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Minutes 09/24/1930
Proceedings of the C):y Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 6 I~ nJL ,------ l , , 1 j i i I l I , "1 , ..I I 1 I I :1 i ! ~~~fI,/~A/A~,~e,~d,J/Il!tf-~~~~~~~_ , l'k/ d 'C-'-- ?J' - -t/. I:W~4k~u~~~vcf.L;(]2 '(k;~..;{ZJl~. . .. ' . 7 u4~/iji/~~1~~-~;t;:~d!~~ ~ /- ~------ J ~.n7 t~-7\ ~:::47L~$'Jdd! J11rU1~ ~_ ____ ___' ~_ _ __ ____ _ _,'.!;7_" 'i.f _ ., ___ '.,f/.:Vt/-~d 1 ~.. --; -.~;--. --.. ~~.-t4-- .---"-" "- H.h!/.' . /".,,1 tfL4i..et:L:tqf_ ~-'~ "/d_.' Jj~ ,'j.rut1.1 Jll/eft!.~. ~,u__n.... n_,'J'-j?".;()__,*r:(L ._n_'~.(/v""':~J. ~V4 ~/L4ktr · ~:;d~j ~.~~;j{~QItJ:p2d~~~(ji:1..~~{I--:-~AL;~~4 mpnO"ElIEXT RESOLUTION i ) j t/ I ' ,.-0. J3%.. .' ~r"TItESOfiE:II~.Tc~::::~: I-/?-~jd!r;;;r--- /.--- -, ,.,~~/ /-~. /" ~-/;f'J.z,.-l ~~l'o.tAngCle1ttoorder~::<;~ll:':' .--._,~-_u~g,A~~7~ . ~~ (:1w,,' _n. 1 u win g Oescrlbed Improvements /:? < ' ft $/ /;c' --/-./ /?~ _/1;// j g:~~;oiFt~:~I~~:~{~B::ll:~!;r?~i: IV- ~(J7;- f W ~ ~ ~ ,~-~- --- improvement of Lincoln. Laurel, ~/~ ,/ ~ j Oak and Cherry Stree18 trom the ~. -. ~ ~ '--"'" ~gulil~:Jyn::~;::fyuin~15~thn~tW~ .- ..;Z:~. -.. ~~ - . 7. ...~ ~k. -..--.-..-. ~~~llev:(d'Nf:~).D.!;~nt\~8-~ie~~~~~: i ~ ~ '/ --1 Twelfth, Thlrteentb. Fourteenth Rnd It ~;; . / ../-, -P J. r'llteenth Streets tram the westerly VA ~__~ ~I man:ln of Lincoln Strout to tile --- - ---. -- -.-.-------~~-- --- ---- j llreak DC the Valley Street gulch, &r\t;.~(;~~~~f~f;~~fn~~~f1;;li .. .~._-~--~ .-Z--_._._,..-_......~----._-~-. ---._-~---- .__n__ ----~-~- -,~-- ~----~~-- .-- . __n_ 'I prepared by the City Engineer. 81- - ~ # . ~~P::.~g~~lypo~~f~~~r~)TB~ydh8t~~:: 1--- - ~. ~ ~~. ~ ~ mu__ ~ as nre now Improved by the con- - ~ f i ."uoUnn ui lIv. ioot cuncr.to "do- .? ' .',. I. ~\i~:~"ct~i S~I:h t~ra:O~~t::::: I~~ B~~~ &. _ ___ ~ prupoBed Improvement herein de- /7 .~ ~~ 1 8C~lt~tNV: That the cost nnd ex- : ~ .../ ~ _ .7 1 ~g;1~~~~ii;rr;j:Jik7:;i&b;~~ ;~;;j{ _//--....//~~--~t.tdttU4~., ~7;-~-7-j r.~~:~;.J:,~"inr..:r1~1~hb6 ~:;~p~~:r..~t; 'I' W?~. G j/ j" ----.: alluttlng 011. proJ:lmate. vicinal. ad. /f/ ~ /'" ' jaeent and cllnllnR"UOll8 to thoahovc 'tZ J ~/. j ~:~c'b~.~l:~~llU~I~.~:yL\rt~~~'t.~,';'d !~, ~______n___ .____ _._ ~~~~~etlni~~t~:.ou~~~~~~:lh. a~~we~~~~ 1,1' ~//?; J ~t~~~y~~:{t~~Jff~?f;;~~~;~~~~l~ i ~ W~ ~:1t:--~-- - -z_n..-~ ------Ja:---~~-,~.:?~--::;;;;:;?~~j :;?:,l::ug~'n...uc~i.~~J'"i~':}d ~~,"';.'"n'~~ !-L-~ - - . ----. .~.~ .~~v. ~..v. . 7.---{ cllarllctcr us to conrorm to tile litO. : '/J ~ (0/ /' A _ . /' ~/ ~~~:~dll:::fr~ove~~;nt~I~~:lno~e8::~:::.: : - a;z'- ~~~~~. ~-- ' lUent I)rescrlhed lly the statutes oC : ~ ~ the State of 'Va-shlngtoD. and the /" Clly ni Pn,t .\n..',. ohnll nnt h. a ~ /. f. .~A / /. ' '. ,r ? _A~.:',Il /1 '4.' I ~\~~leO:n8:J':t.er;;~~"~~JO~J:~~~s~IO~r L. . . ' ~ __rv~~v~:~~ ...__ ____ said Improvement, eJ:cept In 80 tar At)' I ~~r~~si~~~i{~~~~l~::~:~!a~~:b~:ji :,.4 d~2:j' ~~~~~~~~_._1 anrl I)rovldcll. and particularly th08e; ,-.J ~ /I I ~~~:Ut"~: Cr,~?~~dW.l'rt ~':;:",~~'~~~:::,; . ~# /;' ~ / ./// /./. -I ~~~~t7:;h~h::~~Zr~7:~t:~~1~:~J~ ; ~ -..-ue: A' . --~~~~L __c:Z/~"j'_ In the tonUller llrovjde.l hy law. tho : - ~ /' ~ ... ~,t1/ payment ot Local Improvement I A......, /i _ ~ V _ _.; ~ ... f/ //:J" _ bonds 18suell to pay Cor local 1m. ,- /(/l/J.-'4 ";7V- _ ~~. ~ ~"',Y"- ---- grr;.emlJnts urdered by the .saId !~~ V) ~ ~ % TJlU1.D: Thot all penons whodca I . ~~ 7 . sl,o tn nbJ.ct 10 lbo ...., 'ml"n..- . ~ ~~ (r2.V et.6. ~ ~ F:~~~~:E~:~tf~::~:;r~Ot~~:~~{:rrn~~ "Ii L-' ". //fi:F I~--' y ~ . ,,- -- ~11~li~~r~~~;E~s:itg~\ih~~rIOt:~ .~~... - ~-~- ~~I ___:.___\..It)...~~___________n__ "1'. 24th day ot September. 19:10. ot the ,tJ /I~..A ~ ~ ~ ~fus'"a;:{ ~:~. o~~~~~ ~rm~h~~O~~~~~ ; ?a..4~ ' ~ .' ';(1 : rri~~:~{:::~~~:~if:J~n:l~i:t.:H~.r.~~1~ : / ~/~ /' /. .-:L ~~_~~;:~t7-;b .J..- ~~{:;~~.o~np~y~~ntd~~~r~~I~:m~.he ~~,;:. %.~~~/~_ ~~____'_ FOURTH: That the eny Engineer . ~~ ~ ~ I. hereby Inllltructed to llIubmlt to f' -" ~~~ ~ L . the City Commlnlon at or prior to' ~~ ~ - ~}~l;.y:~~~~~;:if~~n1:1~:f~~)~ ... (/~- . - ~~J/~ g;i ~~~l--~nUH-n,~- ::~::'ii:r.-:ybihltoC~\~y;r~":~I.:.~~~ I~ ~~'-- --~~- z~/~~----.------~k-- -~L.... J~~~._ IJO)' or .t~if~~~eijjE~~' I ~/ /. / / -~ it. L..L /. ATTEST: C.A~Iz~11I~LboJ:' ~.......~~_r._~~ :~ ~..4'P.....' . --- -~~-, CltyClerk. I ~ L ~~ ~ .;t.LF ~' A~proved IU!I to Corm: I~"""~. . -~ ~ ! ~~V~~t~1Wi;:~: V~-/ ~~~--' -~42-v.:.i.. 7it V'-;( ?n~ ~ .. J:~M-'%/v.V : CltvEnR'lneer.' 'I~~ ~ ~./ ~I ' n.t. ni~.Uon. S'pL '.'. 1130, i~~f,e:... .. /,.,f. / /7! ~~. ~-._-------.-----7D-. ----f 0f~v",/~ %/~ ~(/7 2!%r4-[.. /MUt/.4/~f/ ~l :~/ ! i ---I 1 -, i J J I I i - j J i L 217