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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
.3eptember <l9, 1937
The Commission met in r~jUlsr session s~ 10 ".I:. and "IUS 0!l11e1 to ord"" bv I'.!p or Davis.
Roll call showed the followin,' officers Jresent: r.rc.yor .l!avis, Commissionel's Henson and
MasteL'S and "ctin,: "ttorney Taylor. -
The minutes of the previous ses3ion were read and approved.
Under the head of .'l'!llications for Building Permits the folIo\", in!.' Vier.' ~r'lnted:
,L. rl. Tobias, Build G3.r'l,~e, Lot 11, Elk. 3;06, 'l'o''Illsite
C. 'i. ,Iebs'ter, n ", Lot 7, Blk. 33, n. R. "mith's Subd.
Lovell McGoff, Addition to House, Lot 1;0, Elk. l~O, Townsite
Under the head of Introduction of R3S01utions the follo"ling resolutions were introduced:
R -C;30LUTIOli
~HEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property,
ha ving aC'luired the sam ~ by Treasurer's D2 ed dated Jell tembe r 14, 19 \7, unde" rmd by
virtue of the authority of ~ection 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of
the Laws of 1929, paee 365, to-wit:
Lots Sixteen (16) and "eventeen (17), Block Four Hundred Thirtc-one (431),
f of the Government Townsite of port "ngeles, Clallrun County, ,iashin~-"on, 'lnd
'i\'iHSW-:".S' A. H. Matthews, Sr., has oL"ered to purchase from the City of l'ort "nl'eles the
above described real property ~r the sum of ;70.00, payable as folluws: J;oO,OO on the
1st day of October, 1937, and )5.00 on the Is~ day of each, and every r:lOn1h thereafter
IUlltil said ~7g.00 has been !,aid in full, to,o;eth, r wi:h interest on rnJnthly balAnces at
the rate of 7f, per ~nnum, and,
';IHE'1 <:AS, The Ci ty "ommis3ion has viewet the said propprty and if'! 0 f "';h~ opinion that the.
offer is fair value and is in e~cess of the amuunt "aid by the Vi~y for sa:d lots, plus
all J". LD. assessmen ts, includinG inter.,st and ~ther char:;es a 'ainst th~ s..me,
NO" '.l'HEJ.EFO!n, BE IT 1,jOLV3D thut said ofj'er be accerted and that the Ci ty of Port
",ngeles sell the !lro;!erty at privClt., sa:).e to the said A. H. Ihtthews, Sr., fo!' thp sun
hereinabove set forth, uubj!~ct to an~l other v9.1id li"~ns a l":;.,inJt th~ Jam~; that the City
-'ttorney be instructed ~o rrera:", a <:.ui tolaim de~d conveyinc 9'iijI'ro~!erty to the
purchaser, and that the "it;' C;lerk of the vi1;y of Port ,\n .eles be and he is h'H'.'b~' in-
!structed to e~,~oute saiol (2."it olaim,deed, and that th" lIByur of the City of Port .'nee]es
be and. he is hereby instruct~d to couhtersirn'said <;uit claim dt'ed, './hen the l'urd"ls"
price and nIl accrued interest "hereon has been !)aid in fua.
lIt Vias moved by Commissioner Henson that the 7'ore"oini' resolution b, ad6"ted. Jecond ed
by Commissioner Ilaster9. On roll call all members voted aye. The J.,~a"'or. declar-'(l the
ImO:ion carried.
IIIHEREAS, The Cit;y of Port Anliel..s is the owner of the fol10winc: des"rib' I real rroperty,
having flc'luired the same by Treasurer's D~ed dated Se~lte[!lb<!t' ~l, 19~7, under and bv
ivirtue of tJ1e authority of Jection J39:J of Remineton's Revised Statutes, vhapter 141 of
the LaVIS of 1929, page 365, to-vii t: .
Lots T\1enty-eL::ht (~8), Twenty-nine (<l9) an1 "hirty. (,0) of
Subdivlsion of Suburban Lot Thirty-two (&) of the .?O'.'Illsit.
Aneel.,s, Clal1am County" lashin"ton, and
Perkin s
of' Port
''/HER-o_\S, C. L. McCarty h3.s off"r'd to rurchase :from th~ ~ity of Port An.:el~.3 the above
tlescribed real nrop -,'ty for thp sum of i4:3r.CO, !,"Y3.ble as f0l'..0V/s: ;1"10.0<',do"m
Ioavment, leavin;' a-balQnce oP ;,l3rO,C0 to be raid in r.1Jnthly instalJmentA of ;10.(J(' p.'ich,
tfi:"st payment b~,'innln,: the fl1'st da? 0f Nov-:'mbel', 19-'7, ,,~rj ,$10.0(1 on th" 1st dAY of
~ach 3.nr1 every munth th 'r~'\"t", un'il said ;:;~('.eo ha3 been in full, to"e1h !' ',i-,h
jnter_st on m"n~hly bal"n~e8 .It the r'_.te o~ 7" pee 1nnum, am,
f'IH:':R~'\3' The City C;omt"is~i"n h,iS vie\'idd tho s,.id pI'operty and is Jf t-;" o0inion ';hRt :h~
ffer is rdir v"lue an'l is in e::rJe.'8 ot' the '1"'ount r,'lid by the C;ity for sqid lottl, plw
11 1.I.D. a.5se.ssr.1ents, includin '"" in~er'es~: '1nrl O-:'r:PT' char..ren ,; rains.!' "'h~' S'J,ln~ J
NO'.;, Tl"~'1 ,,'Ofn, Be; ITl :;orn:o; thq+ so) id offe~ be accerte1 fln~ t-r.a r "b;) ';i'y 0;- Po,.t
~n2'el~~s $el1 the said .9['o~:~rty Clt :priv3.~e sqle to +"!~ sRid C. L. l:cC'lrty f'_}r +h SUM
her"innbove set for.th, u\lbJ~!ct ~o hny o~h~r V:llid li~ns 1.'''ainHi: thl~ ntHn~; +hg~ i:h~' ~i."t~'
;\t~orn~:. be instructed ~q ....re?'1re a ,"uit clttim dee.j conv'~yin.'" sui'i r'~ '1erty ~o the
~urchaser I '1nj tha t ~h~ vi +.;/ ~lerk of the Gi'ty 0 f' Port An"Tel.a s b":,, 'ill; l-t~ ieo h~r~~l1:r I'
lnstru~ted to e:xecut~ sqi" ''Luit claim dflle1~ 3n,.1 th:., +. -<-.he Mnyor v" "'":h" Ci~~' uf Port ....n~el ~':i
~e eand he is h~,.eby instructQ~ ~o ~oHnt"rsi~ 81il ",ui ~ clr.if'l ij~~rj, '-'Il1..'n th" pU~chf de
trice an'l '\11 aC;)L'u,d interst th"reon has bPMl n"i1 in ful1.
1It was mover'j b:~l Commission~r Henson +ha t th~ for~""oin'" rc S01utton b'" "'doT tn1. :..i-no ~ont'1"r1
rpy Commis~ioner ],[R-l+ars. On roll c~l1 8.11 mO'llb~r8 "-Jt.., y~. The J~"yo-r-1ecl.,,,,,..j the
~otion carri~<1.
U'1der the I->.e'ld .-" Un"'inisl-,:;, Bus in">,. tre Ci +y Cl-"'c r"ror~t(1
that pursuant to th. C'ubl-isherJ. cHl1, bids fo~ the IJllr~'~"3e of
the E83-f: ~Y'!~-half ')P L ,+ 7, ~loc}:: 7;' t o-f' +h... Gave rnment TJ"~r'I~ite
of Port .\.n...:::l"'sJ '''JAs\-r.in.3tor'lJ ~ 1~ ~il~ RH fol'-,~.s:
:\U'I''''',: HI>' .":\1.1,:
:-,'oti,',. III h<'1"I'1,_,' gln'lI '11:,[ 1111'
Cll,\' or 1',,)'[ ..\I'~l'h'l> will ~dl 11..-
f"II()\\'lng 11'.'f.lPI'ih",1 l'I'Op,"I'l,':' l,,-
\I.ft; .
T \~"~'l{]';n~,~, i I~r:-..: \;-" 1.1. i ;li~" v ~': -.. '~'~!l.
..:;uVt"rllm"I,t 'l'IIW"~ II.. . ~,r J' '11. L
."n~.-kl-'. ".flahlll~:l..n. .
:11. Ill'IV:l.f(-'" ".alE' 1.. till' hll;\p".-ll ,\1"[
I,("st l,je'llh'l' for ('a~ll. ,'J,,1' 1.-",\
.'h'Al(.d 1,lell! IH....t>ml'anlhi 1>\1" ....H
pl'r cp"i [}f th.. :ITlIOllllt "r IT,.. hj.lf<
~~',lt~1 C11'ty l:~~~,I;Vt"r~lr 'Jt I :l'\'tt~~-:.'.'f,,,~f
""~..I'~lll. "":n.llill!l;'t'''l, UI' t" I'ml 11<.t
]"t"rtlhull 111 ,,'t'!n,'k :",!,I.. ~t'1'1 ,,',
IJI"I" 2t1, ItI:l'i.
TIll' Cil~' ('umlld!>>ll'"l 1'(>;-" ,V(-.,f
tilL' J"1l';'I:t [(J r.'j"{'l ally "no! "It hid,
l'alt"J LIt I'llI'I .\11/04")"", '\"...,,1111'.':.
lon, thll! :!:!u.j da~' ,.r ~'.I'\("\lhl"',
Domi 11 8: I'tol' Smi t'l
Geo!'J~ T:.)j]
" ..r::," "f'I
~ , .... '- .
...ft~r dUJI! consi1er!':!t'..n i 1:; ,",C!? ,...,. 'TE.; ~'r Commi:JFjon~r Ma9ters
tr~~ the bid of Donald 9.>'lij Ivor 5mitr b., 'l.~c"rte1 ql''' that the
certi coipd check of 1eor..:;e To,id b'~ r 'tu"'n,~j ..') hiM. Mo+i ()n
second~ll by Commi8sion~r Hens In. On roll~pl1 '111 ",'mh"rs voted
a;ri'!. Th~ UFlyor decla reri -t,h f~ mo":i 0"1 carrie d.
N. .\1. lIAWr::TX:-1
ell~._ C'l"'l'k "r ti" l'lt\-- ,,[
1'\11., S"I:;~1I~t2,,~;~t."'{"1l.$, 'Vallllln'~tun.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Se:pt'mb'll:' .,;9, 19 ,7
527 .,
1 The Conmiss ion examined
8nd a11owe<' th~ fol10'l1n:; claions q~.-j ord red wa'r'ant.c dr,,-vJn f01'
Sale r~l 75.00
'.7 a t~l' 3',0.00
Services \l~ i.:5.00
Sa 18 r~T '1l>3 10 r .r (1
Pa~r Roll 115.88
Car Hire :J <;5.rfl
Pay J~o11 1<;86.77
Truck Hire 4'~ 186.00
" " I, ~.(10
Pa'J' )(011 ":: 1"27.60
" " /\,.... ~8~. fa
G!lrage Rent I :0.0"
PA~' j{oll U34 ..~+
n. '" Dad."~
Pacific T;l ~ T~l G
" " 110.
, " u ~
I' 11 "
I n u "
, n 11
City Treasur..,r -
E~p~n8e /.ccount
P. O. Box Rent
Jas. H. CO'fne
IS!lRcson I;on ~orks
Viashin,O"+-on Pulr. & l?qner 001,,]).
I Howard~GOOFer ~orD. ..
~ \VA'I'E'l. FUliD
City Tr~asurer
Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
!'w'ma id "fiiry
Gradel' Parts
Lime, etc.
Angledozer Blad~
r.iisc. C8.8h Eq~lmen ts
Ser vi ce
Store 'lent
4~ <I-~
LI'1'I'C :cUND
City Treasurer
Gen;ra1 ~l'ctric Co.
Albert 3. Knij1t Go.
G~n~ral ......l~ctric Su"pl" Co.
I Line Ma te r iql Co. . .
"estin~houq~ Eleetric & Uf~. Co.
Pacific Tel & Te~ Go.
lfiGc. Cas" Payments
Me t 81' S
Meter Boxes
M8. teL' ial s
LIB":. 1Y ~'UJrJ
Pacific Tel & Tel ~o.
3ervi :~~
Citv Treasurer
II ... II
Filin~ Deeds
The Commission then ad~ourn~d to Meet September :\0, 19'7, at 10 A.M.
1''1 :I
/~ i?~
~ C!LJy.
1.11 yor
SSPTElrn~~ 30, '~)7
The Comr1ission met rursuant to adjo'lrnment at 10 A.H. >too "'1as c'llle' to ord...r bv M8vor
Davis. Rol: call sho"lec) the follo"/inp' officers pr"s~nt: M~yor Davis. Commissi~ner'~
Henson and l.lasters and Glel"( Ha','J':ins.
i The Gommissiol1 examined and nllowecj the followin,:; claims and order'd 'ar,'ants dra'."In "or
fURRE11'C E:mmSS F'lmn
Mar!3uerit~ ""Ue
Gi tv Treasurer
n . 1f
IJ. R. McDonald
,Martin J. 3chnuriger
~Street Denartment
r GI':'Y sn.'::~'l' FUl;;)
:D. A. Masters
IStre~t Derartment
'Harry Johnson
Forrest ~'/aldron
''U,T~:l 1;'J.nm
~a~er Depa~tm~nt
A. G. ',;oKniJht
Lic:h t D~pa r tm~ n t
1. 90
. /,~
56 .,-~r
,ro .or
t .~5
1. ..'i
1. 80