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Port Angeles, Washington
September 28, 1977
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Ross, Wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish.
P. Carr, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, D. Flodstrom, K. Rodocker,
H. Kochanek, J. Honnold, C. Caso.
Guests Present: P. Downie, R. Anderson, F. Bird, L. Carr, G. Thompson, H.
Berglund, P. Brady, N. Turner, D. Bragg, D. Johnson, R.
Hubbard, D. Bettger, L. Watts.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of
the September 14th and 20, 1977 meetings. Councilman Wray seconded the motion
and it carried.
' Mayor Olson read Parks Director Frizzell's memorandum relating to sealing
and roofing the Longhouse at Lincoln Park. To clarify the need for this
work to be done, Mr. Frizzell referred to the building specifications and
explained that the roof is leaking and causing a metal strap to corrode
at the focus point of the stress beams.
The Council discussed this matter at length with Manager Whorton and Director
Frizzell. During the discussion, Councilman Haguewood suggested anon-site
inspection of the Longhouse by the Council. The Council also discussed
the possibility of the proposed construction impairing the architectual
design of the Longhouse. The discussion concluded with the Council deciding
to leave this item on the table until an on-site inspection could be made.
Manager Whorton informed the Council that the Staff had met with Lloyd Carr,
current contractor of the City Landfill, and Mr. Carr had agreed to a fifteen
month contract from October 1, 1977 to December 31, 1978 at the bid price of
$4.97 per ton. Mr. Carr, however, had not agreed to an option to purchase
his equipment at contract's end. Director of Public Works Flodstrom then
recommended the Council reject the original bid submitted.by Mr. Carr and
accept the negotiated bid. Councilman Wray then moved the Council reject
Mr. Carr's original bid and accept the negotiated bid.' Councilman Hordyk
seconded the motion. During discussion on the motion, Public Works Director
Flodstrom explained that in rejecting Mr. Carr's original bid the Council
would then have the flexibility to negotiate with Mr. Carr without having
to open up the bidding again to other bidders. On call for the question,
the motion was passed by the Council.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept Vouchers Payable of $311,684.64
and Payroll of $127,638.77. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood
and carried.
September 28, 1977
H. Berglund addressed the Council and asked for an explanation of the article
in the Daily News which indicated it would cost the City user more money if
the City Landfill is operated by a private contractor.
Manager Whorton and Public Works Director Flodstrom explained the reasons that
the Staff submitted an alternate method of operating the Landfill to the City
Council for their consideration. Mrs. Berglund was also informed by the Council
that in-depth discussions on operations of .the Landfill by private contractor
versus the City were held at the September 20, 1977 Special City Council Meeting.
Mayor Olson concluded this discussion by stating that the City Council feels
that Mr. Carr should be retained as he is operating the Landfill very efficiently
and his bid is firm. With the City operating the Landfill the taxpayer would
have to assume any increases in the cost of operation.
Mrs. Berglund also inquired about the status of Mr. Whipple's Key-Making business
on the Albertsons Store Parking Lot. Manager Whorton stated that Mr. Whipple's
attorney is working with the Staff on this matter.
Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Planning Commission's September 20, 1977
meeting with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Zoning Code Amendment - Public Hearing:
Mayor Olson read that portion of the Planning Commission minutes relating
to Clallam Community Alcohol Center's request for an amendment to the
zoning code to permit mental hospitals as a conditional use in the
residential zones. The Planning Commission recommended an amendment
to the zoning code, Article IV, Section 1, RS-9 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE '
FAMILY DISTRICT, Conditional Uses, HOSPITALS, deleting the clause:
"not to include hospitals for the treatment of mental disorders or
alcoholism" and adding the sentence "Mental hospitals may be located
on tracts of less than 5 acres."
The Clallam Community Alcohol Center have also requested a conditional
use permit to operate their offices and a detoxification center facility
at 1034 Caroline Street.
Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on the proposed amendement to the
zone code. Councilman Haguewood then stated he felt this proposed amend-
ment was not publicized for a sufficient length of time to give the public
an opportunity to express their opinion on this matter and recommended
the Council continue the hearing. Mr. J. Kelleher, Director of the Clallam
Community Alcohol Center, then spoke to the Council and explained some of
the problems faced by the present detoxification center, which is located
in the hospital, and how these problems will be handled by the Clallam
County Alcohol Center in their own detoxification facility.
After furthez discussion by the Council regarding the present zoning codes
and the need for such a facility in this area, either within the City or
the County, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Councilman
Haguewood then moved another public hearing be scheduled at the October
12, 1977 meeting on this subject before any action is taken by the Coun-'~
cll. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion. During discussion on
the motion Councilman Ross moved to amend the motion to "allow mental
hospitals in any zone of tracts of less than 5 acres." The motion died
for lack of a second. On call for the question, the motion to schedule
another public hearing on the proposed zoning amendment was passed by
the Council.
B. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes
of the Planning Commission's September 20, 1977 meeting. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
September 28, 1977
1. Cont.
C. Resolution - Setting Hearing Date for Vacation of Alder Street - P. Quinn:
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council take this agenda item from the table.
CouncilmanWray seconded the motion and it carried.
Manager Whorton then informed the Council that Mr. Quinn is being represented
by Mr. Johnson of Niichel and Rutz and is still interested in the vacation of
Alder Street. Manager Whorton recommended the Council adopt the proposed
Resolution setting a hearing date of November 9, 1977 on Mr. Quinn's petition.
Mayor Olson then introduced and read by title Resolution No 28-77 entitled,
Resolution No. 28-77
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing
date for a petition to vacate a portion of Alder Street and
a portion of the alley west of Alder Street between First
and Front Streets.
Councilman Buck moped the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1944 entitled,
Ordinance No. 1944
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, pro-
viding for the submission to the qualified electors of the
City at a special election to be held therein on November
8, 1977, of a proposition as to whether the City should
issue its unlimited tax levy general obligation bonds in
the principal sum of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in
order to provide funds to develop an municipal pier with-
in 'said City, and declaring an emergency.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title
by Mayor Olson. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The bond interest rate incorporated within Ordinance No. 1944 is 6.5~ per annum.
Mayor Olson read Public Works Director Flodstrom's report relating to E.T. McWilliam's
offer of fifteen cents per square foot for a 40 foot strip of City owned land along
Milwaukee Drive which runs through Suburban Lot 39 which Mr McWilliams owns.
Originally the City Council had placed a minimum bid of $2,500 for each 40' x 200'
section or $0.31 per square foot on this property; terms are cash. The Council
directed Manager Whorton to contact Mr. McWilliams and inform him of the terms
under which this City woned property will be sold.
Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize Mayor Olson to sign the Certification
to the Clallam County Commissioners of the City's Ad Valorem Taxes necessary for
the City Budget for the year 1978 in the amount of $889,326. Councilman Hordyk
seconded the motion arid'it carried.
Manager Whorton explained that a request has been received from the Northwest
Wage and Hours Committee, Washington Public Power Supply System, concerning
the City participating with other northwest utilities in funding a fair and
proportional share of the cost to maintain a central information service for
Northwest Utility (Electrical) Labor Relations. If this central office of
information was created, participants would be provided with current collective
bargaining data, agreement provisions, arbitration background and procedure,
pay rates and job descriptions, and with the cooperation of the participants,
September 28, 1977
5. Cont.
up-to-the-minute information concerning Northwest negotiation status, offers
pending, and Union activities. The initial cost requested is $500 annually,
however, Manager Whorton recommended the City Council authorize him to re-
spond to the request indicating that the City is interested in the Service
but at a much lower level of financial participation of approximately $50
to $100 per year. After a brief discussion concerning the City's need for
this type of information, Councilman Haguewood moved the Council authorize
the City Manager to invite a proposal from the Northwest Wage and Hours
Committee. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried.
Mayor Olson read a memorandum from Director of Public works Flodstrom con-
cerning the requirement of the Department of Ecology and the Environmental
Protection Agency that the City expand its present sewer facility studies,
to include additional alternatives for controlling the City's combined
sewer overflow. Mr. Flodstrom stated in his memorandum that the Department
of Public Works and the City's Consulting Engineer CH2M Hill do not agree
with this proposed scope increase since the magnitude of the problem has
not yet been established. Mr. Dan Robinson from the regional EPA office
will be present at the October 12, 1977 Council meeting to explain the
Environmental Protection AGency requirements.
Mayor Olson read the Department of Public Works recommendation concerning
the proposed safety improvements at the 5th and Peabody Street intersection
as follows: (1) Place cross walks on all legs of the intersection, (2) make
stop bars 24" wide on 5th Street approaches to emphasize the fact that a
stop is required, and (3) paint stop sign posts alternating red and white
bands to draw the drivers attention to the stop sign. After several comments '
from the Council, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Public
Works Department to proceed with the project as described in the Public
works Report. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried.
Mayor Olson read a memorandum from Parks and Recreation Director Frizzell re-
lating to the old Civic Field caretaker home, located at 916 E. Second Street,
which is part of the lot designated for the renovated Civic Field parking
lot. Mr. Frizzell suggested three alternatives that the City could take
regarding the house. The house could be included in the first project demo-
lition contract, or could be relocated to an existing City lot and rented
as a revenue producing activity, or could be relocated to an existing City
owned lot and placed for sale. It was Mr. Frizzell's recommendation that
the house be relocated to a City owned lot and sold.-as.this alternative _ _
would generate the highest amount of revenue for the City. Councilman Ross
then moved the Council concur with Mr. Frizzell's third recommendation to
relocate the house to an existing City owned lot and place it for sale.
Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion. During discussion on the motion
the Council made several suggestions on where the house could be relocated.
The discussion concluded with the Council authorizing Mr. Frizzell to look
for a suitable lot and poll the Real Estate Committee for a decision as to
the suitability of the lot selected. On call for the question the motion
was passed by the Council.
Mayor Olson read a Notice of Public Heaing £rom the Washington State Depart-
ment of Ecology relating to a hearing for the purpose of obtaining public
views pertaining to the proposed deletion from the Washington State Coastal
Zone Management Program of the oil transshipment policy contained on page
136 of said program. The Mayor also read a letter from Norma Turner, presi-
dent of No Oilport, Inc. urging the City's participation in the hearings.
Manager whorton stated that he had a prior commitment but that City Attorney
walrath would be attending to present the City's position on this matter.
September 28, 1977
Mayor Olson read a letter addressed to Chairman O'Meara, Olympic Health
District, from the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners advising the
Health District of Jefferson County's interest in withdrawing from the
Olympic Health District and requesting authorization for such a withdrawal
effective December 31, 1977. Councilman Buck, the City of Port Angeles'
representative on the Olympic Health District Board, explained to the
Council that Jefferson County has decided to set up their own'healthdis=
trict which they feel would be to the advantage of the residents of their
` county. Their withdrawal from the Olympic Health District should be com-
pleted by December 31, 1977. Mr. Buck further explained that the Clallam
County Commissioners feel the Board of Commissioners should become the
governing body of the proposed Clallam County Health District with little
or no City participation.
The Council then discussed at length the need for City participation in the
proposed Clallam County Health District. The discussion concluded with
Councilman Hordyk moving the Mayor write a letter to the Board of County
Commissioners stating that the City Council feel there is merit in having
a Clallam County Health District providing the governing body would be
composed of all governmental agencies having health care responsibilities.
Councilman Wray seconded the motion. On call for the question, the motion
was passed by the Council.
Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of an application
for the P.A. Outlaws C.B.ers•Club for a special occasion liquor license for
October 15, 1977 at the Elk's Naval Lodge, 131 E. First Street, is noted
for the record.
Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of an approved
liquor license for Charles L. Robinson dba Robinson Foods is noted for
the record.
Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of an approved
Class A liquor license for Skipper's Fish and Chips Chowder House, Front
and Penn Streets, is noted for the record.
Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of a Class E-F
license renewal for Tradwell Store, 1016 E. First Street, is noted for
the record.
A. Detoxification Study Proposal
Mayor Olson read a letter from the Clallam County Board of Commissioners
concerning the need for an assessment of the alcohol treatment facilities
within Clallam County and requesting the City of Port Angeles to partici-
pate with all local jurisdictions in funding a Detoxification Study. The
purpose of the study is to identify the facilities necessary to provide
the services which the participating jurisdictions should apply to persons
suffering alcohol related problems. Councilman Ross moved the Council
table this subject to a work session. Councilman Buck seconded the motion.
During discussion on the motion, Councilman Haguewood asked Attorney
Walrath to research. the legal aspects concerning responsibilities asso-
ciated with detoxification facilities. On call for the question, the
motion was passed by the Council.
B. Agreement with Clallam County re Use of City's Unleaded Gas Pumps
Manager Whorton briefly reviewed this proposed agreement which allows
Clallam County to purchase unleaded gasoline from the City at current
vendor prices plus a charge of $10.00 per month for handling billing,
and cost of forms. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council authorize
Mayor Olson to sign the agreement. Councilman Anderson seconded the
motion and it carried.
September 26, 1977
12. Cont.
C. Clallam County Governmental Conference Request re 701 Project
Manager Whorton read a letter from the Clallam County Governmental
Conference presenting a bill of $616.94 due Louie Torres for work
performed on the Governmental Conference sponsered 701 Project beyond
the June 30, 1977 contract date. The City's share of this expense was
based on the percentage basis that was contributed by the City to the
701 Project and totaled $95.01. Councilman Ross moved the Council
authorize payment of $95.01 to Louie Torres. Councilman Buck seconded
the motion. Curing discussion on the motion Councilman Wray moved to
amend the motion to include the City will pay Mr. Torres if the other
members also pay. Councilman Haguewood seconded the amended motion.
On called vote, Councilmen Haguewood and Wray voted "AYE" with the
remaining Council members Voting "N0." The amended motion was denied.
The Council then moved on the motion to authorize payment of $95.01 to
Mr. Torres. The motion carried with Councilman Wray voting "N0."
D. Schedule Work Session with Port Commissioners re Waterfront Development
Manager Whortoa informed the Council that on October 3, 1977, he, Planner
Carr and Public Works Director Flodstrom will meet with the Staff of the
Port of Port Angeles to discuss the future development of. the waterfront.
A joint work session will then be scheduled between the City Council and
the Port Commissioners to pursue this matter further.
E. Agreement with Teamsters Local No. 589
Manager Whorton gave a brief summary of the proposed agreement with
Teamsters Local No. 589 and recommended the Council adopt the agree-
ment. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the proposed agreement
with Teamsters Local No. 589 and authorize the Mayor and City Manager
to sign the agreement. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it
F. Land Use Agreement - Department of Game
Manager Whorton briefly reviewed the proposed Land Use Agreement with
the Department of Game concerning the Department's use of the City owned
old railroad fight-of-way on the Elwha River to allow the general public
additional use of the river, and pointed out that this agreement contains
the same conditions as the previous Land Use Agreement with the Depart-
ment of Game. Councilman Wray moved the Council approve the Land Use
Agreement with the Department of Game. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and carried.
1. Councilman Hordyk: Commented on the parking requirements in front pf motels.
Mentioned the parking of delivery vans in the red areas.
2. Mayor Olson: Thanked those responsible for Loggers Appreciation Day.
3. Councilman Wray: Commented on delivery of the agenda packet.
4. Councilman Haguewood; Requested a recommendation and report from the City
Attorney and City Manager regarding the Stan Burrows Lawsuit, Commented '
on the zig-zaq on Oak Street and requested the Public Works Department
start replacing it as soon as possible. Recommended the Council and Staff
hold more work sessions.
5. Councilman Anderson: Thanked director of Public Works Flodstrom for the
work session on Solid Waste that was held that marning.
September 28, 1977
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 to an Executive Session.
City Clerk
F~~-~- 92177 ~
The Light Department Of the '
} ity of Port Angeles,
i~~~ashington has the following
~=~oieds under construction.
',ans antl specifications are on
"`~np at the Light Department
binfice. Planned completion
Ueltes are between September ~
°?S, 1977 and January 1, 1978:
f 107.37 Installation Of 6.250
KVA regulators at Valley
~'SUbsiation. 7hetotal estimated
`cost is 555,000:
107.38 Installation of new 12~
16-20 MVA 69KV to 12.5KV unit
~ substation at 2nd and
The total estimated cost is ~
~ E250,000. i
107.40 Industrial Area I
Conversion, Marine Drive,
M8R Timber to "A" Street, ;
~tonsisting of replacing 5
~approximatety d,800 leet of
13.BKV -overhead conductor ;
,with 336 and 4.0 AA,
l}ransformer replacements and
conversion from 13.BKV To 12.5 i
KV distribution boltage.
1 The total estimated cost is ~
i 107.41 Intlustrial Area '
f Conversion, Pen Ply, 2-3 alley
Valley to "A" Street consisting
of pole and transformer I
+replacement and Conversion ~
from 13.BKV fo 12.SKV ;
kdisiribufion voltage, ,
Total estimated cost is SB,800.
107.43 4KV conversion.
~ Peabody Street north at 2nd
~ Street consisting pole
replacements, ref raming,
transformer replacements and
conversion from 4KV to 72.SKV
distribution voltage.
Total estimated cost is 59,500. `
707.44 4KV conversion, Penn
Street-Front to 6th, 2rttl, 3rtl ~
street alley and 3rd s_ireet,
Washington Street f0 Penn E
Street consisting Of pole
replacements, ref raming antl
transformer replacements far.
. conversion from 4KV to 12.SKV
distribution voltage.
Total estimated cost is
The Light-Department of the
City Of Port Angeles,
~ Washington has closed out the t
following prolec i, consisting of:
~ 707.31 Office and warehouse ~
remodel at Front and Cherry I
~ Street, consisting of shelving +
construtlion, Office expansion, S
plumbing, electrical and ~
painting for conversion from
shop maintenance facilities f0 ~
`oftice~warehouse antl crew ;
YY quarters:
1914 cost 54,354
1975 CO51 E7,857
~ 7976 cost 59,713 i
1 T.G. HonnOld I
+ Superintendent I
~ Light Department
sh: Sept. 21, 23, 1971.= ~