HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/29/1943 r- 51'0 .t lhil.. \.1.1. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Seotember ~9. 1943 19_ .... The Collll!lission met in rogular session at 10 A.M. and was C'llled to crder by Mayor Robinson. Roll c~ll showed th.. following cfficers present: Meyor Robinson, Commissioners Beaw. and Masters, Attorn..y Jchnston and Clerk Hawkins. Th! minutes of th~ previo~s session w~re read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following "',rc granted: J. R. Leveille, Addition to G.rage, Lot 14, Block Harry Barnes, Re!llod~l Building, Lot I, Block 155, Port Angeles Poster Advertising Co., Bill Boards Willmer's Cefe, 1 llusic Machine Club Cafe, 1 11 11 Dickie's Tavern,l 'Ua rine Dri V~ Lunch, Little Brick Tavern, Tutor's Ice J;ce Cre.m Parlcr, Ten'1Y's, . " 85, Townsite Tormsi te 195.00 200.00 25.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.0C 1 l'usic Me; chine 1 1 1 Restaurant Soi't Drink Under the heed of Introduction of R:soluticns the f~ll~ing resolutions w~re ~ntrojuced: RESCT,UTlm; TO SEL~. PROPERTY ACQUIR!:D BY fORECLOSURE WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the c;mer of the following described real property in t he City of Port Angeles, to-wit: Lots Twelve (1:<) and Ihirteen (IS), Block Two Hundred Ten (il10), TO'lrrlsite of Port Angeles, Washington, which said property has been a cquired b~' the Ci':y or- foreclcs"re of delinquent local imprcveccent assess- ments under Ch8pter ~05 of the Session Laws of 19~7, end WHERHS, Harry M. Mocre and Lillian Moore, husbanc and wife, have off.o-ed to purchase the above described r.al property from the City of Port AnBel"s for the SU'll of ~:<50.oo, payable as follows: $50.00 as a down payment and $10.00 on or before the 5rd day of November, 1943, and $10.00 on or before the Srd day of each and every II'.onth thereafter until paid in full. Interest to be comPuted at the rat., of 7% per annum cn the belance due end p;;id with the monthly inst.ell:r.ent, and \\1!EP.EAS, The City COllI:lissicn has vievred the said proJl'rty nnd is of the opi::ion th8t the offer is fair value and is in excess of the elwunt ;:aid by t~ City fcr said property, plus all L.l.D. assessnents, includi:'B intere~t and other charees against the sam~. NOW, THERSFCRE, BE IT R:':Sar,VED, That the s aid offer be accepted and t.hat the City of Port Angelos sell the said property at private sale to the said Harry ~:. l~oore and Lillian Moere, husband ?ond "ife, for the sum hereinabO'le set forth, subj~ct to any cther valid liens against the same; that the CitJ' Attorney be in- structed to prepare a de..d conveyin" seid prol"rty to th" puo-chas~r, and the City Treasurer be authorized I to execute the said deed in Qccordance with the provisions ef this resolution and Chapter 275, Session La.,s, of 19~7, when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in f~ll. It was mo~ed by Cc~,issiener Masters that the foregoing resolution be ap,roved.and .dopted, Seconded by Con~is$icner Beam. On rcll call all rrembers vo~ed aye. The Mayor decl~red the motion carried. RE30LUTICll 1'IHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the cwner of the following described rMl property, havinG acquired the same by Tr~asurer'5 deed dated Sept.m:er 24, 1943, under .nd by virtue of the authcrity of Section 9395 of Remington's Revised Statdes, Ch2pt~r H3 of the Laws of 19~9, page 365, to-wit: Lot One (1), Block Twelve (12) of Fuget Sound Co-operetive Colony' s ~ubdivision of the Townsite cf Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, Will iam C. Rusnell has offered to purchase from the (;i t;v of Port Angeles the above described real property for tr.e sum of ~150.oo, payable as follows: $25.00 as a dovm payment and $10.00 on or befere the 22nd day of October, 1945, and ~lO.CO on or before the 22nd day of each and every month thereafter until paid in f'JIl, :ogether with interest at the rate of 7% per annum on monthly balances and paid with the monthly installment, and WHEPcEAS, The .<Zity Commission has viewed the S2J.Q proferty and is o~. the oplnJ.on that the offer is fair value ~nd at this tirr.e it is to the best interest of the City that it should .be accepted and the sele made. llOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted and that the City cf Pcrt J'.ngeles sell the I said property at pri,ate sele to the said Williern C. Rusnell for the s~~ herein~ove set forth, subject to I any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a qu~t claim deed ! conveying seid property to the purchas,r, end thet th. City Cleo-k of the City 0 Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execut. said quit clab, deed, and that th~ Ma,'Or M the Cit of POl t Angeles be and he is h~reby instr.cted to countersign Baid quit claim deed when the purchase price .nd all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. It was moved by COF.~issioner ~asters that the foregoing resolution be apprvved and adopted. 3econded by Commisdcner Beam. On roll call all m..mbers voted 8/e. The ),ayor d..clared th.. motion carried. The Co~ision exa.:r.ir~ed and allowed th~ following cIa:Ur.s and ordered warrants drawn for sal.'.e: CURI\ENT EXPENSE FUND Vernon J. Robinson City Trea surer OlJ.T.lpic ~t"tioners H. E. Dodge Ci t.:,. 7ree surar John H. Thatcher Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Expem e A CCOil.r.t Dqposit on Stamped Envelopes Repair Pen EA-pense Account Box HEn t Radio Repair Service fervice 3.25 4.86 1.80 3.15 .75 26.00 11.38 I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington no>". ...ll"...."..Tn~.I..nON.R'. Pr.-NTt". 10.00 CURREN~ E1PEXSE FUND - Continued Olympic Stl!tioners Seattle Radio Supply, IGo. E"~tw.an Kcd.k StoreR, Ir.o. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Ci ty Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Git.)' Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Cc. " Epperson & Sons 11 II tt WATER FUND Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. LIGHT FUlm J. E. Law Pacific Tel &. Tel Co. E. l!.. 1loTrison Smith Ioe & Bottling Co. United J.nitors Sup;ly Westinghouse Electric Su"ply CEL:ETEHY F1JND Ep;oerscn & Sons LIBRA RY F1J:ID Jer.nilu Norris Pacific T~l & Tel Co. ClllUam Grein Co. Zellerbach Paper Cc. Gaylord Bros. L-lc. Library of Congress Tbe !'I1get bound News Co. HerlllP.n Goldberger Agency Edwin Allen Company Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. E. ~. Hale & Co., Inc. Tte ~acmillan Company, P~blishers American Library Associaticn Charles Scribner's Sons Wilcox & Follett Co. PARK F1JIID Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Thrift Store Epperton &. Sons L.1. D. GUARI<NTY FUND City Trea surer There being no further business the lC U:?1l1W~~ September 29, 1943 Office Supplies Tr~ns~Grmers SolutiGn Service Postage Service Box Rent Service " Lumber, etc. II Pipe Bands Chlcrine Exp'3nse Account Services FUel Janitor's Supplies Janitor '5 "applies Meter Parts & Tape Lumber Petty Cash Service Fertilizer P~per Towels & Tissue Suppli es Cablcg Cards Books E;ervice Scratch Feed & Rolled Oats Lumbe r Taxes 19_ 14.64 B.Ca .93 9.65 3.00 ~.7E 1.00 [v ~5. 71. :.--- 31.58 jS2 5.23 27.14 ,~ 16.29 ,3 14.96 11. 68 25.50 45.~6 fo 12.56 )\:il'- 16.04 9.86 4.10 7.55 4..25 4.12 10.40 8.50 4.B5 32.69 169.15 4.68 4.79 7.23 4-'3 13.79 ~o-- 8.00 127.:<5 73.38 qj.. 2.75 9.19 Ii 4.04 63.32 Commission then adjourned to meet on Friday, October 1, 1945, at city Clerk ~/dl~ Ilayor 565