HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/25/1950 ,.. 50 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 25, 19~ ~ "". .~"',..."m"~..' ..".... ,.... ~ ;The Gonunission met at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by ll.ayor ~'eeley. Officers present were: N,ayor ,~'eeley, Commissioners I(obinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. IMinutes of the previous session were read and approved. ~nder the head of applicationsofor wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: I 0_ Building 'Permits: 33,5.;2.0 ,Northwest Improvement Co. New Siding on ..xisting lI.otel; Lot 11, JJlk. 2, Viestphals Add. ~ponseller & Sons I(ecover Exterior .fulls with Siding; Lot 11, Blk. 95, Townsite ,ISponseller & Sons Recover Exterior Walls Ylith Siding; Lot 10, Elk. 129, l'ownsite )Sponseller & Sons Recover Duelling with Siding; Lot 10, Blk. 302, Townsite 1','DelGuZZi Brothers Erect Office Building; S/70 Lot 10, Blk. 231, Townsite ,A. G. Johns Build Patio on Back of lot; Lot. 18, Blk. 95, Townsite Robert J. \1ilbur Garage; Lots 3-4, Blk. 304, Townsite (Harold Hartman Garage; Lots 1-2, Blk. A, Glovers Add. iLarry ,linters Utility Facilities for Trailer Court; Lots 20 to 25, Elk. 124, 1!orse Add. J1eith Johnson 1.love Old House & fuild on Addition; Lot 1, Elk. 221, Tovmsite ILicenses: 71 ~f 1M &.C Tavern Amusement Machine :i,j & C Tavern Skee Ball Machine (II &.C Tavern Music Machine 1l &,C Tavern Soft Drink ').Iild red Larson's beauty Shop .'eau ty Operator ;.V. L. Johnston Second hand Dealer ;1(, D. Faussett, Union Cab Co. Taxi :Roy , Chamberlin Journeyman Plumber ~Inder the head of unfinished business, Commissioner Taylor reported on request filed for installation of l~arger water mains near 10th and I Streets. Supt. Dodge informed that seventeen users would be benefitted at approxilI\9te cost of l;15,OOO.00. Material not being available, and the project being included in the 11951 budget, the petition was filed for consideration at that time. , . rf.r..Taylor also inforrred that the State Fisheries and Game.Departments will not approve project at the Elwha later intake, therefore the project will not proceed under said circumstances. , jThe . repair of Ediz Hook road was again considered. Mayor Feeley reported on interview, with Congressman Jackson. It was the opinion of Mr. Jackson that Federal grant will be contributed, but unless the road is jrep~ired, the Coast lJuard Base may be moved to Sand Point. l:r. Taylor infonned that estimated cost is :$75,000.00, of which the foul' industries agree to contribute $5,431.92 each. It was moved by Commissioner jTaylor that bids be published for pile driving for road repair and other work necessary according to ,Engineer's specifications. Motion seconded by Commissioner I{obinson. All voted i,ye. Motion carried. !The Rent Advisory Board submitted their report regarding request for discontinuing rent control, listing fthree reasons for rent control as follows: Survey shows there is still a shortage of rental urd. ts with no ,appreciable change from a year ago "men the Board voted for control extension. ()Y{ing to economic emergency, decontrol of rents would add further inflation and impose hardships on families unable to stand further rise lin living costs. Since the law expues December 31, 1950, unless extenslOn requested by the City Government, there is no urgent need fcr hasty action at this time. It was moved by Mayor Feeley, seconded by Commi.ssiorer ITaYIOr that the report be filed. Motion carried. I Pursuant to call for blds publlshed, F. C. Haldron submltted hlS offer ln amount of ~125.00 for Lot IS, IBlk. 596, Townslte. It was moved by CommlSSloner Taylor that the bic be accepted and property sold. Seconded IT; Conmssioner Robinson. All voted j,ye. /.lotion carried. I lone 'bid ~as also submitted by Hugh Brown, amount being t200.oo for Lot 16, Blk. ~Ol, Townsite. After, I dis~ussi~n 05 to location and amount bid, the COl1U1lission decided to investig<lte and postpone decision until Ithe next session. jUncter the head of now business, J. J. Dailey presented a petition signed by propel'ty owners requesting, , creation of a local lmprovement lJistrict on East First i:itreet for installation curbs, thereby enabling the 'State Higlmay Department to improve the highway entering the City. It was moved lJy Commissioner Taylor that Ithe .petition be filed ami the matter referred to the Dngineer for investigation and action. Seconded by Commissioner Hobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IMrs. Cora McIntosh appeared regarding logging trucks and other vehicles, advising that curbs and driveways 'are being broken at First and Lunice by said vehicles under-going repair. {llso informed of excessive 'disturbance 0undays and through the night. )Jr. C<lsilio also informed of traffic Ilazard caused by street and, lalley being blocked, and added disapproval to disturbance. Police Chief lde admitted cause for complaint, , -recommending that the repair shop be declared a nuisance and closed or offending vehicles be impounded. lIt vras moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred to the Police Chief to confer with tbe Attorney regarding Ordinan::es governing and immediate enforcement of the same. Seconded by Commissioner iHobins on. All voted Aye. fuotion carried. IDili Uellor requested information regarding possibility of purchase of cit,' owned lots on ,;est }'ront Street Ilfor the American Legion. Mr. Gellor and ,the Commission will confer with the CitJ. Treasurer regarding tile property, immediately following this session. Under the nead of introduction ana reading of Ord1.nances, t..'1e follo\'{~ng was placed on fl.rst and second reading: 1,500.00 1,200.00, 750.00 1,120.00 25,000.00 500.00 450 .00 200.00 I 800.00 2,000.00 24.00 12.00 1~.00 5.00 1.00 15.00 8.34 .50 ORDINANCE NO. /;1.37 AN ORDIN~NCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, "reHare and convenience of the ,'City of Port Angeles; retluiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance and payment of emergency vrarrants and declaring an emergency. lIt was moved by Commissioner Iiobinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. jSeCOnded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,The introduction and reading of an Urdinance repealing Sections 4 and 6 of Ordinance :tJo. 904, the same being an Ordinance requiring that barber and beauty shops be licensed, was postponed. 'l'hi.s was due to information Inot received from the State Health Department concerning the reguletion of Jaroor end Jeauty Shops. I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~<, . """. ....no, "'''_'', '",m. '"'00 .." I The COll'Jllission examined and approved " 21 CURRE1IT EXPEJlSll WtlD: / J - , fussing Office &upply I City 1'reasurer t~ ,CITY STRt"ET HIND: .(ps:/f P: - Illonroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc. . !''' IWATlllt fUND: /;:;3';;'- IClallam County P.U.D. No.1 Western Utilities Supply Co. bow Lake Equipment Co. IDe~val Steam Turbine CO. LIGHT FUlm, .q '117 OJ Tr~-Gounty Typewriter Co. Peninsula Hera Id Olympic Printery Gi ty Tre" surer D & ;J Jattery & Electric Stn: 1'he Electric Co. E.'A. Jensen Shell Distributor Line J~terial Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply C;. Ar,geles duilding Center ;2,5 PAltK FOlm: .A. 71J - Angeles furniture Co. " I City Treasurer ',Tneeler hdwe. & furnitu,e Co, Angeles Building Center 11IillSOll Hardware Co. PARKING 1:ETER & TllAF'FIC COllTlWL HIND: llirm;sota 1:ining I. Mfg. CO. ~/7S Z.3 CEJ.'ETERY FUIID: Street Dept. Port Angeles Concrete John I!. Bruch Co. Products Co. 'There being no furtller business, the.session was declared adjourned. J a' f~()",. City Clerk Xllt!("l' To IUdtl~'I'!t .:\'IlUer i~.IH::l"('IIY g:lq::11 that !!'_'I\h.d h,ll11" will he reed.'l'll bv till' 1'1(\ :~~~1~~;(i~~;1)~i; ,'.':lU"Il!'l llH\Y I..' ohlaln,..j nt the "Uk.. /'Ilr Ih(' l'itr El1~ille{'l'. lJl'IWt;it \\"ill Iw .1~(IUjre": 1'11" ('lll11rni,,:-s!oll n'-~ ~Y:i~."$ th~ l'lght to reject lIllY ur aU! ~hl'~'l:i~)]ll~hli';:' \~.i;~('I~;\~{r ('~,;:.k Odu- ,.:-':"li'('" ~:I'j\~O~'r;S:~\' n~'ll~!,I,'~" lhat tl1.' (llY or T'ol't Allg,.J,.!< will ill'"""t I:;t,~led bid!'" fol' cun;.tru('tj"n "f i('ltv ~nr\ dt'adng" (,r 010 dll\llllel 'In lhi, ,'!m~I~~ ~~\;~\:l;'~~r:r~l>r~\~~:\'J~l~\~~~ \ l\i ljltl fl::"~~;,t'dpy~r~~:t;~~~.dO~~;:.~~Yrit,\ t!~,~~~ lnB.~' blo- ,o;>;umintld at tll<' offlcCl of the ('it~. }jllr;l'illl'~r, Till! Cnmml!<slnn rt'- :~tl'~~",(,3 the rlgltl LLJ I"I'JeC't a'l~' IJ]" a.1I I. l'UIJ.l~lH~(l:.1 ~;C)ll{C~l{i:c?V;" C~j~i~. }l~l'_(j!_)~_;,~, f I I I I I I September ~5th, continued, 19~ 51 the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: Office Supplie-s Post Office Box Rent Monroe Calculator Electric Service Pipe and Htt ings Shovel Parts Pump and Motor nibbons Prin ting Printing Ca sh for l'~nvelope s Parts Svri tch Transformer Oil St. Light Parts"Vire, Hardware Cut-outs) 1.Isters, Meter Cases Lumber, etc. Linoleum, Heater, etc. Light, (later, Garbage Tools, Hdwe., Gal. Tub Kollaway, etc. J;:etal Trim, Cement Lamps 0 1tf 1_ Scotchlite, etc. Gas and Oil Pipe 2nd and Fina 1 Es t 1ma te 1 11. 791 1.50 588.65 5.82 383.29 212.81 630.8B 23.69 14.27 8.B6 450 .00 1.55 46.35 342.25 812.18 714,60 '13.34 44.19 152.48 '19.42 4.83 9.55 74.70 12.05 3,065.28 96.42 Mayor