HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/27/1933 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington """lIIl 147 September 27,1933 193_ I The Commissio,n ,met in regular session at 10 a.m.and was called to order by M!;llror DaTi~. Roll call 'shuwed' the following officers present. Mayor DaTis,Commissioners Beam .n~ Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the preTious session were read and approTed. Applications for building permits and lioenses were granted as follows,- Edward Hendriekson,Dwelling on lot 19 Block,l07.Townsite B.P.O.E. - Temple Hotel 28 rooms F.A.Swomela Christal Bath House Harry Turner Soft Drink Beer and wine lioense for L.R.Thompson (Merchants Cafe) To sell to be consumed on premises. License to expire June 30,1934 800.00 21. 00 25.00 5.00 75.00 I :(l~U'JheJ1ea.~fini8hed CALL FOR BIDS I ,Notice is hereby given that sea.l- ed ,bids will be l'ecehred 'by the; City Clerk of the City of Port An-~ "(. ~f~il~' ~~~i~lto~ti U~~l., S;~~n1~~~" later, S-t the Office, of the CitJT\ . Qlcrk of Port Angeles,' Washington. The work conLe:mplated is the; wrecl,ing and satiSfactory 'dlSpOS(ll~ of the "building- on the West. % ~i ~~r:i ~tl~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~;~I Angeles,. Washington. . I The City Commission reserve the ,riB ht to reject; any and, all bids. / . ~it:.~~~INS, Pub. .Sept. 23.25-26. busineB1l,- Pursuant to the foregoing call for bids the,clerk reported Bids on file to wreck and dispose of the Building on the West t of Lot 3,Block l,Tideland ~.t of Laurel Street as fOllows,- H.BaI'neil ~ G.M.Brown Will pay $1.00 and wreok and diilpose of the building for the material in the building. Will pay $3.00 and wreak a.nd dispose of the building for the material in the bUilding. Will pay $10.00 and wreak and dispose of the building for the material in the building. Will pay $10.50 and wreck and dispose of the buil~~ng[for the material in the bUilding. Will pay $15.00 and wreak and dispose of the building for the material in the building. Will wreck and dispose of the building for the material in the building. Will wreak and dispose of the bUilding for the material in the building. Will wreck and di~pose of the building for the material in the building. B.Middleton E.Rhhardson J.R.MIIDonald I Axel Peterson J.A.Jol)nson B.E.Woods E.E.Ludwig I Will wreek and dispose of the building for $9.75 and the material in the building. U.W.MoKiernan1Cailh Morgan and George W.Shomar I Will wreck and dispose of the building for $19.75 and the material in the building. Will wreck and, dispose of the building for $25.00 and the material in the building. Will wreck and dispose of the building for $45.00 and the material in the building. It was mOTed by Commissioner Beam that the bid of J.R.M.Donald be acoepted. Seeonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll aall all members Toted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. Waldron & Pieoa A.W.McLeod The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for Same,- Current Expense Fund Street Department Payroll Street Department Payroll I Engineer Department payroll Light Fund Light Department Payroll Leon E.Eubanks Clerk hire MenerTa E.Troy Clerk hire Vlater Fund Water Department Payroll 9.00 820.00 8.00 -6.1-- ""Z 1 ~ I,) 1449.12 82.50 58.00 537.28 There being no further builiness the Commission then~~ourne~. /J f _ [ .(},~L ?7,m,~ /, / City Clerk Mayor ~