HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/23/1936
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis.
Roll c8.11 showed the foiLlowing officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioner Masters,
Attorney Taylor and ~lerk Ha~kins.
The minutee of ~eptember 9th and 16th, 1936, were read and approved.
Under the head of "Pplications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were
C. G. Brown, House on wheels, Lot 8, Blook 266, Townsite
Sig Larson, Repair Building, Lots 14 and 15, Blook 14, Townsite
C. E. Lester; 6 Bowling Alleys
F. M. Dompier, Restaurant
E. B. Iler, Harber ~hop, 1 ohair
Vincen1; Noga, Restaurant
Harrington & Giles, Soft Drinks
Harrington & Giles, 4 ~ard ~ables
I Ci ty Electrio Company, Master Electrioian
The matter of filling the vaoanoy in the office of ~ommissioner
the death of Sam J. Lutz, oame up and Mayor Davis submitted the
Beam as Commissioner of Finanoe for the balanoe of the term.
of Finanoe, oaused by
appointment of J. Lyle
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the appointment be oonfirmed. Seoonded by
Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried.
WHEREAS, 1'he Yellow Taxioab Company has made applioation for the use and rights of that
oertain taxi stand known as the "Royal Taxi", si tua ted and being 25 feet along the curb
immedia.tely in front of the east half of Lot 7, Blook 1, Tidelands, east of Laurel
Street in front of the ~ity of Port ~ngeles. Washington, and
I VffiER'CAS, a release of all use and rights of the "Royal Taxi" in and to the said taxi
stand has be~n made by the ~Royal Taxi" to the Yellow Taxioab "ompany and is now on file
in the ~ity vlerk's offioe.
NOW, THERSFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That all the use and rights of the "Royal 'raxi" in and to
the above desoribed taxi stand be, and they are herebt transferred to the Yellow Taxioab
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and
adopted. Seoonded by Mayor ilavis. On roll call allmembers voted aye. The Mayor
deolared the motion oarried.
The matter of opening the bids for furnishing lamps for
filed prior to 10 a.m., September 16, 1936, pursuant to
bids opened and referred to the Commissioner of Finance
IUtilities for oheoking.
The Commission then adjowned to meet September 24, 1936, at
the various City departments
the oall was taken up and the
and the Superintendent of
1:30 p.m,.)
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City Clerk