HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/28/1949 [586 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Sept~_b!lJ" 28. 19--1L ,~he Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor F'eeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Kobinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following Vlere approved: IkUi-lding Permits: I>}':;;O o~ llelGuzzi Broe. lJuild House; Lot 4, l.llk. 5, Sub. Lot 17 DelGuzzi Bros. Remodel Tozier Florist Shop Inside; Lot 6, 31k. 51, N.R.Smith Add. ;~m. Norton fuild Carport Adjoining House; Lot 10, Blk. 4, Dyke Land Co. ~. T. Linn Construct Double Garage; Lot 8, Blk. 69, Townsite 'Taber F. Hall Construct Residencel Lot 15, Blk. 57, C.C. Leighton's Sub. Myron McConnick Construct Greenhouse; Lot 14, Blk. 2B~, Townsite ,K. J. Bowers Construct Garage; Lot 16, dlk. 11, P.S.C.C. Subd. Ed. I. Black Build New Garage; Lot 18, Blk. 552, Townsite Wm. Picca Tear Out Curb & Put in DrivewaYl Lot IS, W2 Lot 16, Blk. 25, N.R.Smith Add. ,Melvin Adolphson Md Addition to Existing Bldg. & Repair; Lots lQ, 11, 12, Blk. 250, Townsite H. E. Turneaure Construct Addition to Housel Lot 15, E2 Lot 16, Blk. 51, Townsite I 00 I~ic enses : / -;; .J l'ip Top Tavern Tip Top Tavern 'Tip Top Tavern IRussell May :Annex Cafe Annex Tavern Annex Tavern ~nnex Tave rn Richard Lorentzen 'The Olympic Electric Co. 6,000.00 800 .00 100.00 SOO.OO 5,000.00 500.00 400 .00 I lSO.OO 100.00 1,000.00 500 .00 48.00 12.00 5.00 .50 12.00 48.00 12.00 5.00 .50 10.00 Amusement Machines Music Machine 50ft Drink Journeyman Plumber--Renewal Restaurant Amusement Machines Music Machine Soft Drink Journeyman Plumber--Renewal Master Electrician Under the head of unfinished blsiness, bids for trenchi.'1g for water main on Lauridsen Blvd. were opened as follows: Larson and Callow, Bremerton, 55~ per foot or ,$700.00; J. M. Bruch Co., 58~ per foot or i760.00; Howard Clevenger Co., 45~ per foot or ,JI900.00. It was moved by COnu:Ussioner 'faylor that the low bid by Larson and Callow @ 55~ ba accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robl.nson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I! I Due to failure to follow proper procedure in computing asses&lIlent rolls for L.I.D. No. 152 as prescribed lu ] Statutes governing, the bids for extension of the Pine Street trunk sewer were not opened. It was regularly moved by Connnissioner Taylor that the opming of bl.ds be postponed until next Wednesday. Motion seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. On roll call, all members voted A'le. The lllayor declared the motion carried. 'I I~nder the head of new business, Mr. Janish and others spoke in behalf of the Lions Club requesting thet a suitable locetion be set aside and dedicated in memorial to the war dead. Mrs. Shellebarger suggested that ~. the park adjacent to the Old Fire Hall be developed and dedicated as Memorial Park, being conveniently located for use b'l the public and for memorial services. Commissioner Robinson suggested Jesse Webster Park, and questioned develolJllent of Memorial Park due to plans now drawn for Cit'l buildings, also provisions "of existing ground lease. After further discussion, it was decided that a meeting be scheduled for i'committees from the Lions Club and V .}'.W., which the Commission will also attend. Dr. Risser of the Health Depar1ment appeared regarding restoration of appropriations in the 1950 budget, informing that if the City lowers appropriation, other departments will do the same. It was the opinion of Mrs. Shellebarger and others that the City could reduce appropria tions on items less vi tal and provide for continuation of health program. It was generally agreed by the Commission that the appropriation could be 'restored to the amount as fixed in the 1949 budget. No definite amount was set, and the matter was post- 'poned until the date fixed for budget hearing. The Engineer informed that the thirty day period since completion and acceptance of the won done on the ,Water Department trenching for mains on '"rancis and Rade Streets by J .M. Bruch Company has elapsed, and no incomplete or defective work has been discovered for which the City makes claim. It was therefore recommended that the 15% retained, or $1,147.58, of the cost of contract be paid the Contractor. It waS ,moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner aobinsoll, that the amount retained be paid. Motion unanimously carried. I ,The Park Board requested in writing that the following transfers of budget items be made within proper classifications as follows: PARK DEPARTMENT Traveling Expenses to Garbage Equipnent Purchase to Telephone SeedS, Shrubs, Fertilizer to Car Repair, Gas & Oil PARKS-FLAYFIELD DEPARTMENT Hardware and Tools to Garbage CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Water to Gas and Dil .0; 5.00 20.00 100.00 5.00 50.00 RObinsoJ I 'It was moved by Commissioner Ta'llor :/111 voted Aye. M~;tion carried. Lee Hodson, City Librarian, that the requested transfers be made. Seconded by Commissioner Repa irs presented a request for transfer of b.1dget items as follows: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT to Traveling Expense 52.00 'I I,It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the request be granted and transfer made. 'Commissioner 'l'aylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Seconded by :The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of samel I, 01 CURRENT EXPENSE WND: :<. 7& ~ Mrs. H. M. McGee Trick & Murray :,City Light Dept. Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co. il!oore Bu.siness Forms I Inc. One Acct. Book, Planning Commission Budget Forms Rent Extension Telephone Service, 4494 Bail Receipt Books 2.16 55.58 50.00 12.72 55.52 I I I. I I I I I I I 587 ", Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington T111Ca....U..........T......'__U... 1lI1?? ~ 'I CURRENT EXPlliSE FUND.' continued: Park & Shop Port Angeles Auto Supply I Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Samuelson Motor Co. C. A. Wolverton ICITY STREET HIND: /1.[.2. : Port Angeles Auto Supply I The Toggery I :1..1" IWATER FUND: /1'3 ff ~ City Light lJept. Pacific Te 1. & Tel. Co. ',Hooker Electrochemical Co. 'IJ. M. Bruch Co. Olympic Foundry Co. I Rensselaer Valve Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. ,Nailor Lumber Co. rf LIGHT FUND, 555 - Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Eugene E. Williams , J. J. McLean City Water Dept. General Electric Co. Ready Made Sign Co. I Port of Port Angeles Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. SANITA TION FU1ID: f ~ Port Angeles Auto Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. LIBRARY FUNDI 7;l. to 'Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. City Treasurer . Gaylord Bros., Inc. 'I Doubleday & Co., Inc. ;New Method Book Bindery, Inc. ,Jean Karr & Co. !PARK FUND: 7 !s ICity l1ater llept. I Port Angele s Au to Supply ,PARKING METER &, TRAFFIC CONTROL WNDI I'Nailor Lumber Co. ()o FIREMEN '5 PENSION IDND: 3.3 -- Glallam County Medical Servo Corp. September 28th. continued, Glass Wax Supplies Gas Steam Cycle Traveling Expense Parts 12 Pairs Rubber Gloves Rent and Lights Phone Chlorine Ditching Meter Boxes Valves Conc rete Lumber Phone Service Car Expense Expense Water at Sub-stn. Cable Signs HarAling Equipment Sand Hose, Grease Fittings Extension Telephone Service, 4494 Service 7244 Light,.Water, Garbage Supplies Books Books Books ,Galvanized Pipe Tools and Hardware '1 :;J.. Lumber There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. Oct. Medical Fees--Firemen (j G. ~. (/ City Clerk 19,.jL r .61 'I '1.32 I 5.27 5.09 95.94 r [! 10.06 ; 9.76 29.45 5.75 55.97 1,147.58 47.74 429.51 104.55 41. 75 52.91 21.14 54.27 95.25 277 .29 12.04 : 45.00 ' 10.04 5.68 5.78 7.21 9.75 24.20 19.70 I 5.57 , 5.99 4.411 5.14 i I 9.52 I I 55.00 'I ~a~-~ - (/ Mayor I . i I I .....