HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/24/1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 335~ September 24, 1941 19_ I I I I I The COm::.ifi~i2,ri. ::;.~t in regul~r session at 10 ".f..H. anc was c-allej" to order by Mayor Beetle. HaJJ c~ll 'shoVlcd the following officers present: leayor Beetle, Uom;nissioners Beam and Lind, ft,ttorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The ~~nut;s uf ~~3 previous [~~~:an ITere r~ad and approved. Un1er the head of Applications for Building PenT~ts the following werz gronted: Geo. Macklin, Build addition to house, Lot 3, Block 428, 'c~T."ite Don H. Haller, Remodel Garage, Lot 12, Block 60, Lewis & l~stick Subi. Nat Broughton, Build Garage, Lot 6, Block 207, 'or:nsite l:~rs. G. A. Ger..trJ) Builj Addition to house, Lot 6 ~ Bleck 11Dtr Glover I s Subd. 100 .00 250.00 20(, .00 200.00 Under the Head of New Business: L. R. Farrell having reported i:'l writing that he had sold his business of distributing Amuse::1ent Jame Devices to the Royal ~~usement Corr.pany, requested that his &~usement Game Distributor's License No. 10 be t~ansferred to the said Royal Amusement Oor-pany. There bein5 no objections the Comw.ission instructed the .cit.y L..lerk to r.t'3ke said t-ranefer in the records as re~:uested. Under the hend of Introduction of Resolutions the folloving resoluticns were introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City cf Port AngeLs is the D'Imer of tho following described real property, having acquired the seme by Treasurer's Deed, dated August 7, 1941, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Rm_inzton's Revised statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, pace 365, to-wit: All of J,ots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5), Block Four Hundred Fort;r- nine (449) of the Tovmsite of Port ~neeles; also the noctheasterly 10 feet of th3 vacated 81197 Which fronts the said lots on th9 southwesterly side thereof, all in Block Four Hundred Fort~~-nin<: (149) of t~e T01'.rnsi i~ of Por: Angeles, C1211.=lffi County, Washington, p~d VlHEP.EPS, The State of WRshington has o:'.:er'?d to {..'uTc-h!3se thp. aoove described Tec:ll prcpert;{ from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of e~13.05, 8n~ Vl!lEREAS, The City Comission has viewed the said property and is of the OplnlOr, that th~ cff~r is [,ir value and covers the amount paid by the Citj.~ for s...dd Fr2:-,~'~.\r, f-llus all I..I.~. asses.Jments, including interest and ot~er charge~ egAjrrst the same, NON, THE:tEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and thlt the City:~ Port Angeles sell the said prcpe:::~t.J~ At private sale to the s~id State of W~C::~~.2-1.:;ton. for the sum hereinabove set forth 1 subject to any other valid liens against thA sa~e; that the City fttorney be instructed to prepare a quit cla~ deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clork of the City of tortl'neeles be ar<: he is hereby inst:ructed to execute said quit clair" deed, and thot the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be Bnd he is hereby instr~cted tc countersien said ~uit claim deed. It was moved by COlllldssioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Comc.is3ioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The M~yor decla:red the motion carried. RESOLUTION VffiERE~S, The State Highway Department has painted traffic stripes on 3.6 ~iles of the streets i~ the City of Port Angeles at a cost of ~80.49, v'h~ch said "mount is pro~erly chargeable tc the Gas Tax Fund accruing 'in the State Treasurer's office to the credit of the City of Port Angelos. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the State Treasurer be and he is hereb'j authorized and requested to tr;:msfer the '3UID of ~80..1.9 from. the Gas Tax r\md accruing in thB State Treasurer's office to the credit of the Citr of Port Angeles tc Vv~ proper Stat~ Highway FWld to reimburse said fund for t.h: expenditure 'above referred to. It was moved by Co~~soioner Lind that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded qy Comr.issioner Bean:. 0n roll call all members voted aye. The "ayor declared the motion carrie d. The CO!nmis::::ic~ 9Y.B:"!'cined and allowed the follovling claims and ordered warrants drawn far same: CURREIIT EXPSNSE FUlill H & VI Specialty Co. ". M. Hawkins Cherle s Lhd II. E.J;odge Olympic stAtioners w;~. Go rsegner Olympic Stationers Willson Hardware Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. . . Staples Expense Account n n 1.03 1.65 17.90 1.65 7.47 255.60 125.76 .62 20.81 181.15 Supplie s Stairs at Fire Hall Supplies White Crayons Supplies . b~ l> I J ,;'" CITY STREET FJND Willson Hardware Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. fI 11 n Hardware Pa rts Rewind 2 Broom Cores Studs & Nuts 01 ill .-- 7.'37 8.24 97.38 4.08 V. A. Samuelson & Ce. WA TER FUND Angeles Co-operative Creamery Seattle Plumbing Suppl;y- Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Hooker hlectrochemical Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Cups Pi:oe & Fittings Fittings Chlorine Charge Battery q'i (, I 2.68 72.44 25.76 29.77 1.29 LIGHT FUND Pacific Tel & Tel CD. Urs. Sam Rand Service Poles 29.00 145.85 ..oil ,. 336 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City oEPort Angeles, Washington Septemoer 24, 1941 19_ .~ftlCl<" "Uft....o..TTL.,or.nONCOl.. .RINH.". 11('400 CUr..bel'. pad 5 Eta pIe s ,""" 3.21 /80 - 2.06 General Electric Supply Co. H & W Specialty Co. CE!l~ETERY FUND Johnson ~nufecturing Co. 2.70 Hardware PARK FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Willson Hardwa re Co. Tookers I:otor Freight Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Service L.gmps, et9. Freight Plue Fuses 2.50 139.33 5.50 3.83 I~ -- ,il Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 898, entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the construction, alteration or repair of buildings, fixing the fire limits and building districts, creating the office of wilding inspector, regulating dangerous buildings, regulating and providing for the equillllent of certain buildings with fire escapes and other aids in the protection of life and property from fire, providing for building permits and inspection, regulating the use of streets in connection with wilding construction, repair of damage to my street or other public property by building operations, imposing penalties' and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency"; fixing, changing and enlarging the first building district; and declaring an emergency. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned to meet at 10 A.M. on Tuesday, September 30, , 1941. 'l7~ (vf7~ City Cleri< Mayer September 30. 1941 lbe Conmission met pursuant to adjourmnent at J.O A .11. a.nd wea called to order by ~ayor BeeUe. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor BeeUe, ~mmiesioners Beam and Lind and CIeri< Hawkins. The Commission examined and allOli'ed the following claims and ordered 1lRrrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Herman Ahl vers Street Department J. R. IIcDonald City Treasurer . " Salary Pay Roll Services as dog catcher Fire Hydrants Water Rent Flush TankS n " Extra Firemen Pay Roll Special Police 175.00 24S.00 25.00 390.00 100 .00 48.00 94.00 '/ Fire Department J. D. Ferguson -1'\ I\) CITY STREET FUND 1124 . 59 Street Department pey Roll WATER FUND 555 .70 Water Department Pay Roll LIGHT FUND 504.00 Light Departlllent Pay Roll There being no further business the Commis sion then adj ourned 1(~ City Clerk 7cf7hJ~ } Mayor I I I I I