Can Gasket.. Paint l:otorcycle 1.55 2.78 2.55 7.73 2.78 61.80 CITY STRF:i<:T FillW, '3:Z f.:Z City TreaSure;:- Willson Hd"e. Co. D. & B. Battery & Glee. Sta., G. l~. C. Truck & Coach Division, D. & B. Battery & Else. Sta. Expres~ charges Tools, Hdwe. Gasket ,Filter 2 !.lain Leaves Spark Plugs 1.65 20.16 .50 5.67 4.64 ~ I I I I I I ! I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington """".. lOu"'~~,""n',""'''I__Uft.. ll""e, ~ 1'\'IATER FUN!): 7 :21., 'IS . seattle-pr~ing. Supply Co, LIGHT FUNIl: 10 :39. "1(. ! City rreas urer Ii Simmons Carbon Co. 1,r.cGraw-Hill Book Co ! Ralph Wait i Line Material Co.. '.'1 General' Electric Sunply Corp. )Uaydwell ~ Hartzell" 'Seattle Radio Supply Co. Tooker I':otor Freight : Alvin Cline & Ben Hill IPAR.l( ~UND: . 3.2.05" I Viray &'"Ra:'ber \ ,HUson Hdwe. Co. ,EcClellan Hdwe. Co. I Pacific Telephone &' TeL Co. I pmmlG )mTER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FD. : Epperson & Sons - -sT r ;,Willson Hdroe. Co. 1M. H. Rhodes, Inc., September 22. Pipe & Fittings Cash for postage Carbon paper Book Re1airs HardvJare . Insulators Hardr'lare Part s Freight Charges Poles Breather Assembly Tools & Hdwe. Log Cha,in Sevvice Lwnb81' Tools & Hdwe. Parts There being no furtrer business, the Gession .,vas declared adjourned. (j, ~ ~~, (j City CleIk 19J&.... 483'" 726.95 57.40 49.50 I 3.60 25.36 154.57 i 30.54 220.38 .79, B1.07 416.25 L67 17.05 5.76 7.57 9.74 5.48 36.49 ~ ~_ cz:: \LAv '" '" ....--,- , ~~ r l'ayor ~