HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/27/1944 r-'42 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 27, ] 944 19__ The Commission met in regular sesstion at 10:00 a.n'. ~nd was called to order by Meyor Robins9n. Roll c"ll s11cwod tne fallowing officers present: M~:ror RobillsonJ Gor,iI:j~~<'!iuJl('>~~ be!'llr. a.nd }.~asters, Attolrn~y JChn3t-o~, and Clerk Hawkins. The fllinutes of the previous session viera read and approved. Under the h..d of Reading '!n(LP"ss"p of Ordinances, the follow'L"lg ordinance was read by titre and passed its third reading and finally adopted. AN ORDINANCE relating to publiG health and saniatation) regulating the collection and disposU of ~.r"~"e, refuse, trash, off~l aim dead animals; providing for the ~st~blishment, ERintenance and operation of a com?ulsory system of garbage collection and dis~osal L~ the City of Port Angeles) making delinquent charges for s.r~ices performed a lien upon property; providing penaltics for the biolation hereof) and repealing Ordinance No. 7m: paSS~5 Pe5!".laI'l' J rot,l'l, 1922; Odinance No. 826, passed June 22nd, 1927; and OrdiMnce No. 1021, passed September 4th, 1955, and repealing all other ordiMnces and parts of ordinar;ces ir. cor;- flict herewith. I It w~s moved by Co,mnissioner !Jasters that the foregoing ordiMnce be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On rollcall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the ~otion carried. '" Und~r the head of Reading its second reading.'''' r of Ordil18nces, the following ordinance vias read by title and ;Jassed I AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1101 of the City of Port Angeles, adopted by the City Commission April I 15, 1942, dechring an emergency and making the ordinance effectivc immediately. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the following resolution was introduced. RESOI.UTION Hefore the City Commission of Port Angeles, Washington. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Conruission that the Director of Highways is requested and permitted to paint traffic stripes on certain streets of the City of Port Angeles, estimated at 5.6 miles, to the amount of one huOOr~d sixty-five dollars and thirtr"",ight cents, and THE STATE AUDITOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED P.ND DIRECTED to reserve from monthly gas tax allotr.lents the above specified sulJ1, being ar. amount not in excess of the money reasonably anticiapted to eccllue to the credit of the City or Town of Part "ngeles in the Motor ',ehicle Fund during the current bienniur.!; and Upon presentation of a certfied statement of the actual cost of all labor, equiprrent, material, supplies, supervisicn and engineering incurred by the Department of Highways under the foregoing authority, a copy of which shall be furnished the City or Town of Part len;;eles, the State Auditor is FURTHER AUTHORIZED and is HEREBY DffiECTED to effect reimbursement to the Department of Highways far ushc ;rork from the funds re- served, out not to exceed the above specified sum; all in accordance with Section II, Chapter 82 of the Session LaW8 of 1945. I Itqris moved by Commissioner !lasters that the foregoin rMolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commission Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The lI'.ayor declared the motion carried. The Corr.mission examiner; the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EIPE:iSE FUND Sunset Insurance Agency Olympic Printery Olympic Printery OlY"lpic Printery Pro. on Robbery & Burglary Policies Receipt Book Supplies Supplies ~rx 'I, ]? 73.36 1.03 75.08 1.60 CITY STREET FU ND Automotive Parts Service Peninsula Motor Co. Star Mahinery Co. WATER FUND Angeles Radia tor Shop Automotive Perts Service Johns-Manville "Co. Olympic Foundry Co. Parts Supplies Parts ~... ~\J \ 102.76 4.113 59.60 Repairs Repair Parts Transite Pipe Fitting ",'J ~\. 5.67 43.64 28.68 11.81 LIGHT FUND Automotive Parts Service P.A. Auto Supply General Electric Co. Remington Rand Inc. Repa ir parts Vulc I Cement Services Repair bookkeeping machine ~\o \. " 4.42 1.61 35.84 20.09 I LIBRARY FUND -I Jennilue Norris Demeo Library Supplies RemiJlgton Rand inc. New Method Book BiOOry Inc. A. C. McClurg ~ Co. Puget Sound News Herman Goldbe~ger Agency Petty cash Supplies Supplies Book Books ~ 2 Bo oks Periodic~ls '\' ~\'\' 4.55 1.77 4.69 2.06 122.10 7.04 175.60 I PARK FUND V. A. Samuelson Peninsula Motors P,!rts Motor Oil ~.; 10' 2.71 3.71 STA TE AID l"UND City Treasurer The Stationers, Inc. Stamps iIlffice Supplies '" 1>.," 1.00 8.52 WAR LIQ~ Invin &. Johnson John fl. Thatcher C oIt 8' s Patent ,'ire Arms Ug. Co. Shop Work Radio Repair Service Repairs 4.48 16.15 6.58 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 43~ Septomcer 27. 1944 19_ ......~....U""...._T.........__..P...l&,.7a ~ Eastman Kodak Store s 1~ 34. 7.76 Fil1ns t.I.D. Gl!..-iRAm'Y FlIlill City Troa surer Assts. L.I.D.#l40 208.71 Ther" being no further business the commission then ad.iourned. to meet Saturd"y Sept 30th. at lO~lllI A. M. 71. 7111~Cnw-- ~rj O(~ City Clerk ~ 'f I September 30th.. 19L4. The CoIlUll1ss1on !.let pursuent to adjournment at HI A. l!. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll !Ioall showed the following officers present, Mayor Robinson, COJ:lJJ\iseionerc Beam and Masters, and Clerk " Hawkins. ) The Commission ex.mined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrante drawn for same, , CURRENT EXPENSE FUND J. R. McDonald Fire Dept. Street Dept. II , STATE AID FUND I 'Clyilian Defens~ Services as dog Catcher Pa" Roll Pay Roll 25.00 100.00 I ,,0 175.00 l .~, , ~ 100.00 ; , 137.50 , , ~ , 955.19 ;0.00 i.: L .. 296. 00 i ?" , 150.00 , S'(,\~ 8.10 \ , : Pay Roll I MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE FUND i Police ii' CITY STREET FUND I Street Dept. ,I WATER FUND I ''lra:!;er Dept. Water Dept. " I PARK FOlD I, I Park Dept. Park Dept. Pay Roll Pay !loll Pay Roll Pay Roll Pay Roll Pa y Roll There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 'I1.1!0L~ ~JOf~ lIayor City Clerk ,~