HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/24/1936 ,..- 428 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 24, 1936 193_ The Oommission met pursuant to adjournment at 1:30 p.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present; Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Masters, and ~lerk Hawkins. Under the head of Unfinished Business the Superintendent of Utilities reported back on the bids for furnishing lamps for the City. The bids being as follows: Automotive Parts Servioe,. 25%. disoount off ~f billing price of Standard packages 15% 11 n n n n Broken Packages 2~ additional if-paid within 10 days Arthur K. Yilludson -- Same as above James Hardware Co. __ 11 n 11 Kissner Motor Parts Co., Inc. Same ~s ab9ve City Electric Company Willson Hardware Company Byron Vlinter I After due consideration of the above bids the Commissio~ awarded the contract to the Automotive Parts Service. I Under the head of Hew Business, the following resolu ti on '"Jas intrOduced: RESOLUT ION VffiEREAS, Lots 3 and 4, Block 229, Townsite of Port Angeles, owned and used by the City for barns and storage purposes for equipment and supplies for the various city depart- ments, does not furnish the neoessary apace for thi$ purpose, and WHEREAS, Lots 1 and 2, Block 229, Townsite of Port ~ngeles, owned by Chales I. Watts, joins the lots owned by the City and are properly situated to be used with Lots 3 and 4, Block 229, Townsite of Port Jngeles, for barns and storage purposes for the City Light Department, and can be purchased for the sum of Five Hundred Twenty-five and NO/100 ($525.00) Dollars. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City purchase Lots ~ and 2, Block 229, Townsite of Port Angeles, of ~harle s I. Watts and that the Mayor and ~i ty Clerk, on deli very of the deed, be authorized to issue and deliver warrants upon the City Light Fund in pay- ment of same in the sum of Five Hundred Twenty-five and HO/100 ($525.00) Dollars. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members vot~d aye. The Mayor I deolared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Washington ~sphalt Co. E. E. Nichols E. E. Nichols Thos. H. Guptill Willson Hardware Co. V. A. Samuelson & ~o. Angeles Gravel & Supply Max Stmckinger & Sons Lannoye's Auto He-bUild Lynoh's "ervioe Olympic Printery Forsberg Indian ~o. Paris Motor (;0. Ci ty Treasurer W. D. Duncan Co. 8th St. Pavin~ ~rojeot Gravel Supplies Traffic "igns Hardware Repairs Lumber, Cement,eto. Repairs Repairs Repairs Supplies Motorcycle Parts Repai rs Filing Fee Cedar Poles 9,682.09 1,077.00 32.50 12.CO 21. 63 1. 85 219.01 16.00 1.25 '3.50 6.50 4.75 4:20 2.00 241.20 <J~ JI)" ( .... WATER FUlm City Treasurer V. A. Samuelson & Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Lannoye Auto He-build Crane Co. Seattle Plumbing Co. Hersey Mfg. Co. Hooker EleotrOchemical Co. Willson Hardware (;0. Lynch's Servic e Standard Oil Co. LynCh's Service Business Tax Repairs " Pipe and Fittings Fi ttings Meters Chlorine Supplies Gasoline Kerosene Repairs if! ;" 1'_12 476.29 .75 2.21 .75 506.46 30.84 146.40 14.32 31.04 .84 7.57 1.00 I I LIGHT FUUD City Treasurer Chas. 1. Watts V. A. Samuelson & Co. Ci ty Treasurer Zellerbach Paper ~o. General Electrio Co. Gemeral Electrio Co. Westinghouse Electric ~o. General Electrio Co. Willson Hardware Co. Lynoh's Servioe Lynch 's S ervi Oe Standard Oil "'0. Business Tax 2 10 ts Truck Repairs Misc. Cash pay'ts Adding Machine ~o. Meters Meters & Transformers Meter Sockets Wire & Fuses Material & Supplies Tire Repairs Repairs Gasoline 598.04 525.00 1.37 2.81 7.50 129.20 373.04 17.63 204.55 5.18 1.00 2.02 61.68 lI... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 24, 1936 193_ 429 ~ I House of a Million Parts V. A. Samuelson & Co. Tire Hepairs l' }qi, g -- 10.20 29.49 PARK FUND ~illson Hardware Co. 2.40 Hardware SUSPENSE FUND I 202.18 G. M. Lauridsen Refund Under the reports from City Officers the following was read: September 23, 19~6 To the Hon. Mayor and ~ity Commission Port "ngeles, ",Iashi ngton I Gentlemen: I herewith submit the first and final estimate of work done and material furnished by the ~ashington Asphalt Company, Contractor, on Secondary Road Project Ho. 2, City of Port fingeles Eighth Street Paving: 1766 Tons Bituminous cement, plant mix, Type Class F @ (p6.45 per ton Less 15% retained ,;11,390.70 1,708.61 ;~ 9,682.0~ Amount due ~ontractor Very truly yours, H. E. Dodge, City Engineer It wasmoved by Commissioner ]~asters that the City Engineer's 1st and final estimate on the 8th Street Paving on Seoondary Road rroject No.2, be approved and the City Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant for the sum of ~9,682.09 in payment of same, on the Current Expemse Fund, Sec"nded by Mayor uavis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carri ed. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. --// ~/\~A~ Mayor I 'J; /nj~ / ' Ci ty Clerk I ...