HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/28/1961
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
I~he City Council met in special session at 4:45 P ,M. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen
Smith, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
~he Mayor called the meeting to order and read recommendations by the City Engineer concerning construction ,
in L.1. D. #183. bids for the same having been received as follows: J. D. Shotwell Co., $287,288.56. Morri~
Construction, Inc., $290,497.66. Tucci & Sons, Inc., $291,837.56. Olympia Oil & Wood Products Co., I
$295,766.16. Del Guzzi Construction, Inc., $300,517.56. Louis ElterichCo., $326,661.56. RandallKil-
mer Construction Co.. alley paving, $29,543.15. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the J. D, Shotwell
,Co. be awarded the contract for streets and drainage, $28.7 ,288.56, and Randall Kilmer Construction Co. for
lalley paving, $29,543.15. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried.
,There being, no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
~he City Council met at 7:30 P.M. Roll call revea~:dT::E;o~I~~::: Officers present: Mayor Maxfield, counll-
" en Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and
lerk Law.
[ursuant to Statutes governing the public hearing on the Budget for the year 1962 was opened.
~he Mayor cited changes due to assessed valuation and the Manager referred to two corrections being in the
wrater Department extra labor and one Fireman's salary. Also millage, 17.007 in the preliminary budget being
finaHy fixed at 17.081 mills.
I~ ouncllman Randall questioned as t9 whether or not the ten mills from the recently annexed area must be spent
pn street maintenance. Attorney Moffett was of the opinion that the revenue from millage should be spent in
t~hat area. The Manager assured that it is possible more than the anticipated revenue of $11,000.00 will be
spent on streets and sewers.
o objections or protests being made or 'filed, the hearing was closed and the Ordinance adopting the Budget
~as introduced and read.
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget of the City
of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1962.
ITt was moved by Councilman RlChardson that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted.
tagUeWOOd and carried.
I~here belOg no further buslOess, the meeting was declared adJourned.
Seconded by Councilman
e. G.
It=~~ f 'v~~~
All bids -~hall lHi' sealed, -and fl~
~~LCE ri~P~~ Cft!lli~~C:O::: ~i~LES ~~PO~~\~~ol~p~~et\r~:r Ofa ll. ~~~~lfI::tl~;
NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEJ.""J tha.t LOfAL ~~~~l{T :DIS~C'1' ~~hier~s CI~~['ktl:~a~1t:a~~b~o:~ ill:
~~: ~:~~c~~ ~~r; :c~1e~~~d;~1\:43el~o\~ NO~T~~WR:~ ~~.~s thnt I f~~~:~~~%c~~t(l ~~;:~~~lt ~;. t~~3 L3g~~'
~;;;ng oescribed real property. 10- _ i~\~ C~~~p~;e;O~; 1~s~~leciu~i';:hi;~; $~r~~~IO~h\~~~I~~)C~~ ~~~ 1J~n:.~~~:ne~l
!'~~;~ :Ul,,~~~~SM B~: b;S~;o~ 1 g:~~~ o:;f LO~ls\r~~~i::cnH~~'fl~I~~~.~ ~~; t:~e' ;~~(~)OJ1;iLno~~~C')g~dcr~~\I~~lO~~'1
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NOTICE isturthN glYl'n lhat ~eal. princillal amount of approXlmatcl; I :~:~~lt to be- i~!>l1e(l in a like prinCiPal""
~~ ~~~s ~'i~-' ~a~iC~I~~i~ f5~~oth~,~f~: U~~l~OO~"al"l'anlS wlll he redeemed by RrnO~~\ywt~~h CI~vy'l.I'rI~n~u~~lIs:e~e~~ ~
ia:r;;:. fii~Ye~~~; b;' a~~~~Il:~j~d n;;~~ ~f~t~~ct o~hi~~d W':I~~a~e \l~l~~~~'er::I~~I~ }~~ l;~~~e~h~hpl\~~d~~~~ ~~ ~l~g~~c~<;Jg
~m~~~tSi~I(1oinrn~~e l"~f~e:h:~n 1~:t ~; ~~gW~~~Otiogf ofu~~e c~~:~~~~~~~ ~~3 ~~u.I~nt~id j'(~~~~i1Wr5:h~vn:i~~rt~:~~
~"f.~~~~~e~~~-rl~~-~ to ~:~}l!~~~,c.I~,~ji_. ~~~~, o~nd all:h~~~ml~l~f ~:(;~bcf;l !~11 a~~ru:2I'fil~~~re~~ fhee ci~,:~e~f i
hids. M, ,v. SLA:-:lKAlR' tW~;;iJt,?r~t~E~~~~\OfF~iliirnn I'uch IH~~C~:r~fl ::d~td I'~~r~~~i: ~~21
City l>lamJ,ger_ GIVEN that sealed hids for the ~~~~~~~es 5ll.me with the clly for
.p ulhlshe~: October 12 and 19, 1961 puro;::hll.6C of said warrants and. bonds Sh and the b,onds of this local 1m.'
l".tJ ...____~._.__....._._ -will be rccclYCd at ~he office. 0:1' the C~vementd\~trlct. said fll"'Rt warrafltj
'City Clerk at tlte Clt)- HaJI in Port }lId tile accrued Intel'est earnedj
I ~~;i~~~s'S:~~~~g~I~'\e~~~1 '1 ~30 P.M., ~C~~~h ss~~~~s:;I~~~O~i~d~~.e prcpert~,
I, . October. 19, 1961" Thp. city reser\'es t1':u~~~n~cJ~ :;d:
':, ~~l;~l~~n~~:~;'e;~d fl~~(1~o~~ld~r~J'ul~; {~ctw~r:e a:~YI'II~~f~~~~~~ti~l~e t~l~tn~ir;;g
! the City Council. The city w pa~
; "sn~al~a;~~~~ni~ ~~~ ~~~~~. :~~)lm~~ Of1~a~do~~~~~" o~ pr~st~,itrj~rgtor::d
~~~~t l~~ 1~~;~ll~~~11 t~~~Cf,z~rz~~ :~~ ~~~~sJ;;lor~t~fall~f:r '~fSr~~g~:ua~:;:
"~~~~in~~da.::itll~;/~r f]~~r l~~d f~~r~~~ ~~O~"lli~f ti~c :;~ra~\)1 df:i~t" ~~_ Sf~~
~~in r~Ot~ S~~d ~gtd~'uI?:h~h~nm~.Anr.:~; ~~~~1 i~lr~~~m~~~dS ~f 3a~~r~~~~'
1l~[Jum 'must be spec1f!ed for bQth lml)1'o....emcnt di!'ltTict wlil be J
1~: ~1~lla~e:tn~j:a~'a~,1~i ~~ ~:~fl\i' ed D~~~~ ~~t~'or.t Angele.~ ~V~~lr.g-
b)" the city that the pl'lnclpal a,mount ton, t1l1~ lith da) of ~:~" tAW.
~~,,~IO~O bo:ft~ t~ ~Ty~~~~~:: :\~~~B~~ ;>Clty Clerk
ltfl' 'al1d the best bid. tor all war_ Pul)\Ished: October 1M, 1'96::"
nUll!'; and h(md~ will be dctcl'mlllcd ----- "
!"nlely on Illls eom1JUtatl0J1 without.
regard to the prlncl?al amount or
th~ warrants to he Issued and tllC
,t"tal nm[Junt of the tnterest to be-
COlUe due t.hcraon. _