HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/24/1951 ,.. 172 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 24, 19JL """ . 00'"". M""'. ....''"".. '..m', ,.m .... The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, CO~,ssioners Robins~p. and Taylor, ~tt?rney 'Trumbuil''imd Clilrk Law. llinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and license renewals, the following were approved: ~o Building Permits: t5lJo- Joe A. Hoare Break Out Side Walk for Driveway i Lot 9, Blk. 1, Tidelands E. of Laurel (fee; I!'elvin Adolphson Build Retaining Wall; Lot 9, Blk. 31, N.R.Smith Add. Melvin Adolphson Remodel Kitchen of Existing Bldg.; Lot 16, Blk. 32, N.R.Smith Add. Evelyn L. Schetzle Build Garage; Lots 7-8, Blk, 148, Townsite R. F. Vuller Build a Shop; Lot. 14z Blk: 340, Townsite ., Floyd Gossard Build a Hot House; SLots 10-11, Blk'.282, To.msite Dick Viray Build Ga,:-;'ge; Lot' 6; Blk.' 13, P,S.C.C. Add.' "'1' Wm. Polzin Remodel Existing Bldg.; Lot 18, Blk. 31, N.R.Smith Add. Petersen & Craver Put in Store Front; Lot 12, Blk. 16, N.R.Smith Add. o :;'10--: Skating Rink Restaurant Husic Machine Soft Drink ,",1. C t' ~: $2.00) 150.00 500.00' 450.00' : c 7,0.00' 1,100.00' 750.00' 300.00' 2,500.00' "' j 25.00. 12.00 12.00' 5.00' \"'1....;"" Licenses: Pavilion Rink Pote's Pote 1 s Pote's Under the head of unfinished business, the Planning Commission reported.no objections to request for vacation of that portion of the alley abutting on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 2 of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. 21. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that a resolution be adopted fixing October 15th as date for hearing of the requested vacation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Park Board again requested that the Commission' adopt a' resolution making possible the sale of Lots 11 and 12 in Block 292, Townsite, at 10th and Oak Streets. The Park Board also requested that the Commission and Engineer consider extending the width of Eunice Street from Second Street to Fourth Street from , thirty-five feet to seventy feet. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that call for bids be published for sale of the lots, and date of opening be October 8th. l'iOtion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motron carried. Commissioner Taylor advised that if the Park Department will remove trees on West side of Eunice Street, the width could be increased very economically. The project will be given due consideration. . Commission'er.Taylor spcke regarding the reques,t.of Joe Cecil Lumber Compa"", for purchase of timber in the Ennis Creek watershed. Supt. Dodge and Earl Davidson, having recommended sale of' the timber; 'it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that bids be published and opened October 8th. Seconded by' Commissioner Robinson. All voted !lYe; Motion carried. Under the head of new business, John and Margaret Eldridge requested in writing that the City deed them Lot 14, or ten feet of the same, in Block 141, Townsite. It appears that in the process of remodeling the house on Lot 15, the addition was extended 18" on Lot 14. Being necessary to obtain title to property involved, required for the closing of desired F.H.A. Loan; the matter was referred to the Attorney to make proper arr3mgements. . Engineer Ahlvers requested in writing that From Streets, Sidewalks J Bridges, etc. EqUipment Operators I Salary Equipment Rental, Snow & Ice Removal Small Tools and Hardware It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. budget be made as follows: $2,000.00 l,oob.oo 464.00 50.00 Seconded by Commissioner transfers in the current Street to Truck, Auto Repair Extra Labor Equi pment Rental Telephone transfers be made as requested. Request for vacation of the alley in Block 335, Townsite, was filed with the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carriad. Earl Davidson informed that Felix Gallacci has offered $75.00 for Lot 10, Blk. 390, Townsite and recommended that bids be published for sale of the same. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the call for bids be published and opened October 8th. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted. Aye~ Motion carried. Under the ~ead of introduction of resolutions the follmring was introduced: RESOLUTION ~~AS, a petition has been filed with the Cit,y Commission of the City of Port Angeles by the owners of more than t1<0-thirds of the property abutting on the following described portion of an alley in the City of I Port Angeles, requesting that the same be vacated, to-wit:. \ That portion of the alley abutting on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 2, of Cains Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. 21 in the City of Port Angeles, Washington, and from the Southerly margin of Second Street to the Northerly margin of the alley running East and ~Iest through Suburban Lot 21, in the City of Port Angeles, ;/asbington, and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to let the Commission fix a time and place for hearing of said petition, NOd, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, that a hearing on said petition to vacate said alley be held in the City Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1951, at the' hour of 10:00 0 I clock, A.M. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. Hotion carried. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF AN ALLEY IN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, ;IASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition has been filed to vacate an alley in the United States Government Townsite of the City of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, to-wit: l I I I I I I !I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 173 .., September 24th, continued, 1921- ".. . om", .,,'~, ".._" ""CO" ..... ..... !That pcrtion of the alley abutting on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 2, of Cains Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. 21, in. the City of Port ~eles, \'ashi~on, and from the SoutherlY margin of Second Street to the Nor.therly marg1n of the alley runru.ng East and "'est through Suburban Lot 21 in the City of Port Angeles' 1"aShington. . '. ' NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to a Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles Ipassed September 24, 1951, a hearing will be had on the 15th day of October, 1951, at the hour of 10,00 ' 10'clock A.~l., before the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, in the Commissioner's Room of said iCity, located at 215 South Lincoln Street in said City, at which time and place all parties interested may appear before said Commission, and then and there enter their objections to such vacation if any there be. DATED this 24th day of September, 1951. J. E. Law, City Clerk of the City of Port Angoles, vlashington. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTII~G ! IN THE: ~iATTER OF THE VAC,ATION of a portion of a certain alley in the United States Government Townsite of Port Angeles, to-wit: That portion of the alley abutting on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 2, of Cains !Sulidivision of Suburban Lot No. 21, in the City of Port Angeles, Washington. ***{~;~i~*{'co*-if- STATE OF VIASHINGTON) ) ss OJ UNIT OF CLALLAM ) IH. E. Dodge, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he was at the times herein mentioned, of full age, and a resident of Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington, and a citizen of the United States 'and the State of Washington. That on the 24th day of September, 1951, he posted true and complete copies 10f the original notice of hearing on petition to vacate portions of a certain alley described in the notice :of hearing hereto attached. lone copy was posted at the front door of the Court House in Clallam County, Washington; One at the front Idoor of the City Hall at 140 I,est Front Street, Port Angeles; One in a conspicuous place on the alley which liS sought to be vacated in the .petition in the above entitled matter. H. E. Dodge !subscribed ! I I and sworn to before me this;e8~ day of September, 1951. J. Lyle !\'am Notary Public in and for the State of Hashington, residing at Port Angeles. 11y Commission expires @..:f ~ I 95'3 I Ilunder the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were read by title and placed on first and second reading: I ORDINANCE NO. ~7 AN OMINAlICE vacating certain Streets in the United States Government Townsite of Port Angeles. lIt lias moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. jSeCOnded by Hayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i ORDINANCE NO. J.::{60 IAn Ordinance approving and confirming the assossments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. ' 155 of the City of Port Angeles, created by Ordinance No. 1246; levying and assessing the amounts of such lassessments 'against the several Lots, Tracts and Parcels of land and other property as shown on such roll; lordering the collection of such assessments, creating and establishing a special Local Improvement Fund for Isaid District. lilt was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same' 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: .:< 0 'I- ~ 2- I City Treasurer i The Texas Co. . J ~ I CITY STREET FUND: J 907 - j'l.rashington Hachinery & Storage Co. Puget Sound Express, Inc. I City Shop Dept. The Toggery IUnion Oil Co. of Calif. Eastern Wash. Transports, Inc. Petroleum Transportation Co. City Treasurer Stamps Gasoline 22.001 182.32 57.191 1.431 1,077.101 11. 991 2,364.74: 135.271' 249.65 9.991 10.45, 5.50 46.90 90.55 I <f0 CITY SHOP FUND: /53 - City Treasurer Olympic Electric Co. Richfield Oil Corp. Automotive Parts Service ,L 2) SANITATION FUND' 3 T - ]Earl Davidson Roller Chain, Vibrator, Hooks Frt. on Screen Cloth Repairs, Gas and Oil Rubber Gloves Asphalt Hauling Liquid Asphalt Haruling Liquid Asphalt L.I.D. 14B, Lot 5, Blk. 274 Light and Water Lamps Motor Oil Parts Car Hileage for August 34.23 ~ 174 September 24th. continued, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,~. . ."." """', """~"', ",.,,,. "'.. .... LIGHT FUND: J " City Treasurer :;..(Pj Va-s. E. E, l-loolworth Puget Sound Navigation Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Puget Sound Navigation Co. S & C Electric Co, Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Deposit on Envelopes Refund Dup. Payment Frt. Meters Frt. Fuses Paint 571r Traffic Light Equipment PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Grao'bar Electric Co. <70 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND: 5? / Clallam County Humane Society 19.3l Dog, and Cat Licenses, Pound Fees, etc. There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. {J, t Xau-v-. o City Clerk , .- . ~i)~I~~7:~1~1~~{ilIH~';I;!II~,I!'~~'I~ll~ I h~ CI~olt? ~!Fr:J~~'~IJ~::i~\~~:\I:;: l~l~\j!' ]~~ (~:~I.r;~~lI~~~;It'il'll~l~f ;~III:l~:II~~;l~f ~;:~'l; ~...?N:\\'llll; dl:"l~df,ed ...lJl'opert~.. to- : ~~ C;-[~~.el~~i,'~i:: :~,-,~t.ulA 1~%~.':\ltl~~~~~.~I,\,I~~ (:;1 ,~l~f: l~~~.I~.J .\ll~g~f,I.~~k ~\~;~~il ;~~t~~I~ f~'octt/ ~{~~,~~~',~ N~i1I:;'~ h'~~II~II:l(~ c~~~' I(:J ~b~:;e~jd"J~1 r;~~~: c~l~h l ;~~}ift:'~~e~~~~ liifltl 011 ~[olJ(la~'. 11". ::~lId da~. o( Uct- i'tttlO"l .1kL.~JtJ.IILl.IlI('~1 wIth, L.111' t~,~'C"'Il[ (lh(;rl l~il1. ~t, tlln IHill!' lIr "10:00 l1ft~"*(nuUJt"t fll U-,[1 IlId ""I ~'--' ~c:- ~ j{~~~I~k(lr ~il~'l;iD.1 C~~:'~lli~~'i~~:n!~~li;~~ I Z~lth?rt4sU'o1~~'~ie_\~lr~~N::li~~:I~n11;';,~ e~i~'Or,~ kt~,I~~/~,t~te~\II~~I~~.~ ,~'r~~lli~ I,~g: ~:_ll~~l.~lilll~ 10 u'clocr~ !l;.UL l,l{'IO.' Irlgtol1. At. :such 11111(' I<n(\ II]aL'1:: and' Tht ,\-'fty, f:.()lllllli:<~j'JI1 n':<('n..s th'~' I it-t S,uch otlll;r Ilrne1'! itl' ~lIl'h hl'adllg"s l'I'hOlt t~;I.:c.1\'ct ;'IllY ami all IlId!'. , muv l)i~ O:;Ol1tillUC<J t'J, s;lid CIC\--CIIIIl- lta.tDdftt'l.on .\llgl1ll'S, \\'C1~]lill,g-1 ~~lt{:}I~ll \~.Ii\iln[o~~I~t,II:('~,I;~j~111];;~:~aVI~ ~ tOil th~~ :(tt~~\~', C1ti~t;~~,II~I~~l,r. l\l~, L ~H!d AI;;:<\'~l'mcnt J{oll tlnd will U11"- . (Ji f uf 1-'ort Allgl"le~, \\'a"h red, I'cd!'!;, ral[i(', lowl'l. clwlH~-I~ 01 J'nl;fil:l.h~u;,:'J;;e]lt, :l:i, Uo.;1. 5, I!l~l IllIorljry Ilu<:h Roll. (11" llIL). IHHt lher,'- . 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