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Port Angeles, Washington
September 26, 1978
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
The purpose of this meeting is to consider procedures to be used
in reviewing the 1979 budget, the alcoholism program, City Council
rules of procedures, lobbying activities by the City Council and
staff members, and permission to call for bids for landfill equip
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck,
Duncan, Hordyk, Wray.'
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso.
R. Orton, D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, M. Cleland,
J. Honnold.
Guests Present: T. Weed, C. Hulse, W. Morrish.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council authorize the Public Works
Department to call for bids on one ten cubic yard dump truck, one
landfill compactor, and one landfill type gravel loader. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Duncan. During discussion on the motion,
Councilman Hordyk questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom and
Manager Whorton regarding the equipment to be bid for and how this
equipment will be funded since it was not included in the 1978 budget.
On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with
Councilmen Hordyk and Wray voting "NO."
Manager Whorton opened the discussion on procedures to be used by the
Council in reviewing the 1979 budget by suggesting an "issues" budget
rather then the standard line item document which was used last year;
however, both the issues budget and the line-item budget will be
prepared for review. Mr. Whorton also suggested a single, less formal
meeting for review of the budget consisting possibly of one Friday
afternoon and the following Saturday, instead of numerous shorter
The discussion continued with various suggestions and comments from
the Council. Suhjects discussed included additional justification from
the department heads of items in the final recommended budget, ad-
vantages of the longer, informal meeting and the issues budget con-
cepts, and discussions with the department heads on a one-to-one basis
instead of presentations. The discussion concluded with the Council
tentatively scheduling Friday, November 10th and Saturday, November
Ilth for review of the budget.
The next item of business to be discussed by the Council was proper
parliamentary procedure, Speaking to the Council on this subject was
Mr. Clint Hulse and Mr. William Morrish of the Toastmasters Club.
Mr. Morrish first listed the five fundamentals of parliamentary law,
which are justice and courtesy for all, do only one thing at a time,
the majority rules, the minority must be heard, and the purpose is to
facilitate action not obstruct it, and then advised the Council on the
proper procedure of a motion. To expidite any meeting, Mr. Morrish
stated, there must first be a motion on the floor, with a second, prior
to any discussion. This would not apply to public hearings where
public input should be expressed first before any Council action, or to
informational items such as staff reports or meeting minutes.
During Mr. Morrish's presentation there were several comments and
questions from Council members. Subjects discussed included Council
action prior to a motion, challenges to the chair, public hearing
procedures, flexibility of rules, and the procedure used by the Plan-
ning Commission. The presentation concluded with Mr. Morrish sug-
gesting various short booklets which can be purchased by the Council to
aid them in using correct parliamentary law.
City Attorney Chet Walrath spoke at length to the Council concerning
lobbying activities of the City and City Council. Pursuant to In-
itiative 276, cities are now required to report their lobbying ac-
tivities to the Public Disclosure Commission.
' Attorney Walrath's main concern at this meeting was lobbying by the
Council members. Mr. Walrath stressed the importance of the Council
conserving their impartiality by not expressing their personal opinion
on an issue prior to that issue coming before the Council; this does
not mean that the Council must isolate itself from the public - only
that Council members should not express an opinion until after the
Council has acted on the issue.
Following several comments from Council members, the discussion con-
cluded with Manager Whorton advising the Council that additional
information on this matter will be forthcoming from the Attorney
General's office.
At this point in the meeting Mr. Jack Kelleher spoke to the Council
regarding the present County alcoholism program. Mr. Kelleher re-
quested a meeting with the Council to clarify various confusing issues
and give the Council a better understanding of the alcoholism program.
Subjects discussed by Mr. Kelleher during his presentation included
an update of the services provided by the program, various statistics
from the Sobel Alcohol Needs Assessment Study, the current status
of the detoxification program under the new hospital/County con-
_ tract, the relationship between the Community Alcohol Center and the
' new private, non-profit corporation which may be established.
The presentation concluded with various comments and questions from
the Council.
Manager Whorton requested authorization from the Council to set up a
meeting in early December with the City Councils of Port Angeles, Sequim,
Forks and Port Townsend, the local legislative representatives, and a
representative from the Association of Washington Cities, to discuss
matters coming up in the 1979 legislative session. Councilman Duncan
then moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to set up such a
meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
City Clerk
providing street furniture on the streets described in Exfiibft B,
attached hereto and incorporated herein, and by doing all work
I necessary in connection therewith.
1 ---Section 3, The City's engineers are hereby directed to submit
to the Council at or prior to the date fixed for the hearing on this
°~~wri^-^ ° sratement of The estimated cost and expense of such
improvements, the portion of such cost to be borne by the
property within the proposed improvement district, the local
~ improvement district assessments outstantling and unpaid
against the property therein, and the aggregate actual valuaflon
f of the real estate, including 25 percent of the actual valuaflon of
The improvements in the proposed district according to the
valuation last placed Upon if for fhe purposes Of general taxation,
together with adiagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts,
parcels of land and other property which will be specially
benefited by said improvements, and the estimated amount of
the cost andexpense thereof fo be borne by each lot, tract of
parcel of land or ocher property within the proposed
improvement district.
Section 4. All persons who may desire to oblect to the
' formation of Such improvement district are hereby notified to
appear and present such objections at a meeting of She City
Council to be held in the Council Chambers, 134 Wesi Front
Street, Port Angeles, Washington at 7:30 P.M, on October 3rtl,
1918, which lima and place are hereby fixed for hearing bf
matters relating to said proposed improvements antl all '
objections thereto, andlor determining the method of paying !or
said improvements.
- The City Clerk and engineer areherebydirectedtoprepareand
give notice of such hearing in the manner required by law.
PASSED by the Council of the City o! Pori Angeles,
Washington, ai a regular meeting of said Council this 15th day of
August, 1978.
A R ESOLUTION of the Council of the Cify of Pori Angeles,
Washington, declaring the infen~ion of the Cify Council fo
order the Improvement of a certain area within the Cify by
doing sidewalk repair and replacement, sidewalk
heautifica~ion, street side landscaping and beautification,
and providing street furniture and by doing all work
necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time, date-
and place for the hearing on this resolution of intention.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council a! the Cify of Port
:Angeles, Washington, as follows:
Section 1. Thai it is the intention of the City Council of the Ci1V
~~of Port Angeles, Washington, to order the imRrovement of the
certain Brea described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, and
incorporated by reference herein, by doing sidewalk repair arp
replacement, sidewalk beautification, street side Ea ndscapirg
and beautification, and providing street furniture and doing tll
other werk necessary in connection wilh fhe improvemens
:'~describetl in this resolution.
' Section 2. The area described in Exhibit A shall be improvrcl
t by doing sidewalk repair and replacement, sitlewak
beautification, street side landscaping and beautification, old
City of Porf Angeles, Washington
SamueE J. Haguewood, Mayor
Marian C. Parrish, City Gerk
Approved as to form only, not content:
C.T. Walrath, City Attorney
!, MARIAN C. PARRISH, the duly chosen, quali}ied and acting
Clerk of the City Of Port Angelos, Washington, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of
Improvement Resolution ..., passed by the City Coundl ai a
regular meeting thereof held the 15th day of August, 1978.
DATED this 16 day of August, 1978.
Marian C. Parrish
Beginning at a point on the north line of Railroad Avenue, On
the southeast corner of Lot 7, Block ZVx, Porf Angeles Tidelands
East; Thence westerly along the north Ilne of Railroad Avenue to
a point fifty (50) feet west of The west line of Oak Street; Thence
southerly parallel To the west line of Oak Street to fhe north line of
Block 2, Port Angeles Tidelands Wesi; Thence westerly elong the
north line of Block 2, Port Angeles Titleiantl5 Wesf projected TO
the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 3, Pori Angeles Tldelantls
West; Thence southerly along the west line bf Lot 5, Block 3, Port
Angeles Tidelands West projected to the north line of Marine
Drive diagonal; Thence southwesterly along fhe north line of
Marine Drive diagonal to The east line of Velley Street; Thence
southerly along She east line of Valley Street to the north line of
the alley between First Street and Secontl Street; Thence
easterly along the north line of the alley between First Street and
Second Street to the southeast corner of Lot 7, Blbck 3g, N.R.
Smith Subdivision; Thence northerly along the east line of Lot 7,
Block 30, N.R. Smith Subdivision protected to the north line of
Railroad Avenue and fhe southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 2~h,
Port Angeles Tidelands East, the point of beginning.
Streets to be improved
Street From 70
Railroad qve. West line of East line of Lincoln St,
Oak $t.
Front St. Intersection with East lino of Lincoln St.
Marine Dr,
Marine Dr. East line of Intersection with Front St.
Valley St.
First Si. East line of East line of Lincoln St.
Valley St.
Cherry St. North line of Alley between 1st 8. Ind
(=font 51.
Oak St. NOrih line of Alley between 1st & 2nd
Railroad Ave.
Laurel St. North line of Alley between 1st ~& 2nd
Railroatl Ave.
Lincoln 5}. North line of Alley between 1st & 2nd
Railroad Ave.
Pub.: Aug: 28, Seot. 11, 18, Oct. 2,1978